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茄科植物曼陀罗是一种有毒杂草,全世界约16种。本文主要从曼陀罗的化学成分、致毒机理、毒性、生物活性生物碱成分的检测方法等方面综述了曼陀罗毒性的研究进展。  相似文献   

本试验采用ICR小鼠对化癌灵胶囊进行小鼠经口一次给药急性毒性试验。给药后发现动物出现活动减少,嗜睡直至死亡,测定LD50为11.02g/kg体重,95%可信区间为10.09~12.23 g/kg体重。  相似文献   

刘丽 《江苏商论》2013,(3):17-21
多忠诚消费者可以细分为惰性多品牌忠诚、稳定多品牌忠诚、见异思迁多品牌忠诚、惰性多店铺忠诚、稳定多店铺忠诚、见异思迁多店铺忠诚六大类,其行为的转变通过购买承诺、感知风险和价格敏感程度的变化实现,进而对供应商和零售商的渠道权力产生了影响。研究结果对于供应商和零售商进行渠道权力的争取有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

辩论谈判是在一般自动谈判的基础上加入了辩论的成分,允许Agent通过辩论交流额外的信息,从而提高了谈判的效率和成功率。在多对多的辩论谈判中引入第三方Agent,可以辅助买卖双方进行谈判。所以,加入第三方Agent的多对多的辩论谈判更加接近于现实世界的谈判情况。本文设计了一个基于第三方的多对多辩论谈判的结构框架和谈判模型,对模型给出了形式化描述,并详细描述了本文设计的基于第三方的多对多辩论谈判系统中的谈判流程。  相似文献   

研究以刺麒麟菜为原料生产ι-卡拉胶过程中,碱处理工艺对卡拉胶产率、凝胶性能及化学结构的影响,阐明作用机理,为卡拉胶生产实践提供理论指导.采用不同种类的碱在不同温度条件下以各种浓度处理刺麒麟菜,同时对各ι-卡拉胶产品的产率、凝胶强度进行测定.另外,采用比色法测定了各ι-卡拉胶产品中的硫酸酯和3,6-内醚半乳糖含量.结果表明,采用KOH溶液常温下处理刺麒麟莱,得到的卡拉胶产品具有明显优势;碱处理工艺对凝胶性能有较大的影响,结合化学组成的结果可以看出,减处理在一定程度上改变了ι-卡拉胶内部的化学结构.  相似文献   

根据OECD方法研究了吡虫啉对蚯蚓的急性毒性。结果表明,用滤纸接触法测得吡虫啉对蚯蚓的LC50为0.036×10-3 mg/cm2,人工土壤法测得吡虫啉对蚯蚓的LC50为3.18 mg/kg干重。因此,根据毒性评价标准,吡虫啉为中等毒性农药。  相似文献   

目的:以丰年虾无节幼体(Artemia salinaL.)为模式生物对12种油墨的急性毒性进行了评价。方法:用96孔板浸渍法将在人工海水中孵化的丰年虾暴露在油墨溶液中,设置重铬酸钾作为阳性参照物,24h后显微镜下观察并记录丰年虾死亡数,SPSS18.0软件分析计算受试物的LC50值及95%的置信区间。结果:12种不同颜色的油墨LC50值介于6.48~36.11g/L,重铬酸钾LC50值为18.63 mg/L。油墨毒性顺序由大到小依次为红色>浅粉色>粉红色>紫色>绿色>棕色>蓝色>黄色>黑色>天蓝色>黄绿色>橙色。结论:12种油墨对丰年虾无节幼体的效应低于参照物重铬酸钾,表现出较低的毒性效应。  相似文献   

微带线和槽结构是多层结构微波滤波器实现小型化、高性能的关键,因此需研究不同形状的微带线和槽结构对微波滤波器性能的影响。通过使用全波电磁仿真软件对各种结构微波滤波器S参数进行仿真,发现改变顶层、底层拓扑结构对微波滤波器整体性能影响不明显,表明不同形状的拓扑结构在面积相等时可近似等效;而改变中间层耦合槽的结构则对滤波器整体性能影响较大,表明改变耦合槽形状是一种比较理想的能调谐滤波器性能的方法。  相似文献   

