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税收激励是促进我国对外直接投资发展的重要税收政策手段。但是我国的现行对外直接投资企业所得税激励政策存在诸多问题,如政策导向性弱、避免国际重复征税的措施不健全等。在借鉴国外激励对外直接投资的税收政策基础上,我们提出明确ODI税收政策的区域和产业导向,进一步完善消除国际双重征税的措施等建议,以优化我国对外直接投资企业所得税激励政策。  相似文献   

We expand the traditional tax incentive redundancy argument by investigating the implications of allocating incentives primarily to firms that would have invested even in the absence of special tax treatment. Incorporating government revenue constraints, pliable tax officials, endogenous tax liabilities, and firms with heterogeneous before-tax returns, we show that tax incentives, if given to the wrong firms, are not only ineffective in stimulating FDI, but result in a form of tax shifting and may reduce FDI. Data from countries of the former Eastern Bloc suggests that tax incentive schemes have significantly negative impacts on FDI in countries that poorly target firms.  相似文献   

Evaluating Tax Policy for Location Decisions   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
We consider the impact of taxation when investors face a discrete choice between two or more mutually exclusive projects; in particular we consider the location choice of multinationals. Such choices depend on an effective average tax rate. We propose a precise measure of this rate, which is shown to be equal to a weighted average of an effective marginal tax rate and an adjusted statutory tax rate, where the weights depend on the profitability of the investment. Estimates of the distribution of this measure are presented and compared for domestic and international investment in the USA, France, Germany and the UK. We analyse the impact of harmonising corporate tax rates in Europe on incentives to locate in France, Germany and the UK.  相似文献   

Tax Treaties and Foreign Direct Investment: Potential versus Performance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Bilateral tax treaties are an important method of international tax cooperation. I survey the existing literature on these agreements, highlighting the differences between the standard view that treaties increase foreign direct investment and the empirical evidence that finds little support for this. I also discuss the key differences in treaty formation between developed countries relative to that between developed and developing nations.  相似文献   

我国外商直接投资税收敏感性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用现状分析、理论论证和实证分析等经济分析方法,对税收政策对外商投资的影响作用进行分析,可得出以下结论:税收优惠对吸引外商直接投资有促进作用,但其影响作用并不显著。我国应正确对待税收优惠的作用地位,并全面考虑影响优惠政策的因素,采用更为有效的税收优惠工具,有的放矢地运用税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

促进创业投资企业发展税收政策评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借鉴国际经验,结合中国实际,对最近出台的《促进创业投资企业发展税收政策》进行了评述,分析了这一政策出台对促进创业投资企业发展,进而支持中小企业创业活动的积极影响;同时,对证券公司如何以最大限度享受税收优惠的方式开展创业投资提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

论长期股权投资财务决策的税务问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
税收对财务决策相关,并且长期股权投资是企业财务决策的重要方面。在实践中,税收对长期股权投资财务政策选择的影响主要表现在有关经营地点、经营形式和筹资渠道的选择、投资决策、资本成本、股利分派政策、转移定价政策和外汇与通货膨胀因素及其风险管理等几个方面。  相似文献   

Despite its cultural distance, Morocco is becoming an interesting target country for foreign direct investment (FDI) from Spanish firms. Several factors facilitate this process: Morocco's geographical proximity, strategic location, emerging market, political stability, and workforce, as well as the know-how the country needs to complete its economic development. Based on traditional theories about FDI and the resource-based view of the firm, this paper analyzes the influence that various firm-specific factors may have exerted on the ownership structure of investments in Morocco. Our results suggest that Spanish firms that have chosen full ownership investments without the support of a partner have more than one investment in Morocco, and accumulate more experience in using that investing strategy in other countries.  相似文献   

The Effects of Bilateral Tax Treaties on U.S. FDI Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of bilateral tax treaties on FDI activity have been unexplored, despite significant ongoing activities by countries to negotiate and ratify these treaties. This paper estimates the impact of bilateral tax treaties using both U.S. inbound and outbound FDI over the period 1980–1999. Robust to a wide variety of alternative specifications, we find little evidence that bilateral tax treaties increase FDI activity, contrary to OECD-stated goals for such treaties.  相似文献   

