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我国林产品贸易与森林生态研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国日益成为世界主要林产品生产和对外贸易大国,人均森林资源严重不足、森林生态十分脆弱、林产品贸易与气候关系被世界各国密切关注的背景下,文章从林产品贸易与森林资源的关系、林产品贸易和森林生态安全的关系、森林资源与森林生态的关系及林产品贸易和碳排放的关系等方面,总结了有关林产品贸易和我国森林资源及生态关系文献的研究概况,之后从理论创新、数据类型和概念界定、方程设定和回归估计方法等方面分析了现有相关研究文献的特点,最后从林产品贸易和森林资源、生态关系相关研究文献的研究方法、研究结论、研究前提、研究视角、研究范畴等方面做了评论,并且从国际贸易学、生态学、系统动力学、系统论等研究技术和方法、Ec—Re—En系统模型设计、耦合理论和仿真技术等方面,对我国林产品贸易安全与森林生态关系未来的研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

While nonprofit organizations serve the community in significant ways, their heavy reliance on philanthropic and government funding is increasingly not sustainable, especially in the wake of economic downturns. The application of social entrepreneurial principles — including social enterprise activities — can improve the sustainability of the business model of nonprofits, while bolstering management capacity and enhancing mission. This paper argues that the current funding model of the nonprofit sector should be disrupted in order to achieve a greater level of financial sustainability and mission-driven success.  相似文献   

城市资源的破坏性利用是现阶段我国城市增长中迫切需要解决的问题,特别是土地资源的蔓延式、低效率使用现象。必须要在短时期内构建一个符合中国国情的城市增长管理机制,以高效合理利用城市土地资源,实现内涵式的城市增长机制。  相似文献   

The Hartwick Rule: Myths and Facts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We shed light on the Hartwick rule for capital accumulation and resource depletion by providing semantic clarifications and investigating the implications and relevance of this rule. We extend earlier results by establishing that the Hartwick rule does not indicate sustainability and does not require substitutability between man-made and naturalcapital. We use a new class of simple counterexamples (i) to obtain the novel finding that a negative value of net investments need not entail that utility is unsustainable, and (ii) to point out deficiencies in the literature.  相似文献   

企业社会责任理论上不应成为贸易壁垒,然而在现实中常常被发达国家作为贸易保护的借口而成为变相的贸易壁垒,并且日益成为当前可持续发展理念下影响我国外贸发展最难以跨越的障碍,不可小视。了解企业在国际贸易中容易遭遇的企业社会责任壁垒的影响,提出有针对性的应对策略,尤其是政府、行业协会和企业三方联动,有效地化解企业社会责任贸易壁垒,积极促进我国对外贸易。  相似文献   

This paper is on social capital and the meaning that Bourdieu has given to this concept in his Notes provisoires, published in 1980. He considered social capital as one of the most important forms of capital, along with economic capital and cultural capital. Even though he did not propose an explicit measure of social capital, so it remained in a conceptual state, he promoted an innovative research programme. Our contribution is to propose a generic method to empirically measure and test hypotheses on social capital, based on Bourdieu's work. We aim at creating an analytical framework that places this concept at the centre of the Bourdieusian theoretical approach. For this purpose, we combine two sociological tools that relate to two different sociological traditions, namely social network analysis and multiple correspondence analyses. Thus, our paper describes the ways to combine field and network analyses, and illustrates this with an empirical study.  相似文献   

This article presents a cross-country analysis of the influence of national culture on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure. We analyse the relationship between the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the sustainability disclosure with the GDP per capita (GDPPC) of 44 countries, using panel data with information based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. The governance effectiveness and the foreign direct investment are also included in the analysis. The results show that in countries with higher GDPPC, the CSR disclosure is negatively related to individualism and masculinity and positively related to uncertainty avoidance and indulgence. When focusing in countries with lower GDPPC, the results suggest that CSR disclosure is negatively related to power distance and positively related to uncertainty avoidance. Moreover, five of the six Hofstede’s cultural dimensions negatively affect sustainability disclosure in countries with middle GDPPC.  相似文献   

新环境资源价值论——兼论生态文明的价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新环境资源价值理论从提出到形成体系经历了一个动态发展的过程。以工业文明发展价值观为基础而建立起来的传统环境资源理论,不承认环境资源的价值,存在严重的缺陷;而新型环境资源价值论,敏锐地捕捉到了环境自然资源所具有的二重性价值,并以此确立了科学的生态文明发展之价值观。  相似文献   

