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本报讯10月25日,世界客车博览会在的比利时开幕。厦门金旅携XML6121城际客车和XML6125混合动力公交车两款精品,在350平米的展台上尽释金旅客车的风采。作为车展的重头戏,厦门金旅在开幕式当天上午举行了新闻发布会,首次发布全球品牌主张TO BESMARTER。金旅公司副总经理吴伟诠释了TO BE SMAR TER的品牌主张。  相似文献   

By using a unique data set from the Turkish cement industry, we analyze the impact of privatization on the market value of rival firms. Privatization increases efficiency, which is bad news for rivals. But if an incumbent buys a state owned firm, this leads to a higher market concentration which is good news for rivals. We show that privatization leads to overall positive abnormal returns for rivals because the concentration effect outweighs the efficiency effect. Consistent with our theory, this effect is reinforced when the initial market concentration is high.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence relating search to price movements. We measure consumer search directly from traffic statistics for web sites that report gasoline prices. We show empirically that consumers search more as prices rise than they do when prices fall. Asymmetric search patterns have consequences for price behavior. Our findings indicate that retail margins are squeezed by increased search. In addition, we show that there is more price dispersion when prices are falling than when prices are either stable or rising. Our results provide a search‐based explanation for the ‘rockets and feathers’ phenomenon of asymmetric price adjustment.  相似文献   

BE型电除尘器适用于电力、建材、冶金、化工等行业的烟气净化和原材料回收,是消烟除尘、保护环境的一种理想设备.该除尘器的主要特点有:采用顶部电磁锤振打清灰,振打器隔离在烟尘之外,运行可靠,便于管理、维修,可实现不停机检修;采用小分区供电,有利于充分发挥电气性能,提高除尘效率;改进喇叭结构,使其不易积灰;前电场改用针刺线,后电场采用麻花线,以适应高浓度粉尘场所的除尘;将绝缘轴两端改为锥形结构,安装方便,运行可靠;采用吊打分开结构,传力效率比原来提高一倍多,并提高了绝缘子的使用寿命;划小振打区域,改进振打器配置,使其更合理,清灰效果更好.  相似文献   

相信诸位雷克萨斯的粉丝都知道雷克萨斯有一个“F”系列,它代表着雷克萨斯的高性能车系,“F”源自日本Fuji Speedway Circuit(宣士赛车场),它在设计方面体现了雷克萨斯的“愉悦”和“领先”特质。然而同门的其他Is系列却无法得到同等的优待。在改装的世界里,只有想不到的事,没有做不到的事。IS250同样可以变成“IS250F”。  相似文献   

东软TO C     
刘积仁决定带着东软从B市场,进入更为广阔的C市场。这是一场大变革,其间困难重重。东软该怎么做?  相似文献   

2013年4月20日,LEXUS雷克萨斯携旗下8大系列13辆车型亮相2013上海国际车展E6展馆,并正式向中国市场发布全新一代IS豪华运动型车。IS系列是LEXUS雷克萨斯领先驾驶乐趣的先锋之作,集合了超级跑车LFA的出色基因以及畅快淋漓的驾驶表现,为个性时尚的运动型族开辟了全新享驭境界。此次上市的全新一代IS包括IS250以及IS250FSPORT。  相似文献   

This paper studies whether newly created firms have higher injury rates than established firms. We use data on a large sample of single‐establishment firms in Pennsylvania from 2001–2005 to examine the relationship between firm age and the risk of lost workday injuries. Using the full set of firms, there appears to be little overall correlation between firm age and risk. If anything, newer firms appear less likely to have lost workday injuries. When we condition on having at least one injury reported in 2000, however, we find that in later years the injury risk of firms declines with age. This pattern is consistent with systematic underreporting of injuries by new firms.  相似文献   

A start-up engages in an investment portfolio problem by choosing how much to invest in a “non-rival” project and a “rival” project that threatens an incumbent. Anticipating its acquisition, the start-up distorts its investment portfolio in order to raise acquisition rents. This may improve or worsen the direction of innovation and consumer surplus. The bigger the difference in social surplus appropriability across the two projects, the more likely it is that the direction of innovation improves and consumers benefit from an acquisition. These results also hold if the acquirer takes over the research facilities of the start-up.  相似文献   

