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The impact of knowledge transfer on foreign subsidiary performance has been a major focus of research on knowledge management in multinational enterprises (MNEs). By integrating the knowledge‐based view and the expatriation literature, this study examines the relationship between a multinational firm's knowledge (i.e. marketing and technological knowledge), its use of expatriates, and the performance of its foreign subsidiaries. We conceptualize that expatriates play a contingent role in facilitating the transfer and redeployment of a parent firm's knowledge to its subsidiary, depending on the location specificity of the organizational knowledge being transferred and the time of transfer. Our analysis of 1660 foreign subsidiaries of Japanese firms over a 15‐year period indicates that the number of expatriates relative to the total number of subsidiary employees (1) strengthened the effect of a parent firm's technological knowledge (with low location specificity) on subsidiary performance in the short term, but (2) weakened the impact of the parent firm's marketing knowledge (with high location specificity) on subsidiary performance in the long term. We also found that the expatriates' influence on knowledge transfer eventually disappeared. The implications for knowledge transfer research and the expatriate management literature are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper extends the resource‐based view (RBV) of the firm, as applied to multinational enterprises (MNEs), by distinguishing between two critical resource dimensions, namely relative resource superiority (capabilities) and slack. Both dimensions, in concert with specific environmental conditions, are required to increase entrepreneurial activities. We propose distinct configurations (three‐way moderation effects) of capabilities, slack, and environmental factors (i.e. dynamism and hostility) to explain entrepreneurship. Using survey data from 66 Canadian subsidiaries operating in China, we find that higher subsidiary entrepreneurship requires both HR slack and strong downstream capabilities in subsidiaries, subject to the industry environment being dynamic and benign. However, high HR slack alone, in a dynamic and benign environment, but without the presence of strong capabilities, actually triggers the fewest initiatives, with HR slack redirected from entrepreneurial experimentation towards complacency and inefficiency. This paper has major implications for MNEs seeking to increase subsidiary entrepreneurship in fast growing emerging markets.  相似文献   

李晓娣  杨丽 《价值工程》2008,27(1):13-16
在经济全球化的今天,跨国公司在境外设立子公司已成为世界各国关注的中心,但同时由于跨国公司自身的特点及子公司的性质使得母子公司间存在着一系列的问题,而这些问题又都主要是源于对跨国公司子公司治理的忽视。对此,从跨国公司子公司的角度出发,探析子公司治理及其治理机制的建构。  相似文献   

The significant growth of Asian multinational enterprises (MNEs) in western economies in recent years, in particular in smaller advanced economies such as Ireland, has led to calls for a deeper understanding of the drivers of location choice among these MNEs and for more compelling accounts of the parenting and management of the subsidiaries being established. In this conceptual contribution, we focus on the specific case of Indian MNEs with subsidiaries in Ireland. Assembling theoretical insights from the literature on parenting styles and headquarter-subsidiary interactions, coupled with practice-led observations garnered from Indian MNEs, we develop a conceptual framework elucidating key variations in headquarter-subsidiary relationships and the HR policy and practice mix. We reason that the preferred approach to corporate parenting, vested in adding value to the subsidiary, extracting value from it, or seeking a balance in the overall exchange, results in a range of interactions between headquarters and subsidiaries, encompassing integration, collaboration or local responsiveness. Furthermore, we postulate that the preferred headquarter-subsidiary interactions influence the subsequent HR recipes adopted in the subsidiary setting as it seeks to build its strategic position within the broader MNE network. In order to deepen lines of inquiry around these different interactions, we advance a series of propositions for testing.  相似文献   

This study advances our understanding of HRM within emerging market multinational enterprises (EM-MNEs) by examining the extent to, and mechanisms by, which Brazilian MNEs standardise or localise their performance management (PM) policies and practices, and the factors that influence their design and implementation. We explored these issues through qualitative case studies of three Brazilian MNEs. The analysis of interview data reveals a strong tendency for Brazilian MNEs to centralise and standardise their PM policies and practices. The key finding of this paper is that PM practices within Brazilian MNEs are not based on indigenous Brazilian practices, but, rather, are heavily influenced by global best practices. The findings are at odds with previous research, which suggests that EM-MNEs apply different HR practices in developed country subsidiaries and developing country subsidiaries. Also, contrary to expectations, our results indicate that institutional distance does not have a significant influence on the adaptation of PM practices at subsidiary level.  相似文献   

