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The tremendous potential to assist or degrade economic and national security performance make security in the cyber supply chain a topic of critical importance. This is reflected by the tremendous activity in the public and private sector to better understand the myriad of cyber challenges, identifying existing gaps and needs and closing these gaps as quickly and firmly as possible through government policy initiatives, public/private partnerships, and legal/insurance penalty and incentive regimes. However when we examine the academic literature, the research and publications in this area are rather sparse. Consequently, this special issue on Security in the Cyber Supply Chain is intended to act as a resource to practitioners and as a call to research.  相似文献   

Food safety is one of the main concerns in many countries throughout the world. Failure to ensure food safety would result in significant health concerns to the general public. Despite much effort to improve food safety, many cases of food safety issues or even crises have happened around the world from time to time; it results in undesirable health problems. One of the recent food safety scandals that happened in Taiwan in 2014 was related to the usage of gutter/tainted oil by several oil suppliers. The series of food safety incidents affected 1256 businesses. In order to ensure a responsible supply chain, we analysed the problem using the theory of constraint. Some issues towards the root cause of the problem are suggested. The objective of our study emphasises on building a responsible supply chain and food safety regulation in order to improve food safety in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This paper conducts an in-depth systematic literature review of 86 peer-reviewed academic journal articles on supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies from 2000 to mid-2015. The findings indicate a variety of dispersed supply chain risk (SCR) mitigating strategies and suggest a more homogeneous use of terminology. Moreover, the analysis also reveals insufficient evidence for the effect of SCRM on performance. The current study groups and synthesises the various SCRM strategies into proactive and reactive approaches for the ante and the post disruption state and classifies them according to the different supply chain types. Altogether the findings provide essential practical and theoretical contributions to strategic responses to adverse incidents by creating a unique conceptual framework of SCRM strategies and providing direction towards promising areas of research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine the main security threats in supply chains, to understand gaps in today’s supply chain management strategies and to make recommendations to enhance security in the context of supply chain management. Previous research lacks comprehensive studies and recommendations about how supply chain managers deal with security issues in line with the business visions and strategies of their companies. The study methodology is based on an exploratory approach. Data were collected from 20 managers from international companies by means of self-administered surveys, one-to-one interviews and group interviews. Study findings point out risk management as an important tool at the disposal of managers for trading off performance and vulnerability. However, some important challenges also need to be considered, such as lack of data, insiders, IT vulnerabilities, regulatory frameworks, criminal behaviour, etc. Hence, recommendations are made for managers to improve their understanding of supply chain security.  相似文献   

I have been involved in materials management for about 30 years (that is not something many of us really want to admit--it says we are getting old), and over that time I have seen many methods of communication come and go. In the 1960s, we used seven-part carbon forms to generate orders. We also used the keypunch card or IBM card to send our request for materials to our supplier. The supplier would acknowledge our order and provide us with a promise date. This could be done by mail using these cards or by forwarding the information to us electronically for conversion to cards. I could trace the history of communication in painful detail, but that is not important. What is important is that the only thing that has remained constant in those past 30 years has been change. We have all heard that before, but we seem to forget it. This presentation will look at the future of EDI and the Internet in supply chain management.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how a large organization, operating in a mature, asset-intensive industry, used the social system of a key supply chain to generate significant improvement in operating performance (e.g., inventory turnover ratio improved from 0.8 to 3.2 in 5?years). A case study approach was used to study a steel rail supply chain involving an Australian railway company as the focal company. This supply chain consisted of two other companies: a steel manufacturer and a bulk transporter. Multiple forms of data were collected and analyzed, including models and process maps of the supply chain, published and internal documents, Enterprise Resource Planning system reports, and in-depth interviews of 31 key personnel involved in the supply chain. We found that the organizations had invested heavily in formal systems, such as governance processes and information technology systems. However, it was the informal mechanisms across and within the social system which made the greatest contribution to the resulting improvements. This suggests that organizations may be able to achieve significant operating performance outcomes at far lower cost and in shorter time frames by working through the existing social systems instead of focusing excessively on formal governance and IT systems.  相似文献   

The Cold War, with its symmetry and certainties that shaped the way we make sense of the world, is over. We now live in a time when the unimaginably complex and inextricably interconnected systems of the cyber domain make nations, societies, and institutions highly vulnerable to disruption. A deep-rooted sense of denial prevents many of us from acknowledging just how vulnerable the cyber supply chain really is. We must act, or risk catastrophe—but any actions we might take must be rooted in the reality of the world as it is, rather than in the world we once knew.  相似文献   


This paper explores the impact of a predisposition towards supply chain collaboration (SCC) on the reduction of CO2 emissions, along with its consequences, within the context of a growing recognition of green collaboration. The study draws upon three theoretical lenses, i.e. natural-resource-based view (NRBV), resource dependence theory (RDT) and institutional theory. It conceptualises a research framework in which the underlying constructs are defined and the hypotheses postulated. The empirical investigation was undertaken in China, resulting in data pertaining to 167 companies compiled from a questionnaire survey and subsequently analysed using structural equation modelling. The research findings reveal a causal relationship between two orientations, i.e. SCC orientation and a firm's CO2 emission reduction orientation, and SCC-led CO2 emission reduction and its impact on a firm's performance. The study suggests that, in a ‘low-carbon’ business environment, firms can guarantee the engagement of an SCC-led CO2 emission reduction initiative towards broad environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