Does strategic planning enhance or impede innovation and firm performance? The current literature provides contradictory views. This study extends the resource‐advantage theory to examine the conditions in which strategic planning increases or decreases the number of new product development projects and firm performance. The authors test the theoretical model by collecting data from 227 firms. The empirical evidence suggests that more strategic planning and more new product development (NPD) projects lead to better firm performance. Firms with organizational redundancy benefit more from strategic planning than firms with less organizational redundancy. Increasing R&D intensity boosts both the number of NPD projects and firm performance. Strategic planning is more effective in larger firms with higher R&D intensity for increasing the number of NPD projects. The results reported in this study also consist of several findings that challenge the traditional views of strategic planning. The evidence suggests that strategic planning impedes, not enhances, the number of NPD projects. Larger firms benefit less, not more, from strategic planning for improving firm performance. Larger firms do not necessarily create more NPD projects. Increasing organizational redundancy has no effect on the number of NPD projects. These empirical results provide important strategic implications. First, managers should be aware that, in general, formal strategic planning decreases the number of NPD projects for innovation management. Improvised rather than planned activities are more conducive to creating NPD project ideas. Moreover, innovations tend to emerge from improvisational processes, during which the impromptu execution of NPD activities without planning spurs “thinking outside the box,” which enhances the process of creating NPD project ideas. Therefore, more flexible strategic plans that accommodate potential improvisation may be needed in NPD management since innovation‐related activities cannot be planned precisely due to the unexpected jolts and contingencies of the NPD process. Second, large firms with high levels of R&D intensity can overcome the negative effect of strategic planning on the number of NPD projects. Specifically, a firm's abundant resources, when allocated and deployed for NPD activities, signal the high priority and importance of the NPD activities and thus motivate employees to acquire, collect, and gather customer and technical knowledge, which leads to creating more NPD projects. Finally, managers must understand that managing strategic planning and generating NPD project ideas are beneficial to the ultimate outcome of firm performance despite the adverse relationship between strategic planning and the number of NPD projects.  相似文献   

结合组织进行ISO9000贯标认证工作的实际,论述了开展质量体系内部审核工作的重要性和意义,并就如何提高认识,做好内审及整改工作进行了阐述.分别介绍最佳的内审时机,编制内审计划,确立内审范围,依据和程序的内审准备工作,以及内审的组织安排,采取的动态、全面的审核方法等做法.  相似文献   

提升泵一般作为污水处理的关键设备,其运行状况直接影响着整个污水装置的平稳运行。山东东明石化污水处理装置建设于20世纪80年代,前、后两级提升集水池设计为半封闭式地下池,池深4.5m,泵房在集水池的上面,提升泵为LP型立式排污泵。在运行过程中该泵故障率高,维修精度要求高、费用高、难度大。1996年改为ZW型自吸泵,故障率虽有一定程度的降低,但开泵过程需要较长时间(10~30rain),操作复杂、性能不可靠。2004年采用低扬程、大流量、技术成熟的Is型清水泵作为污水提升泵(需自制储水罐),并在生产实践中获得了成功。改后开停泵时操作方便、运行平稳,很快在全公司范围内得到应用推广。  相似文献   

由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的JSO9000族标准,在世界范围内得到广泛地采用和推行,并对国际贸易和经济发展产生了巨大的影响.其原因就在于ISO9000族标准为企业质量管理提供了指南.特别是满足了国际贸易中对质量管理和质量保证要有共同语言和共同准则的需求,因而ISO9000族标准是质量评价和质量认证所依据的基础和准则.国务院先后发布的《质量振兴纲要(1996~2010年)》和《“九五”企业管理纲要(试行)》,分别提出了“建立健全全国的质量认证制度”,号召企业“积极贯彻GB/T19000—ISO9000族标准”、推动企业“积极创造条件争取通过认证机构的认证”,以及“积极推进质量认证的国际双边互认和多边互认”等要求.最近出台的《建筑法》也明确提出“国家对从事建筑活动的单位推行质量体系认证制度”.质量认证在我国社会主义市场经济建设和实现“两个根本转变”中的重要作用得到了充分的肯定.  相似文献   

1997年 4月,北京百花彩印有限公司经过严格审核,在印刷行业率先通过了 ISO9002质量体系的认证,实现了印刷行业质量体系认证零的突破。经过三年质量体系正常有效地运行,在不断完善和不断提高管理水平的基础上,百花彩印又于 2000年 5月,顺利通过 ISO9000标准质量体系认证中心的复评,确认了百花彩印继续保持质量体系认证资格。这标志着百花彩印在“以信誉赢得上帝、以质量赢得市场、以高新技术发展赢得最佳效益”为方针的质量管理、质量保证、质量控制方面,得到了持续稳定地正常发展。也意味着百花彩印利用科学的管理方法在规范化管…  相似文献   

中原油田做为特大型石油联合企业,拥有职工9万多人,近几年来,随着油气资源的减少,开发难度加大,直接影响到企业的生存和发展。为走出困境,中原油田进行了大力度的改革,并取得了初步成效,使得体制更加灵活,运行机制更加有效,企业管理更具有自己的特色,但各项管理基础工作亟待强化。如何强化?以什么为突破口来带动各项基础工作呢?我们认为,ISO 9000族标准的宣贯是最佳的选择。因为ISO 9000族标准是建立科学、规范的质量体系,强化各项管理的有效途径,其强调过程控制的思想、预防为主的思想、实施文件化质量体系的思想、持续质量改进的思想、满足顾客需要的思  相似文献   

自1993年中国正式开展质量体系认证工作以来,至今已有10年,对于质量体系认证来说,这10年是突飞猛进的10年,国内的众多企事业单位,对认证工作从一无所知、怀疑,到现在的普遍认同,可以说是思想上经历了突变.  相似文献   

<正>小组概况表1和表2为小组概况和小组成员表。选题理由美国BE550项目是我厂首次拿到出口美国钻机的最大订单。美国BE550用户代表NABORS及他们委托的第三方监造DNV专家一行数十人驻厂全程监造。  相似文献   

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