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停车位查询和预订可以极大的缓解停车难问题,GIS技术和手机APP的兴起为系统的实现提供了新的技术和思路。文章以昆明的中心区域为例,介绍了系统的功能、实现方法、数据处理方法,通过实践表明基于百度地图API开发停车位查询与预订APP软件是简单可行的。  相似文献   

伴随着不同消费群体的不同饮食习惯、消费压力及户外运动的流行,对健康、环保饮食的重视度日益提高,食物的携带和保存成为关键问题之一。文章在对比分析其他饭盒分类基础上首先分析了新型可温控环保饭盒设计和实现时应解决的关键技术问题,其次对该饭盒的研究方案及技术说明做详细说明,最后分析该设计的特色及创新之处。  相似文献   

中共十六届四中全会提出要构建社会主义和谐社会的社会发展目标。在向这一目标迈进的过程中社会上的各个阶层都负有各自的责任,特别是民营企业和各级政府的责任更为重大,因为民营企业在社会经济发展中起着越来越不可忽视的重要作用。政府如何正确管理、引导民营企业的发展,妥善处理好与民营企业发展的利益协调关系, 为其发展创造良好的社会政治环境,成为我们当前建设合谐社会的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

随着现代经济的发展,越来越多的员工面临工作家庭冲突的问题,这些问题已经不同程度地影响了员工在工作中的表现.为了解决这种现状,越来越多的企业开始推行家庭友好政策,希望通过帮助员工平衡工作家庭事务,提高工作绩效.但是家庭友好政策应该包含哪些内容?实施效果如何?大多数企业管理者对这些问题还没有比较清晰的认识.本文基于目前国内外研究成果,从概念、内涵、作用机制等几个方面对家庭友好政策的研究进行梳理,并结合作者对国内59位企业管理人员及员工的访谈结果,了解目前中国企业推行家庭友好政策的情况,为我国企业如何实施家庭友好政策提出合理化建议,对家庭友好政策理论的未来研究趋势和应用问题进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

从环境经济学的相关理论出发,以发展绿色包装的环保物流企业为例,分析了环保物流产业发展的市场机制特征,即外部性和动力缺乏性特征;在此基础上,从系统工程的思想出发,梳理了环保物流产业发展的相关经济主体,提出了环保物流产业的发展在空间上是包括政府、科研机构、厂商、消费者等各个参与方在内的一个完整的系统工程,在时间上则表现为一个过程,是科研开发、生产、流通、消费的系统在时空条件下的连续过程,初步探讨了各个参与方经济主体的利益机制及其相互作用的关系.  相似文献   

赵书新  欧国立 《物流技术》2010,29(13):28-31
从环境经济学的相关理论出发,以发展绿色包装的环保物流企业为例,分析了环保物流产业发展的市场机制特征,即外部性和动力缺乏性特征;在此基础上,从系统工程的思想出发,梳理了环保物流产业发展的相关经济主体,提出了环保物流产业的发展在空间上是包括政府、科研机构、厂商、消费者等各个参与方在内的一个完整的系统工程,在时间上则表现为一个过程,是科研开发、生产、流通、消费的系统在时空条件下的连续过程,初步探讨了各个参与方经济主体的利益机制及其相互作用的关系。  相似文献   

本文立足于秦皇岛社会经济发展和资源环境现状,对经济时代秦皇岛建设低碳城市进行了全方位、多层次、宽领域的理论探索和实证剖析,特别是关于构建低碳节能环保型交通设施观点,具有一定的理论启发和现实应用价值。  相似文献   

可持续发展呼唤绿色技术创新,绿色技术创新是实现可持续发展的核心手段。本文选取我国22家在2011—2013年由清洁发展国际融资论坛评选出的绿色创新企业为样本,运用扎根理论方法,探索研究了我国环保企业绿色技术创新影响因素,并在此基础上构建了环保企业绿色技术创新的技术-情境-创新动力机制模型。研究结果表明,技术能力是环保企业绿色技术创新的直接驱动因素,而企业文化、市场导向、政府政策与行为是对技术-创新关系具有调节作用的情境因素,其中,企业文化是内部情境因素,市场导向、政府政策与行为是外部情境因素,三者共同调节技术-创新关系强度。  相似文献   

