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Abstract. This paper reviews the recent developments in the economics of industry with respect to strategic entry deterrence. Starting from Bain's (1956) classical analysis, a simple two-stage game between an incumbent firm and a potential entrant is used to present the general structure of the entry deterrence problem. Commitments, credible threat and sub-game perfection are illustrated in this context. The various strategic variables that an incumbent firm can use to bar entry are discussed. The issue of whether a group of incumbents can non-cooperatively deter entry is taken up and some empirical evidence is reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between organizational context and the interpretation of strategic issues by examining the hypothesis that CEOs' interpretations of foreign investment in the USA are influenced by the organizational context in which they are embedded. Three aspects of organizational context - the global business experience of the firm; the firm's level of organizational inertia (as represented by firm age and size); and the resources available for responding - are examined as predictors of CEOs' perceptions of foreign investment as a threat or an opportunity. Analysis of data from 320 organizations, controlled by industry, shows that global business experience, firm size, and perceived capability are significant predictors of the perception of threat and opportunity. the discussion addresses the implications of these findings for future research on issue interpretation and organizational context.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to test the Porter hypothesis by assessing static and dynamic effects of environmental policy on productivity. According to the hypothesis, stringent environmental regulations have dynamic effects on firm performance, and these effects eventually generate profits that offset the adaptation costs. We extend previous analyses by using unique data on environmental protection investments in the Swedish manufacturing industry as a proxy for environmental stringency. These data enable us to separate environmental protection investments into pollution prevention and pollution control. This distinction is crucial since the hypothesis claims that it is investments in prevention that have positive dynamic effects on firm performance. To test the hypothesis, a stochastic production frontier model is estimated where firm inefficiency is a function of investments in environmental protection. In general, we find no support for the Porter hypothesis within the time frame of our study, indicating that environmental regulations lead to efficiency losses. This result is even stronger in the harshly regulated pulp and paper industry.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the evolution of firm efficiency in the Czech Republic. Using a large panel of more than 190,000 Czech firm/years we study whether firms fully utilize their resources, how firm efficiency evolves over time, and how firm efficiency is determined by ownership structure. We employ a panel version of a stochastic production frontier model for the period 1996–2007 with time-varying efficiency. We differentiate among various degrees of ownership concentration and domestic or foreign origin. In a two-stage set-up we first estimate the degree of firm inefficiency and then the effect of ownership structure on the distance from the efficiency frontier. Our results support the hypothesis that concentrated ownership is positively related to efficiency. FDI has beneficial effects at the microeconomic level. However, we show that a simple majority is not necessarily the best structure to improve efficiency. We further analyze the effects of ownership coalitions and shed light on many other subtleties of how ownership and the specific industry affect firm efficiency.  相似文献   

Brand Capital and Entry Order   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops the hypothesis that firms possess a stock of well-established brands, a stock termed brand capital. The firm with the greatest capital is able to introduce new products in response to new information about consumer tastes before rivals. The results using data from the ready-to-eat cereal industry not only support this hypothesis, but also distinguish brand capital from other sources of firm heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of the affiliation of venture capital (VC) firms with a particular focus on the differences between Europe and the US. A main characteristic of VC firms is their high level of involvement in the management of funded firms. However, the VC industry is composed of heterogeneous actors. The literature has studied to a great degree the independent funds that dominate the US market. Yet, there also exist VC funds affiliated with banks or with industrial firm, which can benefit from synergies with their parent corporation. Several studies have highlighted significant differences between these types of VC firms.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper examines two important recent developments in the theory of natural monopoly, or more generally the theory of market structure. The first is a series of papers, involving Baumol with various co-authors, investigating the theory of industry structure, whilst the second is particularly associated with the names of Shaked and Sutton, and the relationship they develop between product differentiation and industry structure. The paper surveys and to some extent contrasts these two new approaches.
Baumol et al. 's contribution is seen to be in the area of clarifying the concept of natural monopoly, refining the definitions of multiproduct costs, and developing a notion of social efficiency applicable to industries where economies of scale are important. Shaked and Sutton employ a new definition of natural monopoly unrelated to market size and utilize information about consumers'income distributions to develop their notion of vertical product differentiation and natural oligopoly.  相似文献   

