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第三方认证采信工作在我国已经开始推广,2012年认监委在全国认证认可会议上提出加快认证认可制度创新,积极探索备案注册过程采信第三方认证结果的精神,并在北京、天津、上海等七个直属检验检疫局开展试点工作,为简化备案程序,推动认证认可规范化做好了铺垫,但是采信第三方认证结果推动进程缓慢,缺乏沟通桥梁,在对企业的认证监管方面存在差异,本文分析认证工作中存在的不足,并提出有效措施,有助于形成认证监管合力。现如今,各国的经济交流方式已经逐步转变成全球化,随着经济全球化贸易的盛行,食品的出口贸易越来越频繁,与此同时,在出口食品的过程中偶尔会出现安全方面的问题,所以,国际贸易中最迫切和关键的问题就是出口食品安全问题。我国为了解决目前出口食品问题,采取了第三方认证形式,第三方认证能为出口食品企业备案采信提供保障,找出方案中存在的不足,也加快了出口食品贸易的步伐。  相似文献   

根据《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》的要求,对肉类、水产、罐头、肠衣类卫生注册企业,由直属检验检疫局组织卫生注册评审员,每年至少一次全面的监督检查。今年6月,笔者有幸被广东检验检疫局认证监管处商调,参加了对广东某分支局辖区内出口食品卫生注册登记企业的年度监督检查工作,针对检查中发现的问题及我国现行监管体制存在的一些制约因素,笔者从出口食品安全控制的角度谈谈体会和建议。  相似文献   

继去年开展产品质量和食品安全专项整治,宝坻检验检疫局吊销、注销8家出口食品企业卫生注册登记证后,该局认真分析总结企业"去留"问题,在注重企业硬件设施条件的同时,强化对企业卫生质量体系的日常动态监管,提高出口食品企业的认证注册门槛,严格市场准入条件,"查、治"过后.不忘"管、扶、建".今年1-4月份,有4家出口食品企业一次性通过卫生注册评审和复查,其中1家宠物食品企业通过了加拿大食品检验局(CFIA)卫生注册,这在宝坻地区尚属首例.  相似文献   

2007年3月30日,台州出口节日灯检验监管工作暨荷兰KEMA灯串(欧洲最新标准)认证与验货研讨会在椒江凤凰山庄顺利召开。每年,在出口旺季到来之前的这段时间,灯串出口企业迫切需要了解最新的欧洲标准,以及买家和第三方认证机构对验货的最新要求。这也是自2005年以来,KEMA连续三年在中国的“节日灯之乡”台州举办专题研讨会的原因。  相似文献   

为了探究ISO14000认证对我国企业产品出口的影响,文章对深沪两市1997年至2003年取得认证的上市公司进行实证研究后发现:通过ISO14000认证的企业,可以取得相对于同行业以及其他未通过认证公司出口收入的超常增长率,并且随着时间的推移,外方股东因素对通过认证企业取得出口收入超常增长率有显著为正的影响.  相似文献   

随着我国电机出口规模的不断扩大,为了规避进口国高额进口关税、技术壁垒等问题,越来越多的出口企业选择了CKD(完全拆散)、SKD(半散装)成套散件模式向国外出口电机。在这种情况下,检验检疫部门将面临着成套散件的检验监管难题。因此,检验检疫部门有必要对出口电机成套散件检验监管进行深入研究和有效实践,以便确保监管实效和维护企业合法权益。  相似文献   

SA8000标准的实施对我国出口企业造成出口成本增加、降低外资吸引力以及形成新的贸易壁垒等不利影响。但同时也为我国企业树立良好的形象和推动出口企业竞争优势的转型提供了机遇。企业应顺应国际形势,转换思想,主动申请SA8000标准认证,严格执行《劳动法》,以提高我国出口企业的国际竞争能力。  相似文献   

一、出口童装中小企业检验监管难点问题出口童装的检验监管工作是在科学方法的指导下,根据相关的法律法规和标准进行的,不仅涉及产品检验,同时还有对企业生产管理能力以及企业质量信用的监管。出口童装中小企业生产管理能力的高低和质量信誉的好坏,直接决定着检验检疫机构检验监管工作的难易。1.出口童装中小企业安全质量意识不强,使得出口童装检验监管"堵"而不"疏"。出口童装中小企业因对国外涉及儿童服装安全性的法  相似文献   

通过对福建口岸竹木草源性产品出口的种类、批量、检疫监管情况、输入国的国别和特殊要求等分类管理因素及其生产加工企业的生产规模、生产能力、工艺流程、生产管理、防疫措施、生产加工周围的生产环境卫生等进行调查研究和风险评估,出口竹木草源性产品分为低、中、高三个风险等级,将出口生产企业分为一类、二类、三类三个检疫管理类别.并对不同类别生产企业提出相应的监管方案;建立出口生产加工企业类别与出口植物源性监管产品风险等级相结合的分类检疫监督管理办法和抽查比例,实现了在分类检疫管理与监管的前提下进行的电子快速通关,使把关与服务得到有机的结合.  相似文献   

为鼓励出口企业提高管理水平和产品质量,实现通关提速,降低出口成本,提高企业效益,规范对出口企业的检验监管工作,国家质检总局制定了《出口工业产品生产企业分类管理办法》。辽宁检验检疫局相继对各类适于实施分类管理的商品分别制定实施细则,出口企业分类管理工作在各地区局逐渐推广开来。随着分类管理工作的实施,出口分类企业后续管理工作将成为做好分类管理工作,对企业形成长效监管机制的关键。  相似文献   

