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为方便可持续发展原则的具体实施,法国标准协会(AFNOR)认证中心特别设计了AFAQ1000NR标准。这一评估工具如今成为确保企业前瞻性和差别化的宝贵资源。迄今为止,AFAQ1000NR标准推出已经三年了,并将于今年秋季更名为AFAQ26000标准,本文为您讲述该标准推出三年后的首次总结。  相似文献   

国际上,质量标准广泛使用的好处是显而易见的:生产力的提高、市场抗压能力增强、优秀的技术革新力等等;然而,即便如此,仍有部分中小型企业对认证犹豫不决。为了满足这类企业的需要,法国标准协会(AFNOR)认证中心特别设计了AFAQ9001分阶段质量标准。下面我们将就这部实用、方便、易于接受的质量标准进行详细解读。  相似文献   

2003年11月,笔者随上海市质量技术监督局组织的“标准化工作管理与运作体系”培训团赴欧洲参观学习。在法国学习、培训期间,我们主要拜访、参观了法国质量保证协会(AFAQ)、法国经济财政和工业部下属质量管理机构、法国专家义务咨询协会(ECTI)、法国退休专家自愿者咨询协会(AGIR)等。通过培训、学习和交流等方式,  相似文献   

2003年11月,笔者随上海市质量技术监督局组织的"标准化工作管理与运作体系"培训团赴欧洲参观学习。在法国学习、培训期间,我们主要拜访、参观了法国质量保证协会(AFAQ)、法国经济财政和工业部下属质量管理机构、法国专  相似文献   

弹簧国际标准ISO/TC10“技术制图”技术委员会的SC6“机械文件”分委员会最近推出了有关弹簧的最新标准:ISO2162《技术产品文件—弹簧》。标准包括三个部分,它替代1973年制定的标准,对原标准做了增订和修改。标准的第一部分规定了在技术图纸上压...  相似文献   

2008年7月,建设银行在北京、上海、广东、深圳同时推出私人银行,为金融资产超过1000万元人民币的高净值客户,提供以资产管理为核心的、“量身定制”的现代私人银行服务。如果说“以心相交”是原则,“成其久远”便是期许。  相似文献   

王立平  杨守国 《数据》2008,(3):10-11
近年来,北京市政府为改善城镇低收入家庭生活,出台了一系列政策,如提高最低工资标准、低保标准和失业保障金标准,推出廉租房等,这时缓解城镇贫困问题起到了积极作用。但由于低收入家庭就业比重低、负担系数高。收入低且不稳定,尤其是2007年以来物价的上涨,更加重了低收入家庭的生活负担。  相似文献   

2001年4月,我到某事业单位保卫处从事保安工作,没有签订劳动合同,约定月工资1000元,其中基本工资500元,伙食补助300元,岗位津贴200元。2009年4月,单位因人员调整辞退了我。按每月工资500元的标准支付了4000元经济补偿金。我认为单位应按1000元的工资标准给予补偿,单位却说按基本工资支付经济补偿。  相似文献   

我国现行《食品安全法》第96条分为两款。第1款规定:“违反本法规定,造成人身、财产或者其他损害的,依法承担赔偿责任。”第2款规定:“生产不符合食品安全标准的食品或者销售明知是不符合食品安全标准的食品,消费者除要求赔偿损失外,还可以向生产者或者销售者要求支付价款十倍的赔偿金。”国务院法制办2013年10月29日发布的《中华人民共和国食品安全法(修订草案送审稿)))(以下简称《送审稿》)中对现行“食品安全法》第96条涉及惩罚性赔偿的条款进行了修改。《食品安全法》第96条在送审稿中成为第127条,该条第1款没有变化,第2款被修订为:“生产不符合食品安全标准的食品或者销售明知是不符合食品安全标准的食品,消费者除要求赔偿损失外,还可以向生产者或者销售者要求支付价款十倍或者损失三倍的赔偿金。赔偿金额不足1000元的,赔偿1000元。”  相似文献   

今年黄金周,花都推出的别墅总货量将接近1000套,而推出别墅最多的要算泰湖山庄.金碧御水山庄和南航碧花园。洋房产品也“尾随跟进”。  相似文献   

北京路亿阳公司创建于2002年10月,是首个在全国范围内专业从事男士化妆行业咨询、产品营销、美容服务的机构.公司全面整合世界范围内中高端专业男士化妆昂品牌,进行推广服务及代理销售;自主开发自有品牌高档专业系列男士化妆品;为男士化妆行业提供行业资讯、技能培训等服务.公司以建立男士化妆行业门户网站、男士化妆品专营电子商务网站、e品男仕男士化妆品城市连锁专营店、e品男仕美容连锁等为主的业务形态专业为男士服务.公司在国内已成为男士化妆行业先锋、引领男士时尚的专业机构.公司拥有的“e品男仕”品牌已成为业内知名度和美誉度俱佳的领导品牌.  相似文献   

Actualmente, la finalidad primordial de la OIT es promover oportunidades para que los hombres y las mujeres puedan conseguir un trabajo decente y productivo en condiciones de libertad, equidad, seguridad y dignidad humana (OIT, 1999, pág. 4).  相似文献   

