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本文以2003~2017年商业贿赂行为被媒体报道的民营上市公司为样本,将商业贿赂的类型按照参与者分为官商贿赂和商商贿赂两种,实证检验贿赂报道对公司价值的长短期影响,研究发现:被报道有贿赂行为的民营上市公司短期内有负面的市场反应,但是贿赂报道对公司价值在长期内没有影响。进一步研究发现,负面的短期市场反应只是针对进行官商贿赂的公司,这些公司在长期内改进了公司的内部控制质量。以上研究表明,公众对不同类型的商业贿赂行为的态度有差异,公众的区别对待影响了贿赂报道后公司的应对策略。  相似文献   

近年来,高校经济犯罪呈上升趋势.商业贿赂事件也尤为突出.本文试图从权力架构、法律供给和文化影响等层面,对高校商业贿赂成因进行解读,为今后的预防和治理提供多种可能的路径.  相似文献   

短期资本流动虽然与生产并无直接联系,但可以通过多种间接传导渠道影响产出,其最终影响程度取决于多种传导渠道的相互作用。本文运用符号限定的贝叶斯VAR(SBVAR)模型考察短期资本流动对中国产出的影响,经验结果表明:短期资本流入在整体上可能小幅地促进中国产出增长,但同时会造成相当幅度的产出波动。在目前短期国际资本大量流入中国的背景下,为了更好地实现经济增长与经济波动的权衡,同时避免金融脆弱性,政策制定者应当实时监测短期资本流动,并适度利用正向的产出传导渠道。  相似文献   

笔者基于经济学视角对商业贿赂盛行的原因进行剖析,构建了相应的博弈决策模型,并针对模型进行分析:一方面利用经济学中成本收益理论构建了行贿主体行为决策博弈模型和受贿主体行为决策博弈模型;另一方面,将经济学中寻租理论引入到商业贿赂成因和治理的探析中,从而提出治理商业贿赂的有效路径以及相对应的可以采取的对策.  相似文献   

人民币汇率、资产价格与短期国际资本流动   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文基于1999年1月~2008年6月的月度数据,运用ARDL-ECM模型检验了人民币汇率、资产价格与我国短期国际资本流动的关系。结果表明,长期内,人民币汇率预期变化率和国内外利差是影响短期国际资本流动的显著因素,人民币汇率水平、国内股市收益率和房地产收益率并未对短期国际资本流动产生显著影响;短期内,人民币汇率、国内外利差和房地产收益率对短期国际资本流动有显著的滞后效应。  相似文献   

人民币汇率水平政策对日益开放的我国影响重大。本文运用购买力平价理论和利率平价理论探讨了人民币升值的理论根据 ,认为 ,如果现行的实际人民币汇率形成机制保持不变 ,不论在长期还是在短期 ,人民币都将继续具有较大的升值压力。对这种压力 ,必须及时通过多种渠道予以释放 ,否则将对我国宏观经济产生较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

城市是碳排放的密集区域,城市化是我国碳排放量增长的重要因素。采用1985-2009年的中国城市化水平数据和同期中国碳排放量的测算数据,运用相关分析、协整检验、格兰杰因果分析和误差修正模型对中国城市化与碳排放的关系进行检验。中国城市化水平与碳排放量具有很高的正相关性,两者之间存在着长期的协整关系,城市化水平的提高是碳排放量增加的重要原因,但碳排放量不是城市化水平的格兰杰原因。城市化水平对碳排放的影响具有滞后性,短期影响较小,长期影响显著。利用脉冲响应函数和预测误差方差分解模型对中国城市化水平与碳排放量进行动态模拟,分析其在长期和短期均衡关系的相互作用机制和影响程度。提出中国实现低碳城市化的建议和对策。  相似文献   

吴杨 《经济研究导刊》2009,(21):102-103
商业贿赂行为是一种违背社会主义市场经济的基本原则,破坏市场秩序,妨碍公平竞争的资源合理配置,影响投资环境的行为。作者立足于商业贿赂行为的立法现状及其缺陷的基础上,提出了对商业贿赂行为规制的四点建议,呼吁将反商业贿赂行为与反不正当竞争行为分开,制定《反商业贿赂法》。  相似文献   

