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近几年来,随着资产的重组联合、购并等企业扩张行为的实现.涌现出众多的企业集团公司。在企业集团公司内部.如何围绕集团的战略规划.做大做强企业、提高集团的核心竞争力、进一步防范财务风险,是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题,而资金集中管理是实现上述目标的重要途径。  相似文献   

2009年,国际油价总体呈现宽幅波动、震荡上行的态势,主要波动范围在35~80美元/桶之间,全年均价接近62美元/桶,同比下降幅度超过35%,但年底的高位比年初的低位翻了一番多. 国际油价自2008年7月份高位崩塌、快速跌落以后,进入2009年开始反复寻底.美国WTI原油现货价格最低跌至2月12日的33.98美元/桶,3月份开始反弹,6月份达到70美元/桶的水平,然后横盘整理;受全球经济数据好转等影响,10月份开始进一步向80美元/桶挺进,10月21日摸高到80.93美元/桶,此后围绕75美元/桶上下反复波动.  相似文献   

From experience: applying the risk diagnosing methodology   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
No risk, no reward. Companies must take risks to launch new products speedily and successfully. The ability to diagnose and manage risks is increasingly considered of vital importance in high-risk innovation. This article presents the Risk Diagnosing Methodology (RDM), which aims to identify and evaluate technological, organizational and business risks in product innovation. RDM was initiated, developed and tested within a division of Philips Electronics, a multinational company in the audio, video and lighting industry. On the basis of the results the senior Vice President (R&D) of Philips Lighting decided to include the method in the company's standard innovation procedures. Since then, RDM has been applied on product innovation projects in areas as diverse as automobile tires, ship propellers, printing equipment, landing gear systems and fast-moving consumer goods such as shampoo, margarine and detergents.
In this article we will describe how Unilever, one of the world's leading companies in fast-moving consumer goods, adopted RDM after a major project failure in the midnineties. At Unilever, RDM proved very useful in diagnosing project risks, promoting creative solutions for diagnosed risks and strengthening team ownership of the project as a whole. Our results also show that RDM outcomes can be used to build a knowledge base of potential risks in product innovation projects.  相似文献   

Telecommunication in the US: From Regulation to Competition (Almost)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alfred E. Kahn was an observer and practitioner of telecommunications regulation as technology changed the industry from a natural monopoly to a platform-based oligopoly among telephone, cable, satellite, and wireless carriers. Regulation and legislation were slow to recognize these changes, and large welfare losses occurred, some of which could have been avoided if regulators, legislators and economists had followed Fred’s economic advice: Prices must be informed by costs; the relevant costs are actual incremental costs; costs and prices are an outcome of a Schumpeterian competitive process, not the starting point; excluding firms from markets is fundamentally anticompetitive; a reliance on imperfect markets subject to antitrust law is preferable to necessarily imperfect regulation; and a regulatory transition to deregulation entails propensities to micromanage the process to generate preferred outcomes, visible competitors, and expedient price reductions.  相似文献   

This research is an empirical examination of the relationship between organizational characteristics and scientific research effectiveness. A sample of research-active scientists ( N =295) from 25 biological and chemical science university research departments took part in this study. Data were collected using the Organizational Culture Survey ( Glaser et al., 1987 ), which measures six organizational characteristics of the research environment. Organizational characteristics are analysed across a measure of departmental research performance. Results support the hypothesis that specific characteristics of the organizational environment are related to research performance. The implications of these findings for the existing literature and the future management and organization of scientific research departments are discussed.  相似文献   

From goods to service(s): Divergences and convergences of logics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two logics or mindsets from which to consider and motivate a transition from goods to service(s). The first, “goods-dominant (G-D) logic”, views services in terms of a type of (e.g., intangible) good and implies that goods production and distribution practices should be modified to deal with the differences between tangible goods and services. The second logic, “service-dominant (S-D) logic”, considers service - a process of using ones resources for the benefit of and in conjunction with another party - as the fundamental purpose of economic exchange and implies the need for a revised, service-driven framework for all of marketing. This transition to a service-centered logic is consistent with and partially derived from a similar transition found in the business-marketing literature — for example, its shift to understanding exchange in terms value rather than products and networks rather than dyads. It also parallels transitions in other sub-disciplines, such as service marketing. These parallels and the implications for marketing theory and practice of a full transition to a service-logic are explored.  相似文献   

