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省会贵阳是高原上的花园城市、山环水绕,四季如春,旅游资源非常丰富。贵州境内只有贵阳一个机场,以贵阳为中心的大十字形铁路干路网,是贵州连接外省的主要交通方式。贵州境内交通以铁路和公路为主。现有的贵阳—安顺—黄果树和贵阳—遵义两条高速公路,是贵阳通贵北和黔西的主要通道。  相似文献   

沿着阳河进入了贵州,所经之处时光仿佛在原地踏步,想给自己一个放松的理由,不妨来此……路线安排:贵阳——旧州——施秉——镇远——贵阳  相似文献   

在中国的名胜古迹中,亭,是最多见的一种艺术建筑。据考,亭始建于周代,皆设在边疆要塞,作为防卫和了望之用。秦汉时,亭向内地扩延,用来维护地方治安。南北朝,亭建于途中,供人休憩,迎送客人,十里为长亭,五里为短亭。到了唐代,亭演变成为园林石径中供人赏景的建筑物。  相似文献   

说微笑服务劳克近日到集团某游乐场所,刚进得门来,就有一小姐耷拉着眼皮低声说:"票呢?"待我们恭敬地说找某人有事时,小姐连哼都没哼一声,闹得我们进也不是退也不是,非常难受。特别是那位小姐的哭丧脸儿,使人想起来就不寒而栗。在服务行业竞争十分激烈的今天,很...  相似文献   

南丝绸之路是一条几乎被人遗忘了的道路,在历史的阴影中,它若隐若现。当年,它曾经是南部中国最繁盛的一条商道,绵延在西南广阔的崇山峻岭和滔滔的河水之中,水陆相连,从湖南经贵州全境,出云南或广西,然后直达缅甸.汉人将盐、丝绸、针线等物品不远万里地运到这里,然后再将当地少数民族的大米和药材运回家乡。  相似文献   

古人云:“巢居穴处日岩栖,栋宇居山日山居。”前些时在山里住过一段日子,有了山居的切实感受。  相似文献   

贵叟 《当代旅游》2003,(1):28-28

俊宏  建勇  秀清 《山西旅游》2006,(5):23-23
晋源区自古称晋阳,历史悠久,人荟萃。从春秋末建城到宋初焚毁,曾有15个朝代在此立都(包括诸候国),一直是中国北方政治、经济、军事、化的中心之一。在2500年的悠悠岁月中,这里曾涌现过许多的英雄豪杰,仁人志士,他们一个个名垂千古,昭彰后世。王琼就是其中的一个。  相似文献   


以前在兰州,习惯了邮购,就是到了外地买书,也要去邮局给自己寄回去。我在长沙新华书店买过6本《小世界》,在刚开业的海淀图书城买过15公斤书,都是这样寄回兰州的。不过有一天,我发现书店也开始有代寄图书的业务了,这导致我在北京三味书屋和深圳图书城的消费远远超出了购买力,以至于回家前都要向朋友借钱。 后来渐渐地熟悉了各地的小书店,比如广州的博尔赫斯和后来的红、成都的卡夫卡、上海的汉源、 兰州的非主流、北京的方舟和自由交流、兰羊、黄石的后  相似文献   


As the introduction to the special issue of Leisure Sciences dedicated to interdisciplinary theorizations and practices productively informed by our posthuman predicament and currents within posthumanist thought, this article sets the stage, tone, and itinerary for a series of articles examining the various potentials posthumanism affords. As such, we attempt to connect multiple ways posthumanism may be taken up with key concepts, linguistic identifiers, and onto-epistemological shifts that may open upon important differences in how we live, think, and relate with human and nonhuman entities. Resisting melancholic laments at the failures of humanism, we urge for an affirmative, upbeat, and visionary approach to set a different trajectory for our future. This article is intended to serve as a point of departure for scholars desiring to experiment with what posthumanism can do to generate changes and accelerations for a more humane, if not less human-centric, future.  相似文献   