Abstract. The notion that the separation of ownership from control may create a divergence of interests between managers and shareholders has led to a large number of studies which investigate the influence of ownership structures upon a firm's financial structure and its performance. The purpose of this paper is to review and critically evaluate the literature that empirically analyses the effects of ownership and control structures on both the financial structure and the performance of the firm. In addition, further consideration is given to the dynamic relationships between ownership, control, financing and firm performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian panel probit model with two flexible latent effects: first, unobserved individual heterogeneity that is allowed to vary in the population according to a nonparametric distribution; and second, a latent serially correlated common error component. In doing so, we extend the approach developed in Albert and Chib (Journal of the American Statistical Association 1993; 88 : 669–679; in Bayesian Biostatistics, Berry DA, Stangl DK (eds), Marcel Dekker: New York, 1996), and in Chib and Carlin (Statistics and Computing 1999; 9 : 17–26) by releasing restrictive parametric assumptions on the latent individual effect and eliminating potential spurious state dependence with latent time effects. The model is found to outperform more traditional approaches in an extensive series of Monte Carlo simulations. We then apply the model to the estimation of a patent equation using firm‐level data on research and development (R&D). We find a strong effect of technology spillovers on R&D but little evidence of product market spillovers, consistent with economic theory. The distribution of latent firm effects is found to have a multimodal structure featuring within‐industry firm clustering. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the literature on the impact of investor horizon on corporate policies. While the desire to encourage long-term investor ownership is shared among managers, boards and policy makers, how greater long-term investor ownership benefits corporate decisions and ultimately firm performance is still under academic investigation. The contribution of this paper is twofold. The paper's first contribution is providing an up-to-date review of theoretical and empirical findings. This paper introduces the groups of long-term and short-term investors and the related classification methodologies and investor horizon proxies used to form them. It further reviews the determinants of an investor's horizon. Then, this paper organizes the literature on the impact of investor horizon on corporate policies around three main channels: the short-term pressure hypothesis, the monitoring hypothesis, and the catering hypothesis. The paper's second contribution is identifying six major challenges ahead that need to be addressed to improve the understanding of the impact of long-term (short-term) investor ownership on corporates policies. These challenges represent opportunities for further research.  相似文献   

Integration, Complementary Products, and Variety   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the incentives for integration when the market for consumer durables (hardware) is oligopolistic and the market for complementary services (software) is monopolistically competitive. We find that the equilibrium industry structure will depend on the magnitude of the fixed costs of software development. If the software development costs are relatively large, the equilibrium industry structure is unintegrated, that is, neither hardware firm integrates; if the software development costs are relatively small, the equilibrium industry structure is integrated, that is, both hardware firms integrate. Under the integrated industry structure, hardware profits are lower, less varieties are provided, and hardware prices are lower than under the unintegrated industry structure. The game has a prisoners' dilemma structure when the software development costs are relatively small because of a foreclosure effect. Strategically increasing the number of software varieties provides an avenue for an integrated hardware firm to increase its market share and profits by reducing the number of software varieties available for an unintegrated rival technology. Although consumer surplus is higher under an integrated industry structure, the total surplus associated with the unintegrated industry structure exceeds that of the integrated industry structure.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the empirical inventory management literature by examining the moderating effects of environmental dynamism on the relationship between inventory leanness and financial performance. While the financial implications of inventory management practices have been extensively studied in the literature, it is clear that lean inventory strategies may not have the same payoff for all firms in all industries. Grounded in inventory theory, this study explores how firm characteristics and environmental dynamism—measured in terms of innovative intensity, demand uncertainty and competitive intensity—moderate the inventory leanness–performance link. We use hierarchical linear modeling to analyze a data set of 5749 firm-year observations from 123 U.S. manufacturing industries. In line with the hypotheses set forth, the results indicate that innovative intensity in an industry increases the effect of inventory leanness on firm performance while competitive intensity has the opposite effect. The hypothesis with respect to the moderating role of demand uncertainty is not supported. Another interesting and important finding is that inventory leanness accounts for nearly one third of the variation in firm performance after controlling for firm size and growth, thus underlining the importance of efficient and effective inventory management for overall firm success.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago Edith Penrose proposed that managerial resources will grow at a rate somewhat faster than that of the size of the firm. With available data, the Penrose Hypothesis and an alternative steady-state hypothesis are tested, using simple econometric models involving managerial intensity, firm (industry) size and growth. The steady-state hypothesis is accepted for the recent data and the Penrose Hypothesis is accepted for the earlier data. Policy issues are then discussed.  相似文献   

