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Revenue Sharing and Vertical Control in the Video Rental Industry   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Revenue sharing contracts, in which retailers pay a royalty on sales to their suppliers, are now widely used in the video rental industry. We show that revenue sharing is valuable in vertically separated industries in which demand is either stochastic (unpredictable) or variable (e.g., systematically declining), downstream inventory is chosen before demand is realized and downstream firms engage in intrabrand competition. Unlike two-part tariffs, revenue sharing achieves the first best outcome by softening retail price competition without distorting retailers' inventory decisions. Our theories are also consistent with trends in prices and availability following retailers' adoption of revenue sharing contracts.  相似文献   

The importance of concession sales in the movie exhibition industry is widely acknowledged among economists and other social scientists that have studied this industry in the past. Despite this recognition, the lack of appropriate data has constrained existing studies that document the role that concessions play in movie theaters. Using detailed weekly movie theater data on concession sales, box office revenues and transaction characteristics from a major exhibitor in Spain, we shed light on the relation between concession sales and the following factors (i) theater attendance, (ii) non-traditional channels of ticket distribution, (iii) audience composition, and (iv) theater and market specific factors.   相似文献   

法的建立、法的实施与权益资本成本   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以上市公司的权益资本成本为衡量指标,分别从法的建立和法的实施两个方面研究我国中小投资者法律保护的作用。研究结果发现,法的建立作用有限,中小投资者保护立法仅在某些特定阶段对权益资本成本产生影响;而法的实施作用明显,有关法律实施的典型事件和地区差异对权益资本成本具有显著的降低作用。  相似文献   

This paper contains a theoretical model of medicalpartnerships with individual quantity and qualitychoice. The firm selects price, the number ofpartners and profit sharing. The firm encouragesinter-firm quality competition and discouragesintra-firm quality competition through differentialprofit sharing. An empirical model using data from anationwide survey of medical practices supports thetheoretical results. Further, empirical resultssupport the view that time per visit can be used as aproxy index for quality in the primary carephysician market.  相似文献   

用户基础、网络分享与企业边界决定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网的出现和应用带来新经济的迅速发展,互联网应用于企业的一个显著特征是使相关企业及其产品获得某种程度的网络外部性。网络外部性的存在有可能改变产品的用户基础或者再造企业采购、工艺流程以及强化营销服务网络,进而使企业的现有边界发生动态调整。基于用户基础的模型表明,网络效应的存在,扩大了两企业进行合作的空间,因此,在某种程度上扩大了企业的横向边界。而引入网络分享因素后,在一定条件下某些上游企业将有积极性创造新的营销系统,从而导致了企业纵向边界的调整变化。  相似文献   

Union statements and journalist accounts have tied workers' fears of accidents to the increasing use of subcontractors at U.S. petrochemical plants. In this case study of workers at a chemical facility in Louisiana, we explore who perceives and worries about chemical exposures and explosions in the work place and why. Perceptions of chemical exposures were highest among union members, contract workers, and those with low job control, whereas perception of explosions was highest among those reporting being rushed or overworked. Contract workers appear to be more worried about hazards in the industry than direct-hire employees.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between the regulator’s pricing decision and the allocation of risk between consumers and shareholders. Consumers are willing to trade-off price variations against a lower expected price. Prices are higher in adverse economic conditions, but shareholder returns are not necessarily lower. It might be optimal to insure shareholders against market risk, so that consumers could thereby achieve a lower expected price. The allocation of risk between consumers and shareholders depends on the capital structure of the regulated firm, and a very special set of conditions must apply for the social optimum to be 100% debt finance with the firm operating on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis.   相似文献   

测量油田化学剂中腐蚀速率项目,主要是依据石油天然气行业标准SY/T5405—1996《酸化用缓蚀剂试验方法及评价指标》中规定的方法。在腐蚀速率质量检验过程中发现,同一产品相同条件下加入不同质量分数缓蚀剂得到的测量结果存在明显差别的情况.影响了产品质量判定;标准中的判定指标与实际测量结果存在矛盾;高温高压动态条件无法准确确定反应时间。酸化缓蚀剂行业标准中存在加入质量分数不明确、评价指标错误、高温高压动态腐蚀试验方法操作不严谨及相应测定仪器的不适宜等问题.造成对依据此行业标准进行产品质量检验工作的困扰,影响了对依据该行业标准产品的质量判定结果。根据对存在问题剖析情况提出了系列建议。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment,Imports and Innovations in the Service Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper analyses for the first time empirically the impact of foreign competition due to inward foreign direct investment and imports on the innovation activities using data of German service firms. Based on the hypothesis that foreign competition has a disciplining effect on domestic markets derived from the manufacturing sector, a positive impact can be expected on innovation in the service sector, while other theoretical considerations do not absolutely support this optimistic view. In the empirical analysis, variants of two probit models are estimated for a sample of 2,019 service firms to explain their product and process innovation activities. The results show that both foreign direct investment and imports have highly significant positive effects on product and process innovations. Vice versa, the export and foreign production activities of domestic firms support innovations, too.  相似文献   

利用中国全部工业企业中37个行业的数据,实证研究了FDI对我国民族企业自主创新产生的促进作用。结果表明,随着外资进入程度的加强,内外资企业之间的竞争越激烈,越有利于民族企业创新能力的提高;且这种促进作用因行业技术差距而异;此外,政府的援助程度越强,越有利于内资企业的自主创新,且这种促进作用随着内外资企业之间技术差距的扩大而增强。  相似文献   

