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寿光被称为“中国蔬菜之乡”,其蔬菜产业化发展历史悠久,经验丰富,具有较强的示范带动作用和借鉴意义,但在产业化发展中仍存在许多不足之处,若不及时加以重视和改进,将会成为阻碍蔬菜产业化经营的瓶颈。本文针对寿光市蔬菜产业化经营中存在的主要问题,研究提出了寿光市加快蔬菜产业化经营的措施建议。  相似文献   

水生蔬菜是洪湖市的特色产业,这些年该产业凭借地区的优势资源禀赋以及政府的大力支持发展势头良好,成为了拉动地区经济发展的重要产业之一。不过湖市水生蔬菜产业发展中存在产业化水平偏低突出问题,这对于该产业的健康发展来说是一个负面影响,如何推进这一产业的更好发展,这成为了地区经济发展中的重要课题。本文对于洪湖市水生蔬菜产业化发展的现状以及问题进行了具体阐述,围绕这些问题探讨了该地区水生蔬菜产业化发展的策略,以期为洪湖市水生蔬菜产业化发展水平的进一步提升带来有益指导。  相似文献   

在以农村合作经济组织为载体推进农业产业化的过程中,我们还必须准确把握发展农村专业合作经济组织和农业产业化经营的关系。实践证明,农村专业合作经济组织是推进农业产业化的重要力量,而农业产业化经营则是发展农村专业合作经济组织的逻辑起点。农村合作组织是连接龙头企业和农户的重要纽带,是形成“公司+合作组织+农户”的产业化经营模式的关键环节。  相似文献   

我国蔬菜出口现状及策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国的蔬菜出口逐年增长,出口品种日趋多样化,出口市场日益扩大。全球蔬菜需求量的增加和入世又为我国的蔬菜出口提供了新的机遇。但我国的蔬菜出口业务仍然问题重重。如产品结构单一,质量较差,各出口商之间恶性竞争,国际蔬菜市场上竞争日趋激烈,等等。因此,我国急需理顺蔬菜出口管理体制,优化产品结构,提高产品质量,推进蔬菜产业化进程,发展电子商务,实施绿色营销,引进和培养专业的蔬菜出口营销人才,大力拓展海外市场,扩大蔬菜出口。  相似文献   

近年来,浙江省嵊州市供销社围绕畜产品、果品、茶叶、蔬菜等供销社传统行业,通过办市场、建园区、发展专业合作社、扩大加工销售等途径,积极参与和推动农业产业化经营,带动了全市7万多农民发展效益农业,5万多农户养兔,连接了5000多名贩销大户闯市场,农产品销往10多个省市,促进了当地蔬菜、干鲜果、长毛兔、茶叶等主导产业的发展,得到当地政府及上级社的好评。  相似文献   

本文从国内外环境分析我国蔬菜出口存在的问题。绿色壁垒不断加高、保障措施影响深远、反倾销频繁出手、我国蔬菜竞争力不足、蔬菜生产零星分散、产业化程度低、无公害蔬菜识别难等都是影响我国蔬菜出口的不利因素。面对这些不足,我国应对外加大交涉力度,对内加强自律,建立一套标准化的蔬菜生产技术体系以保证蔬菜产品质量,提升我国蔬菜国际竞争力,调整产业结构,建立无公害蔬菜产品质量安全认证,发展我国蔬菜产业。  相似文献   

蔬菜属于劳动密集型产业,中国由于劳动力成本低,在蔬菜生产上具有比较优势,国际贸易中一直是蔬菜净出口国.自20世纪90年代以来,河南省蔬菜产量不断增加,已跃居全国第三,仅次于山东、河北,但蔬菜基本上属于自产自销,出口比重很小.本文简单介绍了河南省蔬菜生产、出口现状,指出河南省出口蔬菜存在质量不高、品牌意识薄弱、加工程度低、产业化程度低的问题,提出通过提高蔬菜出口质量水平、大力发展蔬菜精深加工、培育蔬菜品牌、加快蔬菜产业化这三大措施达到促进河南省蔬菜出口的目的.  相似文献   

本文从国内外环境分析我国蔬菜出口存在的问题。绿色壁垒不断加高、保障措施影响深远、反倾销频繁出手、我国蔬菜竞争力不足、蔬菜生产零星分散、产业化程度低、无公害蔬菜识别难等都是影响我国蔬菜出口的不利因素。面对这些不足,我国应对外加大交涉力度,对内加强自律,建立一套标准化的蔬菜生产技术体系以保证蔬菜产品质量,提升我国蔬菜国际竞争力,调整产业结构,建立无公害蔬菜产品质量安全认证,发展我国蔬菜产业。  相似文献   

本文从国内外环境分析我国蔬菜出口存在的问题。绿色壁垒不断加高、保障措施影响深远、反倾销频繁出手、我国蔬菜竞争力不足、蔬菜生产零星分散、产业化程度低、无公害蔬菜识别难等都是影响我国蔬菜出口的不利因素。面对这些不足,我国应对外加大交涉力度,对内加强自律,建立一套标准化的蔬菜生产技术体系以保证蔬菜产品质量,提升我国蔬菜国际竞争力,调整产业结构,建立无公害蔬菜产品质量安全认证,发展我国蔬菜产业。  相似文献   

