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There exist two main channels of the monetary transmission mechanism: the interest rate and the bank lending channel. This paper focuses on the latter, which is based on the central bank’s actions that affect loan supply and real spending. The supply of loans depends on the monetary policy indicator, which, in most studies, is the real short-term interest rate. The question investigated in this paper is how the operation of the bank lending channel changes when this short-term indicator is allowed to be endogenously determined by the target rate the central bank sets through a monetary rule. We examine the effect that a rule has on the bank lending channel in European banking institutions spanning the period 1999–2009. The expectations concerning inflation and output affect the decision of the central bank for the target rate, which, in turn, affect private sector’s expectations —commercial banks— by altering their loan supply.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the transmission mechanism is a key requirement for central banks for successful implementation of monetary policy. This paper investigates the existence of the interest rate channel, exchange rate channel and asset price channel in Vietnam by employing a vector autoregressive model analysis using monthly data ranging from 2003M1 to 2012M12. The results from the analysis present evidence for a cost channel. However, we find no evidence for the existence of an exchange rate channel or asset price channel of monetary transmission in Vietnam.  相似文献   

This paper re-designs the New Keynesian model developed by Ireland (2004 Ireland, P. N. (2004). Technology shocks in the New Keynesian model. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 923936. doi: 10.1162/0034653043125158[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and then uses the Vietnamese data from January 1995 to December 2012 to estimate the model's parameters. The empirical results show that the State Bank of Vietnam had been more aggressive as well as more responsive to aggregate fluctuations in the period before August 2000 than in the latter period. Thus, this change in the policy stance could be a potential reason for the declining importance of monetary policy in generating movements in output growth, inflation, interest rate, and the output gap across the subsamples. Another notable finding is the dominant role of the cost-push shock in explaining fluctuations in inflation, interest rate, and the output gap, leading to a policy implication that more attention should be devoted to developing substitute and complement industries so as to mitigate negative effects of the cost-push shocks by reducing the degree of dependence on imports.  相似文献   

构建动态面板模型,利用System-GMM方法,对2004-2010年28家主要城市商业银行的异质性、信贷决策与货币政策传导关系进行了实证研究。结果显示,盈利能力、资本水平和存款规模对城商行信贷增速起到了明显的支撑作用,但其信贷发放表现出强烈的惯性扩张,风险没有得到有效控制,流动性管理能力明显不足。在盈利能力、存款规模和风险控制上有优势的城商行,能更好地调整信贷发放,降低货币政策的负面冲击。  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical investigation of the transmission of monetary policy in South Korea. It combines modern mainstream macroeconomics with aspects of a developing economy with financial dualism through a simple IS-LM type model that explicitly incorporates an informal credit market. Vector autoregression analysis, with both semistructural and structural identifications, confirms the importance of a credit variable as a policy tool. The results show direct credit allocation by the central bank had a significant impact on output, prices, and the interest rate in the informal sector. Previous theoretical and empirical findings of "stagflationary" effects of monetary policy are refuted.  相似文献   


We examine in this paper the importance of banks’ behavior in the transmission of the monetary policy to the real economy. Monthly data from eight economies in transition that recently became members of the European Union and the techniques of cointegration and Error Correction models are used, in order to investigate the relationship between intermediation margin spread (IMS, official lending rate minus deposit rate) and industrial production. Given the low development of corporate bond market and the dependence of non-financial agents on banking credits, we find that in many countries the IMS is an important leading indicator of industrial production. However, in countries characterized by credit access constraints (Estonia and Latvia) evidence for the traditional money channel is found. Evidence for both money and credit channels is found in Poland and Hungary. These results imply that a common monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank may be transmitted in different ways across the new members of the enlarged European Union with different effects on real output in each country.  相似文献   

