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以三甲基氯硅烷和氨气为原料,以六甲基二硅氧烷、甲苯混合溶剂合成六甲基二硅氮烷(HMDS)。混合溶剂中六甲基二硅氧烷含量的提高有利于反应收率的提升,实验结果表明HMDS的收率最高可达93.53%,较甲苯为溶剂条件下收率提高了20个百分点。产物精馏分离后HMDS成品含量≥99%,副产物六甲基二硅氧烷含量≥99%。  相似文献   

苄基-2-萘基醚是芳香族的混醚。其传统合成方法条件苛刻。反应时间较长、操作复杂,产品收率低。主要用于合成苄氧萘青霉素等医药工业,且广泛地作为合成香料,用于皂用香料、化妆品香精及调合香精等香料工业。现以四丁基溴化铵作为相转移催化剂,在碱性的水-甲苯体  相似文献   

疏水缔合水溶性聚合物是指聚合物亲水性大分子链上带有少量疏水基团的水溶性聚合物。在水溶性大分子链上引入少量的疏水基团使其水溶液表现出独特的流变性能。正是由于这种独特的溶液性质。它可能在许多领域得到应用,如三次采油、制药、太阳能转换、化妆品、涂料、水处  相似文献   

税负作为企业收益的减项,直接影响净收益的大小,在合法的前提下进行纳税筹划,合理减轻企业纳税负担十分必要.现金流量是现代企业财务管理中一项重要指标,通过隐性筹划技术推迟纳税时间、延缓现金流出、赢得资金的时间价值是值得关注的纳税筹划技术.  相似文献   

据国家开发银行消息称,国开行与浙江省政府于2月23日签署开发性金融合作协议,将在今后四年内提供不低于1000亿元融资额度,支持浙江省“三个干亿,,工程和重大基础设施建设,以及新农村、  相似文献   

报道了一种广谱高效杀菌剂嘧菌酯的新合成方法,首先以2-氯苯甲腈与4,6-二羟基嘧啶为原料催化合成4-羟基-6-(2-氰基苯氧基)嘧啶,氯化得到4-氯-6-(2-氰基苯氧基)嘧啶。将4-氯-6-(2-氰基苯氧基)嘧啶与(E)-2-(2-羟基苯基)-3-甲氧基丙烯酸甲酯耦合,生成(E)-2-(2-(6-(2-氰基苯氧基)嘧啶-4-基氧)苯基)-3-甲氧基丙烯酸甲酯(嘧菌酯)。3步总收率为79.8%(以2-氯苯甲腈计),原药质量分数为97%。  相似文献   

This case study analyzes five Swedish printing houses' pricing with respect to their investments in new printing technology. The new printing technology made it possible for the printing houses to market new products and services to meet the demand for shorter delivery times and full service solutions. Although this demand was apparent, the printing houses' opportunities to capitalize on their investments depended on the characteristics of the market segment that they served. Findings indicate that the new printing technology made it possible to change prices when the new services reduced delivery time and costs, and when there were substantial differences between the new services and available substitutes. Thus, customers accepted new pricing when the utilization of the new technology resulted in financial gains and time reductions.  相似文献   

创新和节约能源与计量有着极其密切的关系。阐述了计量技术的基本单位及相互转换方式,介绍了实物计量基准的局限性和量子计量基准的重要性以及计量标准在国际上的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Income stagnation in the downward cycle of primary product prices is a problem for small farmers in developing countries. The recent abrupt price decline in coffee poses a large adjustment problem in marginal production areas. One method of farm income stabilization for marginal export crop production areas is diversification into food crops with improved technology. The potential for a cushioning of this farm income decline via the introduction of improved food crop technology was examined. A substantial moderating effect was obtained even without uprooting the improved coffee technology. Moreover, an analysis of the constraints to the earlier introduction of the Caturra coffee variety helped identify some of the components of farmer decision making relevant to adoption of new technology.  相似文献   

There are various risks associated with incorrect preparation and storage of infant formula, including microbiological hazards. Preparing and storing reconstituted infant formula correctly can reduce potential risks. The product label on infant formula is often the main source of information for caregivers on the correct handling of infant formula. Caregivers’ ability to understand and follow preparation and storage instructions is, therefore, of high importance in the safe use of infant formula. This study aims to increase understanding of how Australian caregivers perceive, interpret and use mandatory and voluntary “on-pack” label information when preparing and storing infant formula. An eye-tracking task requiring caregivers (n = 30) to prepare an unfamiliar infant formula product while wearing Tobi Pro 2 Glasses revealed that almost all caregivers look at the preparation instructions (93%), though fewer look at the warning advice (43%) and storage instructions (27%). Findings from retrospective think-aloud and in-depth interviews conducted immediately after the eye-tracking task, revealed that while preparation instructions are generally understood, they are not always adhered to, with most caregivers making modifications for convenience. Lack of awareness and low perceived risk to the infant’s health were other reasons for non-adherence. These findings suggest that mandated food-safety elements on infant formula products need to be more noticeable, clearer and more specific with respect to potential infant health risks associated with non-adherence, to ensure safe preparation and storage by all caregivers. These findings will be used to inform a review of the labelling requirements for infant formula products.  相似文献   

This article is based on a three-year study of the introduction and use of computer numerically controlled machine tools (CNC) into nine engineering companies. It rejects the view that technology determines job design and instead highlights the role of managerial values and competence and organisations'own structures and practices .  相似文献   

以羟基乙腈为原料,与氨进行氨解反应,制得亚氨基二乙腈,重点考察了原料配比、反应温度、保温时间和催化剂等工艺条件对反应的影响。实验结果表明:在羟基乙腈与氨水物质的量比为2∶1,催化剂添加量(质量分数)为0.4%~0.5%,反应温度100~105℃,氨水滴加时间50~60 min 及保温40~60 min 条件下,亚氨基二乙腈产品纯度可达到93%以上,收率达到77%以上。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们的饮食生活已由过去的单一化温饱型过渡到现在的多样化营养型。目前,蔬菜水果的需求量越来越大,而且对鲜度的要求也越来越高。蔬菜水果在储存时是借助呼吸作用而维持生命的。在呼吸过程中,吸进氧气,呼出二氧化碳,产生乙烯气体,并使水分降低。呼吸作用会造成内部成分消耗、肉质软化、营养价值降低;乙烯气体能促进蔬菜水果老化,并使呼吸作用加快。其中,水果的水分含量高达85%~95%,如果水分丧失量达到5%,外观就会蔫萎,使商品价值降低;如果变黄,维生素C的含量就会降低。可见呼吸作用是影响水果鲜度的主要…  相似文献   

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