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《Research in Economics》2022,76(4):422-436
We shed light on a nexus between fertility transitions and economic growth patterns. We construct a two-sector overlapping generations (OLG) model with endogenous fertility, physical capital, and human capital, where one sector produces goods, and another produces childcare services. If the elasticity of fertility for expenditure on childcare services is zero, the economy experiences endogenous growth, and fertility does not depend on physical and human capital, but it increases with parental child-rearing time. On the other hand, if elasticity is positive, the economy converges to a steady state, and the number of children becomes the homogenous function of degree of elasticity (less than one). In other words, fertility is the decreasing-return-to-scale function of physical and human capital. We show that a subsidy policy for education is more desirable than a subsidy for childcare services.  相似文献   

In this paper I elucidate the sources of growth of human capital in the course of economic development. On the supply side (Section 1) I include the growth of family income, urbanization, the demographic transition, and the rising cost of time.The supply side alone cannot explain the continuous growth of human capital as it implies a self limiting decline in rates of return below those in alternative investments. Such declines are offset by growing demands for human capital in the labor market. Growth of demand for labor skills is a function of capital accumulation and of technological changes. Evidence on this hypothesis is summarized in Section 2 and on supply responses to growing demand for human capital in Section 3. Changes in the skill and wage structures in the labor market are an important part of the evidence.The reciprocal relation between economic growth and the growth of human capital is likely to be an important key to sustained economic growth. A caveat applies to indirect effects of economic growth on family instability, which may lead to a deterioration of childhood human capital in some sectors of society.  相似文献   

The implications of international R&D competition on trade and growth are investigated. The model is one in which a separate R&D sector competes with the manufacturing sector to secure human capital, and technology is licensed to manufacturers by the winner of a pre-emptive R&D competition. The results show that globalization of R&D competition leads to trade between countries (even identical countries), because the result of competition leads to a reallocation of human capital between sectors. The winning country exports technology and traditional goods, while the loser exports manufactured goods. Globalization with indiscriminate technology licensing increases the world's economic growth rate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for the formulation and testing of economic growth models. The model selected includes two production sectors with physical and human capital accumulation. These capital stocks are associated with spillover effects in the production of the physical good and in the accumulation of both factors.  相似文献   

In this study, we introduce progressive taxation and human capital differences across productive sectors into a typical monetary policy game. The objective of this work is to reveal the potential short-run effects of these two typical features of economic growth on inflation dynamics. In our framework, such features act as frictions of labor mobility across sectors. We show that an increased progressivity of taxation lowers the diffusion of shocks, and in turn increases inflation persistence. Moreover, the dispersion of human capital across sectors acts as a barrier to labor mobility and thereby increasing inflation inertia through the same channel. We also empirically verify these findings by employing panel data analysis in a sample of 28 OECD countries.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic–network DEA (data envelopment analysis) model where total output is jointly produced from two sectors: a human capital sector and a physical capital sector. Each prefecture produces a final output and an intermediate product which is used to augment future physical capital. The optimization method allows future production possibilities to be enhanced if some final output in the current period is foregone so that larger amounts of the intermediate product can be produced. The goal is to choose the amounts of final output and intermediate product so as to maximize the size of the production possibility set. The method also allows identification of whether output is constrained by a lack of physical capital, a lack of human capital or a lack of both types of capital. We apply our method to 47 Japanese prefectures during the period 2007–2009. A key finding is that a lack of human capital is constraining potential output.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to provide new evidence concerning the effect of public capital on productivity growth in Spain. To this end, the article follows the growth accounting approach, which, in addition to measuring both the direct and indirect effects of public capital on the total factor productivity, allows for assessing whether there is a distinctive impact of public capital across economic sectors. The results lead to three main conclusions: (1) Public capital has a strong influence on growth when we use data from the whole economy; (2) this influence varies across sectors, being more relevant in the exposed sectors (industry) than in sheltered sectors (agriculture, construction, and services); and (3) irrespective of the definition used for public capital, these basic results remain unchanged. (JEL C30 , E62 , H54 , O47 , O52 )  相似文献   

We consider the effect of globalization on fertility, human capital, and growth. We view globalization as creating market opportunities for employment in less developed countries. We construct a specific model of household decision making, drawing on empirical observations in the development economics literature, and show that if the market opportunities produced by globalization are for women, then globalization reduces fertility and increases human capital formation. If the opportunities are for men, then fertility increases and human capital formation falls. We then show that globalization that produces job opportunities for women increases growth and produces a long run steady state with higher per capita consumption than would prevail either without globalization, or with globalization that creates jobs only for men.  相似文献   

This article considers whether capital is a significant constraint on employment in Australia. We calculate the level of capital-constrained employment for seven sectors of the Australian economy. The calculations suggest that the manufacturing; transport, storage and communication; and recreation, personal and other services sectors have sufficient capital installed to increase employment. In two other sectors, mining and wholesale and retail trade, the potential for increases in employment through increased capital utilisation may be constrained by surplus labour (as of June 1993). While some sectors are capital constrained at the moment, we find that the investment requirements to increase employment in these sectors are not onerous. We also project investment requirements in each of the sectors for employment growth over the next five years. These projections suggest that a jump in investment followed by relatively modest growth is required to sustain growth in employment.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical and empirical investigation of the simultaneous effects of taxes and government spending on long‐run economic growth in an endogenous growth framework. A two‐sector model is considered: one sector produces physical output and the other produces human capital. Government expenditure is divided into several categories, and several types of taxes are included. The property tax is especially interesting because it is a major source of revenue for local government. The theoretical model is estimated using annual panel data from North Carolina counties. This study finds that state‐level fiscal policies affect economic growth but county‐level fiscal policies do not.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the economic policy implications of international migration and human capital accumulation within a dynamic general equilibrium model. Each country produces by means of physical and human capital of two types (skilled and unskilled labour). Along optimal growth paths in a world of diverging population growth rates immigration can only be beneficial when the free rider effect (i.e., not paying for training costs) exceeds the capital dilution effect of an increase in population growth. Under quite general conditions the optimal immigration rate is zero."  相似文献   