The newly anointed American cities of the late capitalist moment appear preoccupied with the reconstitution of urban space. More accurately, select parcels of urban America have been reconfigured into multifaceted sport, leisure and tourism environments designed for the purpose of encouraging consumption‐oriented capital accumulation. Within this paper, the focus is a critical exploration of the ways in which tangible and intangible forms of heritage have been employed, utilized and exploited within these urban transformations. Through focus on a city emblematic of the processes that have molded downtown cores under US capitalism – Memphis – the paper points to the role of heritage in the reconfiguration of the Memphian ‘tourist bubble’. In particular, discussion centers on the often problematic selection of histories and historical elements, forms and practices within the interests of capital space and thus raises a host of localized questions about whose collective memory is being performed in the present, whose aesthetics really count and who benefits. Conclusions address how such urban space is imbued with power relations, that is, how increasingly leisure‐oriented spaces can be seen as important sites of social struggle in which dominant power relations can be constructed, contested and reproduced.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of tourist literature in the genesis of ethnic stereotypes. Considering the case of the Toraja of Sulawesi (Indonesia), it is suggested that travel agents are brokers in ethnicity, travel brochures being the tools of their trade. In the process of marketing images of exotic places and peoples, travel brochures draw upon a small set of indigenous ethnic markers, elaborating upon them to provide a mental grid through which the tourist filters his perceptions while abroad. These travel brochure images become indices of “authenticity” and the ethnic stereotypes generated by them become reified during the course of the tourist's visit abroad.  相似文献   

旅游产品散论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈愉秉 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):82-88
目前学界对旅游产品的概念存在不少分歧,本文择取如下问题加以讨论:旅游产品是否包含媒介要素、是否是一种经历或体验、是否是商品、是否包含目的地出售的实物形态商品以及是否包含旅游资源.本文认为,媒介要素是旅游产品的必要组成部分,不能把旅游产品看作经历或体验,旅游产品是商品,旅游产品中不包含旅游地出售的旅游纪念品等实物形态商品,也不包括旅游资源.本文着重讨论了旅游资源与旅游产品的关系,提出旅游资源不是旅游产品或产品的一部分,而是、也仅仅是旅游产品生产要素中狭义的土地要素.  相似文献   

位于三江平原腹地的建三江,三江环绕,五山耸翠,钟灵毓秀,江山如画,蕴藏着丰富的自然和人文景观,凡来建三江的人无不为三江八景所倾倒. 建三江以大平原著称,大平原孕育了大农业,这三江第一景当首推二道河农场的万亩地号.一块地有一万多亩,有人考证这是亚洲最大的地号.农场对这万亩耕地实施麦豆轮种,机械作业,微机管理.党和国家领导人江泽民、李鹏、温家宝、曾庆红等都曾在这块地里视察并留影存念,三江人也为有这块中国农业现代化的"大窗口"而骄傲.  相似文献   

农历五月初五是我国的传统佳节--端午节,又叫端阳节.这一天,民间有吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂香袋、喝雄黄酒等一系列习俗.经数千年历代承袭,形成了我国端午文化这一道独特亮丽的风景线,因此留下了许多脍炙人口的诗联佳句.  相似文献   


Few studies have examined the influence of winery tourists’ motivations and satisfaction on number of visits and revisit intentions. This study examined these relationships through 1602 online survey responses from former winery visitors. The data were analyzed through a series of multiple regression analyses. Findings show that among tourists’ motivations, the reputation, reviews, and perceived quality of the winery and its wines significantly affect the number of visits and revisit intentions, while media exposure affects revisit intentions. Further, visitors’ satisfaction with the winery significantly impacts revisit intentions. While visitors’ geographic proximity to the winery increased the number of visits, as expected, distance from the winery is shown to increase revisit intentions. Finally, the number of previous visits had a significant positive effect on revisit intentions.  相似文献   

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