This study examines expatriate staffing in foreign wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures of Japanese firms located in the People's Republic of China and the United States. Expatriates are conceptualized as performing two primary functions. The first is a control function in which the expatriate works to align the operations of the subsidiary with that of the Japanese parent. The second function is a knowledge role. In this role, either the expatriate acts to transfer the Japanese parent's knowledge to the subsidiary or the expatriate is an agent for the acquisition of host-country knowledge. We tested for these two functions using subsidiary-level data on Japanese firms' operations in China and the US. Our results indicate that the control function was more prominent in joint ventures in China than in the US. The results also indicate that expatriates played a more significant knowledge-transfer function role in technology and marketing-intensive industries in China than in the US. A lack of MNC experience in China was found to be associated with limited use of expatriates. Finally, expatriate employment was negatively related to the number of subsidiaries of the parent company worldwide.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100975
Do political risks drive exit decisions by multinational companies (MNC)? What mechanisms can protect a multinational subsidiary in a host country that is characterized by weak institutions and high political risks? Using multinational plant-level data for Russia in the period 2000-2016 and applying the Cox proportional hazard model, we find significant effects from elevated host-country political risk when we compare the year of entry to the year of exit. MNCs are particularly sensitive to problems associated with law, order, and social conditions in Russia and the presence of the military in politics in the home country. Institutional similarity does not reduce the hazard of exits, and MNCs from high-risk countries exit less when home-country risk increases. Subsidiaries from countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia are less likely to exit, though sanctions interact with host-country risks, making them more severe. Being large and being part of a greenfield project help subsidiaries to build resistance against host-country political risks. These findings provide empirical evidence that support our conclusions regarding foreign direct investment volatility in countries with high risk.  相似文献   

The paper uses evidence from a developed and a developing economy (New Zealand and Brazil) to study the consequence of multinational subsidiary initiative taking for subsidiary autonomy. Initiative taking and autonomy are known to increase the likelihood of a subsidiary continuing to grow and develop. Uncertainty remains as to whether subsidiaries acquire or lose autonomy as they engage in initiatives partly as the willingness to pursue initiatives can be viewed positively or negatively by the parent company. By using cross-country data and distinguishing three types of initiative according to the scope of their potential impact (internal, local and global) the study provides a basis for examining this topic that improves on evidence from a single country or single initiative study. Data from 200 multinational subsidiaries in New Zealand and 172 in Brazil are gathered for analysis. As well as examining the overall relationship between initiative taking and autonomy the study presents the first evidence on this topic for subsidiaries in New Zealand and Brazil. The overall conclusion is that subsidiary initiative taking is likely to increase subsidiary autonomy but the affect over autonomy is dependent upon the type of initiative that the subsidiary undertakes: subsidiary autonomy is more likely to increase as a result of a local market initiative than a global or internal market initiative.  相似文献   