结合农业产业化发展的基本思路以及其重要性,分析农业产业化发展过程在生产、合作以及经营等环节中所出现的一些问题,要发展好农业产业化,必须注重农业产业化过程中的生产、合作以及经营这三大环节。  相似文献   

中国蔬菜冷链物流的现状、问题与建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔬菜自身的易腐易损性决定了蔬菜冷链物流的低温、低耗和高效等特点。我国蔬菜流通环节多,参与主体多,物流数量不断增多,流通体系日益形成。但蔬菜生产规模小而且分散,蔬菜物流的信息化水平低,缺乏全程冷链运输。为此,要通过政策扶持,大力发展第三方蔬菜冷链物流;完善合作经济组织功能,提升其服务水平;利用物联网等新技术构建蔬菜冷链物流信息平台,提升蔬菜交易功能。  相似文献   

水库移民后期扶持系统的组织结构包括政府、企业、非营利组织。其中,非营利组织以其特有的组织优势,在提供社会服务、化解社会风险、保障移民权益、增进移民整合、提升社会资本存量、促进移民社会发展等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

This special section grew from a need to apply mindful practices to healthcare in order to reach highly reliable outcomes. The six articles in this special section, led by Ellen Langer's masterful article on the mindful use of medical information by both physicians and patients, cover a wide variety of healthcare organizations and a diverse geographic setting.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy has been shown to be a key attribute of successful business leaders and in today's global economy, must be studied in terms of patterns of crossvergence. The paper examines both individual characteristics (gender, age, work experience, and management experience) and culture as they relate to self-efficacy in North America. Women in our sample had slightly lower self-efficacy, which increased with work and management experience. Age and membership in an individualistic culture were not related to self-efficacy; in fact, our Mexican participants demonstrated slightly higher self-efficacy propensities. These results suggest that organizations might consider devoting special attention to development of mentor and other programs particularly to females initiating their career. However, expected cultural patterns relating to self-efficacy might not hold as strongly, particularly with empowered groups such as executives and MBA students. Individual characteristics, particularly experience levels, have a greater impact on self-efficacy and should receive heightened considerations when organizations are making selection and other personnel decisions.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) play a relevant role in society by attempting to satisfy human necessities in a different way, or as a complement to lucrative firms and governmental activity. In this sense, they are active in different areas, and several analyses have been developed to study the effects and the behavior of these organizations in such fields, as is shown in the articles included in this special issue. The main goal of this paper is to show the main aspects analyzed in those papers.  相似文献   

We present this special issue on positive organizational ethics (POE) to highlight those pursuing positive subjective experiences, positive attributes of individuals and groups, and positive practices that contribute to ethical and virtuous behavior in organizations. Although prior research has offered some insight in this area, there is still much to be learned about how to cultivate and sustain ethical strength in different types of organizations and how goodness can emerge from and in spite of human failings. After describing the positive movement, we position POE as a discrete area of inquiry within the broader positive behavioral sciences, at the intersection of positive behavioral studies and business ethics. After defining our terms and purpose for creating the POE domain, we introduce the articles in this special issue. The introduction concludes with suggested topics for future research.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(2):173-182
Trust has long been recognized across cultures, industries, and organizations as a key component of social exchange. Yet in many communities and organizations throughout the world, there is a growing trust deficit. In this article, we explore what leaders can do to generate trust among the individuals within their organizations to help facilitate better relationships and positive outcomes for both individuals and organizations. More specifically, we present a qualitative study in which semistructured interviews with employees at an assisted-living care facility highlight two ways that leaders can build trust within their organizations: (1) by demonstrating humility in their communication and (2) by exhibiting compassion in their behavior. We further highlight two characteristics, authenticity and proactivity, that can help leaders increase the effectiveness of these actions. By making these behaviors part of how they lead, leaders and managers can more successfully generate feelings of trust among the individuals within their organizations and help their organizations to maintain and strengthen their competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Managers in all industries reach a time in their careers when they must answer certain questions about their firms. They are required to deal philosophically with the questions of social responsibility and identity; failure to do so may limit the firm's growth. The author examines management strategies and policies related to responsibility and identity as they have been resolved in six large firms, all highly oriented to consumer products. The firms include Ashland Oil and Refining Company, Standard Oil of Ohio, General Electric, Procter and Gamble, Kroger, and Federated Department Stores. Each has a special identity and egocentrism. Guidelines established by these six companies may help other businessmen and managers in reaching decisions for themselves and their organizations.  相似文献   

许强  刘翌 《商业研究》2006,75(14):28-31
知识是企业拥有的最重要的资源与获得竞争优势的最终源泉,并推动着企业组织的变化和创新。为此,企业集团组织也体现出三方面的创新变化,一是以资本为纽带的企业集团科层结构逐步被以知识为纽带的网络结构所取代;二是企业集团内部知识主体从传统的战略经营单位转变为模块化的集束式组织;三是企业集团知识的虚拟整合模糊了企业集团边界,推动企业集团专项核心能力的突出。  相似文献   

张继红  姜立文 《财贸研究》2012,23(5):112-120
美国银行法施加于包括银行股东、董事在内的机构关联方特殊的法律责任,是其监管者在监管实践中所创制的监管措施,其目的是保护存款人及公共利益,防范金融风险。就美国银行股东及董事的特殊责任、其产生的历史原因及价值等问题进行深入思考,会对中国相关金融监管立法有所裨益。  相似文献   

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