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The rising Muslim population in the USA has fuelled an increase in the domestic demand for '     ' finance. One of the prominent restrictions that     imposes on financial practices is a prohibition on the payment and collection of riba , interest on loans. This paper examines the home financing models of three prominent Islamic financial institutions. It identifies the transaction models that these institutions use, explains the differences among these models and illustrates how each institution 'sells' its chosen approach to the public.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of the affiliation of venture capital (VC) firms with a particular focus on the differences between Europe and the US. A main characteristic of VC firms is their high level of involvement in the management of funded firms. However, the VC industry is composed of heterogeneous actors. The literature has studied to a great degree the independent funds that dominate the US market. Yet, there also exist VC funds affiliated with banks or with industrial firm, which can benefit from synergies with their parent corporation. Several studies have highlighted significant differences between these types of VC firms.  相似文献   

Industrial production and industrial technological change are characterised by complex flows of technological know-how and finished innovations. There is a variety of inter-firm relationships of varying intensity and duration involving large firm-large firm, large firm-small firm and small firm-small firm interchanges. Certain large firm-small firm relationships electively combine the advantages of large and small firms in technological innovation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that describes the dynamics of small firm capital acquisition decisions. The model proposes that the primary factors influencing capital acquisition decisions are (1) availability of information, (2) ease of capital acquisition, (3) owner’s goals, and (4) terms of external providers of capital. The paper discusses the relationships between these primary influence variables and capital acquisition decisions. A better understanding of the factors influencing capital acquisition can provide insight into the process by which small firms make capital acquisition decisions. A better understanding of these dynamics can also lead to improved support systems and conditions for small businesses that may be searching for capital. Insight from the model can be useful for business owners, business consultants, and classroom instructors.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper focuses on the estimation of the latent variable human capital (HC) at disaggregated level (worker) by available routinely institutional data flows. In particular we utilize the Lombardy region administrative archive ‘Employment Centers of the Province of Milan’, collecting information about careers of workers in the private sector of the Milan area, and administrative flows collecting mandatory workers' individual income tax returns, filed with the National Internal Revenue Service. First, we propose and empirically estimate HC scores in a static (referred to 2004) framework, by means of a realistic measurement model within causal relationships among endogenous and exogenous (investment) HC indicators. Furthermore, the model also specifies a set of (concomitant) indicators that, not belonging to HC investment indicators, have causal impact on endogenous variables and on HC scores, too. Second, we propose a longitudinal analysis (period 2000–2004) aimed to investigate how workers' earned income growth rates vary over workers' educational levels and other personal characteristics. The empirical results of both analyses confirm the characteristics of the Italian job market, denoted by marked inequalities, and knowledge regarding the process of school to work transition, characterized by a weak incidence of education on longitudinal trajectories of earned income.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Tiebout hypothesis that consumer mobility and interjurisdictional competition leads to efficient provision of local services has provoked much controversy and debate in recent years. This article summarizes the opposing and conflicting viewpoints on this subject and presents a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature. The basic conclusion of this literature is that only under very restrictive assumptions will foot-voting and interjurisdictional competition ensure allocative efficiency in the local public sector. Nevertheless, the Tiebout mechanism offers important insights for public policy debates on the assignment of taxes and services and the design of equalization grants. Oates' suggestion that capitalization of fiscal differentials into residential property values provides an empirical test of the Tiebout hypothesis also generated an intense debate on the theoretical validity of this procedure and a heightened interest in its empirical applications. This debate is evaluated and an overview is given of the leading empirical approaches to test the efficiency and equity implications of the Tiebout mechanism. Controversial empirical issues such as the choice of the tax price term, the level of aggregation and econometric estimation problems are highlighted in this part of the survey.  相似文献   

风险投资项目选择的信号传递博弈   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张婕 《价值工程》2005,24(10):126-128
本文分析了创新企业向风险投资公司传递信号(商业计划书)对价值评估结果的影响,运用信号传递博弈模型指出商业计划书在风险投资公司选择创新企业过程中的重要性,给出了风险投资公司在选择项目时的相关建议,为风险投资公司进一步量化风险和预期投资收益提供思路和思考。  相似文献   

Three waves of mercantilism have arisen in the past few centuries. The first wave was countered by the classical economists. The second wave (neo‐mercantilism) hit during the inter‐war period. Today's third wave uses monetary policy. We explore the mercantilist waves and argue in favour of a free trade policy. We conclude that an international system of free banking best protects the economy from currency manipulation as a form of protectionism.  相似文献   

张新立  杨德礼 《价值工程》2005,24(3):123-128
本文主要对欧、美、中三国的风险投资聚集进行了比较分析,指出风险投资形成聚集效应的内在机理,提出了我国政府在制定风险投资产业政策时应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

This study examines how institutional environmental factors, including cultural norm, state regulatory system and venture capital market, influence the high-tech entrepreneur's choice for using network vs. market methods when approaching prospective investors at the early stage of their new venture creation. We collected comparative data through on-site interviews and questionnaire survey with 128 high-tech entrepreneurs in Singapore (a newly industrialised economy) and 250 in Beijing, China (an emerging economy). Our findings suggest that a culture emphasising the value of social obligation, the under-development of the legal/regulatory system and the immaturity of the venture capital market increased the proclivity of entrepreneurs to use network methods. Moreover, entrepreneurs who value networks higher in social obligation than in information transfer are more likely to choose personal ties instead of business ties. This study enhances our understanding of how high-tech entrepreneurs in emerging economies choose between networks and market methods in venture fundraising, and offers suggestions on how public policy makers in these economies can improve the institutional environment of their regions to promote high-tech new venture creation.  相似文献   

