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According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the number of people who volunteered rose from 59.8 million in 2002 to 65.4 million in 2005. Those volunteering benefit from their activity in various ways; however, these benefits are non-pecuniary and are generally not recognized in the national economic accounts used to measure gross domestic product (GDP). This paper uses data from the 2002–05 Current Population Survey Volunteer Supplements to assign a dollar value to volunteering. Different methodologies yield annual estimates from $116 to $153 billion (in 2005 dollars) over the four years (between 0.9 and 1.3 percent of 2005 GDP). Additionally, characteristics of individuals most likely to volunteer are identified. The volunteer rate varies by demographic characteristics in addition to geographic location, labor force participation, and business sector. Furthermore, the data suggest that volunteering is a "normal good" because participation increases with income even after controlling for observables.  相似文献   

Abstract ** ** Résumé en fin d’article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al fin del artículo.
: What impacts would minimum capital requirements have on mutual institutions lacking the ability to raise equity capital? Can the response of credit unions to capital controls be explained by internal member bonding? The imposition of capital controls on credit unions by the Australian Financial Institutions Commission is studied as a Box‐Tiao time series quasi‐experiment. Time series intervention and trend analyses are performed on a sample of 150 credit unions over the period 1987 to 1997, together with cross‐sectional regressions of the estimated responses. The results demonstrate that the capital controls had a significant impact on credit union behavior. Consistent with theoretical expectations, the response of individual credit unions is found to be a function of initial capital levels and internal member bonding.  相似文献   

This study examines the specific motivation of college students to volunteer, based on the interpretation of volunteering as entailing both consumption and investment. Analysis of micro-level data, collected in an online survey from non-volunteers and volunteers on the RenDa Economics Forum, one of the main social networking sites in China, and from volunteers at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 in China, provides strong support for consumption-related motivation. However, we find no clear statistical evidence for the validity of the investment motive. Volunteering activities are found to play no significant role in determining future income when compared to other factors, such as test scores, gender, age, parents’ education, job location, and the type of employer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article explores alternative approaches for measuring the economic value of volunteer work, develops a methodology for producing global estimates of this value using existing data sources, and identifies a new data source that promises to yield significantly improved data on which to base such estimates in the future at both the global and national levels. Both volunteering through organizations and directly for individuals are considered. Different approaches to valuation, including the replacement cost, opportunity cost, and social benefits approaches and both observed and reported market proxies, are examined. Based on a number of criteria, the replacement cost method using observed market wages is recommended. Using this method, the article estimates that ‘volunteerland,’ if it were its own country, would have the second largest adult population of any country in the world, and would be the world's seventh largest economy. The article concludes by discussing a new International Labour Organization Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work that adopts the basic method for defining and valuing volunteer work outlined here and promises to generate a much more robust and coherent body of data on volunteer work than has ever been available both globally and nationally.  相似文献   

Theoretical models for credit unions advocate that such organizations should pursue a neutral orientation in order to accommodate the conflicting interests of borrower members, who seek lower interest rates, and saver members, who look for higher returns on their savings. However, there is a lack of empirical support for such neutrality in high interest rate environments. This is because under such conditions, credit unions could accomplish their social mission by providing microcredit at a lower interest rate to local communities, thus becoming more borrower‐dominated. This paper investigates the member group domination of credit unions in Brazil, a country known for its high interest rates, and finds that the majority of credit unions (78.34%) are borrower‐dominated. This behavior becomes more pronounced when local interest rates rise, contradicting the predictions of neutrality‐seeking models. A percentage increase in the interest rate, increases about 5 times the likelihood of a CU becoming extreme borrower‐dominated. Besides interest rates, age, lower size, capital and lower efficiency of the credit unions are the main determinants of borrower domination.  相似文献   

This article deals with the revealed value of volunteering. The revealed value approach is one way to determine the value of non‐market goods or services. Most studies focused on the value of volunteering have built their research on the presumption that there is no way to reveal the value of volunteering, and therefore proxies must be used. This research uses a plausibility probe case study to explore and identify revealed information about the value of volunteering. The research was conducted using data over a seven‐year period (2012–18) from ADRA, a large volunteer centre network in the Czech Republic that has 14 volunteer centres coordinating more than 2,500 volunteers in about 50 cities. I used the data about all the public funding of all the centres in this network between 2012 and 2018 in order to calculate the revealed value of volunteering from the perspective of various governmental institutions. I calculated the total value of volunteering, including financial grants, donations, and the value of volunteer hours. Interestingly, all three values were found within or slightly around the interval estimate of the value of volunteering.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** : Research into the benefits of mergers in small financial institutions, in particular credit unions, is sparse. This study helps to fill this gap by analyzing recent intense merger activity in New Zealand credit unions. The major driver for these mergers was not the usual reason of attempting to increase efficiency for competitive purposes but rather enforced government action. Data envelopment analysis is used to explore changes in efficiency in merged credit unions between 1996 and 2001. Those credit unions not involved in merger activity are used as a control group. Overall, credit unions have become more efficient over the period, notably in those that undertook mergers. The Malmquist index indicates significant technological progress over the period but a slight regression in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s financial sector regulation in Australia has treated credit unions and building societies the same as banks under the designated title of authorized depository institutions. This allows credit unions to choose between different organizational structures: cooperative; convert to customer‐owned banks or to demutualize. This article utilizes semi‐structured interviews to analyse the key motivations for organizational change. It examines a number of credit unions and their conversion experience to customer‐owned banks. It finds that adaptation of the credit union model was necessary to change customer perceptions, ensure future growth in the customer base and assets, and facilitate access to capital raisings with the credit rating of a bank. Despite this change customer‐owned banks retain the core principals of mutuality.  相似文献   