In a geographically dispersed multi-tiered supply chain, managing sustainable practices throughout the entire upstream network is increasingly challenging for the lead firm. But often, it is the lead firm that is held responsible for the lack of non-sustainable practices by any of its suppliers in the network. This can potentially damage the reputation of the lead firm. Moreover, complex inter-relationship among multi-tier sustainable supply chain management (MSSCM) barriers tends to constrain the cascading of sustainability. Consequently, the strategies in overcoming the MSSCM barriers show limited impact. Thus, exploring the mutual interaction among MSSCM barriers is crucial as removing one barrier can intensify or diminish the effect of another barrier. This research unpacks the intra-firm, inter-firm, and contingency barriers for multi-tiered supplier network. A grey-based multi-criterion decision-making approach is adopted in establishing mutual relationships among MSSCM barriers. In addition, a combined resource-based theory and resource-dependence theory supports the theoretical anchoring. The MSSCM barriers are studied for supply networks which involve three lead firms, five tier-one suppliers, and ten lower-tier suppliers selected from automobile, beverage, and home appliances industries. The research provides a granularity of the MSSCM barriers’ by analysing the meaningful relationship at the individual tier-firm level and aggregated level.  相似文献   

This study explores the co-creation part in the early stage of need analysis and the formation of work towards formal HRM practices in the forest industry. While SMEs are shown to be of great importance for the development in society they often suffer from Liability of Smallness (LoS) especially in the area of HRM. In smaller firms, HRM practices are characterized by ad hoc and idiosyncratic solutions and less formality. In this paper, we show how co-creation can be used to develop HR practices in an SME. The overall methodological approach in this study is action-oriented research. The empirical data is collected with a mixed-method approach including documents, interviews, focus groups, observations, pulse meetings and feedback on the process and results. The co-creation process benefits from using co-creation activities to drive the process forward as well as consolidate the results during the process. Dialog, access, risk, transparency, and openness have been valuable in this process.  相似文献   

This study considers decision making beyond a dyadic buyer-supplier context to the network context. Decisions made by firms are shaped by behavioral norms within the supply network as perceived by the decision makers. Firms can perceive themselves to be part of a collaborative regime or one in which the potential for non-cooperation is high. Further, the ability to put sanctions on non-cooperating firms could shape the overall behavioral patterns in the network. To gain further insights into these aspects and their interactive effects on firm behavior, our study investigates decision-making in supply network by means of behavioral experiments. By organizing practicing managers in a supply network, the study investigates the role of structural embeddedness, incentive structure, and sanctioning mechanisms on the level of collaboration. The results of this study confirm that while sanctions are detrimental for collaborative behavior in a supply network, they play an important role when the underlying norms of governance of such a network are perturbed. The results show that structural embeddedness provides a context that aids adaptive collaborative behavior by firms that are part of the supply network. Once the incentive structure is altered such that there is a higher payoff from defection, the adaptive collaborative behavior is replaced by a behavior in which firms try to maximize their returns and forego collaborative decision-making behavior.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of the adoption of a cooperative approach on retail food supply chains, whose performances are strongly affected by the daily planning of deliveries from vendors. This approach requires a horizontal communication among vendors, and might result in minimising the overall transport costs. Nevertheless, the proper trade-off between costs and return is hard to be foreseen. Building on existing studies, this paper investigates the benefits and the opportunities deriving from the vendors’ collaboration on the delivery process. We provide a decision support tool using an integer linear programming model to explore in a what-if multi-scenario analysis the trade-off between competitive and cooperative delivery regimes. The distribution of order release and fleet availability couple with the geography of the network, allowing for the identification of thresholds of mutual convenience in shifting from a competitive to a cooperative regime. Our methodology, applied to a case study from a regional retailer supply chain, highlights evident benefits, which are sometimes up to 40% of the overall costs, for the retailer, the carriers, and the vendors. Furthermore, accounting for those costs, the tool identifies, for a given supply chain, who actually gains from the collaboration and what those gains are.  相似文献   

