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This article develops and estimates an equilibrium model of charter school entry, school input choices, and student school choices. The structural model renders a comprehensive and internally consistent picture of treatment effects when there may be general equilibrium effects of school competition. Simulations indicate that the mean effect of charter schools on attendant students is positive and varies widely across locations. The mean spillover effect on public school students is small but positive. Lifting caps on charter schools would more than double entry but reduce gains for attendant students.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of public expenditure on production activity and private consumption activity. An input-output model with consumption functions connected is used for evaluating the repercussions of public expenditure. Taking both production and consumption repercussions into account, it is concluded that in the year 1965 public expenditure generated 26 percent of domestic incomes and 18 percent of imports. Viewed in terms of the shares of different types of income generated, 72 percent of public expenditure goes to domestic income, and the remaining 28 percent to imports. Forty-five percent of public expenditure returns directly as income to general government. The study also examines the effects of public expenditure by industry and over time (1959 to 1965).  相似文献   

最低工资制度是政府通过法律手段保障低工资工人的收入、维护劳动者最基本的权益而对劳动力市场进行人为干预的一种政策选择,它对就业的影响引起了人们的广泛争议。本文利用我国2000-2010年30个省市自治区的面板数据,以最低工资制度最为直接的影响人群--其他人员的就业作为研究对象,采用可行的广义最小二乘(FGLS)方法考察了该制度对我国就业的影响。实证研究的结果表明,我国的最低工资水平相对于社会平均工资每提高10%,其他人员的就业在社会总就业中的比重下降约为23%,敏感性分析和动态回归把弹性范围扩大到-009~-029,这与国际上早期的时间序列研究的结论基本一致,这表明我国的最低工资制度对我国其他人员的就业产生了负面影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the minimum wage on employment, focusing on women in their 20s and 30s, who are known to be typical low‐wage workers in Japan. The results, based on a panel estimation, suggest that the minimum wage has a measurable impact on employment; the workers whose current wage is below the revised minimum wage are about 20–30 percentage points less likely to be employed in the following year than comparable low‐wage workers who are not affected by the revision of the minimum wage. The estimation results are sensitive to the choice of the control group. (JEL J23, J38, J88)  相似文献   

Physical inactivity is considered a major public health problem. We analyze participation in physical activity using data from a nationally representative sample of individuals in 1998 and 2000 augmented with additional state-level data on government spending on parks and recreation. We find considerable variation in participation and time spent in physical activity across different groups of physical activity. Spending on parks and recreation increases participation in group sports but reduces participation, and time spent, in walking for exercise, suggesting that parks and recreation spending may not be an effective policy tool for increasing physical activity. ( JEL I200, I120, I180, L830)  相似文献   

This paper integrates survey data on economists' experiences and perceptions of plagiarism with a game‐theoretic model of author strategies to investigate whether information is being efficiently transmitted within the profession. The surveys reveal editorial misperceptions of the nature of plagiarism (e.g., plagiarism versus copyright infringement) and narrow assumptions about who bears the cost of plagiarism. Further, a wide disparity in author strategies to protect intellectual property rights exists, due to uncertainty over editorial response. These considerations are shown to lead to a Pareto‐dominated publication process. By contrast, simple measures such as a code of ethics and web‐based anti‐plagiarism software can improve the flow of information.  相似文献   

我国省级市场竞争态及其转移模型应用研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
周旗  赵景波 《经济地理》2004,24(2):167-171
市场经济体制下区域经济发展战略的制定,必须以准确的市场分析与把握为前提。依据市场占有率和增长率的双指标组合,构建出一个能综合定量描述区域经济市场竞争格局的动态模型,据此将区域经济市场划分为明星市场、金牛市场、幼童市场和瘦狗市场4种类型,并指出市场竞争态的转移规律包括增长型、稳定型、波动型、衰退型4种模式,以发展的观点对区域经济市场的演变进行研究,为区域经济规划提供依据。应用这一模型,对我国31个省级区域的经济发展竞争态进行定量计算和分析,并以山东、湖北和陕西为例,对东、中、西部地区的区域经济发展进行趋势模拟和预测。  相似文献   