本文基于我国2005年汇率改革之后的经济运行数据,利用AR-GARCH模型拟合人民币实际汇率的波动模型,计量分析了经济增长率、汇率水平以及汇率波动幅度对于FDI的影响。研究结果表明:长期来看经济增长率与汇率水平对FDI影响较大,而短期的FDI主要受汇率水平的影响。  相似文献   

邹积亮 《经济管理》2006,(17):87-91
本文从博弈的角度,利用决策分析手段,建立简单的商业贿赂行为主体博弈模型,结合我国的现实状况分析了模型中影响主体行动决策的因素,从而揭示出我国商业贿赂的成因。在此基础上,提出了依靠制度创新来治理商业贿赂的路径。  相似文献   

The paper studies the dynamic allocation effects and intergenerational welfare consequences of environmental taxes. To this end, environmental externalities are introduced in a Blanchard–Yaari overlapping generations model of a small open economy. A rise in environmental taxes – taking into account pre-existing distortionary taxes and endogenous labor supply – is shown to yield an efficiency gain if agents care enough for the environment. The benefits are unevenly distributed across generations because agents are heterogeneous in their capital ownership. An accompanying debt policy can be designed – prescribing debt accumulation at impact and debt redemption in the new steady state – to ensure everybody gains to the same extent. With lump-sum recycling of environmental tax revenue, aggregate employment is unaffected in the short run, but falls in the long run. Furthermore, it raises environmental quality more in the long run than in the short run. Recycling revenue through a cut in labor taxes, however, is shown to yield a rise in employment in the short run, which disappears during transition. In the new steady state, environmental quality is higher at the expense of a lower level of employment.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the consequences on capital accumulation and environmental quality of environmental policies financed by public debt. A public sector of pollution abatement is financed by a tax or by public debt. We show that if the initial capital stock is high enough, the economy monotonically converges to a long-run steady state. On the contrary, when the initial capital stock is low, the economy is relegated to an environmental poverty trap. We also explore the implications of public policies on the trap and on the long-run stable steady state. In particular, we find that government should decrease debt and increase pollution abatement to promote capital accumulation and environmental quality at the stable long-run steady state. Finally, a welfare analysis shows that there exists a level of public debt that allows a long run steady state to be optimal.  相似文献   

This paper employs a 55 sector small open economy computable general equilibrium model of the Kenyan economy to assess the impact of the liberalization of regulatory barriers against foreign and domestic business service providers in Kenya. The model incorporates foreign direct investment in business services and productivity effects in imperfectly competitive goods and services markets endogenously, through a Dixit–Stiglitz framework. The ad valorem equivalent of barriers to foreign direct investment have been estimated based on detailed questionnaires completed by specialists in Kenya. We estimate very substantial gains to Kenya from regulatory liberalization in business services, and additional gains from uniform tariffs. The estimated gains increase to 50% of consumption in the long run steady state model, where the impact on the accumulation of capital from an improvement in the productivity of capital is taken into account. Decomposition exercises reveal that the largest gains to Kenya will derive from liberalization of costly regulatory barriers that are non-discriminatory in their impacts between Kenyan and multinational service providers.  相似文献   

In a three-sector closed economy where housing land is accumulated for the construction of houses, we depict significant effects of housing and land market on sectoral growth. We assume agriculture is the most intensive in the use of land, followed by manufacturing and then services. In the long run, land intensity differences in conjunction with labor growth contribute to sectoral growth gaps. In the short run, due to housing land accumulation, the economy transitions along a non-monotonic convergent path to the steady state. Using the US data, we quantify that land accounts for about one-tenth of long-run and short-run sectoral output growth gaps. We also incorporate sector-specific land-use restrictions to show that, despite these regulations, land and housing have qualitative effects on non-balanced growth.  相似文献   

The implications of the division of labor, capital, and technology for economic growth have long been a fundamental issue in development economics. This paper employs the bounds testing approach to cointegration to examine the relationship between the division of labor, capital accumulation, communication technology, and economic growth for China over the period 1952–99. We find that in the long run, capital stock and the division of labor both have statistically significant positive effects on growth, while in the short run the effects are not significantly positive. Telecommunication technology, rather surprisingly, has a statistically insignificant impact on growth both in the long run and in the short run. Our findings indicate that there exists a long run equilibrium relationship between capital and the division of labor on the one hand, and economic growth on the other, thereby lending support to the division of labor theory of growth.  相似文献   