Using Indonesian Islamic banking data from 2003 to 2014, this article employs a panel regression methodology to investigate the responses of Islamic banks to changes in financing rates and monetary policy, which may differ depending on their characteristics. The results suggest that the financing rate has a negative impact on financing at Islamic banks, while bank‐specific characteristics have a positive influence on it. The size and amount of capital have a greater impact than liquidity on financing at Islamic banks. However, changes in monetary policy are insignificant on bank financing, which implies that the transmission of monetary policy through the Islamic segment of the banking sector is weak. Furthermore, the weak impact of monetary policy on bank financing can be explained by the dramatic expansion of Islamic banks during the sample period, which contributed to a substantial increase in deposit growth and a high liquidity position.  相似文献   

我国货币政策传导机制的实证分析   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
孙明华 《财经研究》2004,30(3):19-30
理论上货币政策的传导主要有货币渠道和信贷渠道两种途径,但国内学者对于不同渠道的货币政策传导效果存在一定的分歧.本文运用单位根检验、协整检验、格兰杰因果关系检验、向量自回归模型等技术,对我国从1994年第一季度至2003年第一季度期间的货币政策传导机制进行实证分析,从而找出M1、LOAN和GDP以及M2、LOAN和GDP之间的稳定关系,证明了目前在我国,货币政策是通过货币渠道而不是信贷渠道对实体经济产生影响的.  相似文献   

Russian monetary policy has failed persistently to achieve sustained low inflation, both in absolute terms and relative to the peer group of countries similarly exiting from Soviet-style central planning. This paper explores the reasons for this state of affairs by analysing the kind of monetary policy that has been pursued by the central bank during the period 1995 to 2009. Our contribution is to search for a possible transmission channel between the real interest rate, inflation rate, exchange rate, output growth and foreign reserve growth, after having controlled for the effect of oil price inflation. Using a vector autoregressive model in error-correction form and using sign restrictions methodology, we show that the monetary authorities’ failure to abate double-digit inflation appears to be driven by the policy of exchange rate targeting, as reflected in our identified exchange rate shocks.  相似文献   

This paper concerns theory and evidence of the monetary transmission mechanisms. Current research has deeply investigated factors, such as dependence of firms on bank credit, that amplify the impact of monetary policy impulses on aggregate demand exerting strong but temporary effects on output and employment. We present an intertemporal macroeconomic equilibrium model of a competitive economy where current production is financed by bank credit, and then we use it to identify supply–side effects of the credit transmission mechanism in data drawn from the Italian economy. We find evidence that the 'credit variables' identified by the model – the overnight rate as a proxy of monetary policy and a measure of credit risk – have permanent effects on employment and output by altering credit supply conditions to firms.
To save on space, mathematical proofs, statistical tests and data sources have been gathered in two separate appendices that can be examined on request.
(J.E.L.: E2, E5).  相似文献   

马理  张琴  黄帆帆 《技术经济》2013,(2):124-131
利用2004年1月至2011年3月中国大陆31个省(自治区、直辖市)的月度数据,建立结构向量自回归模型,利用脉冲响应函数,对我国货币政策的省际传导渠道和传导效果进行实证研究。结果表明:我国货币政策的传导效果——无论从政策工具到中介目标,还是从中介目标到实体经济,都存在明显的省际差异。依据实证结果,从稳物价、促增长和缩小地区间差距等方面,对构建差别化货币政策的实施体系提出建议。  相似文献   

西方经济学所说货币政策传导机制,包括利率渠道、资产价格渠道即利率渠道基础上的投资效应和财富效应、信贷渠道、汇率渠道等,在积极的或扩张性货币政策方面都是难以奏效的。扩张性货币政策的短期效果也难以证实,而且推动通胀、加剧过剩、浪费资源、加剧分化,损害长远经济发展,在长期中是负效应而不是中性。正确的货币政策原则只能是适应性的。  相似文献   

