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China is a leading participant in the world cotton market. China’s distinctive regulatory structure and procedures and business environment provide an opportunity to explore some unique market dynamics. This study investigates the interrelationship among the spot, futures, and forward cotton markets in China over a period of a major policy change: A temporary State reserve program for cotton that was established in 2011 and ended in 2014. This government intervention significantly distorted the way farmers, manufacturers, and speculators interacted and was not sustainable. Overall, our results support futures market’s dominant role in the price discovery process.  相似文献   

We develop a model for the VXX, the most actively traded VIX futures exchange-traded note, using Duffie, Pan, and Singleton's affine jump diffusion framework, where the volatility process has jumps and a stochastic long-term mean. We calibrate the model parameters using the VIX term structure data and show that our model provides the theoretical link between the VIX, VIX futures, and the VXX. Our model can be used for pricing VIX futures, the VXX and other short-term VIX futures exchange-traded products (ETPs). Our model could be extended to price options on the VXX and other short-term VIX futures ETPs.  相似文献   

发展我国期货投资基金研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹家和  张伟 《商业研究》2006,(8):117-120
国际期货市场发展的历程表明,以机构投资者为主体的投资者结构是期货市场走向成熟的一个重要标志。而期货投资基金正是机构投资者中非常重要的一种组织形式。发展期货投资基金不但有利于解决我国期货市场规模小、流动性差的问题,同时对我国资本市场的持续、健康、稳定发展也将起到巨大的推动作用。发展期货投资基金已经成为整个期货业和资本市场梦寐以求的目标。  相似文献   

随着中国资本市场的不断规范发展 ,股票指数期货作为一种行之有效的避险工具 ,已逐渐成为一个热门话题。作者分析了股指期货的概念及现实意义 ,并提出了相关设想和设计股指期货合约 ,对如何在中国开设股指期货交易提出了较系统的建议。  相似文献   

石油期货:完善我国石油安全机制的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际油价波动通过石油进口对国内经济产生影响,成为我国石油供应安全的隐患。国际油价的形成机制是现货市场与期货市场共同影响市场价格走向,由于没有形成国际化的石油市场体系,转嫁风险机制缺位,我国在国际石油市场采购现货时不得不量价齐升。发展石油期货市场,完善国内石油市场体系,是建立和完善我国石油安全机制的必然选择。  相似文献   

程荷斯 《北方经贸》2009,(9):123-125
在认识中国期货市场和中国钢材现货市场的基础上,对钢材期货上市的意义进行剖析,同时提出钢材期货品种上市后应进一步完善监管体系,推动企业利用好期货市场,防止过度投机,处理好期货与现货的关系。  相似文献   

股指期货上市,大幅增加了期货市场的交易规模,使得券商和商业银行能够进入期货市场。券商控股期货公司应该通过与证券公司及商业银行的合作来拓宽营销渠道,通过提升服务水平和品牌影响力来建立核心竞争力,通过做到与客户共赢来实现期货公司的发展。  相似文献   

The Samuelson hypothesis asserts that futures volatility increases as maturity decreases. On the basis of 10 US commodity futures and by capturing the dynamics of the futures volatility terms structure with three factors, we show that in most markets the slope factor is strongly negative in certain periods and at best only weakly negative in other periods. High inventory levels are found to correspond to flatter volatility term structures in seven futures. This finding is consistent with the linkage between carry arbitrage and the Samuelson hypothesis. We also find that a flatter volatility term structure corresponds to lower absolute futures term premiums.  相似文献   

李海英  马卫锋  罗婷 《财贸研究》2007,18(2):104-108,115
本文选择相关系数、协整检验、误差修正模型、Granger因果检验、Garbade-Silber模型对上海燃料油期货市场价格发现功能发挥和价格引导情况进行递进、全面的分析,实证结果显示上海燃料油期货价格与国内现货价格之间存在协整关系,燃料油期货价格发现功能得到一定程度发挥,但仅存在现货价格对期货价格的单向引导关系,且在价格发现功能中,现货价格起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

Using nonparametric methodology, I find that speculators are successful in taking profitable positions in energy futures markets, although the magnitude of this effect is lower than that found previously for agricultural markets. A plausible explanation for this difference is that price forecasting is more difficult for energy commodities. Moreover, I find that the energy speculators’ returns are due to the existence of the risk premiums rather than to speculators’ forecasting abilities. Futures risk premium is highly time-variant; notably, energy investors’ profits have been very limited in the GFC and post-GFC period, which coincided with the financialization of commodity markets.  相似文献   

