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本文应用生存模型对上市公司年报信息披露后股票市场价格反应时间进行研究,选择沪深两市在2004年710家样本公司年报信息披露后的股票价格作为研究对象,使用生存模型研究股价的变动方向和价格沿同一方向持续变动的时间。研究结果表明,上市公司的业绩变量、行业因素、市场交易状况和审计意见类型对市场反应时间有明显的影响,投资者可以选取关键指标来预测市场反应。  相似文献   

FRR48的颁布和实行,从定量的角度要求上市公司正确评价自身面临的市场风险,无疑加大了上市公司的信息披露程度,使监管层和投资者更详细地了解公司的风险,有利于加强监管和投资价值判断。……  相似文献   

自愿信息披露环境下控制结构披露的市场反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从理论上探讨了上市公司控制结构披露的价值影响,以现阶段上市公司实际控制权转移过程中的控制结构披露为样本,研究披露事件前后不同样本市场反应的差异,并在理论与实证结果的基础上,结合当前中国上市公司控制结构披露制度的现状与国际资本市场的发展经验,提出研究的实践意义与政策建议.  相似文献   

基于2001至2008年间A股公司业绩预告的样本,本文研究了高管持股对择时信息披露策略的影响,以及市场对择时披露信息的反应。研究发现,A股公司在业绩预告时存在择时披露的行为:好消息①更倾向于在交易日披露,坏消息更倾向于在休息日披露。高管持股比例会显著影响择时披露策略:高管持股比例越高的公司,进行择时披露的可能性也越高。从市场反应角度看,休息日披露的坏消息与交易日披露的坏消息没有显著差异,休息日披露的好消息反而会产生更加显著的正面市场反应。本文的研究意味着,高管持股比例会显著提高上市公司进行择时信息披露的可能性,但是市场在一定程度上能够识别择时披露策略,本文的研究结果支持了"信息消化"假说。  相似文献   

资本市场估值偏误阻碍了证券市场的健康发展。信息不对称是导致上市公司市场价值长期偏离内在价值的根本原因,因此信息披露行为对资本市场估值偏误的影响值得研究。采用剩余收益模型(RIM)估计上市公司内在价值,在此基础上构建度量资本市场估值偏误的代理变量,并采用KV度量法从总体上考察上市公司信息披露质量,本文检验了信息披露行为对资本市场估值偏误的影响。本文研究发现上市公司市场价值对其内在价值的偏离程度与信息披露质量显著负相关;进一步的研究表明,信息披露修正资本市场估值偏误的主要途径,是降低市值高估公司的市场价值泡沫。  相似文献   

商业银行信息披露与市场约束   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
巴塞尔新资本协议即将于 2 0 0 6年在十国集团首先推广使用。受国情限制我国暂时执行旧资本协议的相关规定。但作为国际清算银行的成员 ,遵循巴塞尔新资本协议的要求对商业银行进行监管 ,是我国银行监管工作发展的必由之路。以市场约束力量推动商业银行规范自己的经营行为 ,是巴塞尔新资本协议的主要内容之一。如何尽快完善我国商业银行的信息披露工作 ,提升市场约束作用的效力 ,是摆在银行监管者和经营者面前的一个严峻课题。  相似文献   

The contentious issue of the recognition and measurement of derivative instruments is again high on the Australian standard-setting agenda, following pronouncements by the International Accounting Standards Committee (USC) and Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). This study investigates firms' disclosure of derivative accounting policies and measurement practices pursuant to the introduction of AASB 1033. A lack of clarity and completeness in the disclosures suggests that supplementary requirements are necessary. A preference for using hedge accounting is also apparent. Should an Australian standard disallow or impose conditions on hedge accounting, fims will need to alter their current accounting practices and risk management strategies and they will probably reassess their use of derivatives.  相似文献   

可转换债券作为一种衍生金融工具,在国际资本市场上已有150多年的历史,成为一种非常成熟的投资工具。在我国,可转换债券只在短短10几年的发展历史,很多有关可转换债券的问题有待于人们探讨、解决。本文重点谈谈可转换债券在会计确认,计量及信息披露方面对传统会计理论的影响。以及国际上可借鉴的通行做法。  相似文献   

本文分析论述了资本市场信息披露的含义、意义 ,分析了会计模式、审计模式以及监管当中目前存在的问题 ,并给出了一些解决问题的对策  相似文献   

Standard setters explicitly state that disclosure should not substitute for recognition in financial reports. Consistent with this directive, prior research shows that investors find recognized values more pertinent than disclosed values. However, it remains unclear whether reporting items are recognized because they are more relevant for investing decisions, or whether requiring recognition itself prompts differing behavior on the part of firms and investors. Using the setting of subsequent events, I identify the differential effect of requiring disclosure versus recognition in a setting where the accounting treatment of an item is exogenously determined. For comparable events, I find a stronger initial market response for firms required to recognize relative to firms that must disclose, although the large magnitude of the identified effect calls into question whether this difference can be attributed to accounting treatments alone. In examining various reasons for the stronger market response to recognized values, I fail to find support for the hypothesis that this difference is due to differential reliability of disclosed and recognized values. I do find some evidence that investors underreact to disclosed events, consistent with investors incurring higher processing costs when using disclosed information.  相似文献   