In a Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans growth framework it is shown that for an optimum a benevolent social planner cannot have an excessive “love of wealth”. With a “right” “love of wealth” an optimum exists and implies higher long‐run per‐capita capital, income, and consumption relative to the standard model. This has important implications for comparative development trajectories. The optimum implies dynamic efficiency with the possibility of getting arbitrarily close to the golden rule where long‐run per‐capita consumption is maximal. It is shown that the optimal path attains its steady state more slowly. Thus, the beneficial effects of love of wealth materialize later than in the standard model. Furthermore, the economy can be decentralized as a competitive private ownership economy. One can then identify “love of wealth” with the “spirit of capitalism.” The paper thus implies that one needs a “right” level of the “spirit of capitalism” to realize any beneficial effects for the long run.  相似文献   

人工智能对经济不平等的影响引起学术界的广泛重视,但是现有研究以分析其对劳动收入不平等的影响为主,关于人工智能对财富分配从而对财产性收入不平等影响的相关研究尚有欠缺。本文通过构建一个连续时间异质性个体动态一般均衡模型,将人工智能对生产技术的影响看作一揽子偏向性技术进步,研究人工智能技术对财富分配的影响。分析发现,人工智能对财富不平等的影响在短期和长期表现有所不同,短期中人工智能技术的应用会提高经济中财富分配不平等程度,而长期中其财富分配效应则取决于人工智能对不同类型技术进步的促进程度。核心机制在于,人工智能技术进步的多样性在短期和长期中对资本回报率产生不同影响,短期中各类技术进步总是会提高资本回报率,而在长期,不同类型的技术进步对资本回报率的影响出现差异。基于以上结论,本文就我国如何在应用人工智能促进增长的同时预防不平等程度扩大提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of increased competition and trade liberalization on skilled–unskilled wage inequality in the short run as well as the long run. It is shown that an increase in the number of firms in the producer services sector increases wage inequality in the short run even if the income shares of capital in the industrial and agricultural sectors were identical. A decrease in the services sector's fixed cost decreases wage inequality in the short run if the income share of capital in the agricultural sector is relatively large. Owing to the presence of external economies, a decrease in the services sector's fixed cost increases wage inequality in the long run. A decrease in import duty on the agricultural good increases wage inequality in the short as well as the long run but its effect in the long run is stronger due to the presence of external economies in the industrial sector.  相似文献   

This article presents the Kaleckian model of growth and distribution that sets a budget deficit ratio as an indicator of fiscal policy and examines the short- and long-run effects of an increase in budget deficits and a rise in income tax rates on the economy. The key short-run outcomes are as follows. First, expanded budget deficits have a positive effect on the rate of capacity utilization. Second, the tax rate for wage income does not affect the rate of capacity utilization, whereas the tax rate for capital income has a favorable impact on it. This result implies that raising the tax rate for capital income can be an important policy instrument for stimulating the economy. Third, we find that the economy exhibits a wage-led aggregate demand in the short run. The main long-run results are as follows. First, the effect of expanded budget deficits on the growth rate is ambiguous, since a higher debt burden negatively influences the rate of capacity utilization and hence economic growth, despite the increase in demand caused by government borrowing. A higher budget deficit ratio thus raises the growth rate only if a certain condition is satisfied. Second, the tax rate for capital income has a positive impact on the growth rate. Third, the economy shows a wage-led growth in the long run.  相似文献   

This article examines how governance, particularly corruption control and political stability, affects deforestation due to agricultural land expansion. We estimate the short-run and long-run effects of corruption control and political stability on deforestation in South American and Asian countries using data from 1990 to 2003 where converting forest land into agricultural land is a significant problem. Political stability has a positive and significant effect on forest cover in the short run but an insignificant effect in the long run. In contrast, corruption control has a negative and significant effect on forest cover in the short run and the long run with a larger magnitude in the former. One possible explanation is that corruption control induces more technological productivity and, if technology and land use are complements, increases in technological development lead to agricultural land expansion.  相似文献   

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