This study investigated the volatility linkages between energy and agricultural futures, including possible causes for these comovements, such as external macroeconomic and financial shocks during low and high volatility regimes. A combination of Markov-switching regressions and quadrivariate VAR–DCC–GARCH and VAR–BEKK–GARCH modeling revealed that external shocks have an asymmetric effect on the relationship of these assets with higher cross-correlations reported during high volatility regimes. This comovement effect outweighs the substitution effect between energy and agricultural products. Furthermore, the quadrivariate VAR–BEKK–GARCH model provides strong evidence of a bidirectional price volatility spillover between the agricultural and energy markets during periods of high volatility. Overall, the results suggest that energy futures can be effectively used for hedging in a portfolio comprising agricultural futures (and vice versa), while a combination of macroeconomic and financial index futures can serve as an effective hedging tool in investment portfolios comprising both energy and agricultural commodities.  相似文献   

我国黄金期货市场价格波动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以上海期货交易所2008年1月9日至2011年6月30日的黄金期货市场量价关系为研究对象,构建了GARCH(异方差)族模型检验我国黄金期货市场的价格波动特征.研究结果表明,当分别引入黄金期货市场的交易量和持仓量时,交易量对价格波动的影响在当期和滞后期均十分显著,而持仓量对价格波动的影响在当期显著,滞后期则不显著;当同时引入黄金期货市场交易量和持仓量时,他们对价格波动的解释作用增加,且当期统计检验显著,滞后期效应则不明显.  相似文献   

论中国利率市场化进程与利率期货的推出   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
袁东 《财贸经济》2003,(6):19-24
中国利率市场化的进程正在有步骤地加速推进,利率的市场化必然带来利率波动幅度的加大,如果没有有效的利率风险管理工具作为配套机制,必然会影响利率市场化的顺利进展,也影响到整个金融市场应有作用的发挥.发达国家的经验表明,利率市场化要求利率期货作为利率风险管理的机制予以配合,因此,在推进中国利率市场化的进程中应研究推出利率期货交易的问题.利率期货的最主要承载体是国债期货.根据中国目前利率市场化进展的实际情况,从各类经济实体已经或可能面临的利率风险看,对国债期货的需求日渐强烈.本文的主旨是,在论述中国利率市场化进程中,分析各类经济实体所面临的各种利率风险,以及国债期货对于这一风险管理所起的应有作用,从而得出应当推出国债期货的结论.  相似文献   

在中国金融期货经纪业务将由期货公司专营的政策安排下,创新类券商在金融期货市场发展初期,将通过收购期货公司,以期货介绍经纪商(IB)身份参与金融期货经纪业务。本文介绍了中国发展金融期货的背景,分析了期货公司获得金融期货经纪业务专营资格与开展这一业务进行重组的情况,并分析了券商收购期货公司的资格与多项的政策支持与实施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether market quality, uncertainty, investor sentiment and attention, and macroeconomic news affect bitcoin price discovery in spot and futures markets. Over the period December 2017–March 2019, we find significant time variation in the contribution to price discovery of the two markets. Increases in price discovery are mainly driven by relative trading costs and volume, and uncertainty to a lesser extent. Additionally, medium-sized trades contain most information in terms of price discovery. Finally, higher news-based bitcoin sentiment increases the informational role of the futures market, while attention and macroeconomic news have no impact on price discovery.  相似文献   

黑龙江省既是产粮大省,又是国家战略粮仓,在黑龙江省设立农产品期货交割库,势必会引发本省企业参与期货市场的热情,可以引导粮食企业更好地利用期货市场价格发现和规避风险的机制,扩大期货交割规模,活跃现有期货市场;可以引导农民科学备耕生产、均衡卖粮并促进均衡运输,延缓价格波动,稳定产业发展和拉动农民增收。这对于黑龙江省完善粮食流通体系,搞活粮食流通,以及进一步解决好三农问题将打开新思路。  相似文献   

This study decomposes the momentum factor (MOM) in the commodity futures market. A high-to-price (HTP) factor generates a higher Sharpe ratio than a price-to-high (PTH) factor. We uncover that the profitability mechanisms across three momentum factors are different. The positive returns on MOM and PTH are associated with overconfidence and strong self-attribution. In contrast, HTP is linked to investors' underreaction and the information diffusion process. Moreover, we find that positive demand shocks raise the return on HTP.  相似文献   

在国际金融危机持续的背景下,以石油、黄金为代表的商品价格出现了剧烈震荡,国际期货市场定价机制的变化及期货交易规则的高杠杆效应也使得市场风险被明显放大。面对世界复杂的经济环境及国内通胀压力,如何增强我国期货市场抗风险能力,保护投资者正当利益成为社会各界普遍关心的问题。  相似文献   

利用商品期货价格对中国通货膨胀进行了实证分析和预测。研究发现,大宗商品期货价格对PPI和CPI的变动具有显著影响。回测结果表明,模型对PPI和CPI的短期预测能力相对良好,对中长期预测的误差虽有增大,但预测走势与实际走势大体一致。在此基础上对下一步通胀走势进行分析后发现:2022年PPI将呈现逐步回落趋势;短期内CPI有小幅上升的可能,未来一年内将回落至较低水平震荡。由于期货价格无法预测到中长期产业政策变动,因此预测模型无法捕捉到个别月份的大幅波动,但在趋势判断上仍有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

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