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The economic organization of tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that it is inappropriate to portray tourism organisation as involving the coordination of firms producing conventional well-defined commodities with marginally differentiated technologies as in a conventional industry. A number of alternative theories of corporate and industrial organization are contrasted with respect to their applicability to the imperfectly specified tourism commodity. A perspective on firms and industry which emphasizes the coordination of changing technological and marketing competencies through network relationships is believed to be particularly suitable to represent the tourism learning system and to provide an alternative outlook on tourism industry, coordination and organizational structures.  相似文献   

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are faced with many challenges to economic development. Tourism is seen as a viable, and sometimes, only means of economic growth. This research compares the economic impact of tourism to seven SIDS. The research employs input output analysis, linkage analysis and a CGE model to assess the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of increased tourism in these islands. The findings show that the transportation sector remains a key sector. The tourism income multipliers show that tourism generates a large amount of economic activity but the income that remains in the destinations is often very small. The results show that taking advantage of economies of scale maybe a way to maximize the benefits from tourism.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of domestic tourism on economic vulnerability index (EVI). Domestic tourism spending has a significant effect in reducing EVI. These results are consistent with two sub-indices of EVI (shock index and exposure index). Interestingly, it is found that: (i) this impact is consistent in low- and lower-middle-income countries, while domestic tourism has a non-significantly effect in upper-middle and high-income countries of increasing EVI; (ii) these results are consistent in the long-run; and (iii) the impact of domestic tourism is consistent in both the 2002–2007 and 2008–2012 periods, but is statistically non-significant in the 2013–2017 period. Notably, we find that domestic tourism spending has a U-shape effect on EVI; while international tourism has an increasing effect.  相似文献   

The paper examines the costs and benefits brought by tourism to the economies of developing countries. The criteria for decision making are discussed and the main policy implications are mentioned. The paper concludes with a suggested model for evaluating the effects of specific projects within the framework of a sectoral analysis of an economy.  相似文献   

Foreign exchange earnings are vital for developmental efforts, particularly in the industrial sector. However, Greece's visible exports alone do not generate sufficient income for such purposes, thus providing a strong justification for blending tourism into the country's general economic development strategy. From a development perspective, foreign exchange earnings are only one aspect of the total economic picture; eg the development of an export industry has varying repercussions on income, employment and other economic activity. The extent of these effects will vary according to the linkages between industrial sectors. This article assesses the importance of tourism to the Greek economy in terms of its impact on foreign exchange earnings and the balance of payments. Tourism's contribution to gross domestic product, employment and other economic activity is also examined.  相似文献   

Halal tourism is a fast-growing segment of the tourism market, thus a study of its trends is warranted. This paper examines halal tourism trends by analysing posts (known as ‘tweets’) on the social networking service Twitter. A total of 85,259 tweets were examined. Nineteen keywords (English and Bahasa Malaysia) were used in the extraction process. Using the extracted tweets, the study (1) examined the origins of tweets among the global population related to halal tourism, (2) identified the major populations around the world that are engaged in halal tourism tweets, (3) analysed the sentiment valence in relation to halal tourism, and (4) identified the popular destinations that appear in tweets. The findings showed that Japan is the most-tweeted-about halal tourist destination, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia. The findings can be used by the various halal tourism stakeholders to plan their future strategies in relation to halal tourism.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to introduce the relationship between sustainable urban tourism success factors and the economic performance of small tourism enterprises (STEs). The related data was obtained from 330 STEs business owners/managers in Eskisehir (Turkey). To determine the dimensions Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used for verifying these dimensions. Structural Equation Modelling was applied in order to introduce the relation which is foreseen. As a result of the analysis, seven dimensions of urban tourism success factors and two dimensions of the economic performance of STEs have been determined and a significant relation was found between them. These findings provide an insight to literature and new directions and suggestions for local governments, regional marketing organizations and business managers on how tourism development and sustainability can be achieved in urban areas.  相似文献   

Four arguments frequently employed in the support of tourism are examined to assess the extent to which they can be verified. These are the part of tourism in the growth of the service sector, the multiplier, employment generation and local authority rate generation. These are all important facets of tourism, but it is argued that, in the UK, the benefits claimed often exceed the evidence or the authority of public sector agencies to create them.  相似文献   

Educational tourism and its implications on economic growth in Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of educational tourism on Malaysia’s economic growth is examined in this study by extending the Solow growth model. This study uses the sample from 2002:Q1 to 2014:Q4. The newly developed Bayer–Hanck combined tests for cointegration and the Granger causality test were employed to examine the long-run and causal relationships among the variables. The empirical findings suggest that economic growth, educational tourism, and other determinants are cointegrated. Educational tourism has a bi-directional causal relationship with economic growth in the short-run but there is a uni-directional Granger causality runs from educational tourism to economic growth. This study provides an essential insight for Malaysia to create policies that promote educational tourism, thereby encouraging economic growth in the long-run.  相似文献   

