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我国服务贸易国际竞争力分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于进出口数据对我国服务贸易净出口指标、服务贸易竞争力指数、服务贸易显性优势指数的分析,表明我国服务贸易出口是以劳动密集型产业为主,服务贸易整体及行业贸易竞争优势指数和显性比较优势指数较低,国际竞争力较弱。因此,应从制约我国服务贸易国际竞争力提高的主要因素方面着手,有针对性采取增强我国服务贸易国际竞争力对策,保证我国服务业在日益激烈的国际竞争中得以健康发展。  相似文献   

张燕  王刚义 《生产力研究》2005,(4):184-185,187
随着世界范围内产业结构的调整,服务贸易占世界贸易的比重不断上升。决定一国服务贸易比较优势的根本因素在于该国的人力资本,人力资本方面的限制也是服务贸易壁垒的新方向。本文详细阐述了人力资本在一国服务贸易比较优势形成中的决定性作用,并针对当前国际服务贸易对人力资本的限制,提出改善我国人力资本状况、提高服务贸易竞争力的措施。  相似文献   

比较优势理论在国际服务贸易中的适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

笔者利用1982-2010年的年度数据,分析了我国的FDI、服务业比较优势和服务贸易竞争力之间的短期和长期Grmger因果关系.研究表明:虽然在短期内FDI促进了服务业比较优势的提升,然而从长期看其对服务业比较优势具有负效应;而我国服务贸易出口促进政策虽然在短期内有一定效果,但未能为服务业比较优势提升带来长久动力,因此,通过吸引外资和促进服务贸易出口来提升我国服务业比较优势的发展思路从长远看并不可行.  相似文献   

生产者服务贸易自由化的发展为研究贸易自由化与经济增长关系提出了新的研究课题.国外学者从理论与实证两方面对生产者服务贸易自由化与一国经济增长的关系进行了大量研究,本文则从生产者服务贸易对经济增长的影响机理方面对这些研究进行梳理和总结,并认为这些理论对中国经济增长具有重要启示.  相似文献   

北京市服务贸易国际竞争力分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对北京市服务贸易的现状作了一个总体的考察,采用四个指标:进出口总额、国际市场占有率、进出口行业结构、贸易竞争指数,以数量的形式来测定北京市服务贸易的国际竞争力。通过分析可以看出,北京市服务贸易发展水平居于全国前列,总体上存在微弱比较优势,服务业内部结构不断优化。  相似文献   

2 0世纪 80年代中后期出现的世界服务贸易自由化趋势 ,一方面 ,推动了发展中国家经济效益的进一步提高 ;另一方面 ,也严重影响了发展中国家的经济安全。发展中国家应当根据自身的特点 ,循序渐进地融入服务贸易自由化进程 ,在壮大传统优势服务项目的基础上 ,重点扶植技术密集型服务贸易的发展。  相似文献   

服务贸易大餐亟待中国料理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾华 《时代经贸》2005,(7):46-51
由中国商务部和上海市政府联合主办的“世界服务贸易论坛”6月9日在上海开幕。这是中国首次举办的世界服务贸易论坛,该论坛以“开放、合作、发展”为主题,吸引了来自全球20多个国家服务业界的企业高管和服务业组织领导人。  相似文献   

对比较优势理论在服务贸易中的适用性进行性关文献评述,就服务贸易的特殊性等问题展开进一步探讨。  相似文献   

近年来我国的服务贸易总量已经位居世界前列,那么是否服务贸易的竞争力也是名列前茅呢?为了对我国服务贸易的国际竞争力进行比较全面的分析和评价,笔者对我国服务贸易的进行了多角度的比较分析.首先,从其自身发展的过程来看,自2000-2010年我国服务贸易一直是不断处于增长,且其增速水平超过了世界服务贸易的平均增长水平,但是仍然处于逆差地位,贸易结构也是以传统的服务贸易为主,说明我国服务贸易一方面是由于我国经济的飞速发展对服务贸易进口的需求不断提高,另一方面也说明我国的服务贸易竞争力处于相对弱势地位,竞争力有待提高.同时,本文对2000-2010年期间服务贸易和货物贸易的发展作了比较,相对于货物贸易来说,我国服务贸易的发展还是相对落后,处于弱势地位.第二部分,本文运用了贸易竞争力指数、显性比较优势指数和显示性比较优势指数等指标对我国的服务贸易竞争优势进行定量分析,指标数据显示我国服务贸易的竞争力在世界处于弱势地位,其提升道路任重而道远.  相似文献   

家具是中国的一项重要出口产品,但频繁遭遇贸易保护,有必要对中国家具出口进行较深入的研究。为此,本文选择了出口贸易额、出口地理方向、可显示比较优势指数、贸易竞争指数和产业内贸易指数五个指标对中国家具出口情况进行分析。发现近年来中国家具出口增长迅速,但存在出口市场过于集中的问题。中国在家具生产上具有明显的比较优势,中国家具有较强的国际竞争力,家具贸易以产业间贸易为主。中国家具出口企业应该进一步降低对美国出口的比重,积极应对贸易壁垒,并发展一般贸易以替代加工贸易。  相似文献   

