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在线环境下,消费者对企业产品、服务正面主观感受的发布促成在线口碑的形成。有越来越多的企业从中看到了互联网带来的机遇和挑战,企业品牌形象的塑造,可更多的依托消费者的交口称赞来实现。因此应该有效利用在线口碑的影响力,使其成为吸引消费者的重要促销工具。本文在文献研究的基础上,利用问卷调查法、配合访谈的方式,立足于在线口碑的传播者展开调研。利用SPSS工具对消费者感知价值前因因素,以及感知价值的前因因素对在线口碑的发布意愿的影响以及影响程度展开研究。对企业在线环境的运营模式提出改进意见,促进企业品牌价值的提升。  相似文献   

在线口碑成为影响消费者购买决策的重要因素,也引起营销学者的关注,成为营销中的热点问题。总结以往在线口碑的研究,着力分析在线口碑对消费者购买决策的影响。  相似文献   

随着创新2.0时代的到来,"互联网+"成为社会经济发展的新形态,越来越多的传统产业借助互联网进行整合营销。"互联网+酒店"已经成为酒店营销的不二选择。同时,伴随着移动互联时代的到来,消费者可以通过手机随时随地获取信息,发表个人评论,极大地提高了口碑信息传播的速度和广度。在线口碑营销作为酒店行业一大主要的营销方式,它对提高酒店在客户心中的品牌形象进而产生预订起到很大的影响。本文将从在线口碑营销概念、在线口碑营销的优点、在线口碑营销策略几个方面来研究酒店产品如何做好在线口碑营销。  相似文献   

在线口碑信息对消费者购买决策影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网上购物的迅速发展,近年来在线口碑信息及其营销策略正成为国内外营销学界研究的热点。本文分别从在线口碑信息不同内容特征、质量以及数量方面,对消费者制定购买决策的影响来进行分析,并探讨制定相应的营销策略。  相似文献   

虚拟社区、在线口碑与消费者行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳 《商业研究》2011,(12):71-76
随着电子商务的发展,虚拟社区成为消费者分享个体购物经验、消费体验和沟通信息的重要场所,消费者在购物时也将虚拟社区中的口碑信息作为重要参考依据。本文在对国内外相关文献的研究基础上,构建出在线口碑对消费者行为的影响因素模型,并运用因子分析法对假设的模型进行了修正,发现口碑信息源因素、口碑信息传播方向因素、社区成员自身因素、社区成员互动因素和产品因素,在网络口碑对虚拟社区成员消费行为的影响过程中起了很大作用;企业若要利用好口碑信息就应提供充足的口碑信息,增加信息的可信度,提高在线口碑作为反馈机制的效益,提高在线口碑的间接收益,并掌握处理负面口碑的应急之策。  相似文献   

消费者情绪对口碑传播意愿的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过实验探讨了消费者情绪对口碑传播意愿的影响。实验结果显示:(1)在本实验条件下,被试的愉快、惊讶、兴趣三种基本情绪被启动;(2)当积极的惊讶情绪(惊喜)启动时,被试的积极口碑意愿明显提高;(3)当仅仅只有单纯的惊讶情绪启动时,被试的积极口碑意愿没有显著提高。  相似文献   

在线评论作为线下口碑的网络延伸方式,不仅对消费者购买决策起到重要作用,还能为合作社制定产品改进和创新策略提供重要的参考依据。本文采用实验研究的方法,探究在线评论及其正面与负面评论对合作社产品创新意愿的影响,并从产品的功能、包装、品牌维护、服务和成本5个维度衡量创新意愿水平及变化。结果表明:在线评论对合作社产品创新具有显著的正向影响;相较于正面评论,负面评论对产品创新影响更为显著;正面评论对农民合作社产品创新具有负向影响;相比于产品功能和包装方面的评论,合作社对于品牌维护、服务和成本方面的评论感知更为明显。  相似文献   

