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In estimating intangible investment in Japan at the industry level, we find a high intangible investment/gross value added ratio in the information technology (IT) sector and negative growth rates in intangible capital in 13 industries over the decade from 2000. When we examine the impacts of intangible investment on total factor productivity growth, we find a significant and positive effect on total factor productivity growth in the market economy. In a revised estimation that considers intertemporal knowledge spillovers, the estimated rate of return on intangibles in the IT sector is quite high after the IT revolution. The results imply that intangible assets have been underinvested in the IT sector.  相似文献   

This study derives performance‐ and expenditure‐based estimates of intangible capital and measures the extent to which intangible capital is captured by the equity market measures of firm value. Intangible capital is evaluated using occupational information available in the Finnish linked employer–employee data for the 1997–2011 period. The performance‐based organizational investment in value added is approximately 3 percent; R&D and ICT investment shares are lower, at 1.5 percent, and all are clustered in intangible‐intensive sectors that represent 40 percent of the private sector. Expenditure‐based organizational capital also exists in clusters other than that intensively investing in managerial and marketing effort, and performance‐based R&D capital is concentrated in the cluster with intensive R&D activity; both increase the market value of firms beyond the level that can be explained by standard economic analysis.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new intangible investment database that is consistent and internationally comparable for a set of 60 economies over the period 1995–2011. I find that over time a growing share of total investment consists of intangible assets, rather than investment in tangible assets, like machinery and buildings. Across countries, the level of economic development of a country is positively associated with its investment intensity in intangibles. By including intangible capital as an additional production factor, this paper finds that we can account for substantially more of the variation in cross‐country income levels. Depending on the assumptions regarding the output elasticities of factor inputs, the observed differences in intangible capital can account for up to 16 percentage points of the cross‐country income variation.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s the Swedish economy experienced a severe economic and financial crisis which resulted in a substantial GDP decrease. Even though the crisis was not a complete surprise for many economists, almost no one expected that the Swedish economy would be prospering with booming productivity growth only a few years later. Economists have presented three explanations for the fast recovery and productivity growth in 1995–2006: market reforms, crisis recovery, and the impact of ICT. This paper offers an alternative view, emphasizing instead firms' substantial investment in intangible assets such as R&D, design, and advertising. Based on the growth accounting framework, intangible capital accounted for more than 30 percent of the labor productivity growth in the Swedish business sector from 1995 to 2006. Thus, Swedish TFP growth, one of the highest among OECD countries, is reduced substantially when investment in intangibles is included in the growth accounting analysis.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effect of sub‐national institutions on the economic performance of Russia's regions (oblasts, republics, krais and okrugs) from 2001 to 2008, a period of rapid economic advancement and recentralization. Approximating sub‐national institutions with the RA Expert index of investment risk, we find that a reduction in investment risk by one standard deviation increases output by 1.4 percent in the short run and 11.9 percent in the long run, suggesting a substantial regional performance gap in government practices, despite intensive political recentralization. Assuming that the main components of effective governance are running satisfactory public health programmes aimed at decreasing overall mortality among the working‐age population, creating fair labour market conditions and improving the regional institutional climate to encourage investment in fixed assets, we argue that sub‐national institutions remain important for growth in post‐Soviet Russia after 2000. This paper contributes to the literature on institutional persistence.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the economic value in the 1980s and 1990s of corporate assets in Japan, including both tangible and intangible assets, based on the neoclassical framework of McGrattan and Prescott (2005). Our estimates use a new micro-data set that comprises the accounting statements of all listed, non-financial companies in Japan. We find that in 1980–1986, a period that immediately preceded Japan?s so-called “bubble economy”, our assessed value of corporate productive assets, net of the value of corporate debt, is approximately equal to the actual stock market value of Japanese corporate equity. The finding differs from previous results based on studies of aggregate data sets or based on studies of micro-data sets that neglected intangible capital. We also show that the Japanese ratio of the amount of intangible capital stock to the amount of tangible capital stock is comparable to the analogous ratios for the U.S. and U.K.  相似文献   

