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进口食品安全监管浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国进口食品的数量和品种逐年增加,不断发生的进口食品安全问题凸显了我国食品安全监管法律制度的漏洞。为确保我国进口食品安全和保护我国消费者食品安全消费需求,完善我国进口食品安全监管法律制度,构建科学合理的进口食品安全监管体系是当务之急。本文主要探讨科学的进口食品监管模式,同时借鉴国外发达国家的监管模式,对我国的进口食品监管提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,人们对于进口食品的需求日益增多。本文从风险管理视角,梳理我国进口食品安全风险预警体系,探寻制约进口食品安全风险预警体系的难点,并提出相应解决方案。研究结果表明:近年来,我国进口食品安全监管取得长足进步,可以通过扩大风险预警信息收集范围,运用智慧手段实现进口食品监管全覆盖,采取对进口食品风险预警体系监管部门细化分工等措施,完善进口食品安全风险预警体系。  相似文献   

黑龙江省牡丹江市拥有两个对俄口岸,同时又是朝鲜族聚居地,具有丰富的旅游资源。全市有进口食品公司30多家,销售进口食品的业户达180多户,每年的过货销售量达到500万吨。在日益红火的进口食品经营过程中,出现了无中文标识、标识名称不真实、标注内容不相符、虚假夸大宣传、假冒进口食品、食品添加剂不符合我国标准、走私食品多等现象。针对这些问题,我们牡丹江市工商局始终把进口食品监管作为流通领域食品安全监管的重中之重来抓,使我市进口食品监管工作取得显著成效。  相似文献   

中日两国拥有不同的国情和社会背景,两国构建了不同的食品安全监管模式、法律法规体系、标准体系、进口食品监控机制,形成了不尽相同的食品安全技术性贸易措施体系。本文通过对中日两国进口食品技术性贸易措施体系的对比研究,从中发现彼此体系的利与弊,  相似文献   

进口食品越来越多地走进人们日常生活,为保证进口食品质量安全管理水平,科学完善进口食品的可追溯性尤为重要。本文从进口食品可追溯性定义、国内外食品安全追溯体系现状等入手进行分析,归纳总结出完善我国进口食品追溯体系的几点建议。  相似文献   

一、我国进口特殊食品存在四大问题 目前,常见的进口特殊食品有鱼油类、磷脂类及各种果蔬提取物等诸多品种,2012年我国各口岸共检出不合格进口特殊食品59批,不合格原因涉及国外证书、标签、产品质量等。笔者结合实际工作,认为进口特殊食品监管存在的问题主要有四点。  相似文献   

1 前言 随着社会发展,人们对食品安全的要求越来越高.各国政府纷纷从立法、监管、注册、进口检验等方面抬高门槛.日本是一个食品不能自给自足的国家,60%的食品靠进口.为保证进口食品质量,建立了相对完善的进口食品查验和监管制度.现就日本的进口食品查验和监管制度进行介绍,以期为加强企业自律和政府部门监管工作提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的迅速提高,食品的供给日益多样化,食品安全的监管也成为我国新时期的一个重大挑战。本文主要对当今我国食品安全监管的现状进行了系统梳理,以某市的食品监管体制改革为例,从监管体系的内外改革两个方面提出了完善新时期我国食品监管体系的基本框架。  相似文献   

随着我国食品监管体系改革的深入,食品监管逐渐延伸到了镇村一级,并得以积极展开。但是乡镇仍旧是监管的薄弱环节,存在着多种问题。本文对建设乡镇食品安全监管体系的必要性与重要性进行了深入剖析,并总结当前乡镇食品安全监管存在的问题,提出健全我国乡镇食品监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

对美国食品保护计划的解读与评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国食品药品管理局(FDA)新近制订的((食品保护计划:国家食品供应综合保护战略>进行了解读和评析,介绍了该计划的出台背景、制订目的和适用范围,美国国家食品供应安全保护战略的三大要素,以及FDA推进食品保护计划的关键步骤和行动举措设想,分析了美国食品保护和进口食品监管的新动向.认为该计划对美国国家食品供应安全工作具有重要战略意义和深远历史意义,为完善美国食品安全体系,加强食品安全和食品防护工作提供了新思路,同时对我国食品保护特别是进口食品监管体系建设有一定的启示作用和借鉴意义,但FDA最终能否排除各种阻力成功地推行其行动计划,还存在许多不确定因素,即使要求扩大职能的相关法律修订提案获得国会批准,各种行动举措的全面实施也需一定的时日,而且其实际改革效果如何尚有待未来实践的检验.  相似文献   