Although there is a pervasive anti‐failure bias in society, we investigate why some entrepreneurs who fail are evaluated more harshly than others. Building on attribution theory and the literatures on prejudice, pro‐social intentions, and perspective taking, we offer an evaluation model of entrepreneurial failure and test this model on 6,784 assessments made by 212 observers. We find that variance in the harshness of failure evaluations depends on both the attributes of the entrepreneur and the attributes of the observer, and the interaction between the two. Specifically, entrepreneurs who are homosexual are evaluated more harshly by some observers and entrepreneurs who use environmentally friendly technology are evaluated less harshly. Moreover, observers high in perspective taking are more ‘lenient’ in their failure evaluations of those who use environmentally friendly technology than those low in perspective taking.  相似文献   

刘鲁新 《价值工程》2012,31(22):47-48
本文从方解石超微粉生产环保纸的工艺入手,通过与传统木浆造纸在原辅材料、产品、工艺先进性、物耗能耗、污染物排放等方面进行对比,对方解石超微粉生产环保纸的清洁生产先进性进行分析。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to advance the diversity literature by investigating organizational performance consequences of age diversity. Drawing from social‐identity and social‐categorization theory, we theoretically argue that, in age‐diverse companies, age‐based subgrouping processes occur, favouring a shared perception of a negative age‐discrimination climate. This perceived negative age‐discrimination climate in turn negatively relates to organizational performance. As the main contribution, top managers’ negative age‐related stereotypes and diversity‐friendly HR policies are introduced as organizational‐level moderators that increase and attenuate, respectively, the social categorization processes affecting performance in age‐diverse companies. We utilized structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the proposed hypotheses using a multisource dataset comprising 147 companies. The results supported all hypotheses, indicating that low negative top managers’ age stereotypes as well as high diversity‐friendly HR policies are potential organizational factors that can prevent the negative relation of age diversity with organizational performance transmitted through the negative age‐discrimination climate. These results are discussed in light of their contribution to the diversity literature and social‐categorization theory as well as their implication for practitioners.  相似文献   

发展节能环保汽车和低碳汽车是北京降低机动车能源消耗和尾气排放的重要技术经济措施。北京新增私家车中如果70%为节能汽车,全年可节油4.64至4.89万吨。如果按照欧Ⅴ排放标准修订环境标志汽车污染物排放限值标准,可使环境标志汽车NOX排放量较目前水平降低25%。低碳汽车应具有更先进的节能和环保特性。政府可通过财政补贴和税收优惠手段促进消费者优先购买使用节能环保汽车和低碳汽车。  相似文献   

种一棵树,不只是为了做一根栋梁、做一把椅子、做一根拐杖、做一块地板、做一张餐桌、做一扇大门……种一棵树是因为在四季的轮回中,岁月的沧桑可以充盈着它的生命。  相似文献   

The concept of the ‘Confucian Entrepreneur’ is now used by many scholars to understand entrepreneurship in China and other East Asian countries. This paper traces the development of this concept from its roots in the writings of nineteenth-century Western authors to its use in modern management journals. We show that while this conceptual tool has been adapted over time, the claims associated with it have remained largely similar. Use of the term Confucian entrepreneur implies belief that Confucian ideas induce Chinese entrepreneurs to behave differently than their Western counterparts, a claim for which the empirical foundations are weak. We do not go so far as to say that those who research Chinese entrepreneurship should discard the concept of the Confucian entrepreneur simply because of its historical origins in colonialism. However, we do call on researchers to reflect on the historical origins of their conceptual tools. By historicising our theories of entrepreneurship, this paper should encourage greater scholarly reflexivity and thus the development of entrepreneurship and management theory with greater predictive power.  相似文献   

We find that an important programming error was made by Hobijn and Franses ( 2000 ) in conducting multivariate stationarity tests. The empirical results in their paper are subject to errors. Other studies that have used the coded algorithm of Hobijn and Franses are likely to suffer the same problem. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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