信息需求与IT投资的商业价值:组织资本视角的审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国企业对信息技术(简称IT)的投资巨大,已成为世界各大IT厂商的主要市场之一,但国内学术界和企业对IT投资对企业绩效的作用机理研究甚少。本文认为,IT投资是为了满足企业的信息需求,而企业的信息需求充分体现在组织资本的信息本质中,因此,IT投资的商业价值在于它促进了组织资本的形成和积累,并通过组织资本对组织的价值创造和价值增长产生有力的促进作用。本文力图帮助企业理解IT投资对企业绩效的作用机理,从而能够采取合理的IT投资策略以最大化IT投资的商业价值。  相似文献   

Financialization challenges Karl Polanyi’s thesis of double movement, the thesis that efforts to extend the market evoke efforts to protect humans, nature, and means of production from market forces. Financialization refers to the increased power of financial institutions. The government protects the incomes and assets of financial institutions, but it does little to protect the incomes and assets of households, which are necessary for people to afford healthcare, education, emergencies, retirement, and so on. Polanyi criticized nineteenth-century civilization for transforming land, labor, and the means of production into commodities, using economic insecurity to motivate humans. The development of intangible property allowed business to expand the market in two ways: (i) restricting output to drive up profits and (ii) liquefying consumer assets to provide credit to consumers to increase spending. The implications of that process manifested themselves in the financial crisis of 2008. Market capitalism represented the attempt to organize commodities based on economic rationality. Similarly, the twentieth- and twenty-first-century capitalism represents the effort to “rationally” organize society according to the value of intangible assets. Both efforts failed, indicating the continued relevance of Polanyi’s thesis.  相似文献   

在纵向关联市场中,市场势力和资产专用性是企业创新研发投入的重要影响因素。基于2012-2016年我国121家医药制造业上市公司微观数据,从买方与卖方双重视角探究市场势力、资产专用性与企业创新研发投入的关系。结果表明:买方势力、卖方势力与企业研发投入之间均呈现“倒U型”关系,即当买卖双方市场势力较小时,市场势力对企业研发投入的正向“激励效应”占主导地位;在市场势力超过一定水平后,市场势力对企业研发投入的负向“挤出效应”占主导地位,且相比于专用性资产投资强度较低的医药企业而言,卖方势力与买方势力对具有高资产专用性强度的医药企业研发投入所产生的“倒U型”影响更为显著。  相似文献   

The right to private property was first written into the Constitution of the People's Republic of China in March 2004. This study takes advantage of the 2004 amendment and uses a difference‐in‐differences approach to empirically test the impact of private property rights security on investment patterns and thereby on asset structure. Employing the Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database from 2000 to 2007 to implement the analysis, we find that private property rights security has not only led enterprises to boost investment in both fixed assets and intangible assets but also induced them to allocate available resources more towards intangible assets. We address two potential concerns about our empirical design.  相似文献   

张樊  王冲 《经济与管理》2005,19(10):73-76
针对中国上市公司对无形资产管理的现状,结合无形资产特点,对中国部分上市公司的无形资产投资进行了实证分析,并对无形资产投资前提、投资额及投资时机进行了研究,以此来构建一个无形资产投资体系。  相似文献   

居民储蓄与投资选择:金融资产发展的含义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对我国银行储蓄高企的原因进行探讨,认为单纯从消费角度解释与消化居民银行储蓄是不适当的,化解高储蓄的另一有效方式在于发展准储蓄替代产品、拓展金融投资渠道.金融资产的不确定性增强了储蓄的价值,银行储蓄高企与居民直接投资所受的约束密切相关.我国现阶段低风险资产的缺乏,以及风险资产的广度和深度难以配比居民的投资选择,产生强制性银行储蓄,是现在储蓄高企的重要原因.因此,有必要反思传统的投融资方式,大力培育储蓄替代型金融资产,加快金融体制改革.  相似文献   

Following the approach of Corrado, Hulten, and Sichel (2005, 2006 ), we measure intangible investment and examine the contribution of intangible capital to economic growth in Japan. We find that the ratio of intangible investment to GDP in Japan has risen during the past 20 years and now stands at 11.1 percent, which is lower than the ratio estimated for the U.S. in the early 2000s. The ratio of intangible to tangible investment in Japan is also lower than equivalent values estimated for the U.S. In addition, we find that, in stark contrast to the U.S., where intangible capital grew rapidly in the late 1990s, the growth rate of intangible capital in Japan declined from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Our conclusions regarding intangible investment in Japan remain largely unchanged even if, using data with respect to firm-specific resources, we take on-the-job training into account.  相似文献   

