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<正>鑫苑物业服务有限公司总经理王研博以创新力为发展力,以富于前瞻性的战略眼光与跨界思维,带领鑫苑物业团队抓住转型升级机遇,实现服务升级、信息化应用与商业模式创新,取得了企业规模翻番、经营收入翻番等良好业绩。"创新"是鑫苑物业企业文化的关键词之一,总经理王研博将"创新"的维度从管理、服务延伸到经营、品牌。将创新举措与未来战略结合,促进客户价值、商业价值、品牌价值三位一体的增长。  相似文献   

<正>2015年6月5日,由《中国物业管理》杂志社主办、河南正弘物业管理有限公司承办的第二届品牌住宅物业发展论坛在郑州召开。会上,围绕互联网+时代,物业服务如何更有价值进行互动交流。互联网+时代的思考余绍元:作为一个备受热议的词汇,互联网+对于每个人来说都有自己的体会,我个人认为,互联网+时代,产品和用户之间的距离被无限拉近。那么对于物业管理行业从业人员,如何理解互联网+?下面,我们有请各位行业资深专家,谈谈怎么看待互联  相似文献   

<正>万科物业在推行睿服务的过程中运用了很多先进技术,这也带来了公司组织结构的变革。我认为,如果一个企业仅仅满足于技术运用,而没有组织结构上的变化,这不代表这个公司在转型。在互联网+时代,行业正在发生巨变,为了降低管理成本,让物业服务更简单,万科物业推出了睿服务这一品牌。行业在变革行业巨变正在发生,那么到底是谁在主导行业的这场变革呢?其实不外乎两类机构,一是物业管理行业的  相似文献   

<正>未来物业管理呈现出来的将是高智力密集、高技术含量、高文化品位和高服务质量特征。经过近40年发展,中国物业管理行业步入向现代服务业转型的战略机遇期。物业服务企业积极扩大规模,创新服务模式与商业模式,带动行业进入资本化窗口期。行业的勃兴离不开内生式突破,同时亟需行业企业拿出智慧与勇气,拥抱资本,创造价值,用先进  相似文献   

回顾我国物业管理行业的发展历程,从无到有、从有到全、从全到精,正是一个不断追求质量提升的过程,标准决定质量,没有高标准就没有高质量。  相似文献   

平安养老保险股份有限公司于2004年12月在上海成立,目前公司注册资本33.6亿元人民币,是国内首家、也是注册资本规模最大的养老金公司。平安养老保险股份有限公司山东分公司成立于2007年3月,是山东省第一家专业的养老保险公司。主营业务为团体养老保险及年金业务、个人养老保险及年金业务、团体人寿保险及年金业务、短期健康保险业务、意外伤害保险业务、上述保险的再保险业务、以及经中国保监会批准的其他业务。平安养老山东分公司是山东省001号企业年金(第一个年金计划)的管理者。在山东省内服务的企业年金客  相似文献   

<正>2014年9月4日、5日,在"科技助力行业成长——万科物业发展模式"研讨班上,万科物业首度对外详细介绍了"睿服务"体系,在业界激起强烈反响。"睿服务"体系是万科物业携手华为、中兴、阿里云等高科技、互联网巨头,在打造物业服务O2O模式上给出的系统的解决方案,以颠覆性的创新手段,重新定义物业管理行业的发展模式。万科物业"睿服务"体系基于以"易化"(Facilitation)、"智能"(Intelligence)、"信托"(Trusteeship)为导向的"FIT  相似文献   

很高兴能在《乡镇企业导报》的平台上和大家倾诉肺腑,唠唠家常话。我既不是专家,也不是学者,只是一个普通的村书记,就讲点人生感悟吧。  相似文献   

<正>龙湖物业以自己的实践证实:社区内部的业主资源是一座很大的金矿,这一切的基础是持续的高满意度,因为,没有满意,就没有生意。2014年10月,中国新闻网发布了一篇文章《可怕的龙湖物业是如何炼成的》,之后,新华网、人民网、凤凰网等知名网络媒体迅速地进行了转载,一时间,龙湖物业的服务成为业界热议的话题:在全国20多个城市拥有管理项目,其中98%是住宅物业,面对不同地域文化背景,以及数十万业主  相似文献   

