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智能配电监控系统是运用现代控制技术、网络技术、通讯技术,实现数据监控,并促使第三方自动化系统与远程控制系统、现场设备与后台监控系统之间实现数据交换和通信,有效消除传统生产、管理阶段中的信息孤岛情况。智能配电监控系统已经成为烟草行业必不可少的控制技术。  相似文献   

预算管理是企业完善内部控制机制,实现企业战略目标的重要举措。ERP系统作为一种高度集成的信息系统,是以市场及客户为导向,以实现企业内外资源优化配置,面向供应链管理的现代企业管理方式。基于全面预算管理的需求和ERP系统的管理实践,文章对中煤能源集团的全面预算管理如何与ERP系统进行有效结合进行了探讨。重点阐述了构建全面预算管理系统的关键要素和实施步骤,针对中煤能源集团全面预算管理现状提出切实有效的建设方案。  相似文献   

EAM(企业资产管理)是实现企业资产管理信息化的重要手段,将设备点巡检管理与EAM系统相融合,满足了先进生产设备对现代生产组织保障的要求,使企业适应市场需要。  相似文献   

振动监测系统的工作原理、组成、功能。运用现代故障诊断技术和系统集成技术,对设备运行过程实时在线监测,实现设备隐患的早期诊断。重点介绍了该系统在生产中的应用实例,以及系统的使用效果。  相似文献   

建筑业属于传统产业,用信息化等高新技术改造传统产业,是传统产业持续发展的必由之路,是建筑业实现跨越式发展的重要途径。项目部是现代建筑业最基本的管理单位,其成败将决定企业的兴衰。因此,充分利用现代网络信息技术,实现建设项目远程有效控制与管理是施工企业所面临的一个重要课题。从2002年开始,公司立足于施工项目管理全过程,开发应用基于局域网和因特网的各种应用系统。重点是开发应用网络的项目信息管理系统,建立统一数据库和网络联结,实现信息资源的共享,改进沟通与合作,提高决策的科学性和时效性,实现管理复制和管理增值。施工项…  相似文献   

浅谈现代企业制度下财务管理的目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计划经济体制下统收统支的管理模式,使企业财务管理形式单一,范围狭窄;在市场经济条件下,现代企业制度逐步建立,企业财务管理形式多样,内容丰富,范围也扩大了。要做好现代企业制度下的财务管理工作,首先应明确企业财务管理的目标,目标是系统所希望实现的结果,根据不同的系统所要解决和研究的问题,可以确定不同的目标。财务管理的目标是企业理财活动所希望实现的结果,是评价企业理财活动是否合理的基本标准。只有确定了企业经营活动的财务目标,才能采取恰当的方法和手段进行财务管理活动。  相似文献   

本文阐述了现金流量表在现代企业绩效评价中的作用,分析了编制现金流量表的难度和缺陷,提出了编制现金流量表的理论依据,并用VB语言在计算机上实现了现金流量表的自动生成系统。  相似文献   

创建了基于校园网的画法几何及工程制图的辅导答疑系统,它综合运用网络、多媒体等现代教育技术来模拟老师的答疑过程,实现个别化的辅导,保证和提高了工程制图的教学质量。  相似文献   

灌区管理监控系统是灌区信息化的重要内容。本文针对灌区管理的实际情况,提出利用太阳能、风能等绿色能源为各类数据采集系统供电;采用现代通信技术、GIS、数据库、多媒体等最新的IT技术,将视频、GIS和业务数据综合集成,形成统一的灌区信息化管理框架,并对各种模块的实现进行了选型。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者李转少摄影王庆生)10月30日~11月4日,首次全国现代制造领域现代集成制造系统(CIMS)技术高级研修班在北京举办。这是为了贯彻落实人事部现代制造领域专业技术人才知识更新工程(简称“653工程”),加快现代制造业高层次人才队伍建设,经国家人事部批准,人事部与中国机械工业联合会共同举办的。据了解,现代集成制造系统(CIMS)技术是将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,在全球化制造环境下集成产品全生命周期各阶段与企业内外部相关的活动和资源,通过信息集成、过程集成、企业内集成、企业间集成,实现企业优化…  相似文献   

`The design process' as an underpinning structure for technology education is well established. A number of increasingly complex models have been produced to describe the design process. These models have had a widespread, paradigmatic effect on the teaching of technology education. The development and implementation of models of the design process and the influence of these on teacher's classroom practice is examined, and it is then argued that the paradigm is fatally flawed, and that continued adherence to it is having a detrimental impact on children's learning in technology. It is suggested that the basis of an alternative pedagogy for technology education already exists within the research literature. Two examples of an alternative approach for teaching technology are described, and some practical limitations outlined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