Drawing from the notion of cultural friction and based on the agency theory rationalization of multinational enterprise (MNE) headquarter–subsidiary relationship, we examine the impact of cultural friction in foreign subsidiaries on subsidiary performance. We argue that cultural friction, arising due to a high presence of parent country nationals (PCNs) in culturally distant locations, has a detrimental effect on subsidiary performance. This effect is the strongest when the cultural friction is at the top management team (TMT) level and the weakest when friction is at the regular employee level. However, this relationship is contingent on factors that work as drags or lubricants for cultural friction between PCNs and host country nationals (HCNs). We identify governance mode and language differences between home and host countries as drag parameters and host country experience and subsidiary interdependence as lubricants that condition the effect of cultural friction on subsidiary performance. Empirical findings based on a longitudinal sample of 7,495 foreign subsidiary observations of 467 Korean MNEs in 63 countries during 1990–2014 provide robust support for our theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to formalize the choice of market entry strategy for an individual multinational enterprise (MNE) from a dynamic perspective. It is argued that incorporating a suitable treatment of irreversibility, uncertainty and flexibility related to a MNEs investment decision gives further insights to the choice of cross-border acquisitions to greenfield investment as the preferred entry mode. In most cases, the initial entry strategy serves as a platform allowing the firm to make subsequent investments to exploit host-country advantages and capabilities. We allow for this by taking a two-step expansion strategy explicitly into account. The evolutionary process of the value of the foreign direct investment includes two stochastic elements as well as the timing that triggers the transition from export to foreign direct investment. The results suggest that uncertainty and future investment opportunities play an important role when it comes to transit from export to the first phase of the foreign direct investment commitment as well as have an impact on the choice of entry strategy.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cooperatives versus corporations is hotly contested. We propose that strategic choices at entry can help to explain the endurance of these two governance modes. We hypothesize that cooperatives have a survival advantage if their major drawback – high coordination costs – is curbed by high levels of member engagement at founding. Our analysis of survival rates in the US bio‐ethanol industry shows that cooperatives outlive corporations (1) if investment size at founding is large (strong financial engagement), (2) if they enter de novo instead of de alio (strong product‐market engagement) and (3) if the cooperative venture has been carefully planned from the start (greenfield entry) instead of built upon the acquisition of an existing plant (strong venture‐building engagement). These findings caution against the view that a particular mode of governance is superior or inferior to another in all circumstances.  相似文献   

Although acquisitions are a popular way to enter new markets, empirical evidence tends to indicate few benefits accrue to acquiring firms. This might be the case because firms use acquisitions when they should be employing an alternative mode of expansion. Applying real options theory to this issue, we suggest that greenfield start‐up ventures provide a real option alternative to acquisitions for firms establishing new international subsidiary units. To test this notion we examine a sample of Western European firms entering the emerging economies of Eastern Europe. The evidence suggests that acquisitions are a good choice only when firms enter markets containing low demand uncertainty and when these firms possess acquisition‐based strategic flexibility. Overall, our analysis indicates that greenfield ventures appear to provide firms with a real option when making the acquisition decision.  相似文献   

abstract Prior studies of the comparative performance of greenfields and acquisitions have advanced competing arguments, with some arguing that greenfields should outperform acquisitions because acquisitions are costlier to integrate, and others that acquisitions should outperform greenfields because greenfields suffer from a liability of newness. Moreover, while the costs of integration and the liability of newness are at their greatest during a subsidiary's first years, prior studies have tested their competing arguments on samples containing older subsidiaries. We extend these prior studies by (1) developing an institutional theory‐based framework that simultaneously considers the costs of integration and the liability of newness, (2) recognizing that both types of costs vary with the level of subsidiary integration, and (3) focusing on the stage of their life during which subsidiaries predominantly incur these costs. To measure subsidiary performance, we ask managers of Dutch multinationals how their ex ante performance expectations compare to the subsidiary's ex post performance during its first two years. Analysing a sample of 191 foreign subsidiaries and controlling for entry mode self‐selection and other factors, we find that acquisitions outperform greenfields at low and intermediate levels of subsidiary integration, but that greenfields outperform acquisitions at higher integration levels.  相似文献   

We use Japanese firm‐level data to examine how a firm’s productivity affects its foreign‐market entry strategy. The firm faces a choice between exporting and foreign direct investment (FDI). In the case of FDI, the firm has two options: greenfield investment or acquisition of an existing plant (M&A). If it selects greenfield investment, it has two ownership choices: whole ownership or a joint venture with a local company. Controlling for industry‐ and country‐specific characteristics, we find that the more productive a firm is, the more likely it is to choose FDI rather than exporting and greenfield investment rather than M&A.  相似文献   