经过高校的合并重组与扩建,多校区办学格局已经成为我国高校的一种重要办学形式,论文以武汉科技大学为例,通过文献检索和调查研究分析武汉科技大学多校区办学对大学生的影响,并提出合理规避和降低其对学生不良影响的对策性建议。  相似文献   

股权结构作为公司治理理论的起点,一直是公司研究领域所关注的重点内容。关于多个大股东的股权结构是否影响了企业创新,一直有监督、过度监督、合谋几种不同的结论。本文通过实证分析2012-2021年我国A股上市公司多个大股东和企业创新投入的关系发现,相比于单一大股东,多个大股东能促进企业创新投入。且相比于国有企业来说,该促进作用在非国有企业中更加显著;相比于绝对控制权企业,该促进作用在第一大股东股权占比更小的企业中更加显著。这对丰富公司治理研究、企业创新和优化我国上市公司股权结构方面都有重大意义。  相似文献   

本文建立了对矢量谱的相似度进行评估的数学模型,并用其对硅灰石灼减量测试的不确定度评估中不确定度分量贡献矢量谱进行相似度的分析,得到的结论与实际相符。  相似文献   

Consumer acceptability and physicochemical properties of candied osmodehydrated (OD) carambola were evaluated in an effort to increase consumption of the fruit. Fresh carambola slices (Averrhoa carambola L.) were soaked in either 15% or 20% or 25% NaCl brine for 18 h, then in 40 °Brix sucrose for 18 h, followed by 60 °Brix sucrose for 18 h and dried at 55°C for 18 h. Slices soaked in 15% NaCl were most preferred by a focus group. Decreases in pH, total soluble solids (TSS) and increase in salinity were recorded in sucrose solutions after soaking carambola. During osmosis, carambola became less green and more orange‐yellow (P < 0.05). The pH of candied OD products varied between 3.62 and 4.16, salinity 16–28 ppt, TSS of 67–70 °Brix and 18.8–20.8% moisture. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in flavour or texture for products brined in 15% NaCl and soaked in either refined white sucrose (RS) solutions or brown unrefined sucrose (URS) syrups, but differences (P < 0.05) in appearance, colour and overall acceptability. Candied RS carambola had higher (P < 0.05) overall acceptability (6.2 – liked slightly to moderately) to products from URS (5.6 – neither liked nor disliked to liked slightly), which was also supported by paired preference testing. Flavour was most liked (P < 0.05) of all sensory attributes.  相似文献   

The publication of the passive learning model of Jovanovic [Jovanic, B., "Selection and the Evolution of Industry," Econometrica, 1982, 60, 649–670.] initiated a resurgence of interest in firm growth and survival processes. Yet all the recent work has focused on the profit maximizing firm, without considering how robust the results are to alternative forms of control. This paper applies the model to the case of the labour managed firm, a type of firm studied extensively for its divergent behaviour from profit maximising firms. The findings indicate that Jovanovic's key predictions are rendered indeterminate under labour management, although there is evidence to show that the actual empirical relationships continue to hold. In considering possible explanations for the breakdown of the results, we conclude that the Jovanovic model overemphasizes institutional structure to the neglect of more fundamental determinants of growth and survival.midt, Paul Geroski and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and discussions. Any remaining errors are my own.  相似文献   

美日跨国公司全球R&D网络比较及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾德明  方放  周青 《国际经贸探索》2005,21(2):77-80,84
在R&D全球化的背景下,以美日跨国公司全球R&D网络为研究对象,从国际R&D组织模式的选择、与海外学术机构的跨国界合作、全球人力资源战略三个方面进行比较和分析,揭示两国差异和原因,给出我国如何提高科技竞争力的启示。  相似文献   