<正>每一份伟大的开始,都源于对信念、使命的坚持,正如中国共产党跨越99年的时间长流,写下革命、建设、改革的壮丽篇章。笔者所在的银丰物业管理有限公司(下简称"银丰物业")始终坚持党建引领,扎实开展党建工作,丰富党员活动内容,夯实"红色物业"基础,让物业服务更有温度。  相似文献   

Why do some information technology innovations come to be adopted widely while others do not? One promising research stream has begun to investigate how institutional factors shape the diffusion of IT innovations. Here we examine how these institutional factors themselves are shaped. Specifically, we explore how interested actors termed institutional entrepreneurs develop institutional arrangements to launch an IT innovation toward widespread adoption. Undertaking a contemporary case study of a new class of enterprise software, professional services automation (PSA), we found that to launch PSA, institutional entrepreneurs sought to mobilize an organizational community by developing and recognizing leaders and facilitating members’ focus on PSA. They further struggled to legitimate PSA by developing a coherent organizing vision that incorporated compelling success stories. We tie these findings together in a model that usefully shifts the focus of IT innovation research from assessing institutional effects to understanding institution-building. This new focus suggests an alternative IT diffusion theory with several practical implications.  相似文献   

This research utilizes the framework of transaction cost economics (TCE) to develop an understanding of how firms manage the costs and risks of offshore outsourcing of professional services. This research examines the perspectives of eight organizations through interviews with 10 high-ranking supply management executives. The paper first explores the rationale for offshore outsourcing among the organizations studied. Using the tenants of TCE, this paper postulates that fixed costs of establishing the relationship dominate the variable costs of day-to-day transactions, and that organizations will not offshore outsource areas where there is high perceived degree of unmanageable risk. The paper expands on themes provided by TCE and offers some lessons learned, and guidelines for managing and controlling offshore outsourced services relationships.  相似文献   

德国内部审计的发展,除了得益于企业经营活动和组织结构日益复杂化所引发的加强内部管理和控 制的内在需求外,还与内部审计自身目标定位、工作理念的转变及其对提升企业价值的贡献密不可分。在德国内 部审计的发展中,既体现了国际内部审计发展的一般趋势,也明显受到具有德国特色的企业内外环境因素的影响, 因而具有一定的研究意义。  相似文献   

  • We provide initial evidence on whether use of professional fundraising services by US nonprofit organizations (NPOs) increases the effectiveness of NPOs' fundraising efforts. To a well-tested model of organization-level donations, we add an interaction term that captures the impact that professional fundraising fees an NPO incurs has on the effectiveness of an NPOs' spending on fundraising in raising donations. We find that professional fundraising fees has a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of fundraising efforts in raising donations for NPOs in the full, education, and health samples, but no impact for NPOs in the arts and human services samples. For NPOs in the full sample and NPOs in the education sample, one quarter of the effect of fundraising on donations stems from the positive impact of professional fundraising services on the effectiveness of fundraising in raising donations. For NPOs in the health sample, one half of the effect of fundraising on donations stems from the positive impact of professional fundraising services on the effectiveness of fundraising in raising donations. These results suggest that professional fundraising services significantly enhance the effectiveness of fundraising for these types of NPOs. While the results of this study seem to confirm the decisions of managers of education and health NPOs to utilize professional fundraising services, the results also suggest that managers of arts and human services NPOs may want to reconsider using professional fundraising services, at least the types of services they currently purchase and the way they currently utilize such services.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

改革开放的深入进行不断提升着我国人民的生活水平,各行各业的发展也直接影响了发电机的广泛使用。对于很多发电厂来说,发电机的质量高低直接影响了很多发电厂的生产经营情况,在发电厂的长远发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。文章主要关注了我国发电机安装工作的发展状况,从安装手段到安装方式都做出了一定的探讨,并且结合了很多实际工作中存在的...  相似文献   