Trade data from 1977 and 1985 suggest that, on average, service industries with the greatest trade-related employment gains tend to be more skill-intensive and that such industries employ relatively more women and minorities than do service industries experiencing the least trade-related employment gains. Three important qualifiers temper these findings: (i) Compared to whites, minorities—particularly blacks—have lower probability of increased employment in trade-enhanced service industries. (ii) Unlike whites or Hispanics, skilled black workers are more likely to be employed in service industries experiencing the least trade-related employment gains. (iii) On an industry by industry basis, no consistent relationship appears to exist between skill intensity and level of trade-related employment. The latter finding supports the view that service industry comparative advantage is industry-specific .  相似文献   

王良健  钟春平 《经济地理》2004,24(2):158-161,166
全球化对于相对封闭的国家和区域而言可视为一种外部冲击,这种冲击会对消费结构、市场、政府及宏观经济产生影响。这种冲击的必要性和可能的效应源于个体效用函数。基于微观假设的多重效应可以在宏观上得以映证。选取外贸及人口密度等指标对中国各省市的实证分析表明,外部冲击的强弱会对经济增长产生不同的影响,而这种冲击的内在机制在于竞争机制。  相似文献   

传统经济学基于理性“经济人”基础,认为公地悲剧问题是个体理性选择的必然结果,公共品供给需采取与个体真实公共品偏好相兼容的激励机制,并由政府承担供给角色。实验经济学研究则提供个体异质社会偏好的稳健性证据,并在合适的惩罚、沟通交流和声誉等机制下提供诸多可以实现公共品自愿供给的实验证据,表明群体或自愿组织也可作为公共品供给主体。这些公共品实验研究为现实公共治理创新提供更为科学的偏好基础和公共治理思路。  相似文献   

本文利用一个全国代表性数据库,计算了2003—2013年间城镇劳动力市场就业结构变动情况,并从人口学视角进行了变动原因的分解分析。本文发现过去十年我国技术进步并没有带来显著的劳动参与率下降。相反,除了常规操作性工作,其他三类就业占比都在增长。增长原因既有人口结构变化带来的“结构效应”,也有需求变动带来的“倾向效应”。从绝对值看,由于目前我国常规性就业占比仍然远大于美国,这意味着如果人工智能等技术大力推进,仍然可能对我国劳动力市场带来更大冲击。因此,笔者也参照已有文献做法估计了我国就业中可能被替代的潜在数量和比例,以及未来行业间就业转换的方向。基于这些计算和讨论,本文对当前技术进步采纳及就业应对提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

This study estimates empirically the employment effects if stronger tobacco control policies result in reduced consumption in South Africa. Since 1995, the government has committed itself to a stronger tobacco control policy and increased excise taxes. Yet policy makers are sensitive to the need to pursue this public health policy in a way that will minimize job losses. This study uses input-output methodology and four expenditure scenarios to estimate output and employment effects following such policies. The analysis suggests that net employment effects will be positive if consumption expenditure is switched from tobacco to other goods and services in the economy. Further, this study suggests that these policy implications for tobacco control and public health hold, if a country has a self-sufficient industry like South Africa. (JEL 118, D57)  相似文献   

This paper explores governments' and private agents' incentives to implement or postpone fiscal structural reform attempts. Both fiscal consolidation and fiscal reorganization often create spillover effects and thereby induce free‐riding problems. It is thus important to cope with the free‐riding behaviour of interest groups. It is often argued that in order to attain successful outcomes, a good macroeconomic situation is needed, since we expect positive income effects. In this paper, we first explain the dynamic aspects of insufficient fiscal consolidation due to free‐riding problems in the framework of private provision of public goods. Then, using a static model between central and local governments, we examine the sign of income effects for reform attempts to pursue fiscal reorganization. It is shown that good economic circumstances do not necessarily enhance reform of reorganizing fiscal expenditures, although it could enhance fiscal reconstruction.  相似文献   

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