This article analyses the evolution of the human resources management in France. The study attempts to understand the transformation of administrative practices of HRM towards strategic practices of HRM (SHRM) in the French context. It also shows the factors responsible for this change. The results of this study support the development in France of SHRM and the regression of administrative practices of HRM, although a third hybrid model of HRM seems to appear between both practices. This tendency towards SHRM is accentuated in large firms, quoted on the stock exchange, in services and finance sectors with international activities. This study confirms that the SHRM in France is reality rather than rhetoric.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to our knowledge on talent management (TM) by conceptually and empirically investigating the peculiarities of TM and gender inclusion in talent development in the German context, as well as by analyzing whether TM is an inclusive HRM practice with respect to gender. Thus, we add an interdisciplinary perspective to the study of TM by linking it to important findings of gender and HRM studies with a specific focus on inclusion. A conceptualization of inclusive TM is suggested, and as a result of a comprehensive literature review, we identify five TM elements (talent definition, underlying career orientation, the content of talent development programs, the TM approach, and the talent selection process) which – depending on their design and characteristics – have an impact on the degree of gender bias and the discriminatory risk of TM. Respective propositions are suggested, and based on a qualitative comparative case study analysis, this paper provides empirical evidence from the German media industry, which shows important differences between cases in the identified TM elements and indicators concerning the gender inclusion of TM practices.  相似文献   

The so far implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have in many cases failed to meet the requirements regarding the business process control, decrease of business costs and increase of company profit margin. Therefore, there is a real need for an evaluation of the influence of ERP on the company's performance indicators. Proposed in this article is an advanced model for the evaluation of the success of ERP implementation on organisational and operational performance indicators in oil–gas companies. The recommended method establishes a correlation between a process-based method, a scorecard model and ERP critical success factors. The method was verified and tested on two case studies in oil–gas companies using the following procedure: the model was developed, tested and implemented in a pilot gas–oil company, while the results were implemented and verified in another gas–oil company.  相似文献   


We explore options to replicate the EXIOBASE2 multi-region input–output (MRIO) database in the Virtual IELab cloud-computing laboratory environment. Whereas EXIOBASE2 is constructed using a multi-process reconciliation procedure, we present an alternative compilation technique that uses EXIOBASE2's pre-processed data and final tables in reconciling the IELab MRIO with conflicting raw data information. This approach skips the labour-intensive step of detailing and harmonising country tables. Adherence metrics reveal the EXIOBASE2-based IELab table to be considerably less balanced than the original but with stronger adherence to other constraints data. However, these metrics are not comparable to the original EXIOBASE2 statistics due to the distinctive implementation of constraint sets in the two platforms. IELab's main value-added is its flexibility in tailoring EXIOBASE2-based MRIOs beyond the original recipe. Finally, IELab's global carbon, water and material footprints are shown to be comparable with previously reported resource footprints. In contrast, deviations in land footprints warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Bringing innovative products to markets is essential for companies, especially in competitive environments. One of the driving forces for successful new product development (NPD) is the inclusion of the functions that form part of the process such as purchasing and supply management (PSM). While extensive research has been conducted on the role of procurement in promoting innovation, insufficient research on the future of the PSM function in NPD has been conducted. This study addresses this gap, considering increasing digitalization and its effect on the future PSM function managing purchasing and innovation. To explore the future of PSM in NPD, a Delphi survey with 91 experts from industry, academia, and politics or associations was performed. The results reveal that digitalization will influence the PSM function in NPD across different time horizons and forms depending on the subject area. While in many areas, an interplay between digital technologies and human PSM professionals is expected, in certain domains the PSM function is likely to lose added value compared to digital technologies. Furthermore, digitalization is expected to be a potential enabler of a stronger key innovation role for PSM in NPD but to also introduce new requirements such as data science capabilities.  相似文献   

We compare the predictive validity of single-item and multiple-item measures utilized in Just-in-Time (JIT) research. The study examines if single-item measures could be used for some of the JIT practices, especially if the object of inquiry is concrete singular and if the attribute to be researched is concrete. Arguments are developed for the concrete nature of the JIT practice of “set-up time reduction” and we examine the ability of a single-item measure of this variable to predict the criterion variable (delivery performance). In addition, the study also examines the efficacy of using multiple-item measures for variables that are abstract in nature, and thereby attempts to develop a continuum of JIT constructs ranging from concrete to abstract. The results obtained by analyzing two sets of survey data show that multiple-item measures are not necessarily more valid than single-item measures for all constructs. The findings provide evidence that multiple-item measures and single-item measures for scale development should be contingent upon the nature of constructs. For concrete constructs, single-item measures are as valid as multi-item measures. Meanwhile, for abstract constructs it is important to ensure that multiple items are considered to capture the multi-dimensional nature of these constructs. Results also reveal that JIT practices display significant differences in terms of abstract/concrete perceptions. The paper presents theoretical and practical implications of the findings, and offers directions for future research.  相似文献   

In the late twentieth century, it is popular to research the effect of participative goal setting. The general conclusion is that the relationship between participation and performance is inconsistent and unclear at individual level. With team becoming a more dominant mode in organizing, motivating, and managing, it is worthwhile to investigate the effect of participation in team goal setting. This study aims to test the mediating effect of psychological empowerment (PE) on the relationship between participative team goal setting and team identity and team performance. Executive MBA students (371) in 75 groups from China Europe International Business School in China participated in the study. The data from Business Strategy Game and questionnaire found positive relationship between participative team goal setting and team identification, and team performance is partially mediated by PE. Implications for the goal-setting theory and practice are discussed, and future research directions offered.  相似文献   

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