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This paper examines responses by firms in Spain to the experience of financial pressure. Using panel data methods applied to a large company panel, a number of aspects of corporate behaviour and the response of each to financial pressure are examined. We consider fixed investment, inventories, employment – distinguishing both permanent and temporary contract employees – and dividend policies. Our results include finding significant effects of financial pressure from borrowing costs on each outcome, particularly investment and employment. The effects on temporary employment are also found to be larger and work through more quickly than on permanent employment. 相似文献
NICHOLAS APERGIS 《Australian economic papers》2005,44(2):186-197
This paper explores empirically the link between inflation uncertainty and economic growth through a panel data analysis with a data set from OECD economies that covers the period from 1969 to 1999 and the GARCH methodology. The main results point out that inflation uncertainty has an adverse impact on economic growth in the majority of the cases under investigation 相似文献
In this paper we examine household wealth and income in the Netherlands using data from the Socio Economic Panel (SEP) in the period 1987–89. We provide an evaluation of the quality of the data and some simple statistics which describe the behavior of wealth, saving, and income over the life cycle. We find there is substantial heterogeneity in the behavior of households, and wealth holdings vary substantially even among the same age group. By exploiting the panel feature of the SEP, we derive saving from first differencing wealth. We find that a sizeable fraction of households do not dissave when old and we find some evidence in favor of the bequest motive. 相似文献
This paper investigates whether knowledge accumulating activities, such as exporting, R&D, or worker training, can enhance plants' productivity. To this end, we use plant‐level panel data for Irish manufacturing. Our results importantly indicate that productivity enhancing effects of these factors are found only for domestic firms, but not for foreign multinationals located in Ireland. We postulate a number of potential reasons inherent to multinational activity possibly driving this result. 相似文献
经济增长与环境质量:来自中国省际面板数据的证据 总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26
环境库兹涅茨曲线是经济增长与环境污染之间呈倒U型关系的曲线,即随着经济增长,环境质量先恶化,当经济发展到一定程度,环境质量又会逐渐改善。文章基于中国1991—2003年29个省级区域环境质量与人均GDP的数据,利用工业废水、废气、固体排放物等变量与人均GDP拟合方程验证环境库兹涅茨曲线假说。研究结果验证了环境库兹涅茨假说,人口密度和外商直接投资对不同的污染物有不同的影响,而工业发展对这三种污染物排放的影响比较大,因此加强产业结构的调整将有助于改善环境质量。 相似文献
Constructing a database of 37 industries, we examine whether the measured productivity in Japan is pro‐cyclical and investigate the sources of this pro‐cyclicality by using the production function approach employed by Hall (1990) and Basu and Fernald (1995). The aggregate Solow residual displays pro‐cyclicality. A large number of industries show constant returns to scale. No significant evidence for the presence of thick‐market externalities is found. Our results also hold when we consider labour hoarding, part‐time employment, and the adjustment cost of investment. The results indicate that policies to revitalize the Japanese economy should concentrate on promoting productivity growth. 相似文献
Using a novel data set for 17 countries between 1900 and 2013, we characterize business cycles in both small developed and developing countries in a model with financial frictions and a common shock structure. We estimate the model jointly for these 17 countries using Bayesian methods. We find that financial frictions are an important feature for not only developing but also small developed countries. Furthermore, business cycles in both groups of countries are marked with trend productivity shocks. Common disturbances explain one third of the fluctuations in small open economies, especially during important worldwide phenomena. 相似文献