中国货币政策利率传导机制有效性的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于新颖的和交叉性统计数据,通过协整检验与Granger因果关系检验等方法,对中国货币政策的利率传导机制进行实证研究.实证分析结果表明:(1)我国货币政策的利率传导机制是低效的.(2)货币政策在整体上却有效.这从侧面可以证明:相比较于其他几个货币传导机制,我国的利率传导机制的阻塞效用更强,即其对货币政策总体绩效的贡献度相对最小.(3)利率传导机制还存在时滞效应.本文认为,解决目前我国利率传导机制低效性的主要方法还是要通过利率市场化的渐进推进.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on monetary policy in China. A set of different specifications for the monetary policy reaction function are empirically evaluated using monthly data for 1998–2014. Overall, the performance of the estimated policy rules is surprisingly good. Chinese monetary policy displays countercyclical reactions to inflation and leaning‐against‐the‐wind behaviour. The paper shows a notable increase in the overall responsiveness of Chinese monetary policy over the course of the estimation period. The central bank interest rate is unresponsive to economic conditions during the earlier years of the sample, but response becomes significant in later years. This finding comports with the view that the monetary policy of the People's Bank of China has come to place greater weight on price‐based instruments. A time‐varying estimation procedure suggests that the two monetary policy objectives are generally assigned to different instruments. The money supply instrument continues to be utilized to control the price level. Since 2008, the interest rate instrument has been mainly used to achieve the targeted output growth.  相似文献   

Monetary policy played an important role in the Asian experience with capital inflows. Central banks used monetary policy to contain the threat of overheating, but the resulting increases in interest rates attracted additional inflows. Empirical measurement of these links shows that tight monetary policy was an important source of inflows to Indonesia and Thailand in recent years, and that the independence of monetary policy decreased during the inflow period.  相似文献   

张成思 《金融评论》2011,3(1):20-43
货币政策的有效传导对提振市场信心、促进经济发展以及平抑经济波动具有重要意义。本文对货币政策传导机制的理论发展进行了系统梳理和评述,并有选择性地对已有理论所揭示的传导机制进行了实证检验。在此基础上,文章根据全球新型金融危机与货币政策之间的紧密联系,提出货币政策的金融市场传导渠道,并基于全景分析视角,将金融市场传导渠道与其他传统渠道共同纳入全景分析中的综合传导体系内,从而形成一个完备的货币政策传导机制的综合理论分析框架,为新形势下我国货币政策的现实选择提供新的理论基础。  相似文献   

The present paper uses Japanese firm‐level data to investigate the effects of monetary policy on stock. The main purpose of this paper is to examine whether monetary policy has heterogeneous effects on stock returns and whether such heterogeneity can be explained by existing theories of monetary transmission mechanisms. We find little evidence that the demand sides of the interest rate and balance sheet channels explain the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy. However, there is evidence that the supply sides of the interest rate and balance sheet channels, when measured by capital intensity, financial leverage and interest payment burden, can explain its heterogeneous effects.  相似文献   

媒体的公司治理作用:中国的经验证据   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
借助一个独特的样本,本文实证分析了我国媒体的公司治理作用,证实媒体在完善公司治理水平、保护投资者权益方面具有积极作用。随着媒体曝光数量的增加,上市公司改正违规行为的概率也随之提高。通过对媒体不同特征的分类,本文发现,相对于政策导向性媒体,市场导向性媒体具有更加积极的治理作用;深度报道以及曝光内容涉及对投资者构成严重侵害的报道也表现出显著的治理效果。进一步的研究表明,我国媒体公司治理作用的发挥是通过引起相关行政机构的介入实现的。这一发现符合行政治理文献的一般原理,也为行政治理理论在转型国家的有效性提供了一份新的经验证据。本文不仅拓展了文献对媒体在转型国家发挥治理作用机制的认识,也为转型国家如何充分发挥媒体的治理作用提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文构建了国库现金转存商业银行对货币政策影响的分析框架,研究表明,国库现金转存商业银行的货币政策效应主要取决于存款扩张乘数、国库现金抵押需求、公众贷款需求和国库现金存款形成的贷款对国内商品和服务的需求水平等因素。存款扩张乘数越大,国库现金对商业银行信贷水平的影响就越强。国库现金存款的抵押债券需求比例对信贷供给造成了反向影响,抵押比例越高,商业银行必须留出越多的储备购买债券,从而政府国库现金存款的增加可能导致信贷增量的下降。在平滑国库现金影响的政策选择上,中央银行表现出一定的被动性,通过制定国库现金存款的区别法定准备金率是中央银行调控国库现金影响货币政策的重要手段。  相似文献   

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