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张芳 《中国农史》2001,20(4):55-59
台湾的桃园大圳和嘉南大圳是近代修建的大型灌溉工程,至今仍发挥着显著的灌溉作用。本文对这两个工程的设计布置、技术特点、灌溉制度等作了全面叙述。  相似文献   

赵东辉 《水利经济》1994,(1):44-45,52
高扬程电力提灌工程经济分析赵东辉(宁夏水利科学研究所)随着国民经济的发展,为了根本改变宁夏干旱缺水地区的落后面貌和生产条件,自70年代以来.在宁夏南部地区建立了四处较大规模的高扬程灌溉工程。其中固海扬水工程是我国目前装机容量最大的多级提灌工程。实践证...  相似文献   

在充分调研和收集资料的基础上.采用理论分析和专家咨询相结合的方法.提出了雨水利用农业灌溉工程评价方法.按照层次分析法的基本要求.分层次地确定了各评价指标的权重.以甘肃省雨水利用农业灌溉工程为例.利用该评价方法对工程中工程决策、组织领导、项目规划、施工过程、运行管理、实际完成、规划执行等各环节进行分析评价.评价结果表明.项目总体执行情况一般.  相似文献   

李峻 《水利经济》1991,(4):50-53
《水利经济计算规范》规定,水利经济计算包括经济分析和财务分析。经济分析是从全社会或国民经济角度,根据工程费用和取得的国民收益,分析、评价工程方案的经济合理性。财务分析是从核算单位的角度,根据核算单位本身的实际收支,来分析、评价工程方案的财务可行性。在《规范》的指导下,水利工程的经济分析发展很快,已有了一套比较成熟的经验。但如何进行水利工程、特别是灌溉工程这类社会效益很大、财务收入不多的工程的财务分析,目前经验还不多,国内出版的一些水利经济专著对这方面的论述也不多,是当前水利经济分析中的一个薄弱环节。本文仅就灌溉工程财务分析方法提出一些初步看法。  相似文献   

白炳华 《水利经济》1989,(4):40-42,46
工程经济分析的目的就是利用工程经济的原理和分析方法,对工程方案进行科学的、实事求是的相互比较和分析论证,从而选择出最佳的工程设计方案,以尽量少的投入获得尽量多的产出。为提高灌溉工程经济分析的质量,笔者认为应注意以下几个问题:  相似文献   

解放后,十堰市的水利基本建设经历了从塘堰到小型水库、中型水库、提水泵站、引水渠、小水电站、水土保持和流域治理的发展过程。50年代处于探索阶段,修建了一批塘堰、郧西的天惠渠引水灌溉工程、丹江官山与十堰马家河中型水库等。60年代,在积累了经验的基础上,特别是1965年“襄郧”分家后,掀起了大搞农田水利基本建设的高潮,兴建了一大批水利骨干工程,如土门、巨家河、竹溪河、谭家河、汪家河中型水库及房县城关西北门河堤。70年代,又继续新建了茅塔河、浪河、霍河、马安关中型水库及郧县邓湾泵站。我们在兴建水利骨干工程的同时,还狠抓了…  相似文献   

小峪水库灌溉工程是由当地乡政府组织兴建的小型项目。以该工程建设和运行的实际效益和费用资料,进行经济评价。计算的效益费用比、净现值和内部回收率指标值表明,该工程的总体经济效益不高。这与该工程在建设前没有充分的设计论证和经济分析,建设过程中组织管理工作差有关。本文为运用效益——费用分析方法提供了一个实例。  相似文献   

木兰陂位于福建省莆田市,建于北宋中期,是中国古代最著名的灌溉工程之一。陂田制度是宋明时期木兰陂水利管理制度的一种。根据陂田制度的规定,陂司是木兰陂水利管理的主要机构,租种陂田的收益是水利管理维护经费的主要来源,地方官府负责监督以保障陂田制度实施。陂田制度具有延续性、地域性和进步性的特征。陂田制度的实施,减轻了当地人民的赋税压力,促进了木兰陂区域水利共同体的形成,为当时及后世其他水利工程的管理提供了借鉴,具有重要的水利社会史研究价值。  相似文献   