In seventy items measuring fourteen constructs of human resource management practices in 286 Chinese foreign subsidiaries headquartered in the United States, Japan and Germany, significant differences are related to financial control from the foreign parent, organizational form (joint venture, wholly owned foreign subsidiary or representative office) and time since entry into the Chinese market. The differences appear to be governed more by the push from parent-firm economic considerations and venture structure and the pull from specific Chinese HRM conditions than by the push related to home country of parent or factors associated with industry type. In addition, a fair number of HRM practices appear unaffected by any of these factors, and these may be more universal in form.  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature on the co-ordination and control of HRM in MNEs is written from the perspective of the 'view from above' that often ignores or plays down the politics and changing nature of the relationships between the centre and its subsidiaries. In this paper, we take a 'view from below' in exploring the politics of change in CASHCO, a well-known US MNE. The case study documents the motivation and ability of a UK subsidiary of CASHCO to respond positively to the centralized control of HRM through the near-constant transfer of US 'best practice' over a period of two decades. During this time, the UK subsidiary transformed itself from a loss-making, resource-dependent manufacturer to one that is a world leader in its particular field. In doing so, it had much less incentive to follow the lead of its less successful US headquarters and responded accordingly to ethnocentric control from the US through a range of political strategems. We conclude, first, that different strategies of HRM control used by corporate headquarters of MNEs will work effectively only when the assumptions underlying these strategies reflect the history, context and power base of particular subsidiaries. Second, we conclude that the effectiveness of control strategies will be influenced significantly by the incentive and ability of subsidiary managers to comply with centralized control. Finally, the case has some practical lessons for US managers who seek to transfer best practice to overseas subsidiaries, especially in the form of radical programmes of corporate culture change.  相似文献   

A large proportion of the multinational enterprise (MNE) literature focuses on parent country national (PCN) expatriates. The high costs of managing and supporting PCNs on foreign assignments, however, have made these assignments less attractive for MNEs and, as a result, MNEs are more actively exploring ways to effectively utilize third country nationals (TCNs) and host country nationals (HCNs), as well as PCNs to satisfy international subsidiary staffing needs. Grounded in the person–environment (P–E) fit theory, we delineate three environmental dimensions (strategic, national and organizational) to offer some propositions that may serve to guide this exploration. These propositions are based on an integrative model that examines the MNE subsidiary staffing composition under different combinations of strategic, national and organizational dimensions. We conclude with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies on performance evaluation and reward systems in multinational enterprises. Headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies refer to the extent to which headquarters and subsidiaries depend on each other to accomplish their tasks. When headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies are present, it becomes more difficult to reward the performance of subsidiary managers because these interdependencies induce noise on subsidiary-level accounting performance measures, while at the same time high levels of goal alignment between headquarters and subsidiary managers are required. Based on survey data from 82 foreign subsidiaries operating in Belgium with headquarters in 14 different countries, our partial least squares path modelling results show that as headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies increase, headquarters use more participative performance evaluation and consider more the effects of uncontrollable factors on subsidiaries' performance when rewarding subsidiary managers. More importantly, while prior research suggests that interdependencies induce noise on unit-level accounting performance measures, our results indicate that participative performance evaluation may mitigate the noise so that headquarters still rely on subsidiary formula-based compensation using accounting measures to reward subsidiary managers.  相似文献   

In this article, the relation is explored between the external technical embeddedness of the subsidiary, its assigned role, and capability development in the MNC. It is argued that assigning roles of responsibility or mandates to certain subsidiaries can effect integration of subsidiary-developed knowledge in the MNC. Departing from literature on the market-as-networks perspective and writings from recent years on subsidiary roles, hypotheses are developed and a model outlined. The model describes a significant link between the external technical embeddedness of the subsidiary and its assigned role within the MNC, and a significant relation between the subsidiary's assigned role and its importance for other units’ capability development. The model is tested on a sample of 97 subsidiaries using the LISREL 8.3 statistical method. The final model implies that by assigning specific roles to different subsidiaries, headquarters can exploit the knowledge developed in the external environments of these subsidiaries.  相似文献   

International performance appraisal of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in foreign subsidiaries has received inadequate research attention. The current study investigates the international performance appraisal practices, including procedures and methods, criteria and feedback, of South Korean MNEs in China and the extent to which these practices are localized or/and ethnocentric. Results of analyzing the in-depth interviews with local and expatriate managers show South Korean MNEs tend to adopt an ethnocentric approach to managing performance appraisals for expatriates and an integrative approach for host country-nationals by transferring their home appraisal practices to their Chinese subsidiaries. These approaches can be attributed to relative strength effects, i.e. the relative economic strengths and contextual differences between China and South Korea. This study adds to the knowledge base of how MNEs manage performance appraisals in their foreign subsidiaries.  相似文献   

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