论文将行为经济学中的非理性心理引入传统的风险契约模型,考虑风险企业家具有公平偏好和过度自信心理情况下的激励机制。研究表明,风险企业家对风险企业产出的最优分享比例会随着公平偏好程度和过度自信程度的增加而增加。风险企业家的创造能力高,最优努力水平随着公平偏好程度的增加而增加;风险企业家的创造能力低,最优努力水平随着公平偏好程度的增加而减小。  相似文献   

Abstract.  In order to survey the mechanisms through which the introduction of Basel II bank capital requirements is likely to accentuate the procyclical tendencies of banking, this paper brings together the theoretical literature on the bank capital channel of propagation of exogenous shocks and the literature on the regulatory framework of capital requirements under the Basel Accords. We conclude that the theoretical models that revisit the bank capital channel under the new accord generally support the Basel II procyclicality hypothesis and that the magnitude of the procyclical effects essentially depends on (i) the composition of banks' asset portfolios, (ii) the approach adopted by banks to compute their minimum capital requirements, (iii) the nature of the rating system used by banks, (iv) the view adopted concerning how credit risk evolves through time, (v) the capital buffers over the regulatory minimum held by the banking institutions, (vi) the improvements in credit risk management and (vii) the supervisor and market intervention under Basel II. The recent events and instability in financial markets all over the world have led the procyclicality issue to enter the agendas of several political international  fora  and some measures to mitigate procyclicality are being put forward. The bank capital channel literature should now play an important role in evaluating their effectiveness.  相似文献   

张丰  张健 《价值工程》2011,30(13):1-2
本论文分析了创投背景企业专利数量对其经营绩效的影响。研究对象为1999年1月1日至2008年12月31日在我国证券交易所上市的公司。本文运用了因子分析以及多元回归的统计研究方法对样本进行实证研究,研究结果表明:专利数量对创业企业经营绩效的影响随专利类型不同存在差异,发明专利、实用新型专利与企业经营绩效显著正相关,而外观设计专利与企业经营绩效关系不确定。  相似文献   

While bootstrap finance is widely used in entrepreneurial ventures, both scholars and practitioners have presented conflicting views on the relation between financial bootstrapping and venture growth. This article empirically investigates the association between bootstrap strategies used at startup and subsequent venture growth. For this purpose, we use a longitudinal database comprising data from both questionnaires and financial accounts of 214 new ventures. Findings demonstrate that the association between financial bootstrapping and venture growth is either nonexistent or positive. More specifically, new ventures that use more owner funds, employ more interim personnel, encourage customers to pay more quickly, and apply for more subsidy programs exhibit higher growth over time. We discuss the managerial and policy implications of these results and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   

项目管理作为风险投资行业成功运作的关键环节 ,却被国内诸多风险投资企业所忽视。本文以该行业发展较为成熟的美国为比较对象 ,以文化—制度—技术三层面为研究框架 ,分析了中国风险投资产业的软肋———项目管理的特殊性及其存在的问题 ,提出了国内风险投资公司在项目管理中的组织控制和派出监管人员的策略。  相似文献   

Abstract Grossman proposed an individual's health can be viewed as one aspect of their human capital. Following this line of thought a number of recent papers have reported a positive impact of alcohol consumption on earnings. The rationale for the existence of such a relationship is the positive impact of alcohol on physical and mental health. We conduct a meta‐analysis to determine whether such factors as: the estimation technique, the presence of ex‐drinkers in the sample, possible sample selection bias and publication bias may all contribute to these findings. An additional suggestion for the positive relationship between alcohol and wages is the presence of a common set of personality traits that determines drinking behaviour and also leads to higher earnings. We examine this relationship by reviewing the literature that investigates if the personality influencing aspects of alcohol consumption influences measures of human capital. We also survey the significant body of research that has examined how alcohol consumption has been found to influence educational outcomes and the work force participation of problem drinkers.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper provides an up-to-date survey of the main theoretical developments in autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) modeling and empirical studies using financial data. First, we discuss the properties of the standard ACD specification and its extensions, existing diagnostic tests, and joint models for the arrival times of events and some market characteristics. Then, we present the empirical applications of ACD models to different types of events, and identify possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract Since the mid 1980s, tax rates on corporate income have declined in most industrialized countries. Tax competition between countries for mobile capital has frequently been mentioned as an explanation for this development. A vast empirical literature dealing with tax competition for mobile capital has emerged. This paper categorizes and summarizes the existing empirical studies on this issue. Particular focus is placed on the isolation of the substantive implications the quantitative study outcomes convey. Given the empirical evidence surveyed, it appears that tax rates indeed decline due to tax competition between countries, and in particular due to competition for profits. In addition to summarizing the substantive implications of the existing empirical literature, the paper addresses the question of whether the existing studies can convincingly isolate tax competition as a driver of falling corporate income tax rates.  相似文献   

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