Potential linkages among tourism, inequality, and housing are addressed for an integrated analysis in this paper, with Macao treated as a typical case. Casino tourism, albeit performing as a major key to local economic growth, is ultimately vulnerable to external shocks to gambling demand, as evidenced by the current sharp downturn in Macao. We find that faster gaming growth leads to higher income inequality while at the same time both factors are responsible for soaring housing bubbles, which constitute the very source of social tensions as in Macao. Casino tourism if not well managed may not be a panacea for all development goals. The implication for policy derived from this study is that Macao must deal with underlying issues rather than apply palliative measures. Its market failures may necessitate government interventions to ensure social equity and sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impacts on economic growth of a small tourism-driven economy caused by an increase in the growth rate of international tourism demand. We present a formal model and empirical evidence. The ingredients of the dynamic model are a large population of intertemporally optimizing agents and an AK technology representing tourism production. The model shows that an increase in the growth of tourism demand leads to transitional dynamics with gradually increasing economic growth and increasing terms of trade. In our empirical application, an econometric methodology is applied to annual data of Antigua and Barbuda from 1970 to 2008. We perform a cointegration analysis to look for the existence of a long-run relationship among variables of economic growth, international tourism earnings and the real exchange rate. The exercise confirms the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of economic growth and tourism evolution for 80 countries during the period 1995–2016. The variables representing economic and tourism growth are growth rates of per capita GDP and international tourist arrivals per inhabitant respectively. Using the concept of economic regime, the paper introduces a notion of distance between the dynamical paths of different countries. Then, a Minimal Spanning Tree and a Hierarchical Tree are constructed to detect groups of countries sharing similar performance. The two main clusters we find can be interpreted as two groups of countries with high and low performance in the tourism sector and are coherent with the business cycle. The evolution of such clusters shows three main stylized facts: certain countries move across clusters; the low performance cluster tends to span, while the high performance one tends to be (more) compact; the distance between the two groups increases in time.  相似文献   

This paper, using a computable general equilibrium model, presents a simulation study of the changes in carbon emissions and economic welfare which could be brought about through a carbon tax policy in China's tourism industry. Our results clearly indicate that a carbon tax policy could have a remarkable impact on tourism-related carbon emissions and economic welfare. In addition, we find those impacts would be significantly different at different times. Also, the impacts of different carbon taxes on the different sectors of the tourism industry are also quite different. Furthermore, our analysis highlights three key managerial recommendations that are relevant for Chinese tourism policy-makers. Our results also have a certain reference value for the management of other low-carbon tourism destinations.  相似文献   

The total disaggregated economic impact that cruise industry tourism has on Dade County is examined in economic terms using a regional input-output model developmen by the Regional Science Research Institute. The analysis indicates that cruise industry tourism at the Port of Miami had a total economic impact on Dade County of $546 million in 1982. The total direct, indirect and induced number of jobs generated by the cruise industry and cruise passengers is 21,627. Wages totalling $271 million were paid in 1982 in Dade County as a result of the total impact of the cruise industry. Finally, the model revealed that cruise industry tourism contributed $264 million to the county's Gross Regional Product in 1982  相似文献   

A subprime mortgage crisis erupted in the United States in 2007 and resulted in an economic crisis spread worldwide. This study focused on seven major Asian tourist destinations and investigated the changes in international tourism demand before and after economic crisis. The data period was January 2004 to December 2014. The results demonstrate the tourist numbers in each country was affected by the income variable. The decrease in tourist numbers was most significant during and after the economic crisis, indicating an increase in the sensitivity of tourists toward their economic-crisis-based income fluctuations, causing changes in their travel behavior.  相似文献   

刘逸 《中国生态旅游》2022,12(3):343-357
在全球化和互联网高速发展的时代背景下,旅游经济活动的空间格局和行为逻辑发生剧烈的转变。本文从旅游经济活动的地理属性出发,对旅游经济活动的地理研究进行回顾,重点评述了国际旅游地理学界所做的多次探索,并对核心问题的理论依据与逻辑进行阐述。研究发现:当前研究尚未明晰旅游活动的基本地理逻辑,理论框架较为模糊,且过度依赖新经济地理中的演化理论,研究边界和研究问题尚未清晰。基于此,本文以经典的旅游系统论为理论框架,提出旅游经济地理现象研究的3个关键理论问题:(1)旅游空间粘性影响下的旅游市场空间生产机制;(2)流动范式的地理逻辑带来的新型人地互动关系;(3)弱关系空间组织下的旅游目的地经济发展一般机制。本研究所做的尝试,有助于提升旅游地理理论的解释力和适用性,也有助于推动主流经济地理学对旅游话题的关注。  相似文献   

The present study aims to cluster five Asia Pacific destinations (Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore) with respect to other countries according to the evolution of the main tourism and economic indicators over the period between 2000 and 2014. By assigning a numerical value to each country corresponding to its position, we summarize all the information into two components (“tourism expenditure and profitability of tourism activity” and “tourism development and economic growth”) using different multivariate techniques for dimensionality reduction. By means of perceptual maps, we find that the five Asia Pacific destinations can be clustered into three different groups: Hong Kong and Singapore, which are the most mature markets; Indonesia and the Philippines, with moderate growth rates in most variables; and Cambodia, with top positions in all variables, showing a huge potential in terms of growth and tourism development and the challenges derived therefrom.  相似文献   

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