This article examines innovation in the securities industry with the central objective of identifying factors that separate innovators from non-innovators. Akira Iwamura and Vijay Jog report results based on their survey of corporate finance vice presidents or CEO's of 43 investment houses from around the world. They conclude that innovative companies seem to be larger and have a well-defined strategy, with management defining the focus of the business. In addition, the firms have developed better communication channels, both internally and with their customers. Yet, the most significant difference that separates innovators from non-innovators is their management of the idea generation process, including concept generation and management's support. Innovators tend to approach idea generation in the following ways: they employ a variety of idea sources, both internal and external; they assign a specific person or group to be in charge of developing new ideas; they encourage employees at all levels to generate new ideas; they use a variety of innovative techniques to stimulate creativity; they reward their employees by non-monetary means; and they encourage group-level participation in evaluation decisions.  相似文献   

阐述了质量健康安全环境国际管理体系标准的产生与发展,COSO框架的内控体系的产生背景与建立要求,管理体系之间的兼容性.探讨了石油天然气行业建立一体化管理体系的必要性和可行性,一体化管理体系的文件模式框架.  相似文献   

石油勘探开发钻探过程的质量监督与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从勘探开发质量管理的特点出发,结合国内外油田的成功经验,运用专业化协作的基本原理,提出了勘探开发钻探过程的矩阵管理模式.重点论述了勘探开发过程中的质量监督与控制机制,从机制的组成、工程监督质量负责制、工程监督的职责与权力,以及工程监督质量与控制的程序和方法四个方面分别加以论述,并就质量监督与控制的具体实施作了简单阐述.  相似文献   

文章分析了建筑行业信用体系建设对于促进建筑业健康可持续发展、建立健全社会信用体系、构建和谐社会具有的重要意义.研究了中国建筑业协会在行业信用体系建设中所作出的卓有成效的努力,以及信用评价工作的具体做法、内容和程序,总结了信用评价工作中积累的有益经验.  相似文献   

服务业外商直接投资可分为生产性服务业外商直接投资和消费性服务业外商直接投资,二者对国家经济增长有着不同的影响。本文从技术进步的角度,利用面板模型,研究了我国不同类型服务业外商直接投资对经济增长的影响,并分别讨论了东西部地区服务业外商直接投资对技术进步和经济增长的差异性影响。研究结果表明生产性服务业外商直接投资对经济增长和服务业技术进步均有明显促进作用,消费性服务业外商直接投资对经济增长有促进作用,但对服务业技术进步有阻碍作用,且这一趋势在我国东西部地区之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

我国软件产业链:国际借鉴、存在问题与培育对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文从价值创造和产品结构两个方面论述了软件产业链,分析了美国、英国、印度、爱尔兰等国家在培育软件产业链方面的成功经验,从研发投入、风险投资、信息化的需求、企业组织结构、发展战略等方面,指出了中国软件产业链存在的突出问题,并提出了培育中国拥有核心竞争力的软件产业链的对策建议。  相似文献   

大股东控制、多元化经营与现金持有价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
已有多元化经营经济后果研究结论并不一致,本文认为其主要原因在于多元化经营的经济后果也是多元的,不同公司特征和不同影响链条下多元化经营对公司价值的影响也不同。本文以多元化经营对现金持有价值的影响为切入点,分别从市场价值和公司绩效视角分析多元化经营的经济后果。实证结果发现从整体上看,多元化经营对现金持有价值影响并不显著,但按大股东持股比例高低分组回归发现,当大股东持股比例高时,能够有效约束管理者的机会主义行为,提高内部资本市场效率,从而使得多元化经营能够显著提高现金持有价值;而当大股东持股比例低时,严重的代理冲突会导致多元化经营公司内部资本市场损失效率,从而导致现金持有价值的降低。  相似文献   

钢铁产业的产业集中度和空间布局是关系产业竞争力的两个重要方面,提高产业集中度和优化空间布局.是中国钢铁产业实现可持续发展的主要任务。本文通过建立相关的模型和数据测算.分析我国钢铁产业集中度和空间布局的变化,发现我国钢铁产业的生产集中度和空间集中度不仅很低.而且在2001年以来还在不断降低。研究显示,我国钢铁产业的空间布局呈现以市场指向为主、兼资源依托型之格局,临海港口型特征不明显。对三种不同类型的空间布局绩效的比较研究发现.临海港口型的空间布局应是我国钢铁产业布局的主要合理方向。论文对2005年新颁布的《钢铁产业发展政策》作了相应的分析和评论,探讨了产业政策的真正意义.主张作为产业政策不适宜对市场作具体数量的规定。  相似文献   

运载火箭是发展航天技术的基础。我国自从研制用于发射卫星的运载火箭以来,相继研制了4个系列的“长征”火箭,共17个型号,成功地发射了70余颗国内外卫星,取得了举世瞩目的成就。但是我们的运载火箭还存在一些不足,如功能单一、适应能力差、型号品种过多、可靠性和安全性有待提高等。这些问题阻碍着我国运载火箭技术的进一步发展,以及不适应国际发射市场竞争的需要。要克服这些不足,运载火箭的研制和发展必须走“三化”(通用化、系列化、模块化)的道路。  相似文献   

This study explores the importance of organizational culture for coopetition, and identifies the cultural profile of coopetitors operating within an innovation network. Although organizational culture's role in interorganizational collaboration is long established, coopetition settings have not received a similar attention. This exploratory study sheds light on the role of culture for coopetition, and scrutinizes organizational culture using the Competing Values Framework. Our findings suggest cultural differences between coopetitors versus non-coopetitors. Coopetitors display a cultural profile typical to hierarchy, as they describe themselves as more stable than flexible and more internally than externally focused in their strategic orientation. Interestingly the culture model typical for coopetitors, has been identified as the most distant for non-coopetitors, while the second typical model for non-coopetitors i.e. adhocracy has been identified as the most distant for coopetitors.  相似文献   

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