Recent U.S. studies offer conflicting evidence on minimum wage impacts. This paper studies the effects of 185 amendments to minimum wage on employment rates using panel data across Canadian provinces from 1981 to 2011. Ordinary least squares and instrumental variables (IV) estimates imply a 10% increase in minimum wage is associated with a 1%–4% reduction to employment rates for both male and female teens. We also find that an increase in the minimum wage is associated with lower employment of prime‐aged immigrants. Our results are robust to a wide array of IV and the use of controls for spatial heterogeneity. (JEL J30, J71, J23) 相似文献
Michael Darden Donna B. Gilleskie Koleman Strumpf 《International Economic Review》2018,59(3):1571-1619
Many public health policies are rooted in findings from medical and epidemiological studies that fail to consider behavioral influences. Using nearly 50 years of data from the Framingham Heart Study's male participants, we evaluate the longevity consequences of different lifetime smoking patterns by jointly estimating smoking behavior and health outcomes over the life cycle, by richly including smoking and health histories, and by flexibly incorporating correlated unobserved heterogeneity. Unconditional difference‐in‐mean calculations that treat smoking behaviors as random indicate a 9.3‐year difference in age of death between lifelong smokers and nonsmokers; our findings suggest the bias‐corrected difference is 4.3 years. 相似文献
To increase inward foreign direct investment (FDI), policy makers increasingly resort to the ratification of double taxation treaties (DTTs). However, the effectiveness of DTTs in inducing higher FDI is still open to debate, as the empirical evidence of existing studies is anything but conclusive. In contrast to earlier approaches, we use a largely unpublished dataset on bilateral FDI stocks, covering a much larger and more representative sample of host and source countries. Controlling for standard determinants of FDI and employing various econometric specifications, our results indicate that DTTs do lead to higher FDI stocks and that the effects are substantively important as well. 相似文献
本文利用第一次全国经济普查的企业微观数据研究中国私营企业生产率的异质性对吸收外资溢出的影响。我们发现:(1)企业层面外资份额及其控股与否对企业生产率的积极影响随生产率水平递增;(2)私营企业存在着吸收外资水平溢出和后向溢出的生产率"门槛"效应,即吸收能力的差别;(3)下游外资控股企业的溢出促进了上游大部分私营企业的生产率,而非外资控股的合资企业则对上游生产率较低的私营企业有负的净效应。私营企业面临的外资竞争格局正从各方面形成,而私营部门内部生产能力分化也日渐明显。 相似文献
Financial constraints have been found to play an important role on various aspects of firm behavior. Yet, their effects on firm survival have been largely neglected. We use a panel of 61,496 UK firms over the period 1997–2002 to study the effects of financial variables on firms' failure probabilities, differentiating firms into globally engaged and purely domestic. Estimating a wide range of specifications, we find that lower collateral and higher leverage result in higher failure probabilities for purely domestic than for globally engaged firms. This can be seen as evidence that global engagement shields firms from financial constraints. 相似文献
There is a large literature showing that unemployment reduces people's well‐being. Yet little is known about the reverse possibility, namely that well‐being itself may influence unemployment propensity. Understanding the potentials of human well‐being in relation to unemployment is important as many developed countries are currently facing high unemployment rates. As well‐being is likely to be endogenous, we use British panel data and implement Lewbel's novel empirical approach for identification. We show that higher well‐being implies a negative causal effect on the probability of being unemployed. The result holds for two very different well‐being measures: life satisfaction and a 12‐item scale of mental health. As such, it provides new empirical evidence on the causal link between well‐being and unemployment propensity. (JEL D03, I31) 相似文献
本文利用1998年到2004年中国制造业企业数据,从企业代际和年龄的角度研究了中国制造业企业的生产率变动,得到三个基本发现:(1)新进入企业总是能够将当时先进的技术知识和组织制度"物化"在企业的物质和组织资本中,存续企业也能通过"干中学"而提升其生产效率;而且只有在改革开始以后成立的企业才显现出显著的日益上升的代际优势;(2)中国制造业企业的代际和年龄优势并没有相应反映在外资企业上,外资企业的代际优势几乎没有,正年龄效应在第6年后也几乎消失;(3)尽管国有企业平均来看较其他所有制企业的生产率低,但在1988年之后新成立的国有企业日益增加的代际优势,表现出了明显的"追赶"效应。 相似文献