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安春柳 《中国经贸》2015,(18):74-74
政府干预企业并购其目的在于为了调节市场失灵以及维护各个行业之间的公平竞争.随着经济的飞速发展,企业并购的脚步也在不断加快,特别是在政府干预下的企业并购显得尤为突出.从各项研究中我们可以看出,政府干预不仅对国有企业有促进作用,而且对非国有企业也有着一定的积极影响.因此研究政府干预与企业并购有着一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

由于跨国并购具有涉及资本在全球流动、进入时间短等特点,跨国并购对我国发展的影响可以是不平衡的和双刃的,在经济全球化中跨国公司获得超常的收益的同时,给我国的企业同时带来了正面效应和负面效应。我们要始终在开放中保持自主并积极发展自我,树立合作共赢的意识.在经济全球化的今天,要以全球视野的高度看待外资并购。  相似文献   

外资并购国企的障碍分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
并购是国际上对外直接投资(FDI)的主要方式,但在我国吸引的外资中并购所 占的比重甚小。本文从认识上、制度上、法律上、能力上、动机上等五个方面对造成这一鲜明反 差的原因作了简单的分析。  相似文献   

本文以1995~2005年间发生的49起外资并购中国上市公司事件为样本,运用事件研究法对外资并购的财富效应进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,外资并购增加了我国上市公司的股东财富。研究还发现,外资并购方式、外资是否控股以及目标公司与政府的关联程度对外资并购的财富效应都有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

外资并购是备受关注的热点话题,其发展趋势及影响成为关注的焦点.  相似文献   

外资并购是备受关注的热点话题,其发展趋势及影响成为关注的焦点。  相似文献   

东道国对外资并购的规制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在梳理已有研究成果的基础上,着重以外资并购对东道国市场结构的竞争与反竞争影响、以及资源转移中的政府和跨国公司的博弈作为理论分析的主要内容,认为东道国和跨国公司在选择外资进入东道国的两种方式(新建进入和并购进入)时存在不一致的经济利益,在技术等重要资源转让成本不同的条件下,作为东道国应制定相应不同的引资政策以使利益最大化。本文评价了中国20世纪90年代以来外资并购规制政策的变化,提出外资并购规制的政策取向和战略规划,以推动这一领域的研究。  相似文献   

文章基于昆明市上市公司数据,运用灰色关联模型和多元回归模型探讨地方政府政绩指标与上市公司横向、纵向和混合并购模式的相关性,分析得出地方政府在达到不同政绩目标时,影响上市公司选择的并购模式和政府动因影响的效果,证明政府干预过度、就业负增长和纵向并购模式下固定资产投资减少的制度缺陷,并从降低政府干预度、完善就业制度建设、改善固定资产投资现状角度对制度完善提出建议.  相似文献   

郭海星  万迪昉   《华东经济管理》2010,24(7):107-110
文章以中国制度环境为背景,研究了国有企业的收购与反收购动机。通过构建企业收购与反收购模型,考察了管理者控制权私人收益对并购动机的影响,结果发现如果政府干预补偿了管理者的控制权私人收益,则管理者越有动机进行反收购;如果政府干预降低了控制权私人收益,则管理者没有反收购动机。模型还发现管理者持股比率、公司规模、自然世界状态均对企业并购行为有显著影响。  相似文献   

温耀原 《特区经济》2009,(5):235-238
外资并购是外资通过企业兼并或者企业收购取得国内企业的控制权而进入国内市场的活动。外资并购中国企业前、后,其法律形态也相应的发生变化,同时也将面临适用不同法律体系的问题,因此研究外资并购中的主体法律形态具有重要的现实意义。本文首先概述了外资并购;其次分析了外资并购法律关系中的主体法律形态;再次探讨了外资并购后的主体法律形态;最后对外资并购中国企业主体法律形态的提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

During the past thirty years, central banks often intervened in foreign exchange markets. Sometimes they carried out foreign exchange market interventions on a unilateral basis. However, central banks often coordinated their foreign exchange market interventions. We develop a quantitative reaction function model that renders it possible to study the factors that made central banks switch from unilateral to coordinated interventions. We apply our model to the intervention policies of the Japanese monetary authorities and the U.S. Federal Reserve in the yen/U.S. dollar market during the period 1991–2001. To this end, we use recently released official data on the foreign exchange market interventions of the Japanese monetary authorities. JEL no. F31, F33, G14, G15  相似文献   

Students of economics may have heard of that economics, especially the kind of mainstream neoclassical economics taught in most universities on earth today, is an imitation of physical science in some fundamental fashion. However, few economists would imagine that economics can be as effective as physical science, not even in the remote future. China’s Chang’e 4 mission to the far side of the Moon provides a golden opportunity for economists to explore this fascinating possibility from the aspect of astrodynamics.

This article, inspired by thoughts of Justin Yifu Lin and Angang Hu among others regarding China’s economic reform, demonstrates that physics explaining the Three-Body Problem of classical mechanics may as well be understood as guiding principles when dealing with issues in development economics. Several aspects of ‘Washington consensus’ are examined in relation to the concerns raised by Chinese scholars. The study concludes that neoliberal interpretations of modern economics are basically inconsistent with the neoclassical framework outlined in standard economics textbooks.  相似文献   


An Africana feminist framework is presented that considers the ways in which inequality resulting from a historical legacy of political conflict and other dimensions intersect to impact upon the accomplishment of Millennium Development Goals with regards to environmental sustainability and child malnutrition in Zimbabwe. Demographic and Health Surveys are analysed from 1988 to 2011 to examine whether differential access to water and sanitation is predicted by ethnic differences in Zimbabwe, and is predictive of chronic malnutrition. Safe water and sanitation are in short supply, and logistic regression analyses provide evidence that residents in Shona and Ndebele-dominated provinces generally have better access to these resources. Uneven distribution of these development resources has a deleterious impact on early childhood nutrition. This work elicits results that give rise to child health-related policy recommendations that may inform post-2015 discussions of Sustainable Development Goals, namely that within-country ethnic differences must be taken into account.  相似文献   

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