Tony Beatton 《Applied economics》2018,50(19):2190-2209
Volunteering is a dominant social force that signals a healthy state. However, although the literature on volunteering is extensive, knowledge on how life’s discontinuities (life and financial shocks) affect volunteering is limited because most studies work with static (cross-sectional) data. To reduce this shortcoming, we use longitudinal data from Australia (HILDA) that track the same individuals over time to assess how individuals from different income and wealth groups respond to life and financial shocks with respect to volunteering. Although both income and wealth can act as buffers against life shocks by providing stability and reducing vulnerability – which decreases the need to actually change behaviour patterns – we observe more heterogeneity than expected and also stickiness at the lowest income levels. Response delays in post-shock volunteering also suggest that volunteering habits may be driven and influenced by strong commitment and motivation that are not shattered by life or financial shocks. In fact, the amount of time spent volunteering tends to increase after negative income shocks and decrease after positive income shocks.  相似文献   

A critical question in the policy debate about payday lending is whether other financial institutions can plausibly provide attractive and lower‐priced substitutes for standard payday loans. I present several new pieces of evidence addressing the question, focusing on whether credit unions, which are often held as the strongest potential competitors to payday lenders, do (or might) viably compete in the payday loan market. National payday loan offerings by credit unions show that very few credit unions currently offer payday loans. Credit union industry reports suggest that those credit unions offering such loans seem unwilling or unable to undercut substantially the prevailing prices set by payday lenders. Those industry reports also reveal that lower‐priced credit union loans generally ration riskier borrowers out of the market by imposing greater restrictions on approval and repayment; risk‐adjusted prices for credit union payday loans may not be lower at all. Survey evidence suggests that most current payday borrowers prefer higher‐priced but less restrictive standard payday loans to lower‐priced but more restrictive alternatives offered by credit unions. The combined demand‐ and supply‐side evidence suggests that one should not expect credit unions (or by extension banks) to offer lower‐priced, higher‐quality alternatives for consumers who currently use payday loans. (JEL G2, L0, L5)  相似文献   

周杨  王征 《科技进步与对策》2011,28(15):154-156
随着时代的发展,企业逐步向知识型企业转变,组织治理问题和知识型员工激励问题成为新一轮研究热点。科研型组织具有高专用性人力资本、低权力距离、平衡性心理契约和高成就动机的特点,使得科研型组织的管理和激励存在很强的复杂性。以比较优势理论为基础,分析科研型组织员工的禀赋特征,从科研型组织员工心理状态出发,选取高成就动机的激励理论模型,以进入权作为主要激励因素,总结出一套适合于科研型组织治理的权变激励机制,为高新企业的治理提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

The effects of voluntary work on earnings have recently been studied for some developed countries such as Canada, France and Austria. This paper extends this line of research to Italy, using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU‐SILC) dataset. A double methodological approach is used in order to control for unobserved heterogeneity: Heckman and IV methods are employed to account for unobserved worker heterogeneity and endogeneity bias. Empirical results show that, when the unobserved heterogeneity is taken into account, a wage premium of 2.7 percent emerges, quite small if compared to previous investigations on Canada and Austria. The investigation into the channels of influence of volunteering on wages gives support to the hypotheses that volunteering enables the access to fruitful informal networks, avoids the human capital deterioration and provides a signal for intrinsically motivated individuals.  相似文献   

At present there are 597 credit unions operating within the UK with their growth, be it defined in term of new credit union establishment, asset growth or membership growth, placing them as the fasting growing financial grouping in the UK over this last decade.
The fundamental motivation of a credit union is to provide financial services to its membership, in particular a depository for savings and an access to consumer credit. As a practical problem there are, however, a number of reasons why credit unions may achieve a less than perfect balance in the treatment of borrowers and savers. For example, maintaining low loan rates may reduce the credit union's ability to offer high dividend rates while the maintenance of high dividend rates may require higher loan rates. Consequently, the competing pull of these two objectives may result in the emergence of conflict between those credit union members who on the one hand are net savers and those that are net borrowers. If such conflict does emerge it is then likely to place in jeopardy other aspects of a credit union's function most notably their role as financial counsellors and promoters of thrift within low income communities.
The approach taken in this study is to derive an index of member group imbalance and then to employ this index to determine whether member group imbalance has an adverse impact upon the generation of total benefits by individual credit unions. The analysis demonstrates that there is a strong pro-borrower bias in the operation of UK credit unions with this pro-borrower bias driven by the regulatory environment within which they operate.  相似文献   