管理评审是一个组织对其质量管理体系进行适宜性、充分性、有效性评价的重要方法,是组织建立自我完善和改进机制的基础之一,它不仅是GB/T19001-2000标准的一项重要要求,更是一个组织追求卓越,不断寻找改进机会,实现持续改进的重要环节。勘测设计单位如何做好管理评审,如伺使管理评审在质量管理中发挥作用,推进组织的持续改进工作,仅结合本院近几年的质量管理实践,特别是2000版标准的换版工作谈几点认识。  相似文献   

A random sample of 306 Singaporean Chinese were interviewed using a structured interview schedule which contained twenty true-to-life situations. The situations were associated with four predetermined value areas: Relational, Temporal, Mannature and Activity. The general value structure of the Chinese in Singapore appears to be as follows: In the Relational area, the values are in the order of collaterality above individualism which in turn is above lineality. In the Temporal area, it is present and/or future above past. Mastery over nature, and harmony with nature subjugation to nature is shown to be the hierarchy in the area of Man-nature. In the Activity area, the value is for doing rather than being. The implications of these value orientations of the Chinese are discussed in relation to organizational behaviour.The research reported here is a part of a broader study into the core value system of the Chinese in Singapore, and the presentation should be seen in that context. The main research was supported by a grant from the National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理是电力管理中的重要问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对我国开展电力需求侧管理的现状和存在问题从十个方面,即估计、缺电、节能、替换、电价、联动、计划、资金、研究、潜力进行了分析,并就一些实际问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

超市中的熟食大多包裹一层保鲜膜,很多消费者认为这就是一层“保护膜”,买回家直接放到冰箱里就行了,事实上,为了全家人的健康,千万不可用保鲜膜包食物,或进微波炉加热烹煮!  相似文献   

This theoretical article introduces the construct of CEO celebrity in order to explain how the tendency of journalists to attribute a firm's actions and outcomes to the volition of its CEO affects such firm. In the model developed here, journalists celebrate a CEO whose firm takes strategic actions that are distinctive and consistent by attributing such actions and performance to the firm's CEO. In so doing, journalists over‐attribute a firm's actions and outcomes to the disposition of its CEO rather than to broader situational factors. A CEO who internalizes such celebrity will also tend to believe this over‐attribution and become overconfident about the efficacy of her past actions and future abilities. Hubris arises when CEO overconfidence results in problematic firm decisions, including undue persistence with actions that produce celebrity. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study of new ventures which examine the relationships between performance and the experience of a new venture's management team, its choice of competitive strategy, and its use of various cooperative arrangements. The findings of the moderated regression analysis indicate that cooperative arrangements are most beneficial to those new ventures whose management teams possess the most experience.  相似文献   

Edward Clay 《Food Policy》1985,10(3):202-206
In 1984 Bangladesh suffered the worst monsoon flooding since 1974, the year of famine. The flood losses in production inevitably put severe strain on the food system. The strains were so severe as to be characterized as a ‘food crises’ - a situation in which government resorted to extraordinary measures. The seasonal losses in production for the first three crops of the calendar year 1984 (boro, aus, broadcast aman) were at least a million tonnes. As is now recognized this loss in production also resulted in a drastic reduction in employment for the rural landless, on a conservative estimate 25 million person days. These are circumstances which could have led to famine conditions.  相似文献   

Most work on high‐performance work systems has examined only the direct relationship between a set of management practices and performance outcomes. This presumes that any connection operates through the incentive and motivational effects captured as 'high-commitment' or 'high-involvement' employee outcomes. No attempt has been made to examine the alternative, Labour Process conceptualization, which expects performance gains from new management practices to arise instead from work intensification, offloading of taskcontrols, and increased job strain. Using data from WERS98, we tested models based on high-performance work systems and labour process approaches. Both were found wanting, and we consider the possible implications of these failures.  相似文献   

借鉴国外经验,完善建筑产品质量管理控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量管理体制是保证建筑产品质量的根本保障,章从借鉴国外发达国国家的经验入手,分析了我国目前在这方面所存在的问题,并就如何解决问题提出了完善我国建筑产品质量管理体制的具体措施。  相似文献   

模内标签(InMouldLabel)是近年来国外发展的一项技术,主要应用于注塑制品、中空吹塑的标签、商标等,是一种有别于传统标签的全新标签包装形式。模内标签在国内经过近两年宣传推广,在一些领域应用后的长处,逐渐被越来越多的业内人士及最终用户所关注。模内标签是用机械手将印刷好的特种纸标签放入模具中,商标标签和塑料制品在模具内溶合为一体,使印刷精美的商标牢固地镶嵌在制品的表面,标签与瓶体的结合极其自然,具有良好的耐久性。塑料制品与标签一次成型,节约树脂,生产速度快,大大提高了效率和效益。模内标贴具有防水、防油、防霉、耐酸…  相似文献   

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