Each year, clients spend large sums on professional services, such as accounting services, legal services and consulting services. While research has found significant cross-country differences in organizations’ spending on professional services, we do not know why they occur. Inspired by the organizational buying behavior literature, this paper investigates the influence of national culture on the use of professional services, particularly management consulting services. As the use of professional services involves considerable uncertainties—particularly for the buyer—it can be assumed to be influenced by cultural differences regarding the level of Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism and Masculinity. By drawing on two independent cross-country studies, we show that organizations in high uncertainty avoidance and individualistic cultures use professional services less than organizations in low uncertainty avoidance and collectivist cultures. We found no relationship between Hofstede's dimension of Masculinity and the use of professional services. The findings contribute to the theorizing on how the cultural context influences organizational buying behavior and the purchasing of professional services.  相似文献   

职业经理人由于其职业的特殊性,从而表现出明显的职业特征,同时也要求具有相应的职业素养.本文从从社会职业分工类型、企业(公司)治理结构和企业规模因素等方面考察和分析了职业经理人的职业特征;在对职业经理人职业素养界定的基础上,解析了职业精神、职业价值观、职业道德、职业作风、职业心理等五个构成要素.  相似文献   

丁威 《人力资源》2016,(10):80-82
古语说良将抵千军,说明良将对于军队的重要性,一场战役的胜利很大程度由主将能力决定.企业管理也有相通之理,现代企业竞争已经转向人才的竞争,对人才的保有和开发程度决定了企业的综合竞争力,这其中的开发又是重中之重,因为人来了你用不好不但帮不了企业可能还害了人.今天想与大家分享的就是在人才开发的问题上如何推进绩效薪酬的落地.  相似文献   

Altan  Elcin 《Quality and Quantity》2018,52(2):1219-1233

The aim of this study is to investigate Educational Managers’ perceptions of reflective thinking, strategic thinking and enterprising. An interview technique, one of qualitative research methods, was used in this research. 9 participants, 3 directors from the Ministry and 6 directors from the Special Education of the National Ministry of Education. The factors, to specify reflective thinking, strategic thinking, and enterprising, specified on the interview form, were referred to in preparing authentic interview questions. The same questions were asked to all educational directors. The researcher met individually and received answers through interviews. The number of women participants were higher. The directors had 21–30 years of service and the ones in their present institution had 10–15 years of service. Among the participants, the number of the ones who decided to be directors was bigger. The number of participants who had a positive opinion about the sufficiency of the directors of the Ministry and the school directors was higher. All the participants stated that they developed their communication and were more patient in terms of their positive way of living specified in the interview questions. As for the strength of the institution, the participants stated that the directors of the Ministry disagreed with the power of the institution, but the school directors stressed that there was a strong working group at schools which reflected the power of the institution. For the weakness of the institution, the involved in the Ministry expressed the negative outcomes of political appointments and applications. On the other hand, the school directors complained that their demands from the Ministry for teacher shortage and the physical structure of the school building are not met. The authorities expressed that the institution did not have long-term strategic visions. Whereas, the school directors stressed that the vision of the institution has been explained in detail and the staff were well aware of it. In addition, it was explained that they had both long-term and short-term strategic plans. It has been noticed that all the participants exhibited enterprising skills and added a lot of innovations to the institution. The findings of this research indicated that there was a significant difference between the Ministry and the school directors in terms of strategic plans, visions, missions, positive–negative experiences and expectations. At the same time, the Ministry admitted that, although not institutionally, they benefited from reflective thinking, strategic planning and girişimcilikten, they were in a dead-end as an institution. On the other hand, the school directors, both as individuals and institutions, benefited from reflective thinking, strategic planning and enterprising, and expressed that their pessimism was related to their expectations from the Ministry. The Ministry stressed the need for radical changes in terms of administration and expected the government to study on this issue. The school directors stated that they had expectations from the Ministry, but they tried to find solutions to their problems from outside.


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