We model the search for volunteers as a war of attrition. Every player is tempted to wait for someone else to volunteer for the tasks. When tasks are not equivalent, it may be optimal to volunteer quickly to perform an easy task. We analyze the trade-off between volunteering for an easy task and taking the risk of having to perform a more strenuous task in order to get the chance of avoiding all tasks. When the cost of waiting is borne by agents until every task has found a volunteer, we show that it may be optimal to volunteer for the difficult task even if an easier task is available, in order to speed up the process and reduce the costs of waiting.  相似文献   

Abstract ** :  The unique characteristics of credit unions reduces the information asymmetry that is prevalent in credit making decisions, enabling them to provide loans where other financial institutions cannot. This makes them a potential tool in the fight against financial exclusion. Yet, the UK credit union movement is not regarded as being successful, even though there is evidence of much financial exclusion. This study is cross sectional in form, and evaluates characteristics that may contribute to the success of the UK credit union movement at national and regional level, in 2000. The findings are used to consider the impact of recent regulatory changes on the movement. The key findings are that there is a significant relationship between the success of a credit union, its size and the deprivation of the ward from which it sources its members. More specifically, larger credit unions and those located in more affluent wards, are more successful. Affiliation to the Irish League of Credit Unions and having a common bond of occupation, are also found to be contributing factors to credit union success. These results are taken as providing support for the recent changes implemented by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), which is likely to result in the emergence of larger credit unions (through mergers), run by appropriately qualified persons, serving a more mixed‐income membership base. It is, however, noted that the history of the UK movement is one of missed opportunities and only time will tell whether credit unions have the wherewithal to accept current opportunities .  相似文献   

The structure of the credit union industry has been transformed by regulatory changes and the subsequent switch by many credit unions to community and multiple-bond fields of membership. This study explores the impact of these trends by testing for differences in risk across credit unions with different field-of-membership types. In tests for differences in risk of bankruptcy and of breaching regulatory standards, risk is found to be greater for credit unions with broader field-of-membership types. These differences in risk appear to derive from greater earnings volatility and lower ROA and net-worth ratios at community and multiple-bond credit unions. These differences in risk decline with greater asset size. Evidence is also presented that credit unions that switched from single-bond institutions to broader field-of-membership types now operate with greater risk.  相似文献   

This study employs a novel experimental paradigm to examine crowdout effects in volunteering. Using a framework modelled upon money donation experiments, we examine the impact of ‘forced’ volunteering on the amount of time volunteered. We find that subjects exposed to forced volunteering on the mean voluntarily donate less time than subjects in the control condition. Among religious subjects, the crowdout is 52.8%, suggesting warm-glow giving. Among non-religious subjects, the crowdout is 138%, implying altruistic giving. Thus, policies mandating volunteer activity may be associated with sizeable crowdout effects and might have heterogeneous effects across subpopulations.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationship between social interaction amongst volunteers working for non-profit organizations and their satisfaction with what they are doing. Drawing on the literature on social capital, we apply social network theories so as to represent various kinds of interaction. We then specify a CATREG model to pick up the effects of goal-specific social capital on volunteer satisfaction. We test our hypotheses on a population of 100 volunteers in a non-profit organization. The empirical evidence we collect reports that benefits of co-working relationships, like the opportunity to acquire competences or the involvement in decision making, affect levels of satisfaction more than any outcomes of solidarity interaction.  相似文献   

Credit Unions and the Supply of Insurance to Low Income Households   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract ** :  Credit unions are typically viewed as financial intermediaries that differ from commercial banks only in terms of their institutional structure. This ignores their historical development as mutual self‐help societies. The distinctive feature of a credit union is taken in this paper to be the provision of insurance – membership gives access to credit in the event of a negative income shock. Banks do not provide such loans because of the low credit worthiness of such borrowers. The application of the model to those credit unions designated as low‐income in the US allows them to be broken up into distinct types .  相似文献   

人力资源管理实践与企业绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略人力资源管理的普适观认为人力资源管理实践对企业绩效存在直接效应,但在中国情境下是否各项实践对企业绩效的直接效应都显著,还有待做进一步的实证研究。本文基于205家企业的调查数据,采用结构方程模型对人力资源管理的"选"、"育"、"用留"实践与员工保留、企业财务绩效的关系进行了检验。结果显示:"选"实践对员工保留的负向直接效应显著;"用留"实践对员工保留、企业财务绩效的正向直接效应都显著;员工保留在"用留"实践影响企业财务绩效时发挥部分中介作用。研究结果说明:在中国企业中,薪酬、绩效考核、工作轮换实践是降低员工流失率、提高企业财务绩效的主要人力资源管理实践;招聘与选择实践使用不当,将致使员工主动离职。  相似文献   

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