利用元分析的方法,对2002-2011年发表在国内管理学、经济学、以及图书馆、情报及文献学等领域具有代表性的学术期刊及重点高校学报上的53篇在线口碑文献进行统计分析,分别从参考学科、研究层次、研究主题和研究方法4个维度揭示了国内在线口碑的研究特征,明确了国内在线口碑的研究现状及存在的问题,并提出了对未来研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

本文基于问卷调查数据,从信任的角度并加入网站媒介的因素建立结构方程模型,分析了在线评论的口碑影响力的主要影响因素。研究结果表明,评论者专业性、网站可信度、消费者与网站的关系、消费者网络涉入程度直接影响在线评论口碑影响力;消费者与评论者的在线联结强度和消费者的专业性对在线评论口碑影响力的直接影响不显著,但可通过情感信任和认知信任对在线评论口碑影响力产生影响;信任在评论者专业性、网站可信度、消费者与网站的关系对在线评论口碑影响力的影响中完全中介效应显著,在消费者网络涉入程度对在线评论口碑影响力的影响中中介效应显著。  相似文献   

在消费者追求产品个性化、稀有性的独特性需求日益强烈的条件下,消费者是否会因独特性而降低的感知风险、阻碍其口碑推荐意愿,企业应如何在满足消费者独特性需求和促进口碑传播之间做出权衡,已有研究尚未对这些问题做出完整回答。本文采用实证方法探索消费者的独特性需求、推荐的感知风险对口碑推荐意愿的影响机制;同时将产品的备选规模作为调节变量,验证在不同的独特性需求水平下,备选规模对推荐感知风险及其口碑推荐意愿的调节作用,以便为企业有效开展口碑营销提供理论依据。  相似文献   

购物网站交互性对消费者体验价值和满意度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在有关消费者体验价值影响因素的研究中,很少有学者关注购物网站交互性对消费者体验价值的影响.文章在文献回顾的基础上提炼出了网站交互性的两个重要维度:双向性和控制性,并以手段——目的链理论为基础构建网站交互性与体验价值之间关系的概念模型,最后运用结构方程模型检验了网站交互性、消费者体验价值和满意度之间的关系.研究结果表明,网站交互性的双向沟通性维度是提升消费体验价值和满意度的关键.  相似文献   

任恺 《江苏商论》2015,(2):20-23
在网络消费者购物率不断提高的背景下,如何在众多的电子商务企业中脱颖而出,将消费者吸引到自己的购物网站,成为现在电子商务企业首要考虑的问题。本文将网络购物环境分为网站易用性、网页设计、在线服务和交易安全性四个维度,运用结构方程模型研究各因素对网络购物意愿的影响。通过对样本数据的实证分析,发现网页设计、在线服务的优化能够进一步提升网站的易用性,进而有利于促进消费者购物,而交易安全性和在线服务则对购物意愿有着较为明显的促进作用。  相似文献   


Given that current landfills are running out of space, consumers are becoming more concerned with reducing waste-particularly in product packaging. The literature cites conflicting findings regarding who is the environmentally conscious consumer. Some researchers have pointed to attitudinal characteristics while others emphasized demographic characteristics as predictors of environmental consciousness. Hence the purpose of the study was to predict the factors that influence intention to purchase environmentally packaged products. A convenience sample surveyed students enrolled in a southern California university (n = 179). The questionnaire was developed to assess respondents' attitudes regarding an organization's role in environmental conservation, societal orientation to physical surroundings, attitudes toward solid waste, intention to purchase environmentally packaged products and demographic characteristics. Results of Stepwise regression analysis indicated that attitudinal factors, not demographic characteristics, played a larger role in predicting intention to purchase environmentally packaged products at the p < 0.001 level. Implications of these findings suggest that marketers need to target those with strong attitudes toward the environment rather than market segment profiles based on demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

品牌名称是品牌资产的重要组成部分,它包含了语音、语义、字体及颜色等多种元素,这些元素的特征会影响消费者的感知和购买行为。本文基于感觉和知觉的相互作用关系,探讨了品牌名称元素影响消费者行为的一般路径,并从四个主要方面对其主要表现进行了归纳和介绍。随后,本文从期望证实理论、感觉传递效应和认知神经学三个角度对其形成机理进行了深入剖析。最后对本议题的未来研究方向做出了展望。  相似文献   