The overall strategic relationship between U.K. and China is "better than ever", China- Britain relations have maintained good momentum, with increased high-level exchanges and the reinforcement of strategic mutual trust, with more room for growth in the future.  相似文献   

Domino effects of the global finance agitation As the origin of the subprime crisis,US financial institutions lost USS45 billion last year,accounted for over half of the total US,EU & Japan loss.Since January 15th,Chtigroup released its financial statement of the 4th quarter,showing a net deficit of USS9.83 billion,which marked the hisoric high of its quarterly deficit.  相似文献   

Among the Fortune 500 firms,more and more images from China emerge out.On the 2008 list,Sinosteel Corporation,a landmark group of China industries quietly squeezes into the candidate line.As the largest steel service & trade enterprise,its sales reached at RMB 111.24 billion,with a year-on-year increase of 83.03 percent,and the profit grew by 180.03 percent.On the Sinosteel 2008 Work Meeting,the president Huang Tianwen uttered,"In the coming year,we will work for US$20 billion sales,and look forward to getting a position in Fortune 500 firms for ourselves."  相似文献   

When the 103rd Canton Fair is approaching, an old friend of Canton Fair, Li Ying from Jiangsu prov-ince recollected his past five years' experiences to the grand trade meeting. Each year is special, with some unforgettable memories colored by the year.  相似文献   

Estaing, former French president, Valery Giscard d'Estaing attended Sino-French Economic Seminar held in Shanghai in early April and said that the world center has shifted from the west to the east with many European and US companies entering into Asia, and China has the ability to play an important role in the world stage. Estaing, naming himself"French Confucian", then said in Chinese that a cook-group includes 10 people in ancient Chinese soldier system and the cook is in charge of cooking for them. And people who belong to the same cook are actually "Partners".  相似文献   

The annual meeting of the World Economy Forum was held in Davos,a little town in Switzerland,on January 23rd to the 27th this year,with the theme"the Power fo Collaborative Innovation",over 2500 celebrates from ture political and cconomic circles of more than 80 countries and challengred logether to talk about the future of the global economy in 2008,A Forum for the problems and challenges that face whole world,some of the keywords which drew attention during the event were:the U.S.subprime mortgage crisis,soaring energy prices,the economic slowdown in the U.S.ermerging economic bodies,authority funds and the general unpredictable nature of the global economy.  相似文献   

If you are considering to trade with companies in Japan or expanding your .business to Japan, we are ready to help from the very beginning." You will find this greeting at the first sight on the Chinese website of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). JETRO has committed itself in delivering highly efficient and quality services to meet the demand of internal and external customs including Japanese companies, hence winning a good reputation in the international trade arena. In recent years, with its priority in advancing business cooperation in South and East Asia, JETRO has made great achievement in promoting trade between China and Japan. Therefore, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Yoichi Maine, Deputy Director General of JETRO BEIJING.  相似文献   

Looking at the increasingly fierce competition in the world auto market. global automobile manufacturing industry, taking Europe, the U.S. and Japan as representatives, is gradually forming a new type of relationship, mutual cooperation between whole vehicle and parts manufacturers. We can clearly see that auto parts manufacturers have become independent from the whole vehicle manufacturing companies, which means that the former structure of auto industry has greatly changed, and a new relationship,  相似文献   

In the middle of last December, the key purchase contracts for coal used in power generation in 2008 were signed, reflecting a demand for more than 1.085 billion tons. It is important to note that the country's five biggest power producers, China Huaneng Group, China Guodian Corporation, China Power Investment Corporation, China Huadian Corporation and China Datang Corporation, had settled on the prices on their purchase contracts, and they are expected to consume 290 million tons of coal for generating electricity,  相似文献   

Last November the State Council of China decided to renew its holiday system by reducing the seven-day May Day holiday to three days and introducing three new one-day public holidays, namely the Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Moon Festival. By doing so, the three golden-week holidays that were introduced in 1999, namely the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day, could be better distributed.  相似文献   

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