Private sector corporations in the United States fall short of their potential to increase shareholders'1 wealth in a number of ways. One example is the failure to undertake profitable energy conservation investments. Explanations of this phenomenon include agency and moral hazard problems, imperfect information and incentives, myopia, and X-inefficiency. Data from a survey conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency and from interviews with corporate executives are used to explore these hypotheses. Good overall corporate performance is found to be associated with longer internal payback requirements for energy investments. Suggestions for improving corporate decision-making in this area are proposed.  相似文献   

Competition in financial markets has been the subject of many studies in the area of market structure and performance. This paper analyzes the differences in mortgage rates between unit banking and branch banking states to consider the likely outcome of interstate banking on competition. A model of interest rate determination is developed which suggests that, at least in the mortgage market, interstate banking will, ceteris paribus, decrease competition if it lowers the number of competing firms and increases deposit concentration levels. Support is provided for the argument that only those states under statewide branching laws may receive more competitive environments from the spread of interstate banking.  相似文献   

美国加入TPP的动因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
"跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定"(TPP)因美国宣布加入而引起世界的关注。它具有跨度大、网络化、质量高、开放性和时代性等一般自由贸易协定(FTA)所没有的特点。美国加入TPP有四个原因:一是塑造跨太平洋自由贸易区"新样板",为成立更大的"美式"亚太自由贸易区(FTAAP)打下基础;二是将TPP树为美国区域贸易协定的新模式,"拔高"标准,获得更大利益;三是抗衡东亚经济一体化进程,扭转美国被排除在外的不利局面;四是将TPP作为通往FTA-AP的桥梁,实现美国在亚太地区的战略布局。但TPP谈判举步维艰,面临多重挑战,它能否最终扩大FTAAP尚属疑问。  相似文献   

朱颖 《国际贸易问题》2006,288(12):30-36
自由贸易是美国对外贸易的基本理念。贸易自由化是战后美国对外贸易政策的基本特征,原因在于贸易自由化每年给美国带来1万亿美元左右的收益。对美国货物贸易的基本格局可以从五个方面认识:美国是世界上进出口规模最大的国家;美国进口规模比出口规模对世界经济的影响更大;美国是世界上最大的贸易逆差国,享受了世界最多的物质财富;美国贸易条件的变动表明对外贸易格局有利于美国;美国进口规模扩大与产业结构升级的结合演变为美国结构性增长优势。  相似文献   

In recent years,a considerable body of research has been established on the co–evolution of technology and industry structure, from the time that the technology is young to the time when it is mature· A somewhat smaller body of research has been established on how private and public institutions, and public programs and policies co-evolved with a technology and industry· It is proposed here that nations differ in their pace and pattern of institutional response to the birth and development of an industry, and that the locus of comparative advantage is largely determined by these different kinds of national response.  相似文献   

Using Reidenbach and Robin‘s ( Journal of Business Ethics 7, 871–879, 1988) multi-criteria ethics instrument, we carried out the first empirical test of Robertson and Crittenden‘s (Strategic Management Journal 24, 385–392, 2003) cross-cultural map of moral philosophies to examine what ethical criteria guide business people in Russia and the U.S. in their intention to behave. Competing divergence and convergence hypotheses were advanced. Our results support a convergence hypothesis, and reveal a common emphasis on relativism. Americans are also influenced by the justice criterion while Russians tend to emphasize utilitarianism. Rafik I. Beekun (Ph.D., the University of Texas at Austin) is Professor of Management and Strategy in the Managerial Sciences Department at the University of Nevada, Reno. His current research focuses on business ethics, national cultures, and the link between management and spirituality. He has published in such journals as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics and Decision Sciences. Correspondence regarding this article should be addressed to him: MGRS 28, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557–0206. James Westerman is an Associate Professor of Management at Appalachian State University. He received his Ph.D. in management from the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research interests include person-organization fit, employee ethics, compensation, and selection. Jamal Barghouti (B.Sc., MBA, Ph.D Management) is currently Advisor on Petroleum Affairs, H.H. Ruler’s Court, Dubai. He is also a lecturer at local universities including Dubai University College in human resources management, international business, organizational behavior and business communication. He has about 35 years of experience in the oil industry in the U.S.A., U.K., Russia, and the Middle East.  相似文献   

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