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郑彪 《云南金融》2012,(2Z):5-6
双边投资保护协定指的是东道国与投资国之间订立的,以鼓励和保护本国公民在东道国境内的投资为目的而签署的双边条约。中美双边投资保护协定谈判在社会各界的关注中已历经3年半的拉锯战,近期在两国元首宣布谈判加速的联合声明中,我们似乎看到了中美BIT出而问世的曙光。把握两国谈判的近况与分析该条约对后危机时代两国经济乃至国际经济法体系的影响具有时代意义。  相似文献   

双边投资保护协定指的是东道国与投资国之间订立的,以鼓励和保护本国公民在东道国境内的投资为目的而签署的双边条约。中美双边投资保护协定谈判在社会各界的关注中已历经3年半的拉锯战,近期在两国元首宣布谈判加速的联合声明中,我们似乎看到了中美BIT出而问世的曙光。把握两国谈判的近况与分析该条约对后危机时代两国经济乃至国际经济法体系的影响具有时代意义。  相似文献   

中国财政部副部长朱光耀7月10日在京表示,在第六轮中美战略与经济对话上,双方就中美双边投资协定谈判取得“历史性”进展,设立了清晰的时间表。  相似文献   

中国BIT的内容与美国BIT(2004)范本内容的一致性越来越多,中美在BIT主要条款上的分歧正在逐步减少。7月9日至10日,第六轮中美战略与经济对话在北京举行。在本轮对话中,中美双边投资协定(Bilateral Investment Treaties,BITs)的谈判再次成为关注的焦点之一。  相似文献   

为期两天的第五轮中美战略与经济对话于7月11日在美国华盛顿落下帷幕。这次对话不仅成果可圈可点,而且充满了"新意"与"看点"。这是全球两个大国政府换届后的首次对话,出席并主持对话的"新人"及"新话题"让人期待。中国国务院副总理汪洋、国务委员杨洁篪作为习近平主席特别代表,同奥巴马总统特别代表美国国务卿克里、财政部长雅各布·卢共同在开幕式致辞,并主持对话。战略对话的议题包括网络安全、朝鲜核武、气候变迁与环保议题等;经济对话的议题则包含中美双边投资  相似文献   

李皓 《中国外资》2014,(7):13-13
中美双边投资协定为中国提供了一个进一步完善外资管理体制、提高海外利益保护水平的良好契机,从而服务于中国经济社会发展。中美双边投资协定(BIT)文本谈判业已进行两轮,中国商务部新闻发言入沈丹阳表示,这两轮谈判"总体来看都进展顺利"。沈丹阳是在3月18日召开的中国商务部例行发布会上作上述表态的。今年以来,中美投资协定谈判已进行了两轮,先是1月份在中国上海举行了第十一轮谈判,中美双方围绕文本进行了磋商和谈判,标志着双方首次进入文本的实质性谈判。3月4日至8日,第十二轮谈判在美国  相似文献   

未来基于中美战略互信基础构建起来的包括经济、贸易、投资在内的双边战略框架将有望成形,并推动中美经济关系进入新的关键时期  相似文献   

叶斌 《国际融资》2014,(12):37-39
随着中国企业“走出去”战略的实施,近年来中国对欧投资从无到有,增长迅猛。鉴于中欧的庞大经济规模,中欧在投资领域具有巨大的开发潜力。2014年1月21日.中国与欧盟正式开启首轮投资协定的谈判。  相似文献   

We study the relations between takeover negotiations duration, competition and learning, focusing on the private phase of bidder-initiated transactions. While the negotiation goes on, both parties learn about true deal synergies. At any moment, rival bidders can show up and compete for the target. Using a discrete-time finite-horizon dynamic programming approach, we derive the equilibrium relations between the negotiation duration, the pressure of potential competition and the learning process. Next, we perform a calibration exercise on a large sample of merger negotiations with hand-collected data from the Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Our results provide evidence of a very competitive M&A (Mergers and acquisitions) market.  相似文献   

