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诺敏 《中国石油和化工经济分析》2005,(13):4-5
2004年中国公司的海外扩拉开序幕,2005年扩张之势愈加明朗,年初联想收购IBM电脑业务给全球带来的震动还未平息,6月23日,中国海洋石油有限公司(以下简称中海油)却又将震动推向了另一个更高的波峰,他们决定向美国加州联合石油优尼科发出收购要约, 相似文献
刘庆琳 《中国石油和化工经济分析》2005,(8):12-15
曾几何时中国企业不再对“兼并”一词感到陌生,近一两年更被多位学者形象的比作“兼并年”,联想蛇吞IBM的PC业务,TCL收购汤姆逊,不论是成功还是失败,亦或是困难重重,我们都看到中国企业正学习运用兼并,重组等市场手段主动影响目标市场的结构,借此扩大市场份额,降低综合成本,以期达到企业价值最大化和其他战略目标所做的种种努力,兼并尤其是成功跨国兼并要考虑诸多问题,并购的时机(涉及并购价格是否适当),并购方式以及并购后的文化整合等。本文就最近中国海洋石油有限公司(以下简称中海油)有意收购美国第九大石油公司——优尼科公司未果一案做简要的分析。 相似文献
2005年8月2日,中国海洋石油有限公司(以下简称“中海油”)宣布撤回对美国优尼科石油公司的收购要约,此举赢得了国内各界的众口称赞,纽约证券交易所中海油股票价格也飙升382美元。此后,中海油总裁傅成玉在接受采访中的“两个没想到”频频见于媒体的显要位置。 相似文献
对于具有政府背景的外国企业投资,特别是在电信、能源等敏感领域,任何国家的政府审批都会非常谨慎。故此,不能因为中海油并购尼克森一件孤案,而做出盲目乐观并因此而忽视政治风险的判断,低估这种风险,就可能重蹈类似并购优尼科案的覆辙 相似文献
2012年12月7日,加拿大政府决定批准中国海洋石油有限公司(以下简称"中海油")收购加拿大尼克森公司(Nexen Inc)的申请。中海油以151亿美元现金收购尼克森100%的流通普通股和优先股,同时承担尼克森约43亿美元的债务。这 相似文献
金融危机以来,中国石油企业在海外频频攻城略地:一系列并购行动你方唱罢我登场,落子如飞令人眼花缭乱。而更令人啧啧称奇的是,这些动辄数十亿乃至上百亿美元的巨额交易大部分都最终奏凯,显示中国油企已不复是以往在海外处处碰壁的悲情角色。当然,由于油气资源的稀缺性和不可再生性,国 相似文献
How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources 下载免费PDF全文
Daniel Erian Armanios Charles E. Eesley Jizhen Li Kathleen M. Eisenhardt 《战略管理杂志》2017,38(7):1373-1390
Research summary: Governments in emerging economies often use institutional intermediaries to promote entrepreneurship, and bridge the void between ventures and public funding. While prior literature describes what institutional intermediaries do, it leaves open how intermediaries support different types of entrepreneurs. By comparing science park and non‐science park firms in Beijing and across China, we distinguish which entrepreneurs benefit from certification versus capability‐building through the introduction of two new constructs: skill adequacy and context relevance. Broadly, our study adds insights at the nexus of emerging economies and entrepreneurship research, and to the tie formation and institutional intermediaries literatures. Managerial summary: A key dilemma facing entrepreneurs is how to finance their ventures. While entrepreneurs in developed economies can seek VC or angel investment, entrepreneurs in emerging economies often need to pursue potential government funding opportunities. Our study highlights three strategies for acquiring government funding. Well‐connected entrepreneurs can leverage their political ties to acquire such funding. Less‐connected entrepreneurs can leverage science parks that in emerging markets are designed to help governments to identify promising ventures. For returnees whose ample experience abroad may not fit with local ways of doing business, gaining science park admission can certify quality and so ease the path to government funding. For technically skilled local entrepreneurs who lack business skills, science parks can help build such skills, which then ease the path to government funding. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The cartelizing effects of firms' shareholding in rivals have been well established theoretically, yet empirical instances of such are rate to nonexistent. It is argued here that if the stock market is efficient in the sense that share prices reflect post-share trading product market equilibria, then acquiring shares in rivals is not subgame perfect for Cournot oligopolies but is subgame perfect for some Bertrand oligopolies. Acquiring a silent interest in a rival is an example of the “fat cat ploy”. That the stock market is not a cartel maker is consistent with Cournot having wide empirical application, but not with Bertrand. 相似文献