国内文化生态研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章结合有关文献资料对国内关于文化生态的涵义、特点、功能、保护与发展等方面的研究成果加以梳理,指出其存在的不足,提出研究展望。  相似文献   

关于自然资源和环境的观点,循环经济与主流经济学并不矛盾.早在古典经济学时代自然资源和环境就被视作同土地和劳动一样具有稀缺性的生产要素,资源价值补偿一直是主流经济学研究的内容之一,而且循环经济的理论发展和实践推广也依赖主流经济学的研究方法和计量工具,因此二者的一致性远远大于分歧.  相似文献   

Although the history of the development of reliable testing instruments for economics goes back only a few years, the Test of Economic Understanding (TEU, 1963) and the Test of Understanding of College Economics (TUCE, 1967-1968) have already resulted in valuable measurements of student learning. Villard's critical appraisal of these tests, and of research based upon their use, summarizes where we now stand in the evaluation of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

我国出口贸易对生态环境影响的灰色关联分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章运用灰色关联分析法,分析我国1999~2006年十大出口行业排放的废气和固体废物量数据样本,认为我国出口贸易中对生态环境影响最大的行业是非金属矿物制品业和机械、电气、电子设备制造业、其次是纺织及制品业、采掘业和造纸及纸制品业,再次是化学原料及化学制品制造业.  相似文献   

This article develops a model of three faces of labor from Figart, Mutari, and Power’s three faces of wages. This is integrated with sustainability models to locate the process of human and social capital formation and explore issues arising from technological change. The latest wave of automation, involving robotics and artificial intelligence, is expected to be an even greater challenge for worker well-being than globalization and immigration. The model supports a new narrative around labor that incorporates the caring economy as well as a framework for thinking about labor issues and long-term well-being.  相似文献   

Trade sanctions on product exports are often used as measures for conservation of stocks of living resources. Two opposing approaches are investigated. The harvest approach argues that sanctions reduce the harvest, and thus protects the stock. It is shown that this does not consider the long run effects nor the effects of sanctions on the management system. The investment approach argues that increased price protects the stock, making the species a profitable investment. It is shown that this approach does not consider the asset effects of price changes, and that the sanctions usually increase the stock in an one species analysis. If the wildlife competes for land the conclusions may be different, but still sanctions usually works. If the manager has a joint management of several species, the stock effects of sanctions are ambiguous, depending on both the species interaction, and the profitability of the harvesting from each of them. In this case it is not possible to use intuitive reasoning, sanctions give distortions to all stocks simultaneously. The threat of extinction depends crucially on the unit cost in harvesting of depleted stocks. The paper concludes that trade policy is a too general measure for the management of living resources, and may implicate important economic distortions to the ecological system.This study is partially funded by the Research Council of Norway (Environment and Development). I thank Derek Clark, Tore Thonstad, Frode Steen and two anonymous referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

许多学者研究了金融生态环境的建设、改善问题.但对金融生态的另一个重要内容——金融要素之间的相互关系的研究相对比较缺乏。金融生态的改善.本质上是金融资源的优化配置.金融环境的改善也是为金融资源优化配置服务的。本文从金融生态的基本含义和内容入手.立足金融资源配置,分析了我国金融生态的现状.并提出了几点改善金融生态的政策思路。  相似文献   

城市的加速发展,一方面促进了社会经济效益的提升,另一方面也产生了生态环境负效应。生态失落是产生生态环境负效应,导致城市不可持续发展的主要根源。生态觉醒是实现城市可持续发展的思想基础。生态城市则是从生态觉醒到生态自觉所要追求的目标。生态城市建设需要完善的制度作为保障。  相似文献   

国外可持续土地整理的发展特征及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国土地整理最突出的问题是由于采用了一些不适当的技术措施而引发生态问题,从而损害了土地整理的可持续性,这已成为制约土地整理发展的主要因素之一。而国外土地整理正朝向综合化、生态化、规范化、科技化和多样化的方向发展。本文通过总结国外可持续土地整理的发展过程和特征,探讨了我国土地整理的目标定位、景观生态保护问题、法律保障、融资方式、公众参与和相关技术,并从土地整理应尽可能保持和提高土地的生产性能、降低工程活动对生态环境的损害、保证组织活动的经济可行性以及使公众接受并积极参与四个方面建立了我国可持续土地整理的判别标准。  相似文献   

以人为本是科学发展观的核心,它蕴含着丰富而深刻的生态思想。除了物质需要和精神需要外,人还具有基础性和复合性的生态需要;实现生态公平是解决当前生态危机的重要条件,人力资源的生态化是实现科学发展和建设高层次生态文明的核心所在。  相似文献   

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