Stock option plans are used to increase managerial incentives, and business practices usually set the exercise price equal to the stock market price. The purpose of this paper is to underline the importance of a process of negotiation leading to a possible equilibrium contract satisfying both managers and shareholders. The two key variables of the model are the percentage of equity capital offered by the shareholders to the managers and the exercise price of the options that may be at a discount. We explicitly introduce risk aversion and information asymmetries in the form of (i) an economic uncertainty in the gain of cash flow, (ii) possibly biased information between the two parties and (iii) a noise in the valuation price of the stock in the market. The existence of a process of negotiation between shareholders and managers leading to a possible disclosure of private information is highlighted. As a conclusion, we show that “efficient” stock option plans should be granted in a context of trade-off between the percentage of capital awarded to managers and the discount in stock price.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between firms' investment and stock market liquidity. Using a panel of Latin American firms, I find evidence that a higher trading volume and a higher industry-adjusted trading volume are associated with higher firm investment (PPE, Total Assets, and Inventory). This relationship is higher in episodes where the firm decides to issue shares, and it is also greater for firms with tighter financial constraints and better investment opportunities. This evidence is consistent with a mispricing channel, where firms issue and invest the proceeds to take advantage of low cost of capital, or with a cost channel, where liquidity is associated with lower issuance costs. Also, it is less related with an informational channel, where a liquid market helps a manager to take more efficient decisions, since this channel does not necessarily predict an increase in investment, but only more efficient investment.  相似文献   

董小娟 《中国外资》2013,(2):283-284
本文主要论述了中美两国文化中不同教育阶段的各个方面的不同,从小学,初中,高中一直到大学整个教育体系中,两国文化的不同。如班级的人数,学生或者老师对学习的态度。目的让大家对中美两国的教育体制有个大概的认识。  相似文献   

林达 《国际融资》2002,(6):46-46
什么是投资银行 投资银行是主要从事证券发行、承销、交易、企业重组、兼并与收购、投资分析、风险投资、项目融资等业务的非银行金融机构,是资本市场上的主要金融中介.  相似文献   

技术的基础设施不存在,中国就很难出现"乔布斯" 杨瑞荣先生创立远毅资本之前,是北极光创投(简称:北极光)的合伙人和兰馨亚洲投资(简称:兰馨)的投资总监,在风险投资行业13年的工作经历,特别是到北极光工作之后,他的投资注意力已集中转向健康医疗和金融技术两大行业,并发现了这两大领域的技术空白带——基础设施.为此,他于2016年创立了远毅资本,专注于投资高门槛的健康医疗和金融技术的"基础设施建设".他为远毅资本设计的投资定位得到了北极光基金的基石投资支持,目前已管理了两支基金.  相似文献   

Environmental agreements represent voluntary coalitions which mostly regulate emissions and the exhaustion of natural resources. The analysis of why and under which conditions countries (or policy makers) may be inclined toward ratifying such agreements or not has been the focus of a body of theoretical work at the interface of environmental economics and the economics of coalition games. Traditional theoretical work predicted that environmental agreements are hard to sustain due to the lacking enforceability of associated contracts and the incentive to free-ride. This hypothesis is at odds with the enormous surge of such agreements in reality over the last few decades. Recent work by Rose and Spiegel (J. Money, Credit Bank. 41:337–363, 2009) suggests that environmental agreements will be signed and are stable, because they work as a signal and help economies to get access to export (and possibly other) credits. Hence, the reason for a ratification of such agreements is their interdependence with other policies, especially ones that are related to international business. This paper sheds light on the determinants of multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) participation. In particular, we pay attention to the role of a country’s international openness by means of chosen trade and investment policies for such participation. The results support the view that wealthier countries with a strong inclination towards trade and investment liberalization are more in favor of committing themselves voluntarily to environmental standards, pollution reduction, and other means of environmental protection through MEA memberships than other countries, all else equal.  相似文献   

摘自董登新搜狐博客2010年1~8月,在美国主板NYSE和创业板NASDAQ,共有108家公司申请新股发行,但最终只有87只新股成功发行并挂牌上市,另有21只新股至今尚未发行,其中,3只新股"撤销发行",18只新股"暂缓发行"。在此,本文仅就发行成功并挂牌上市的87只新股展开分析。  相似文献   

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