会计模拟实验教学是实现课堂理论教学与实践教学相结合的有效途径,是有效解决实践教学目标与弥补校外实习不足的最佳途径,是提高学生动手能力,推动素质教育,培养应用型人才的有效途径。  相似文献   

In project-based learning (PBL) courses, which are common in design and technology education, instructors regard both the process and the final product to be important. However, conducting an accurate assessment for process feedback is not an easy task because instructors of PBL courses often have to make judgments based on a limited view of group work. In this paper, we provide explanations about how in practice instructors actually exhibit cognitive biases and judgments made using incomplete information in the context of an engineering design education classroom. More specifically, we hypothesize that instructors would be susceptible to human errors that are well known in social psychology, the halo effect and the fundamental attribution error, because they have a limited view of group work when they facilitate distributed and remote groups. Through this study, we present two main contributions, namely (1) insights based on classroom data about limitations of current instructor assessment practices, (2) an illustration of using principles from social psychology as a lens for exploring important design questions for designing tools that monitor support oversight of group work. In addition to the study, we illustrate how the findings from our classroom study can be used for effective group assessments.  相似文献   

依照客观实际,有计划、有选择、成体系地构建网络教学系统是当前教育工作者应好好研究的课题,针对河北省高校网络教学系统的现状,提出了基于Web的网络教学系统的设计思想和目标,以园区网同步教学功能为中心建设网络教学系统,采用多播通信与点到点反馈相结合的方式来实现同步教学。  相似文献   

Within the field of technology education, evaluating technical solutions is considered as an important topic. Research indicates that pupils have difficulties in evaluating technical solutions in terms of fitness for purpose, i.e. how effective a technical solution supports its intended function. By using the learning study, which is an iterative and collaborative research approach, the study explores the capability to evaluate technical solutions in terms of fitness for purpose, what it takes to know it and how to best enhance its learning in the primary technology classroom. Audio and video recorded interviews, teachers’ meetings and lessons are the base data for the study. A contribution of the study is the understanding of this specific knowing, and what is critical for learning and thus to an improvement of technology teaching practice.  相似文献   

大屏幕投影多媒体教室建设与配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了大屏幕投影教室的组成及建设要求 ,说明了建设现代化教室的必要性 ,及各种媒体所发挥的教学功能 ,对多媒体教学环境及发展模式提出了建设性要求。为了发挥多媒体教学的最佳功能 ,提出了怎样合理配置多媒体设备 ,并对每一种设备给出了配置参数和性能价格比 ,为合理地建设好大屏幕投影教室提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The real intent for technology education is to prepare young people so that they may fully participate and function in human society. To achieve this aim, learners are guided towards the development of attributes that include perceptive, critical, creative and informed decision making. Although effective teaching strives to inspire the creative spark in every learner, there is little guidance to inform actual classroom practice. The selection of strategies and implementation methods that engender creative responses in students, is usually left to an individual teacher’s interpretation. A working knowledge of design processing provides a most advantageous methodology to guide teaching and learning as students develop ways “of knowing through thinking and doing,” Sharma and Poole (Des Manag Inst 20(4):64–74, 2010) within classroom design and technological practice. This article looks at the broad stage of Ideation in creative design practice, where designers instigate and generate ideas within their own practice. Insight and transferable skills are observed to inform classroom practice. One event from the ideation stage of design practice processing is selected to enhance student visual communication skills. A pedagogic approach is then shared to inform the implimentation of a teaching and learning strategy that has been trialled with design (aged from 12 to 18 years) and Initial Teacher Education adult students.  相似文献   

文章从煤炭企业员工培训的特点和煤矿培训资源配置现状入手,分析了煤炭企业搭建远程教育网络培训平台的必要性和重要性,提出煤炭企业搭建和使用远程教育网络培训平台的具体途径和方法。为煤炭企业培训工作树立大资源意识,构建大教育、大培训格局和创建学习型企业提供了可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

通过文献搜集和实地调研等方法进行相关研究,得出服装CAD课程的教学现状种种不足,在此基础上,提出通过其软硬件建设、师资队伍建设以及网络课堂建设等三个方面完善服装CAD课程建设工作,并从教学内容、教学方法以及教学评估等方面对服装CAD课程进行教学改革尝试,以期更好地促进服装CAD课程的教学完善。  相似文献   

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