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"5·12"四川汶川大地震,使灾区人民的生产生活损失严重,对于震后毁坏的按揭贷款房屋问题如何解决,社会有多种观点。我们认为应该从我国目前实际情况出发,既要保持我国法律的延续性,又要借鉴灾害补偿机制,兼顾借贷双方利益解决震后房贷偿还问题,避免法律与个人信用道德产生冲突。  相似文献   

从理论概念上阐释香港地区的按揭与内地个人住房抵押贷款之间形式和性质的不同,内地个人住房抵押贷款四种担保方式均不发生将房地产所有权转让给银行作为贷款必备条件的情形,与让与担保有本质的区别。  相似文献   

自2008年国际金融危机爆发以来,受国家宏观调控背景下房地产市场交易量萎缩、行业信贷风险不确定性增加的影响,部分个人房产投资者出于个人利益考虑,以种种理由拖延或拒绝住房按揭还款,逃避还款责任。商业银行个人住房按揭贷款起诉案件较以往明显增加。本文通过个人住房借款合同纠纷一起典型案例,对个人住房按揭涉及的法律规定、合同关系、当事人责任分担等问题进行了详细分析,并提出相关启示。  相似文献   

4月20日,是雅安地震一周年。在这一年里,工商银行四川分行深入震源芦山县,为当地百姓和企业分忧解难,帮助他们迅速恢复生活和生产。一年中,3.7亿元个人住房贷款、近30亿元工商业贷款和300亿元融资承诺,为当地人民送去温暖的家,给企业带来了金融血液和能量。  相似文献   

现就支持汶川地震灾后恢复重建有关税收政策问题通知如下: 一、关于减轻企业负担,促进企业尽快恢复生产的税收政策措施 1.自2008年7月1日起,对受灾严重地区的所有行业(国家限制发展的特定行业除外)实行增值税扩大抵扣范围政策,允许企业新购进机器设备所含的增值税进项税额予以抵扣。具体实施办法由财政部、  相似文献   

2008年,随着我国一些地区冰雪和地震等灾难的发生,使得自然灾害中毁损、灭失房屋的按揭贷款问题引起了各方面的高度关注。为了解决在灾难中毁损、灭失房屋的按揭贷款问题,我国银行及相关部门制定了一系列政策文件,以解燃眉之急。然而,这仅仅是应急之策,非长远之计。为了应对将来在自然灾害中可能发生的毁损、灭失房屋的按揭贷款问题,我国应该结合国情,在借鉴国外经验的基础上,制定出长远的法律对策。  相似文献   

抵押权是不转移物的占有,为担保债权的实现而在特定物上设立的一种权利。抵押权法律制度的设立对在市场经济情形下,鼓励交易,保护交易安全,具有重要的法律作用。本将从抵押权法律制度的沿革过程中新旧法律交替的法律适用、抵押权与债权和物务的关系、新型物之抵押权等若干法律问题提出浅见的观点。  相似文献   

本文通过各方资料收集,归纳了构成个人住房抵押贷款业务链的主要环节及其收益和风险特征,介绍了美国个人住房抵押贷款市场的主要参与机构,分析了不同类型的机构在不同业务环节的优势和劣势,以此为我国个人住房抵押贷款市场的业务细分和机构组成提供参考。  相似文献   

案情:2002年6月22日,原审原、被告签订《购房抵押贷款合同》,约定被告以座落在本市洪山区东湖工业园东湖路108号第A幢9号房为抵押物向原告申请购房抵押贷款21万元,贷款期限10年,贷款月利率4.65‰。原告办妥抵押登记后,于2002年7月5日向被告发放了贷款21万元。但被告未依时供款,仅归还了部分借款本息,截止2003年8月11日,尚有贷款204719.75元未还。2003年8月原告起诉被告,要求归还借款本金及利息。  相似文献   

罗莉 《济南金融》2009,(3):67-69
随着我国房地产市场环境的变化,银行房地产贷款的风险也在不断变化。本文具体分析了房地产的特性及其价格影响因素、现阶段我国房地产业的困境、房价调整与银行贷款风险关系的特点,并对银行的风险管理提出相应建议。  相似文献   

房价波动中商业银行住房抵押贷款风险控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我同房地产市场环境的变化,银行房地产贷款的风险也在不断变化.本文具体分析了房地产的特性及其价格影响因素、现阶段我国房地产业的困境、房价调整与银行贷款风险关系的特点,并对银行的风险管理提出相应建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between housing tenure and mortgage contract. We present a model showing that, given expected mobility, borrowers will have incentive to self-select into the appropriate mortgage product such that their fixed-rate period is directly related to their probability of moving. We empirically test this hypothesis using housing tenure data derived from a large national database of repeat mortgage transactions. After controlling for borrower characteristics, the mobility hazards of 3/1, 5/1 and 7/1 ARMs, compared to a 30-year fixed rate, are estimated to be 28%, 14% and 11% higher, respectively  相似文献   

Expectations of housing prices play an important role in real estate research. Despite their importance, obtaining a reasonable proxy for such expectations is a challenge. The existing literature on mortgage research either does not include housing expectation proxies in empirical models, or uses “backward-looking” proxies such as past housing appreciation or time series forecasts based on past housing appreciation. This paper proposes to use the transaction prices of Case-Shiller housing futures as an alternative “forward-looking” proxy. As an example, we compare the performances of four different expectation proxies in explaining mortgage default behavior. The loan level analysis shows that the futures based expectation proxy outperforms other proxies by having the highest regression model fit and being the only proxy that shows a significant negative effect on mortgage default behavior, as theory suggests. Out of sample predictions also show that futures have better prediction accuracy than other proxies. In addition, the paper shows that futures contain additional information that is not present in the backward-looking proxies.  相似文献   

对我国实现住房抵押贷款证券化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化,要从实际出发,采取适合我国国情的具体措施。实现住房抵押贷款证券化的关键环节是如何设置证券化金融机构。我国的证券化金融机构应该是一个独立的经济实体;从长远看,在证券化过程中,应实行将抵押贷款真实出售给证券经营机构的表外证券化模式;积极采取措施,减少逆向选择和道德风险的危害程度;要大力培育机构投资者,规范投资行为,扩大市场需求。  相似文献   

Although the close empirical relationship between the evolution of mortgage lending and housing prices is well established in the literature, the direction of causation is less clear from a theoretical standpoint. We apply multivariate cointegration techniques in order to address this issue empirically for the Greek economy. Our results, based on a cointegration relationship that we identify as a mortgage loan demand equation, indicate that housing prices do not adjust to disequilibria in the market for housing loans. This suggests that in the long run the causation does not run from mortgage lending to housing prices. In the short run we find evidence of a contemporaneous bi-directional dependence.
Thomas VlassopoulosEmail:

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