Under the uncertainty of external environment, how do the firms exploit resources, adjust organizational structures, and adopted proper strategies to gain the better performance is an important issue. Many theories have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Structure-conduct-performance model suggest that industry structure influences the firm behavior and determines the performance of individual firms and of the industry as a whole. Strategy-structure-performance model suggest that strategy must dictate organizational structure, which in turn influences performance. The environmental perspective considers external environments. Resource-Based View suggests that management must focus on the values of resources to generate sustained competitive advantages and to improve performance. Dynamic adjustment among environment, strategy, structure, and resources can become primary causes of the firm performance. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the gaps between different theories and to complement the existing theories. This paper confirmed the measurement of the constructs first and competing models were used to examine dynamic adjustment among constructs and the relationships to firm performance. The results demonstrated that most of the relationships among constructs were supported and support the dynamic adjustment of the constructs. When facing uncertain environments, firms tend to use competition strategies as well as cooperation strategies; firms tend to formalize organizational structures and to amass resources. Firms which conduct cooperation strategies and possess more resources will attain better performance levels than those that do not. As to the theoretical models, the structure-conduct-performance model and the environmental perspective were supported. Practitioners should recognize the importance of the industrial and environmental factors.  相似文献   

T0he degree of vertical integration experienced by a firm is an important managerial decision variable. It is an issue where there is a distinct lack of unanimity in studies on the economics of organizations. Moreover, studies have tended to ignore the complementary feature of vertical disintegration. This study examines the basic Stigler hypothesis that vertical disintegration is the typical development in growing industries. Using UK data on divestments, the results initially indicated some positive relationship between industry growth and vertical divestment activity; however, when different categories of asset transfer were examined, the Stigler view was rejected in favour of a null hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent interest in the growth of subcontracting, as part of a broader trend towards greater ‘flexibility’in forms of employment relationship, has not as yet been matched by a full consideration of its organizational and managerial implications. In particular, the question of whether or not subcontracting has an impact upon, or is affected by, the organization's structural characteristics remains largely unexplored. the aim of this article is to report findings from a detailed study of subcontracting practices across a sample of British industry, which focuses upon the relationship between subcontracting and organizational characteristics. the results indicate several important points about the practice. Firstly, that there is wide variation in the use of subcontracting across industry, although the overall extent is limited. Secondly, that variation in the practice is significantly related to basic firm characteristics - namely, industrial sector, type of production system and pattern of ownership and control. Thirdly, that, on balance, subcontracting is associated with more, not less, structural complexity. Finally, that this greater complexity is found in particular types of firms - notably, outside the manufacturing sector, in mass and process production systems and amongst British independents and subsidiaries, rather than in their foreign competitors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between capital structure and firm performance, paying particular attention to the degree of industry competition. The paper applies a novel measure of competition, the Boone indicator, to the leverage-performance relationship. Using panel data consisting of 257 South African firms over the period 1998–2009, this paper examines the effect of capital structure on firm performance and investigates the extent to which the relationship depends on the level of product market competition. The results suggest that financial leverage has a positive and significant effect on firm performance. It is also found that product market competition enhances the performance effect of leverage. The results are robust to alternative measures of competition and leverage.  相似文献   

Lazear recently suggested that firms that do not expect to live for a long time will hire only safe workers. Hence their worker turnover will be lower. In this paper we test this hypothesis using both the industry growth rate and industry-average age of establishments as measures of the horizon for a particular firm. We find mixed results, both at the industry level and at the establishment level. Establishments in growing industries do indeed exhibit higher churning flows, but a high average age of establishments reduces rather than increases churning.  相似文献   

新兴产业中的中小企业发展战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文界定了中小企业的概念,并研究了新兴产业中中小企业的发展障碍和战略选择。指出中小企业的发展障碍主要是原材料、零部件、资金与其他供给的不足,顾客的困惑与等待观望和被替代产品的反应。相应地,企业应选择的战略为塑造产业结构,正确对待产业发展的外在性,注意产业机会与障碍的转变和选择适当的进入时机与领域。  相似文献   

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