本文以马克思均衡公式为基础,推导出两大部类不变资本增长率的均衡稳定关系。该关系式表明,两大部类不变资本增长率之间孰大孰小的问题取决于第一部类资本有机构成函数的特点。在第一部类资本有机构成单调提高的情况下,瞬时生产资料优先增长规律是存在的,但是就均衡稳定而论,两大部类一般是平衡增长的,因而稳态生产资料优先增长规律一般来说是不存在的。这意味着,在经济起飞阶段,生产资料优先增长确实发挥着作用;而在经济成熟期,则是平衡增长规律发挥作用。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model that reproduces the essential aspects of the recent ICT-based economy using the framework of endogenous growth theory in which a central role is played by human capital accumulation. In particular, it considers a multi-sectoral growth model in discrete time with infinite horizon, endogenous growth, embodied technological progress, horizontal differentiation and “lab-equipment” specification of R&D, and with human capital accumulation (represented by the fact that households devote a fraction of their time to schooling), in order to take into account the crucial role of the latter when new technologies are present. In this model it is possible to obtain some important results, both analytically and through simulations, either in the case of constant productivity of schooling and in the case in which this productivity is a function of technological progress. The first conclusion is that the productivity of schooling affects the long run growth of the economy, contrary to the productivities of the other sectors, hence in this model human capital accumulation is the true engine of growth. It is then possible to study the reaction of the economy to different types of shocks, and to compare the results with the empirical evidence. The conclusion is that the model is able to reproduce such evidence, suggesting that the interaction between ICT and human capital is one of the drivers of the recent economic performance.  相似文献   

Many theoretical analyses of the sources of economic growth focus on knowledge spillovers and scale economies to explain growth endogenously. The contribution of this paper is to shed some light on these arguments by an empirical investigation based on a production function framework. Sectoral production functions are estimated with annual German data of 51 sectors from 1960–90. The estimates reveal that both a pure Solow growth model and a Solow model augmented with human capital cannot account for the observed productivity increases. The model should be extended by allowing for inter-industry spillovers and scale economies at the aggregate level, as well as for scale economies associated with human capital at the sectoral level. The business cycle affects observed productivity changes in the short run and in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the international mobility of physical and/or financial capital is essential for productive efficiency in each of three open OLG models of neoclassical growth that vary in terms of dimensional attributes. A tradeoff between capital mobility requirements and dimension has previously been established by example where, ceteris paribus , neither form of capital mobility is required with three productive sectors, only physical capital mobility is required with two sectors, and both forms of mobility are required with a single sector. This paper reconsiders that tradeoff using a generalization of the production and utility functions which introduces the potential for specialization along the transition path—an event which would imply inconsistent capital mobility requirements along the growth path for models with fixed dimension. Conditions are established under which the tradeoff between capital mobility requirements and dimension remains valid.  相似文献   

本文首先从理论和应用计算的角度考察了康托洛维奇规划论和DOSSO模型,并从逻辑上明确了这两类模型的一致性。其次追加了固定资本约束条件以及劳动资源约束条件对中国经济进行了应用分析,得出了如下结论:除建筑部门以外的固定资本部门的实际增长路径基本接近理论值,而流动资本及消费品部门的实际增长路径跟理论值略有波动。  相似文献   

Human capital accumulation may negatively affect economic growth by increasing tax avoidance and reducing effective tax rates and productive public investment. This paper analyzes how the endogenous feedback between human capital accumulation and tax avoidance affects economic growth and macroeconomic dynamics. Our findings show that this interaction produces remarkable growth and welfare effects.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of technological catch‐up considering spatial and sectoral aggregation of industries. We investigate how geographical and technological proximity to the technology leader impact regional employment growth. We model technological progress by means of a hierarchical process of catch‐up to the technology leader. We also incorporate measures for knowledge spillover effects to test the roles of competition, specialisation, and diversity at the industry level. Empirical results using data at the county level for different economic sectors (2‐dig NAICS) for the United States indicate that human capital plays a crucial role in promoting sectoral employment growth. The association between technological/geographical distance to the technology leader and employment growth varies across sectors.  相似文献   

A two sector model of learning-by-doing measured by means of production aggregated over time and of human capital accumulation in a schooling sector is presented. Time utilization is rival between schooling and learning-by-doing. Depending on the sum of elasticities of the accumulated factors (i.e., of production experience and educational human capital) in both sectors, a situation with or without endogenous growth results. Dynamic optimization of the choice between leisure and working and of the division of human capital between education and production is executed. Transitional dynamics are analyzed for a Cobb-Douglas example and a numerical simulation is performed.JEL classification: C61, D90, O41.Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Eric C. Meyer and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. The usual caveats apply.revised version received November 23, 2003  相似文献   

根据影响非农部门劳动力增长速度的相关因素,运用C-D生产函数,利用1996~2004年间的非农部门有关数据,对影响非农部门劳动力增长速度的有关因素进行实证分析,结果表明影响我国非农部门劳动力增长速度的主要因素为:资本增长速度、非农部门实物工资增长速度、技术进步引起的劳动边际产出的增长速度和工业劳动边际产出对劳动力的弹性。政府应通过提高资本质量、吸引国外投资,保持物价稳定、控制工资上涨,加强创新力度,提高员工技能以促进非农部门劳动力增长。  相似文献   

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