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我国生产者价格和消费者价格的传导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用基于向量自回归(VAR)模型的Granger因果关系检验,对我国生产者价格和消费者价格的传导机制进行分析.首先,考虑货币政策传导机制的影响,得出从长期来看,生产者价格是消费者价格的单向Granger原因;其次,运用脉冲响应函数分析,发现生产者价格是消费者价格最重要的影响因素.这可能意味着,从长期看,影响国内通货膨胀的因素供给方的作用相对要大于需求方.最后,对货币供给冲击效应进行再检验,发现产出(GDP)最先对货币供给冲击做出反应,价格水平随后做出反应,但是对价格水平的效应将持续更长时间.这与Gregory Chow等的结论是一致的.  相似文献   

货币政策传导机制是货币政策研究的焦点问题.自1998年实行住房商品化以来,房地产市场的快速发展不但为货币政策提供了新的传导渠道,也使得货币政策的传导机制变得更加复杂,货币政策实施起来难度也逐渐增大.此外,房地产市场供需两旺、房地产投资快速增长等因素造成了房地产价格的非理性上涨.  相似文献   

一、价格传导机制的斯堪的纳维亚模型通货膨胀的价格影响机制其实是关于最终产品的市场价格变动对国内消费者价格的直接影响以及对投入生产的成本的间接影响。其中,以原材料、燃料、动力类产品的价格传导最为典型。具体表现为国外市场价格变化——进口商品价格变化——国内开放经济部门的成本和价格变化——国内非开放经济部门的成本和价格变化——国内一般物价水平的变化。  相似文献   

一、价格传导机制的斯堪的纳维亚模型通货膨胀的价格影响机制其实是关于最终产品的市场价格变动对国内消费者价格的直接影响以及对投入生产的成本的间接影响。其中,以原材料、燃料、动力类产品的价格传导最为典型。具体  相似文献   

近年来,中国房地产价格快速上涨对经济和社会产生了重要影响.为控制房价上涨过快,国家制定了相应的货币政策对房地产价格上涨趋势进行调控.本文主要研究如何通过货币政策传导机制影响房地产价格,从而影响实体经济,最后提出完善中国货币政策的对策和建议.  相似文献   

我国的资本市场仍处于初级发展阶段,在这个大背景下货币政策与资产价格之间究竟存在着怎样的关系?充分认识资产价格的传导机制并建立符合我国实际的理论模型,将有利于政府和央行制定出更加有效的稳健的货币政策,从而使通货膨胀的发生得到预防,由此从根本上规避金融风险。  相似文献   

中国房地产价格及货币政策传导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国房地产市场的迅猛发展对国家的宏观和微观经济产生了重要影响.国家也制定了相应的货币政策引导房地产价格走势.主要研究如何通过货币政策传导机制影响房地产价格以及房地产价格如何影响实体经济,最后结合研究提出完善中国货币政策的几点建议.  相似文献   

我国货币政策资产价格传导的实证研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
货币政策的传导机制与货币政策的有效性息息相关,灵敏有铲的货币政策传导机制是货币政策成功实施的基础。货币政策的传导渠道通常有利率渠道,信贷渠道,汇率渠道和资产价值渠道四种。本首先阐述货币政策资产价格传导机制的一般原理,然后对近年来我国货币政策是否通过资产价格是到有效传导进行实证分析,最后剖析了我国目前资产价格不能有效传导货币政策的原因。  相似文献   

本文梳理了20世纪初以来国外学术界关于货币政策信贷传导机制问题的研究文献。在此基础上指出,货币政策信贷传导的两种渠道具有内在的统一性的研究结论。  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of monetary transmission mechanisms in the Serbian economy, covering the period from January 2009 (the point at which the formal switch to the fully-fledged inflation targeting regime was made) to December 2013. The results of the recursive VAR models suggest that the exchange rate and credit channels play a major role in the monetary transmission process, whereas this is not true in the case of the interest rate channel. However, the results of the non-recursive VAR models show that the role of the exchange rate has diminished over time. On the other hand, the credit channel has become much more influential. Thus, if one of the overriding objectives of adopting the explicit inflation targeting regime is to enhance the importance of other channels apart from the exchange rate channel, which could make monetary policy more effective in achieving price and financial stability, the switch to the inflation targeting regime is justified.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in light of microeconomic theory. We address the influence of microeconomic factors on the transmission of monetary policy while taking into account the contributions of conventional price formation and competition theory and heterodox microeconomic theories, including work inspired by the post Keynesians. We found a multiplicity of results regarding changes in price levels and inflation derived from shifts in demand and costs. These results challenge the conventional view, which postulates a single behavior in the circuit from changes in interest rates to demand, prices, and inflation. We conclude that microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects should be integrated to properly explain monetary policy and analyze its effects and transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