EurepGAP是针对近年来频繁发生的食品安全问题而制定的一套农产品质量安全认证体系。随着欧盟市场的扩大和EurepGAP认证的普及,我国农产品受EurepGAP的影响也会更加突出。EurepGAP以维护消费者利益,提高食品供应链的安全性为立足点,具有一定的合理性,但在我国目前较低的农业生产技术及生产环境下,要达到其要求还存在相当的难度。本文就EurepGAP对我国农产品出口贸易的影响进行了论述,并以我国农业发展的现状为出发点,就如何应对EurepGAP以促进我国农业出口健康发展提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   


This study uses data from a 1999 survey of manufacturing exporters in Zimbabwe. The paper focuses on export strategies of the manufacturers. It uses correlation and regression analysis to find which export strategy variables significantly account for performance. Results show three strategies positively impacting on performance. These are standardisation vis-ä-vis customisation, finish status of the export product, and promotion by agents and distributors. Two variables are significantly but negatively impacting on performance. These are current organisational structure and visits to clients as part of promotion. Strategy variables outlined above explain more than 50% of variation in export performance of Zimbabwe's manufacturers.  相似文献   

This study explores the Internet's impact on export channel structure. Findings from this study suggest that the Internet does not have a considerable impact on the export channel structure of those manufacturers that adopt differential pricing policies and market separation policies. Export manufacturers that pursue broad targeting or experience dominant distributors may keep their traditional channel structure as well. However, export manufacturers that face tough competition or short product life cycles have to change their traditional channel structure to fit the market changes caused by the Internet. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There are increasingly sales opportunities for capital equipment in developing countries. Concomitantly, concern is that capital intensive technologies are too widely employed. Yet there has been little reported empirical research on why LDC manufacturers choose specific equipment. Textile manufacturers accounting for a significant part of Peru's spinning and weaving capacities participated in this study by providing perceptions of two capital versus labor intensive technologies capable of producing identical output. Exporters and nonexporters scores, using a five-point scale, were compared by t tests on 19 equipment attributes selected from innovation diffusion studies. Factor analysis determined innovations underlying dimensions. Factor scores were regressed on export commitment proxies. Higher export dependence related to more concern with ease of altering output specifications and less concern with cost, thus supporting that dependence on foreign versus domestic markets will affect equipment decisions. The method of comparing product attribute perceptions provides a simple possibility for segmenting LDC capital equipment markets.  相似文献   

World trade in food has expanded significantly over the years and traditional tariff barriers have reduced with increasing commitments under the WTO. The industrialised countries potentially offer higher returns to food exporters from developing countries, but also pose a greater challenge in market access through stringent safety and quality standards. This paper analyses how this has impacted the Indian marine export industry, and the industry response to this challenge. The large firms are upgrading to signal quality in the OECD markets, while the small firms remain below the quality mark and are catering to other developing country markets where standards are not as stringent. Quality certification has thus become the basis of product differentiation and affected the pattern of trade. On the institutional front, a significant positive change is evident, with the Indian government taking measures to raise safety standards in the domestic food processing sector and increasing the credibility of its export certification agency abroad. There are also cooperative initiatives to improve testing facilities and promote equivalence of certification with OECD countries. The two‐pronged approach of investment in upgrading the food processing industry and promoting international partnership in certification with destination markets offers a good model to address the continuous quality challenge facing other food exporting developing countries.  相似文献   

A large percentage of U.S. manufacturers are either refraining from exporting or are involved in inefficient methods of exporting because they may not understand how to control their export operations. The authors of this study suggest how the majority of U.S. manufacturers may effectively participate in exporting through intermediary usage by building the correct degree and type of control mechanisms. Literature derived from transaction cost analysis and export stages are used to link the antecedents of control to the degree and the type of control mechanisms (monitoring and providing information). The results show that manufacturers periodically monitor their intermediaries and provide information in order to achieve control. Important implications are drawn for both exporters and nonexporters.  相似文献   

Several studies have analyzed the exporting pattern and performance of firms located in a developing country. However, there is limited work on the impact of standards on the performance of developing country exporting firms. This paper uses data from Pakistan to assess the effects of ISO 9000 certification on export sales and share of exports (relative to domestic and export sales) for textiles and the agro-food sector. As certification is not randomly assigned but there is ‘self-selection into treatment’, we use propensity matching methods to estimate the causal effect of certification on the change in the firms' value of export sales between 2000 and 2004. The results show that export performance is positively correlated with ISO 9000 certification.  相似文献   

With heightened global competition, many manufacturers export as a process by which to increase sales and expand into new markets. South Korean manufacturers export in order to expand outside of a small domestic market, but confront the constraints of many exporters (especially smaller firms), including access to market intelligence and geographically distant prospective customers. This article examines efforts by machine tool manufacturers to minimize the friction of distance involved with exporting through the use of international trade fairs. Analytical emphases are placed on the influence of individual export destinations and on the role of firm size vis-à-vis firm export intensities and overall export strategies and motivations.  相似文献   

This paper uses micro‐data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys 2002–06 to investigate how foreign ownership affects the likelihood of manufacturers in developing countries to export and/or import either directly or indirectly. Applying propensity score matching to control for differences across firms in terms of labour productivity and other characteristics, we find that foreign ownership raises the propensity of a firm to export by over 17 and the propensity to import by more than 13 percentage points. The effects are even bigger for countries with the lowest per capita income and institutional quality.  相似文献   

By drawing on the resource‐based view and on elements from social network theory, we use a sample of southern Brazilian small and medium‐sized furniture manufacturers to find evidence for the hypothesis that access to local network resources, facilitated by a firm's membership in an industry association, strongly predicts the propensity to export. Likewise, we find that a firm's local collaborative intensity is positively related to its export intensity and that both relations are moderated by the firm's distance from the local network's center. This study contributes to the literature on how local collaboration may facilitate overcoming export barriers.  相似文献   

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