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《企业会计准则—非货币性交易》(以下简称《准则》)于2000年1月1日实施,该《准则》的实施规范了企业对非货币性交易的会计核算和信息披露,有很强的针对性。对现实中一些企业利用非货币交易来操纵利润现象起到抑制作用。笔者对其中关于换入资产入账价值的规定提出建议。  相似文献   

笔者在学习研究<非货币性交易准则>及<企业会计制度>的过程中发现了其中一些不一致的地方,特别是涉及应收款项的资产交换中关于非贷币性交易的认定,本文拟对这一问题谈谈自己的看法,同时,对财政部于2002年10月印发的<关于(企业会计制度)和相关会计准则的问题解答>中关于"对在非货币性交易中涉及补价并考虑相关税金时收益的确认"的解答谈谈自己的体会,不妥之处,敬请各位专家指正.  相似文献   

论述了非贷币性交易时换出资产账面价值的概念,不同的非货币性资产如存货、固定资产、无形资产和各种投资等在发生非货币性交易时如何计算换出资产账面价值.  相似文献   

论述了非货币性交易时换出资产账面价值的概念,不同的非货币性资产如存货、固定资产、无形资产和各种投资等在发生非货币性交易时如何计算换出资产账面价值。  相似文献   

非货币性交易是企业以非货币性资产进行交换的交易,是企业间的一类特殊的经济业务。从其实现了不同企业间财产物资的价值对等交换角度来看,它是一种“销售——购买”的内在结合交易,按税法规定,要依“视同销售”原则计算交易者应缴纳的流转税;从其所取得的是非货币性资产这个角度看,非货币性交易尚未完成所换入资产的价值兑现即盈利过程,在会计上不能人为地把它分解为“销售”和“购买”两个独立业务来进行处理。在非货币性交易中,双方达成的资产对等交换价值,并不是用于交换的资产的账面价值,而是所交换资产的公允价值。根据公允…  相似文献   

通过对非货币性交易的阐述,对非货币性交易的确定特征、交易的核算方法、不涉及货币的非货币性交易和涉及货币的非货币性交易展开分析论述。最后运用实例进行对照讲解,做到理论与实践相结合,教学效果会事半功倍。  相似文献   

财政部于1999年6月28日发布了《企业会计准则———非货币性交易》,并决定于2000年1月1日起在全国各类企业执行。这一准则是为了规范易货贸易、股权交换等非货币性交易的会计核算及相关信息披露,避免企业借此操纵利润。非货币性交易的会计核算有其自身的特点,现将其中值得注意的几个问题提出来,谈谈个人的认识。一、货币性资产的非货币性交易确定问题企业的非货币性交易一般是交易双方以非货币性资产进行的交换,但有时也会涉及少量的货币性资产,即补价。补价占交易额的比例成为区分货币性交易与非货币性交易的标准。准则指南中规定此比例为2…  相似文献   

由于我国证券市场的快速发展,非货币性交易越来越多地通过资产交换、股权贸易的方式进行。这些业务给企业进行方便的生产运营和资金周转提供一种新的方法,但同时通过非货币性交易进行利润操纵也给许多公司留下了遐想空间。为使企业能够得到顺利的发展,财政部发布《企业会计准则——非货币性交易》来规范非货币性交换的一些细节问题及相关信息披露。即使如此仍然避免不了一些实质性问题的解决。鉴于此,本文通过研究非货币性交易中涉及到的商业实质、公允价值、关联方来找出一些我国非货币性交易的会计中存在的问题和不足,并结合我国的特殊情况,针对非货币性交易会计中存在的问题提出相应的改进意见和相关对策。  相似文献   

非货币性资产是企业一种非经常性的特殊交易行为,正因为日常经营里很少发生,因此很多会计在核算这类业务的时候经常出现判断不准,核算结果和"准则"要求有距离,出现重大会计错误.为此就如何准确进行非货币性资产的核算做如下浅议,供大家探讨.  相似文献   


Little research has examined how consumers respond to sales promotions in new product categories. This article fills this gap by integrating research on reference prices with literature on sales promotions for new product categories. Existing research suggests that consumers respond more favourably to non-monetary promotions (e.g. extra free promotions) than monetary promotions (e.g. price discounts) because non-monetary promotions are framed as segregated gains rather than reduced losses. However, both kinds of promotions are widely used in practice, suggesting the importance of other contributory factors. With a consumer experiment on a national panel of consumers, this research demonstrates that extra free product promotions are most preferred for existing products, and introductory low-price promotions are preferred for innovative products. The moderating effect of a product's innovativeness is explained via a new relationship in the marketing literature, whereby perceived risk mediates the relationship between perceived innovativeness and a consumer's tendency to stockpile.  相似文献   

International trade transactions present unique commercial and legal risks, and hence specialized forms of financing are required.  相似文献   

In Australia, oysters are perceived as luxury products or are reserved for special occasions, making their consumption infrequent. Point of sale (POS) strategies can encourage consumers to increase purchase frequency. This paper reports the results of a field trial conducted for the Australian oyster industry to increase oyster purchase frequency. Five non-monetary POS strategies were trialled over 16 weeks in seven specialty seafood stores. While issues with store POS strategy compliance made evaluation difficult, sales increased by 15–20%; the most effective strategy was in-store sampling. Management and staff commitment to the POS campaign positively impacted results.  相似文献   

在不存在关联方关系时,各公司是在平等自由的基础上进行公平交易的.而关联关系常常以一种微妙的方式影响着交易,由于不存在竞争性的市场条件,从而为关联方粉饰利润提供了机会.本文试图从上市公司惯用的操作手法上予以识别关联方的交易是否存在.  相似文献   

The accurate pricing of securities in the capital markets depends upon the markets being both efficient and fair. In management buyout transactions (MBOs), the price bid by inside managers enhances the efficient pricing of securities but raises a reasonable doubt about the fairness to existing shareholders. This study addresses this fairness question in MBOs and offers short-term and long-term legal alternatives which allow both the efficiency and fairness criteria to be met. In the short-term the case law established in the Basic v. Levinson decision for merger negotiation disclosures should be applied to MBO transactions. Over the longer horizon, legislative changes should be made to existing securities laws. Applying the investor protection principles of the 1933 and 1934 securities acts to MBO transactions will suppress the temptation of managers to extract shareholder wealth for their personal gain. Frederick P. Schadler, Assistant Professor of Finance at East Carolina University, in Greenville, North Carolina. Research interests include security issuances, investment banking, and ethical issues related to securities regulation. He has presented papers at regional and national meetings and has published in the Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions and the Memphis State University Law Review. Jack E. Karns, an Associate Professor of Business Law at East Carolina University. Research is directed toward corporate law, securities, and government regulation of business issues including ethical considerations. He has published in numerous legal journals including the Dickinson, University of Richmond, and Memphis State University Law Reviews.  相似文献   

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