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Conclusion This new revolutionary doctrine of the liberation of man is as powerful as the Protestant Reformation which began in the seventeenth century and became associated with the growth of capitalism and the establishment of Western empires throughout the world. The transformation of this oppressive system is being achieved in part by a new interpretation of the Christian hope by the majority poor and oppressed of the Third World who will not be denied.  相似文献   

The Chinese economic cycle is both a cycle of accumulation and construction activity and a political cycle exercising its influence by trial-and-error methods and changes from voluntarist to pragmatic planning approaches. As a result of some excessive accumulation in the form of net investment in non-productive sectors, there was a lag in infrastructures like energy and transport and trade-off against consumption more severe than expected. Structural imbalances in the economy would have had to have been tackled after 1976, even if the voluntarists had been in office. The eclipse of central planning supporters was of 1979–1980 duration only. Thereafter the line on ‘planning and the market’ became less enthusiastic as the concept of ‘market socialism’ faded. ‘Stabilization’ of the relative growth rates of heavy industry and light industry was compatible with both the programme of the Chen Yun reformers and those reluctant to give ground from ‘realistic plans’ to the ‘law of value’. In agriculture, the masses of small peasant proprietors rather than Party factions decided the shift to the new system of material incentives based on households. In this, weaknesses of Maoist practice in solving rural poverty played a role. Nevertheless, the left can defend collectivist ownership to some extent by adopting a more reasonable programme than in 1966–1976.  相似文献   

姚佑华  曾志 《特区经济》2002,(12):55-56
<正> 历史往往是最好的明证,也是一面饱经风雨而始终明亮的镜子。 在时间和记忆的长河里,一个企业就像一个人的命运一样,总会留下或悲或喜、或起或落、或平坦或坎坷、或黯淡或精彩的一笔。 上世纪末期,伴随着改革的春风春雨,深圳涌现了一大批拥有自主知识产权的高新技术企业,它们在各自的领域里异军突起,独领风骚,为深圳、广东乃至全国的高科技创造与发展树立了  相似文献   

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it. —Karl Marx, Theses on Feurbach.The mark of an important contribution, whether in the hard or the social sciences, is not that it reveals some eternal truth. It is, rather, that existing knowledge and analysis are put together in new ways, raising questions and offering conclusions which allow and force friends and enemies alike to push their own research and analysis into different areas. —Doug Dowd, refering to C. Wright Mills.For social scientist it is a sobering and useful exercise in self-understanding to attempt to see clearly how the direction of our scientific exertions, particularly in economics, is conditioned by the society in which we live, and most directly by the political climate (which, in turn, is related to all other changes in society). Rarely if ever, has the development of economics by its own force blazed the way to new perspectives. The cue to the continual reorientation of our work has normally come from the sphere of politics. Responding to the cue, students turn to research on issues that have attained political importance … So it has always been. The major recasting of economic thought .... were all responses to changing political conditions and opportunities. —Gunnar Myrdal, in Asian Drama.  相似文献   

In his bookCaste, Class and Race, Oliver Cromwell Cox took positions on the link between capitalism and racism that appear contradictory; on the one hand he argues that racial exploitation emerged with the rise of capitalism, and on the other, that advancement of capitalism would reduce racial exploitation. This article analyzes this seeming contradiction from a Marxian perspective and argues that Cox failed to seriously consider the central organizing mechanism of capitalism—competition—to discuss the relation between capitalism and racism. To analyze race relations under any mode of production, the central organizing mechanism of that mode has to occupy a focal position. A failure to take account of that fact often results in political conclusions that, like Cox’s, are divorced from theoretical analysis and thus are weak and impractical.  相似文献   

全球金融资本主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向松祚 《新财经》2014,(2):18-18
2013年,全球经济的最大亮点是金融市场高歌猛进、连创新高,虚拟经济完全脱离实体经济暴涨。金融危机5年来,多数国家不仅股价陕速上涨,超越危机前水平,屡创新高,而且全球影子银行业务迈人快速复苏轨道。  相似文献   

资本主义股份经济经历了三个演变和发展阶段,即家族资本主义阶段、经理资本主义阶段和机构资本主义阶段,相应地,股份公司内部所有权与控制权的关系也经历了由统一到分离,再由分离到统一的发展过程。机构资本主义是资本占有关系的新形式,机构资本主义的崛起推动了公司内部所有权与控制权的关系由相互分离向重新统一的转变。我国建立现代企业制度的改革应该遵循现代企业制度内部所有权与控制权相互关系演进和发展的一般规律,要按照所有权与控制权相统一的原则建立和健全公司治理结构。  相似文献   

Cronyism provides policymakers with marked incentives to repay sovereign debt. This takes place at the expense of the average citizen who bears both steep costs of debt repudiation and high costs of debt service, as clientelism increases both financial fragility and the debt burden. The paper sets up a model of strategic debt default that nails down this point, with political distortions and where a representative agent can dismiss the government and overrule its decision. Economic hard times provide an opportunity to implement reforms fighting clientelism, as the implicit coalition between groups of cronies may break down. A model is built along these lines, which highlights cross-country contagion of debt repudiation.JEL Classification Numbers: F3, E6, D8  相似文献   

当前,以美国为代表的资本主义进入了虚拟资本主义阶段。所谓虚拟资本主义,是指资本主义的经济主体从生产物质产品的工业转移到了游离于物质产品生产之外的金融业。美国虚拟资本主义之所以能够生存有两个前提条件:一是亚洲外汇储备能够稳定地流向美国;二是美国的金融资本能够很畅通地流向储备了大量美元外汇的国家。欧元推出后,亚洲外汇储备开始大规模地流向欧洲,从而动摇了美国虚拟资本主义生存的第一个条件;中国储备了大量美元外汇,但金融市场却没有完全开放,致使美国金融资本不能很畅通地流入中国,从而动摇了美国虚拟资本主义生存的第二个条件。美国虚拟资本主义遭遇到的这两个生存威胁是美国次贷危机发生的深层次原因。  相似文献   

胡钧 《改革与战略》2012,28(8):17-25
《资本论》第一卷是研究资本的直接生产过程的,在2—6篇中,对直接生产过程作了深刻的研究,揭开了剩余价值生产的秘密,从而揭示了资本主义经济制度中最深层的生产、交换和分配关系,说明了资本的本质,阐明了什么是资本主义关系,并揭露了掩盖着这一本质关系的假象。但是,前面对直接生  相似文献   

梁苗 《理论观察》2010,(5):39-42
作为一个范围广泛而内涵复杂的术语,后现代主义引发学界波澜四起。杰姆逊从马克思主义的经济基础——上层建筑的批判思路出发,将后现代主义的发生与晚期资本主义的历史变迁联系起来,作出了比较妥当的分析,为我们从根源上认识后现代主义的发生、发展及其本质特征提供了宝贵的思想资源。  相似文献   


Postage accounts kept by merchants active in North and Baltic Sea trade are used to track the development of transmitting costs of remote information. As a long-run aggregated trend in terms of the real price, the postage stayed approximately at the same level until 1770s and decreased substantially thereafter. War factor proved to have had a variable influence. Increased demand on information exchange, driven by booming trade in this period, arguably promoted lower-cost transmission. The present paper also reveals that, over time, international postage was increasingly a function of geographical distance and, due to the changes in means of transmission and also due to the specific tariff policy of national Posts, there was significant cost–space convergence regarding domestic transmission while the same trend was much less dominant at an international level.  相似文献   

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