Alcuni Autori ritengono che non abbia senso il costo del denaro, in uno schema lineare in cui si può ripartire il proprio denaro in tutte e sole le operazioni che determinano il tasso di sconto. La conclusione di tali Autori appare azzardata: infatti il loro risultato discende da una ipotesi estranea al modello lineare. In questo lavoro io interpreto lo stesso modello, mostro che in esso ha senso il costo del denaro e propongo delle impostazioni alternative.
An interesting economic problem consist in the search of the optimal allocation of one’s monetary resources in different financial transactions. We often consider as “optimal” the allocation which makes the sum of the actual values of investiments the highest possible, within the limits of all feasible operations. These values are reckoned according to the discount rates established by the financial market. This type of abstraction can be acceptable when we can split our capital into a number of operations that are on the whole negligible, if compared with the movement of the market. In case of a considerable turn over that may therefore affect the cost of money, it follows that we can’t determine an appropriate discount rate before establishing the distribution policy; on the other hand we cannot determine the distribution policy before defining the discount rate. As a border-line case we have that of an “enclosed” economy, where funds can be rationed into all and only those operations which determine the cost of capital. That is the case of “pure capital rationing”. To solve the problem of reckoning the cost of capital under pure capital rationing, some Authors have formulated the two dual linear programs (1) and (2) and have deduced that f is the vector of market prices if and only if the optimal dual solution is equal to f. As that happens if and only if f=0, Burton and Damon [2] consider their “main result a rigorous proof that there does not exist a meaningful solution for the pure capital rationing problem” and conclude “that if there exist a solution to the problem it is not to be found by the traditional linear programming formulations”. On the contrary I demonstrate that f=0 is the only possible capital cost because of the hypotesis =f, which is not related to the linear pattern and is not acceptable from an economic-financial point of view. Then I demonstrate that the market prices are all and only those based on which the actual values of the operations considered are 0. Nor was it right to expect more sophisticated conclusions of such an elementary scheme. Finally I express an alternative linear formulation, where the dual optimal solutions are exactly the market prices.

Lavoro effettuato nell’ambito del G.N.A.F.A. del C.N.R.  相似文献   

Si stabilisce la relazione che intercorre tra l'essere il progetto di puro investimento (o di puro finanziamento) per un valore del tasso pari al suo Tasso Interno di Rendimento e la troncabilità del progetto stesso.
Summary In order to ensure the uniqueness of the Internal Rate of Return (I.R.R.) of a given project, two different proceedings can be found in the economic-financial literature: one based on the uniqueness of the I.R.R., later performed by the concept of purity, and another referring to the so-called Truncation Theorem.The aim of this paper is to explain the connections between the purity of the I.R.R. of a given project and the truncatability of the project itself.We will clarify a very important relation between purity and truncatability: if a given investment project as a pure I.R.R.i 0, then its Presen Value is maximum compared with the Present Values of each of its shorter lives, when the rate of interest i belongs to an interval of the type ]–1;u max [, whithi 0i max , and, as a main consequence, we will show that purity is necessary and sufficient for truncability.

Questo lavoro estende il teorema di impossiblità di Arrow al caso di preferenza sociale stretta non transitiva. In particolare, si dimostra che se una Funzione di Decisione Sociale (FDS) soddisfa le condizioni di dominio universale, indipendenza dalle alternative irrilevanti, transitività della relazione di indifferenza sociale, il principio di Pareto forte e la regola di indifferenza paretiana, allora la FDS deve essere dittatoriale. Vengono inoltre illustrate le implicazioni di tale risultato per il caso in cui la FDS soddisfa la condizione di dualità.
Summary This paper extend's Arrow's impossiblity theorem to the case where strict social preference may be intransitive. The main result of the paper is that if a Social Decision Function satisfies Unrestricted Domain, Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives, Transitivity of Social Indifference, the Strong Pareto Principle, and the Pareto Indifference Rule, then there exists a dictator. An application of this result is a new impossibility theorem concerning SDF obeying the condition of Duality. As a by-product of this analysis, the relationships between Neutrality and Duality are somewhat clarified.

边越 《价值工程》2010,29(14):46-47
在使用pro/e绘图时经常遇到一些令人困惑的问题,这些问题总是使初学者摸不着头脑。但pro/e的强大功能又使人垂涎。怎样在工作中跨过一个又一个的坎呢?本人结合多年使用的经验将pro/e使用过程中经常遇到的问题加以汇总并给予解答。希望对学习pro/e的朋友有所帮助。  相似文献   

论述了物流和电子商务之间唇齿相依的关系,物流是电子商务的根据保证,而电子商务可促进物流业的发展,缩短物流配送时间,但电子商务对物流企业的要求越来越高,因此,物流企业必须采取有效对策,以适用在电子商务环境下的长足发展。  相似文献   

Si approfondiscono gli aspetti teorici della costruzione delle probabilità qualitative qualora si desideri mantenere distinto l'evento impossibile da altri eventi. La probabilità qualitativa può essere poi rappresentata numericamente come probabilità condizionata.  相似文献   

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