张芳 《中国农史》2000,19(1):22-27
我国陂渠串联水利工程技术约起源于春秋中期,战国至汉代已在淮河、汉水上中游的丘陵盆地和高平原有相当的发展。本文阐述了陂渠串联工程的优点,举例分析了古代单首制引渠与陂塘串联、一河取水多首制引渠与陂塘串联、多河取水多首制引渠与陂塘串联水利系统的规则、布置和作用。最后简述陂塘串联工程技术向国外传播和当今的应用,说明我国人民创造的这项出色水利工程技术具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

江苏西南的宁、镇、扬地区广泛分布着低山丘陵和岗地。历代为开发这一地区,在山丘高亢地区兴建陂塘堰坝,以防洪灌溉。其发展大体分为三个阶段:东汉至南朝是塘坝水利的开发时期;唐代至宋元进一步发展;明清时古老的陂塘淤堙严重,主要发展小型塘坝水利。本文阐述了历史上宁、镇、扬丘陵地区塘坝水利发展的概况,论述了各时期的塘坝水利技术、塘坝水利与地区经济发展的关系,山区开垦与水土保持等问题。  相似文献   

This study reviews 40 years of irrigation development in China including the transformation of the institutional and incentive structures in irrigation management. After rural reforms in the 1970s, irrigation investments slowed until the late 1990s. In North China, farmers became major investors in groundwater irrigation, leading to property rights’ transfer of tube wells from collective to private ownership. Despite positive effects in cropping patterns, farmer income and development of groundwater markets, privatisation has accelerated groundwater table deterioration. Since the middle of 1990s, Water User Associations have replaced village collective management of surface irrigation. This approach was adopted by most provinces by early 2001 with mixed results; only institutions with water‐saving incentives realised efficient irrigation. The Government is reforming water price policies to provide water‐saving incentives to farmers while not hurting their income. While China has focused on water rights and markets, and despite regulations and pilot projects, full implementation of water rights has been slow. Research reveals greater policy scope for expanding irrigation technologies that generate real water saving to rural areas. Given pressure associated with water scarcity and concern for food security, further effective reforms in irrigation and policy incentives are expected. The Government has also initiated some pilot projects to resolve increasing water scarcity problems through adjusting agricultural production activities.  相似文献   

With land as Nigeria's most important asset, successive local and central governments have sought to control the acquisition of land so that it may be put to optimal use by the population of 70 million. The author looks into the theory of land acquisition and its history in Nigeria, with special reference to a number of irrigation projects. He examines in depth the actions and attitudes of the developers in several cases and notes a lack of consistency and consideration on their part. The author records the resulting opposition to any irrigation project due to the injustices such schemes have engendered in the past. He suggests a set of guidelines to bring an Improvement in relations between land-owners and the authorities, so that development projects are not held back and finally implemented in an atmosphere of hostility.  相似文献   

粮食主产区农户节水灌溉采用意愿分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江垦区已形成科学农业节水体系,但广大市县节水灌溉率非常低,大多采用传统漫灌方式.该文依据黑龙江省364个市县农户的调查数据,运用logit模型对农户采用节水灌溉技术意愿的影响因素进行分析,结果表明:种植业收入所占比重、政府扶持、耕地面积、年龄等因素具有正相关作用.最后提出构建节水灌溉技术推广的投融资体制、加大政府补贴力度、构建农户农业用水激励机制、扩大农户的耕地规模等政策建议.  相似文献   

Water Management,Spanish Irrigation Communities and Colonial Engineers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the nineteenth century, Spanish irrigation was studied by a number of British and French engineers, who sought to acquire knowledge that could be applied to India and Algeria. In their reports, they said that Spanish irrigation communities were run by the irrigators themselves in a totally democratic way, which was not true. Although such ideas had hardly any practical consequences in colonial India and Algeria, they did have important repercussions in Spain, where the irrigation institutions came to resemble the image they had been given by the reporters, with the best results. Through the work of Elinor Ostrom, the myth created by the nineteenth‐century reporters has also eventually become an argument in favour of irrigation projects in today's developing countries being managed by water users’ associations.  相似文献   