周慧 《技术经济》2006,25(7):94-96
无形资产作为企业的一项经济资源,是企业竞争能力的主要表现和创造价值的源泉。无形资产分析评价是无形资产管理的重要环节。本文论述了无形资产分析评价的目的和特点,对无形资产分析评价的内容框架和指标,从投入、产出和价值等方面提出了构想,最后分析了分析评价中要注意的问题。  相似文献   

高技术中小企业间接融资方略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国高技术中小企业在间接融资市场上面临资产信用严重不足、财产可抵押物少、抵押难等阻碍。美英距离型模式比较日德关系型在建立良性循环的间接融资体系方面具有明显优势。我国高技术产业间接融资的发展模式应当以较为完善的间接融资风险分担体系为目标指向,以美英距离型间接融资模式为基本模式指向,并建立以信用担保机构和中介组织向银行担保为主、个人资产担保为辅助的担保体系。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment and Enterprise Restructuring in Central Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Foreign direct investment is at the forefront of economic policy decisions in Central Europe, as it is expected to accelerate enterprise restructuring and aid in the successful transition to a market economy. This paper contains a panel data study of the effects of FDI in 11 different manufacturing sectors within three Central European economies: Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. We find evidence that FDI has increased labour productivity levels in most manufacturing sectors. We are able to differentiate between sectors with a high elasticity of substitution between labour and capital and those that are inelastic. We have also presented evidence to support the theory that the impact on labour productivity is predominantly due to the intangible assets introduced by foreign firms, rather than simply the fixed capital investment associated with FDI.  相似文献   

对北京市房地产开发投资、固定资产投资、商品房销售情况进行量化分析,并计算地价与GDP、物价增长率的相关指标,据此分析北京市房地产市场的经济波动状况以及泡沫情况,并从价格预期、土地稀缺性、流动性膨胀、银行信贷非理性膨胀、税收政策几个方面对影响泡沫形成的因素进行分析,为相关市场参与者提供相关依据。  相似文献   

无形资产的无形特征,使得无形资产市场中的信息不对称问题更加严重,制约了无形资产市场的发展。本文对无形资产信息不对称问题的研究文献进行了综述,对无形资产信息不对称的现象、后果及根源进行了分析,并总结了改进无形资产计量和信息披露的相关研究成果,最后提出改善无形资产信息不对称问题进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Despite the apparent importance of the "knowledge economy," U.K. macroeconomic performance appears unaffected: investment rates are flat, and productivity has slowed. We investigate whether measurement issues might account for this puzzle. The standard National Accounts treatment of most spending on "knowledge" or "intangible" assets is as intermediate consumption. Thus they do not count as either GDP or investment. We ask how treating such spending as investment affects some key macro variables, namely, market sector gross value added (MGVA), business investment, capital and labor shares, growth in labor and total factor productivity (TFP), and capital deepening. We find: (a) MGVA was understated by about 6 percent in 1970 and 13 percent in 2004; (b) instead of the business investment/MGVA ratio falling since 1970 it has been rising; (c) instead of the labor share being flat since 1970 it has been falling; (d) growth in labor productivity and capital deepening has been understated and growth in TFP overstated; and (e) TFP growth has not slowed since 1990 but has been accelerating.  相似文献   

本文从中美两国经济的本质性差异出发,通过刻画中国外汇储备对外投资的"循环路径",构建了包括央行、金融市场和实体经济的斯塔克尔伯格及古诺模型,进而模拟出中国外汇储备对外投资对本国经济的间接贡献、合意的外汇储备投资组合,以及最优外汇储备投资规模。研究结果表明,中国外汇储备投资于美国风险资产的规模将影响外汇储备间接转化为美国对中国FDI的比例。同时,中国央行外汇储备规模及投资策略对危机时期的反应不足。改变外汇储备投资收益的主要方法包括降低居民的相对风险回避系数,通过政策引导促进居民消费,以及大力发展中国金融市场,降低对美国金融市场的依赖程度。  相似文献   

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