中国"走出去"的产业和产品定位无意对发展中国家形成竞争关系,但作为新兴发展中经济大国,中国对外经贸活动不仅引起发展中国家的重视,也得到了发达国家的格外关注。非洲是中国南南合作的重点地区,中国低品质的投资和贸易对当地低端产品形成冲击,一方面影响中国形象,另一方面由于低端产品的附加值低,中方也得不偿失。相应的中国"走出去"战略应该调整投资和贸易结构,对发展中国家多输入资本密集型、高技术含量的产品和产业;避免对非洲国家的低端产品和就业产生竞争。本文以南非的纺织业市场为例,通过计算1990-2010年行业比较优势指数、边际行业内贸易指数等指标,详细分析了中-南经贸合作的竞争和互补关系,结论发现,中国在南非的纺织品投资和贸易活动有待进一步深化升级。为此,中国需要利用优势,吸收当地劳动力,放弃低端市场,占据高端市场,在竞争中促互补。  相似文献   

The field of international business/economics is largely dualistic in nature. On one hand is the economics literature which has, for two centuries, focused on the notion of comparative advantage (technology, factor proportions) while on the other is the business literature which has recently developed the concept of competitive advantage. This paper presents a reconciliation of the two based on global value chain/supply chain analysis and the concept of vertical comparative advantage. It is shown that the theory of competitive advantage's epistemological comparative advantage lies with its ‘how to’ approach to developing an advantage, while the theory of comparative advantage's epistemological comparative advantage lies with its account of ‘what is’ and that both are complementary. However, it is also argued that the failure to recognize this complementarity as well as the shortcomings of each have prevented and continue to prevent the emergence of an integrated, empirically-consistent theory of international trade – in short, prevented us from taking advantage of the gains from epistemological trade.  相似文献   

Under constant elasticity of substitution (CES) preferences and Cournot (or Bertrand) competition, a larger market induces exits of domestic firms, lower prices, and larger production of surviving firms because of competition from more foreign firms, even without resorting to the selection effects of Melitz. The elasticity of the number of firms to population decreases with substitutability between goods, and it reaches 0.5 under Cournot competition with homogeneous goods: empirical evidence supports this structural relation against the unitary elasticity of monopolistic competition. The results hold also in a Heckscher–Ohlin model with imperfect competition generating inter‐ and intra‐industry trade due to comparative advantage or comparative preferences.  相似文献   

2001年以来俄罗斯外贸保持了高速增长,成为世界主要贸易大国,这对俄罗斯的经济恢复起到了推动作用。但俄罗斯的外贸模式并未使其具有绝对的国际竞争优势,要想成为世界贸易强国,俄罗斯必须改变目前的外贸发展模式,确立其国际竞争优势。  相似文献   

Probably one of the most controversial contributions to the literature of international trade theory was offered by the late social economist John Culbertson. In his view, low wage competition among corporations in a world characterized by capital mobility and massive trade deficits undermines the foundation trade theory based on David Ricardo’s celebrated notion of comparative advantage. Instead, there are several good reasons to believe that international trade with China, India, Vietnam, etc. will be governed by absolute advantage. The current essay is dedicated to the virtually ignored work of Culbertson, and it is meant as an invitation for social economists to critically evaluate the argument and in the process make an attempt to point out where it goes wrong.  相似文献   

Probably one of the most controversial contributions to the literature of international trade theory was offered by the late social economist John Culbertson. In his view, low wage competition among corporations in a world characterized by capital mobility and massive trade deficits undermines the foundation trade theory based on David Ricardo’s celebrated notion of comparative advantage. Instead, there are several good reasons to believe that international trade with China, India, Vietnam, etc. will be governed by absolute advantage. The current essay is dedicated to the virtually ignored work of Culbertson, and it is meant as an invitation for social economists to critically evaluate the argument and in the process make an attempt to point out where it goes wrong.
Mark A. LutzEmail:

Mark A. Lutz   was born in New York, grew up in Switzerland, and earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He taught at the University of Maine from 1970 till his retirement in 2001. For three decades he has been a member of the Association of Social Economics, serving in various capacities, including as president, and was also privileged to be awarded the Thomas Divine Award. His longtime interests have centered on a more humanistic approach to economics, a viewpoint centered on human wellbeing, which can be traced back to the early 19th century. It’s a vision of the economy where there has long been much skepticism about the alleged benefits of unregulated market competition coordinating economic activity within or between nations.  相似文献   

服务业产业内贸易与中国服务贸易的国际竞争力初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李伍荣  余慧 《现代财经》2006,26(11):54-58
产业内贸易在某种程度上是发展中国家技术水平和经济增长的标志,其发展水平也是衡量一国外贸竞争力的标志。我国服务业产业内贸易水平低下,国际竞争力不强。切实采取措施,提高产业内贸易发展水平是提升服务业产业内贸易国际竞争力水平的重要手段。  相似文献   

从跨时贸易的视角来看,贸易顺差、逆差的转换是一国跨时贸易模式变化的结果。当期生产能力强、未来生产能力弱时,一国跨时贸易的模式是出口当期产品,进口未来产品,贸易出现顺差;当期生产能力弱、未来生产能力强时,一国跨时贸易的模式是进口当期产品,出口未来产品,贸易出现逆差。跨时贸易模式主要受跨时比较优势的影响,跨时比较优势的变化与一国的技术优势、经济发展阶段、劳动力成本、国际分工地位以及产业结构的演变密不可分。各国贸易失衡的演进历吏与跨时贸易理论相符。  相似文献   

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