目的 社会化服务组织是农户获取农业信息的重要信息渠道。方法 文章基于河北省775份小麦—玉米种植户调查数据,运用二元Logit模型分析社会化服务对农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响,探讨信息获取在二者之间是否发挥中介作用,进一步揭示不同井深区农户之间的差异。结果 (1)社会化服务显著促进了农户采纳节水灌溉技术,信息获取在社会化服务对农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响中发挥部分中介作用。(2)社会化服务对不同井深区农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的影响存在显著差异。社会化服务对深井区农户节水灌溉技术采纳行为的促进作用大于浅井区农户,信息获取仅在社会化服务对浅井区农户采纳节水灌溉技术的影响中发挥部分中介作用。(3)外部环境中的技术补贴、政府宣传、技术培训和家庭经营特征中的参加农业合作组织和耕地经营面积等均显著促进了农户采纳节水灌溉技术。结论 政府应鼓励社会化服务组织参与农业节水项目的实施和推广,支持社会化服务组织在农业灌溉浅井区举办各种形式的节水灌溉宣传活动,加强节水灌溉技术补贴和培训,提高农户组织化程度以扩大耕地经营规模。  相似文献   

张芳 《中国农史》2005,24(2):37-44
本文从原始水田的自然环境、原始水田的耕作工具、原始水田遗址的灌排设施等方面,论证我国灌溉水利最早产生于新石器时代中期的南方水田区。又分析夏、商、西周三代时旱田、水田沟洫水利工程的不同作用,进一步证明南方水田地区灌溉水利早于北方旱作地区,灌溉水利工程技术应是从南方传入北方的。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of a set of irrigation rehabilitation projects conducted over the last 10 years in Peru. The projects were conducted without the aim or the tools for a full‐fledged impact evaluation. Nevertheless, this paper attempts an evaluation through the use of alternative data sources such as household surveys and geographic information, a strategy of identification of beneficiaries and control households based on spatial proximity to the projects’ sites, and an econometric approach consisting of a double‐differencing technique. The empirical analysis is guided and interpreted with the help of a theoretical model that considers the effects of an irrigation project on the distribution of production, employment and income for different types of landowners. The paper concludes that the irrigation projects implemented in Peru had a positive impact on intended beneficiary households, but not in the way it could have been simplistically expected. The project did benefit the poor but not by increasing production in their own small plots but by providing them with better employment opportunities in larger farms.  相似文献   

王立权 《水利经济》2005,23(4):26-27,38
根据黑龙江垦区现有的水资源储量、现代化管理水平及科技手段等条件,对垦区地表水灌溉工程的现状及发展规划进行了论述,并结合当前粮食生产实际情况,对地表水灌溉工程的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益进行分析。  相似文献   

粮食主产区担负着保障国家粮食安全的重任,农田水利是农业生产的基础。在新型城镇化背景下,妇女是农业生产的主要劳动力。粮食主产区妇女的农田水利管理模式偏好及参与灌溉管理意愿对确保粮食安全至关重要。结果表明,集体化、家庭化解决了分散、细碎农地的灌溉问题,乡村精英能降低农田水利市场化程度,男性青壮年劳动力可缓解农田水利的灌溉压力。"单打独斗"的灌溉管理模式不足以保障水田作物的季节性需求。农村教育、耕地面积、乡村精英管理有助于增进妇女参与农田灌溉管理的意愿。  相似文献   

张锋 《水利经济》2010,28(3):59-62
在总结宁夏固海灌区经济效益的基础上,分析了灌区多年来的用水量状况和灌区供水存在的主要问题。针对灌区运行管理中存在的问题,提出了增强运行管理单位的造血功能,创建多元化的供水市场,建立合理的水价机制,政府给予必要的扶持政策等建议。  相似文献   

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