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中国经济在经历30多年的快速增长之后,进入经济发展新常态。在全球化背景下,专业化分工与服务业发展日趋深化,中国外贸在实践中总结出适合我国国情的“新模式、新业态”,外贸综合服务业或将成为互联网时代推动我国甚至全球服务业发展的主要动力。“十四五”以来,贵州省持续稳定发展,文章探讨了在外贸新模式、新业态下,贵州省外贸综合服务业的发展路径,以期为其他省市提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中国即将入世。入世对我国外贸运输服务业将产生何种影响,目前已有文章对此展开讨论。本文从经济学角度来宏观分析我国入世对外贸运输服务业的影响,以期从不同视角对这一行业的未来走向进行观察。  相似文献   

1985年我国外贸出口额仅为275亿美元,机电产品出口只占6.1%。为推动国民经济的增长,鼓励机电产品出口,国家下发了一系列文件,其中最重要的就是《国务院批转国家计委等八个部门关于扩大机电产品出口报告的通知》,即著名的128号文件。作为国家促进机电产品出口的重要措施之一,《世界机电经贸信息》于1988年创刊,时任国务委员的邹家华先生为本刊题写了刊名。  相似文献   

梅新育 《大经贸》2011,(4):14-14
第109届广交会已经开幕.在2011年头两个月经历了贸易差额急剧缩减以至于市场为之震惊之后,在日本大地震和阿拉伯世界动乱的阴影下,中国外贸将在这一届广交会、在2011年全年交出一份怎样的答卷? 尽管中国电子、汽车等一些产业产能利用率可能会因为日本上游中间产品供货停顿而降低一段时间,一些新建和改造项目可能因为日本设备生...  相似文献   

作为经济全球化过程中的一一个关键角色,外商直接投资(FDI)得到专家学者的更多关注和研究。改革开放后的二十多年内,我国FDI保持着9.6%的增长速度;并且连续十三年,是发展中国家中吸收FDI最多的国家。同时我国的外贸依存度在改革开放后,总体上是一个不断上升的过程,并且近些年来已经达到了近70%的高水平。在目前我国社会经济所处的阶段,过高的外贸依存度是弊大于利的,对于我国目前外贸依存度过高的解释,有很多种说法,但进入我国的FDI绝对是一个需要考虑的重要因素。笔者认为我国FDI结构是导致外贸依存度过高的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

高会艳 《商》2013,(23):311-311
本文利用1997-2010年中国服务业国内生产总值和服务业能源消费的薮据,运用服务业的能源库茨涅茨曲线模型对服务业经济增长与服务业能源消费的动态关系进行了研究,发现我国服务业能源消费和服务业经济增长呈倒“N”型,且并没有达到拐点,说明在未来的一段时间,我国服务业经济增长是以服务业能源的高消费为代价的,最后提出了相关性的建议。  相似文献   

高度关注服务业全球化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪以来,服务业全球化初见端倪:服务业跨国公司迅速扩张,成为推动服务业全球化的主体;服务业跨国投资增长迅猛,服务业跨国购并大潮迭起;服务贸易发展迅速;国际月良务离岸外包异军突起:服务业跨国转移由制造业追随型逐步向服务业自主扩张型转变。服务业全球化是制造业全球化进一步发展的结果,是经济全球化进入新阶段的重要标志。服务业加速现代化和全球化的趋势,使服务业日益告别传统的地缘导向发展模式,不断打破时间、空间乃至文化、观念的隔离,进入了全新的发展阶段。这不仅使服务业的全球重组和资源优化配置达到空前高度,也正在使世界各国经济、产业、技术创新乃至经营管理模式出现全方位变革.对世界经济的重大影响:恃日益显现。这既给我国的服务业发展带来重大机遇,同时也带来严峻挑战。[编者按]  相似文献   

港口物流作为特殊形态下的综合物流体系,在对外贸易过程中具有不可替代的作用。就山东省而言,青岛港作为龙头,它以日照港、烟台港为依托,形成以半岛港口群为基础的东北亚外贸集装箱中转枢纽,培育壮大港口物流等现代服务业集群,成为国际航运中心。  相似文献   

郝朔  薛楠 《商》2014,(32):248-249
随着从"产品为核心"向"服务为核心"的转变,制造业服务化已成为制造业的发展趋势,在世界范围内得到了越来越多的推广和应用。我国国务院近日首次对生产性服务业发展做出的全面部署,必将对制造服务业的发展带来利好。然而,作为制造业中最为重要的航天制造业,其所涉及的服务业务这一块的发展并不是很好。因此,本文通过了解制造服务业的思想和构成体系,借鉴制造服务业的先进模式和成功经验,为航天服务业的发展提出一些政策性建议。  相似文献   