Stress is a companion in most consumers’ lives and as such should impact purchase behavior in many ways. Drawing on construal‐level theory, which relates to information processing on different levels of abstraction, the authors propose that consumers’ stress deteriorates their evaluation of products. The latter effect results from a stress‐induced focus shift, from product characteristics with high levels of construal to those with low levels of construal (Study 1). This shift also decreases the price that consumers are willing to pay (Study 2), though the product category moderates the impact of stress on willingness to pay (WTP), such that the decline in consumers’ WTP is smaller for products characterized by lower levels of construal (Study 3). This research extends existing knowledge on the impact of relaxation on consumers’ WTP by including stress in the analysis. Effect sizes are similar to those in related studies. In terms of managerial implications, this study recommends decreasing consumers’ stress levels at the point of purchase and tailoring marketing mix activities to match prevalent stress levels, if firms hope to mitigate the negative effect of stress.  相似文献   

This study's objective was to segment Belgian fish consumers based on their motives, perceived barriers, and their risk perception corresponding with fish consumption. Cross-sectional consumer data were collected in November 2004 through a self-administered questionnaire (n = 852). Cluster analysis distinguished between three consumer segments. Uncertain fish consumers indicate strong motives and a low risk perception, but experience some barriers to increase their fish consumption. Fish Lovers do not perceive any risk from eating fish and express strong motives and low barriers. Finally, Concerned fish consumers perceive few barriers, and they score relatively moderate on fish consumption motives, but express some doubts with respect to potential risks from eating fish. Profiling the clusters yields opportunities for targeted marketing strategies and product orientation.  相似文献   

情绪是伴随着认知和意识过程产生的对外界事物的态度,是对客观事物和主体需求之间关系的反应,是以个体的愿望和需要为中介的一种心理活动,影响着错误记忆的产生。通过分组研究发现:积极情绪组较之消极情绪组会产生更多的错误记忆,但不同情绪下对正确记忆的影响几乎是没有差别的。研究错误记忆可以帮助人们了解错误记忆是怎么产生的,与真实记忆之间有何区别,能够让大家趋利避害,尽可能的减少错误记忆的发生,从而为我们的学习生活所用。  相似文献   

Five lab studies and a field study explore how power distance belief (PDB) influences consumers' preference for mass-market versus niche brands, the underlying mechanisms, and boundary conditions. We find that high (vs. low) PDB consumers are more likely to prefer mass-market over niche brands because they tend to be risk averse, which in turn increases preference for widely used brands. Consequently, the relationship between PDB and brand preferences is mediated by risk aversion. Further, when product usage contexts are risky, low (but not high) PDB consumers' preference for mass-market brands increases, whereas offering an extended money-back guarantee increases high (but not low) PDB consumers' preference for niche brands. In addition, we find that when choosing service providers (versus choosing physical goods), low (but not high) PDB consumers are significantly more likely to prefer mass-market brands over niche brands. We conclude with the implications of these findings for marketers, such as for their segmentation and targeting endeavors. We also provide specific tools that marketers could use, both inside and outside the store, to influence consumers' preference for mass-market versus niche brands.  相似文献   

Using a six-dimension uses and gratifications (U&G) framework, we explore how social media use motivations drive consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRAs: consumption, contribution, and creation of brand-related content). We examine these relationships for different social media types by drawing on two previously suggested dimensions, namely their nature of connections and level of customization of messages. Using a US-based sample (n = 939), findings of a PLS-SEM procedure show that “traditional” U&G hardly explain social media COBRAs. In contrast, Empowerment and Remuneration motives—two U&G specifically relevant for social media use—are the most critical COBRAs drivers. Multigroup analyses suggest that the relation between U&G and COBRAs differs between social media platforms classified either as: (a) profile- or content-based; or as employing (b) customized or broadcast messages. We argue for a specific design of brand-related activities on different social media in order to incentivize users' engagement with brand-related content.  相似文献   

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