In this paper, I study the relationship between the Association for Investment Management and Research disclosure rankings and several corporate performance measures. I find a positive relationship between these rankings and stock returns. Furthermore, disclosure rankings are highly correlated with firm value. Specifically, Qs of firms ranked at the top of disclosure rankings are 35% higher than those of firms ranked at the bottom. I also find positive associations between disclosure rankings and future net profit margins, sales growth, and research and development intensity. Finally, I document a positive correlation between changes in disclosure rankings and future earnings surprises.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effect of information disclosure on securities market performance when liquidity traders are able to acquire information about inside trading. We show that the bid-ask spread increases with the liquidity trader's learning efficiency, which is greater when trade information is disclosed. The bid-ask spread is always higher when trade information is not disclosed. However, the discrepancy between the bid-ask spreads with and without information disclosure narrows when the learning efficiency increases. We also show that the gains of the informed traders in a market without trade information disclosure are reduced in the presence of the liquidity trader's learning. Nevertheless, liquidity traders do not necessarily benefit from increased transparency. In particular, liquidity traders may face higher trading costs.  相似文献   

证券市场信息披露问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
公开是公平、公正证券市场的基础,目前我国证券市场信息披露存在不真实、不完整、不准确、不规范的情况,极大地损害了投资者的利益,破坏了证券市场的公平、公正。应当以法制为基础,以监管和自律为手段,完善和规范证券市场。  相似文献   

会计信息披露制度是证券市场制度体系的重要组成部分.规范的会计信息披露,对我国证券市场健康有序地发展至关重要.探究证券市场财务会计信息披露过程当中存在的问题及原因,以期寻求解决的方案和对策.  相似文献   

This paper examines the market efficiency consequences of accounting disclosure in the context of stock markets as a Keynesian beauty contest, an influential metaphor originally proposed by Keynes [1936] and recently formalized by Allen, Morris, and Shin [2006]. In such markets, public information plays an additional commonality role, biasing stock prices away from the consensus fundamental value toward public information. Despite this bias, I demonstrate that provisions of public information always drive stock prices closer to the fundamental value. Hence, as a main source of public information, accounting disclosure enhances market efficiency, and transparency should not be compromised on grounds of the Keynesian-beauty-contest effect.  相似文献   

我国债券市场面临着缺乏规模效益、发展不均衡等发展困境。通过实证结果表明:我国债券市场准入的门槛限制与公司信息披露质量不高是造成其发展困境的主要原因;在公司规模一定时,信息披露质量越高,债券融资比例越高;信息披露质量一定时,公司规模越小,债券融资比例越高。因此,降低债券市场准入的门槛限制,提高公司信息披露质量是促使我国债券市场走出发展困境的两个关键措施。  相似文献   

对政府与市场关系的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于政府与市场关系的争论,一直与近代人类社会的发展紧密相随,直到今天也没有停止。相反,倒是因为一次次的经济危机而不断掀起高潮。在争论中形成的一点共识就是:不论政府还是市场,都是推动人类社会发展不可或缺的手段之一。后来的争论,基本上是围绕着政府或市场的此进彼退而进行。本文在对政府与市场关系进行再认识的基础上认为:在经济危机的背景下,我们在对二者关系认识的不断深化过程中,一方面要注意把争论的焦点从二者的彼此替代上转移出来,二是要注意除此以外,是否还有其他可补充的途径,并据此提出政府-市场-社会三者并行的发展模式。  相似文献   

关于进一步完善我国期货市场信息披露制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完善的信息披露制度对期货市场良性发展起着重要作用。针对现阶段我国期货市场信息披露制度存在着披露主体不广泛、披露范围不规范等问题,必须扩大披露范围、规范披露渠道以完善我国期货市场信息披露制度,促进我国期货市场健康发展。  相似文献   

We examine voluntary disclosure and capital investment by an informed manager in an initial public offering (IPO) in the presence of informed and uninformed investors. We find that in equilibrium, disclosure is more forthcoming—and investment efficiency is lower—when a greater fraction of the investment community is already informed. Moreover, managers disclose more information when the likelihood of an information event is higher, more equity is issued, or the cost of information acquisition is lower. Investment efficiency and the expected level of underpricing are non‐monotonic in the likelihood that the manager is privately informed.  相似文献   

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