Two studies investigate the immediate and long-term effects of job stressors on frontline service employees (FSEs). Using cognitive appraisal theory, we develop and test a conceptual model of two job stressors (crowding and emotional labor) that affect coping strategies and job outcomes. Study 1, which is a field experiment, investigates the immediate effects of crowding in a single firm. Study 2 extends the findings of Study 1 and investigates the long-term effects of emotional labor and crowding on FSEs across multiple firms. The results show that crowding has a negative impact on coping strategies and job-related outcomes. In addition, emotional labor can lead to long-term negative outcomes, such as emotional exhaustion and decreased job retention, for some FSEs. Consequently, service organizations should consider strategies or tactics that prevent high levels of customer crowding and help FSEs deal with emotional labor.  相似文献   

对管理本质进行研究有助于从根本上正确认识和理解管理,从而更好地指导人们的管理实践。在中西方不同文化背景下,很多管理实践者、学者都不同程度地涉猎了管理的基本性质和基本规律,但大多数研究成果都是管理本质表面现象的阐述,并没有指出管理的真正本质。如果从社会属性和自然属性(一般属性)的角度看,管理具有的双重服务本质:社会服务本质和自然服务本质,即服务是管理的本质。服务是管理本质论具有丰富的理论内涵,可以从管理存在的本质要求、统治阶级管理意志的体现、现代公共管理首要职能、现代企业管理最基本的经营管理理念、管理者与被管理者之间的"双向服务"关系等方面论证管理的社会服务本质,从"服务"与管理主体、管理客体、管理职能、管理目标之间的关系等方面论证管理的自然服务本质。  相似文献   

服务营销学脱蜕于市场营销学,20世纪60年代兴起于西方。不少学者敏锐地指出服务营销学的兴起和发展,标志着市场营销领域的服务革命。自20世纪60年代以来,服务营销学的发展大致可分为以下三个阶段:  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study into leadership in retail bank product development. New product development is an increasingly important business activity in many services businesses. Financial services specialists involved in this activity are required to have an understanding of project working that aims to match new product concepts to potential customer needs. In the empirical study reported here all the new product projects were aimed at developing a new area of business and were of great potential importance to the sponsoring businesses in which they were pursued. It was found that success in completing a project efficiently was associated with effective co-leadership between different levels of the organisation. Lesser project success was found when leadership was confined to a single leader. Co-leadership involved a common leadership style that was enabling, participative and highly communicative. Empowering junior colleagues to act as co-leaders confronts top management with challenges to traditional concepts of authority. Our results show how enlightened top management turns these challenges to the best advantage of their business.  相似文献   


This study aims to extend current typologies in physical environments as applied to service marketing. The physical setting in which service delivery is undertaken creates expectations of the level of service. Thus, the design of the service environment should be carefully undertaken to ensure consistency with service expectations. This is a report/study which demonstrates that many organizations fail to adequately capture the servicescape in tourism settings as evidenced by low accuracy in classification by the participants.  相似文献   

In this study, we surveyed 272 post-holders from four different occupations, namely, public servants in charge of HR administration, software engineers, web editors, and newspaper advertisement salesperson. We found that the three job attitude variables of job satisfaction, affective commitment and job involvement all have significant effects upon job skill importance ratings and skill level ratings after controlling for occupational and demographic variables. Further comparison revealed that job satisfaction has a greater influence upon the above two ratings than affective commitment and job involvement. Also, we studied several occupations comprehensively in the present article, which is beneficial to a deeper understanding of factors influencing job analysis ratings and is thus of great importance to future job analysis research and practice. __________ Translated from Xinli xuebao 心理学报 (Acta Psychological Sinica), 2007, 39(1): 146–154  相似文献   

Drawing on a sample of 368 frontline employees and 45 managers from five Chinese banks, this study examined the relationship between service climate and frontline employee service performance, including in-role and extra-role performance, and the difference of this relationship considering the moderating role of employee's emotional experience (job stress and organizational identification). Empirical results indicated the positive effect of service climate on service performance as hypothesized. Moreover, job stress negatively moderated the relationship between service climate and extra-role performance, while organizational identification positively moderated the climate–performance relationship.  相似文献   

李知矫 《中国会展》2020,(1):122-123
历经20年的长足发展、稳健前行,點意空间国际展览集团(以下简称"點意空间")始终坚持走专业化、国际化、品牌化、信息化发展之路,凭借独特的匠心精神,塑造了众多精品工程,打造了众多展览盛典,得到了行业的认可。  相似文献   

张敏 《广告大观》2007,(5S):28-30
公益广告是社会组织实现自我动员、自我倡导,同心协力构建和谐社会的有效形式。中国经济的快速发展所带来的许多矛盾与问题,多半属于公益问题。需要让公众知情,请公众参与,进而转变公众日常的态度和行为,解决公众自身的根本利益和长远利益问题。未来几年,侧重解决这类问题的公益广告势必要有一个大发展,并形成空前繁荣的大好局面。为此,政府相关管理部门有责任多方引导,  相似文献   

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