An important stylized fact to emerge from VAR estimates is that exogenous monetary policy shocks (also labelled unsystematic monetary policy) have a delayed, persistent, hump-shaped effect on inflation. I argue that this empirical pattern is fragile. In particular, it disappears when one examines periods without large shifts in the level of inflation (such as 1984–2005). An important consequence is that the hump-shaped VAR estimated response of inflation is not appropriate to fit stylized models of the response of inflation around a stable steady state inflation level.  相似文献   

We provide some evidence consistent with a heterogeneous credit channel of monetary policy transmission in the European Union. Using the techniques of cointegration and Error Correction Models, we have shown that the external finance premium is one important leading indicator of real economic activity in Germany and Italy. No evidence is found for France and the UK. Therefore, a common monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank might be transmitted in different ways across the member countries of the monetary union, thus exacerbating existing regional disparities among the member countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-varying effects of monetary policy on aggregate, sectoral, and disaggregate inflation in India from 1997 to 2017 using a large dataset of 439 variables. We find that the effectiveness of a contractionary monetary policy in controlling aggregate inflation has improved over time. This improvement in the policy's effectiveness can be attributed to better transmission through credit and asset price channels. In investigating disaggregate inflation, we find that a contractionary monetary policy is more effective in reducing inflation in the manufacturing sector than in the agricultural sector. Further, the sacrifice ratios in all manufacturing sectors have improved over time. However, the commodities prices of some sectors respond positively after a monetary contraction, which demonstrates the presence of a cost channel in the Indian economy. Our findings suggest that the monetary authority in India should have an interest rate rule that incorporates sectoral inflation and reacts to each with different intensity.  相似文献   

This paper employs the recently developed structural stability test with multiple regime shifts and grid bootstrapping methods to model US inflation dynamics over the past half century. Our empirical results suggest that the persistence of inflation has witnessed significant declines over the most recent period of low inflation and this helps to embed a low inflation environment. The finding is robust to a variety of measures of the inflation series and offers new insight on understanding the stationarity issue of the US inflation series. The authors gratefully acknowledge the two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions, which have led to substantial improvements in the paper. They also wish to thank participants at the 3rd Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications, and seminar participants at the University of Manchester and Renmin University of China, for useful comments, with particular thanks to Denise Osborn and Jushan Bai for their constructive suggestions. Chengsi Zhang acknowledges support from the China National Social Science Research Fund, Grant No. 08CJY048.  相似文献   

Feng Qiu  James Rude 《Applied economics》2016,48(46):4379-4392
We propose a generalized procedure that combines conventional price transmission analysis with copula-based dynamic tail dependence, to examine price relationships under extreme conditions. This approach is used to examine Ukrainian wheat markets where export restrictions combined with price surges, 2006–2008 and 2010–2012, have contributed to a turbulent market. The results indicate that domestic prices were effectively insulated from world price shocks, but that a ‘rocket and feathers’ price relation held between domestic flour and wheat prices. These asymmetric price co-movements changed with the degree of restrictiveness of the export prohibitions.  相似文献   

This article employs recently developed unknown structural break tests to investigate intrinsic structural instability in China inflation dynamics over 1981–2007. In order to capture accurately the statistical nature of potential structural beak, we use asymptotic p-value function under the non-standard distribution condition to compute the p-values for structural change tests in the presence of nuisance parameter. Empirical results suggest that China inflation dynamics witnessed a significant structural change at the end of 1994 and the instability appears to be originated from the dynamic parameters in the underlying model. The paper discusses important policy implications of the empirical findings through impulse response analyses.   相似文献   

This paper examines how price setting plays a key role in explaining the steady-state effects of inflation in a monopolistic competition economy with transactions-facilitating money. Three pricing variants (optimal prices, indexed prices, and unchanged prices) are introduced through a generalization of the Calvo-type setting that allows price indexation. We found that in an economy with less indexed prices, the steady-state negative impact of inflation on output is higher. Regarding welfare analysis, our results support a long-run monetary policy aimed at price stability with a close-to-zero inflation target. This finding is robust to any price setting scenario.JEL Classification: E13, E31, E50The writing of this paper commenced during the time I spent on the Research Visitors Programme 2001 of the European Central Bank and an earlier version of the paper became ECB Working Paper No. 140. I would like to thank Bennett T. McCallum, Frank Smets, and Oscar Bajo-Rubio for their valuable comments and suggestions, and the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain for its financial support (Research Project 2002/00954).  相似文献   

It is believed that a common monetary policy in a monetary union will have identical effects on different countries as long as these countries have identical fundamentals. We show that, when there is specialization in production, the terms of trade react to the shock. The transmission mechanism of a monetary shock has in this case an additional channel, the terms of trade. This is the case even if state contingent assets can be traded across countries. For a reasonable parametrization, the differential on the transmission across countries is quantitatively significant when compared with the effect on the union's aggregates. Monetary shocks create cycles with higher volatility in “poor” countries than in “richer” ones.  相似文献   

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