开展"电力市场整顿和优质服务年"活动,是国家电力公司系统从客户的根本利益出发,将江泽民总书记"三个代表"重要思想在电力企业中的具体化,是全社会对电力企业的要求和企业适应市场经济发展的客观需要.为了切实搞好这项活动,山西省晋城供电分公司以让政府放心、客户满意为目标,认真遵循"优质、方便、规范、真诚"的服务方针,狠抓"五个到位",即:观念转变到位、机制改革到位、硬件配套到位、教育监督到位、考核管理到位,确保活动真正抓出了成效. 相似文献
This study links theories concerning methods that firms use to acquire technology with theories concerning types of technological change. We place particular emphasis on interorganizational relationships. We predict that firms will often acquire know-how needed for encompassing technological change through equity-based arrangements with other organizations, complementary technological changes through nonequity interorganizational arrangements, and incremental changes through internal R&D. Our theory draws on perspectives that emphasize the need to develop new competencies within a business organization and to protect the value of existing competencies. Our empirical analysis examines methods of technology acquisition that firms have used in the commercialization of medical lithotripters, which are devices that fragment stones in the kidney and gall bladder. The analysis contributes to a better understanding of how technology acquisition methods vary with the manner in which technological change relates to a firm's existing capabilities. The study also helps develop our understanding of the evolutionary processes by which capabilities diffuse through an industry. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
美国药品安全体系改革的善治化趋势及其启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,“万络”等药品安全事件促使美国采取一系列措施以完善其药品安全体系,而美国这一系列改革实施的过程充分体现了当今公共管理领域的善治化趋势。本文在介绍和分析美国改革的背景、原因以及相关行动的基础上,结合善治的特征对美国改革经验进行总结,以期为我国药品安全工作的深入提供一定的借鉴。 相似文献
当今全球经济体系失衡的根源在于美元的主要储备货币地位,以及美国依靠美元的地位所进行的经济政策和"新布雷顿森林体系"。由于各种原因,东亚无法像欧洲那样通力合作以隔阻美国经济政策的溢出效应,而中国亦无法依靠自己能力单独解决此问题。因此,中国暴露在美国经济政策溢出效应当中。这就要求我国时刻保持警惕,及时出台行之有效的政策,避开可能出现的陷阱。 相似文献
天然气地下储气库及其在美国的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在天然气的生产、运输和销售过程中,解决好充分利用管道运输能力与下游用户峰谷用气不均衡之间的矛盾,是保障天然气上中下游协调发展、提高行业总体经济效益的核心问题。解决这一问题的方法是在用气集中的地区建设天然气储气库。借鉴国外天然气储存经验,研究美国天然气地下储气库的基本类型、特点、容量测量、运营、政府监管及发展和应用,对我国天然气地下储气库的建设发展具有现实指导意义。 相似文献
Giuliano Bianchi 《R&D Management》1996,26(3):199-211
The paper outlines how networking between smaller companies and larger companies is evolving and how these changes need to be incorporated into policies for regional economic development. The strengths and weaknesses of the Tuscan region are outlined and on the basis of this situation a strategy was devised to exploit its scientific and technological resources. A particular feature of the strategy is the establishment of a new optical fibre communications system linking three university centres, Pisa, Florence and Siena. 相似文献