This article argues whether and how investment promotion agencies (IPAs) efficiently influence investment promotion in the cases of the following selected variables: resources (experience, total staff, and overseas staff), service functions (combined promotion service of inward investment and trade, and inward and outward investment), and organizational structure (autonomous status of private/upper ministry-level IPAs). The results reveal a positive relationship between IPA’s performance and longer experience, larger staff, larger overseas IPA staff members, autonomous private agency types, and upper ministry-level IPAs. However, an IPA’s performance was negatively associated with the combined promotional service of inward investment and trade, and inward and outward investment. The results suggest that an IPA’s performance can be enhanced by adjusting the service functions and restructuring the governance and structure in addition to improving the IPA’s resources and the country’s investment climate.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is observed to be a predominant form of capital flows to emerging economies, especially when they are liquidity-constrained internationally during a global financial crisis. The financial aspects of FDI are the focus of this paper. We analyze the problem of channelling domestic savings into productive investment in the presence of asymmetric information between the managing owners of firms and other portfolio stakeholders. We explore the role played by FDI in reviving equity-financed capital investment for economies plagued by such information problems. In the presence of information asymmetry, the paper identifies, however, how FDI gives rise to foreign overinvestment as well as domestic undersaving. The gains from trade argument (applied to intertemporal trade) is re-examined in this case of informational-asymmetry-driven FDI. We show that the gains could be sizable when the domestic credit market is either under-developed or failing as a result of a financial crisis. But with a well-functioning domestic credit market, the gains turn into losses. Surprisingly, capital may flow into the country even when the autarkic marginal productivity of capital in the domestic economy falls short of the world rate of interest. In such a situation, capital should have efficiently flown out rather than in, and FDI is a social loss-generating phenomenon.  相似文献   

Between 1995 and 1999, Italy experienced three episodes of fiscal reform during which different categories of non-debt tax shields were introduced, including a classical investment tax credit, a system of dual income taxation, and an investment tax credit restricted to equity financed investments. Using the balance sheets of a large sample of Italian companies, we construct a data set which allows us to evaluate the impact of the different fiscal interventions. We apply MacKie-Mason's (1990) method to study incremental financing decisions using discrete choice analysis. The analysis shows that the measures introduced were successful in reducing the advantage of debt financing relative to equity financing. We relate the findings to the current literature on the determinants of capital structure. JEL Code: G32, H25  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the determinants of firm-specific corporate tax rates for nonfinancial companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange over a twelve-year period (2000-2011). Using a fixed effects panel data estimation model to account for individual firm heterogeneity, I find that capital intensity, leverage, and loss carry-forward provisions negatively affect corporate effective tax rates; company size and labor intensity have no effect; and profitability has a positive effect. Going beyond the deterministic investigation, the paper cannot provide evidence of tax-planning activities for the companies considered. Moreover, legal differences between financial and tax accounting related to provisions are found to have a positive effect on firm-specific effective tax rates.  相似文献   

申嫦娥 《涉外税务》2007,12(1):33-37
在经济全球化的背景下,许多国家降低或取消了资本限制和外汇管制,国家间公司所得税的差异成为少数几个影响国际资本流量和流向的因素之一。本文参考国外最新研究成果,将影响公司所得税对外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,简称FDI)吸引力的因素分为两大类13个指标,即“税收负担水平”类和“税制完善程度”类。并认为,在内外资企业所得税合并后,针对FDI的税收负担水平可能会有所上升,但我们可以借此机会,进一步完善税制,以“税制完善程度”类的加分抵消“税收负担水平”类的减分,重构公司所得税对FDI的吸引能力。  相似文献   

运用税收政策提升居民储蓄存款的投资、消费转化率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着分配格局的变化,我国越来越表现出明显的“超储蓄”现象。“超储蓄”现象的成因有两个方面:一是国家的保障制度还不够健全;二是投资和消费的安全性不够、动力不足。要促使储蓄转化为投资和即期消费,主要可以通过部分修改税法、开征个人财产税、开征社会保障税和调整个人所得税等税收政策来完成。  相似文献   

本文在总结中国区域经济发展历程的基础上,指出当前我国区域经济发展进入重要转型期。在新时期,国家区域性税收政策的调整应与区域发展战略转型和国家区域政策导向相适应,更加强调区别对待、分类指导,更加注重公平目标,实行分类管理的区域性税收政策,建立完善区域性特别税收优惠制度。  相似文献   

信息技术代表先进生产力的发展方向。根据资本结构的不同将信息技术类企业细分为信息技术业制造类企业和服务类企业,利用转型前后相关数据,通过多元线性回归法分析表明:我国增值税转型有利于促进信息技术类企业增加机器设备类固定资产投资,且对资本构成相对高的信息技术业制造类企业的激励效应高于服务类企业。  相似文献   

本文以我国农业上市公司为研究对象,分析了农业上市公司的投资规模影响因素,并结合上市公司数据实证检验了这些因素。研究发现:我国农业上市公司的投资规模与企业面临的股权集中度、短期投资机会、优惠政策显著正相关,与内部现金流量显著负相关,但负债水平和公司规模对农业上市公司的投资规模影响不显著。此外,研究还发现股权分制改革对农业上市公司的投资规模影响显著。  相似文献   

证券投资基金纳税主体资格的法律确证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,对证券投资基金课税存在问题的症结在于其法律性质和地位,从证券投资基金财产的独立性、基金外部管理者的运行架构以及运行效果可以看出,证券投资基金具有组织体的特性,并具有独立的税法主体资格。在明确这些问题后,可以分别从证券投资基金、基金管理人和托管人、投资者三个不同的纳税主体来重新构建我国的证券投资基金税制。  相似文献   

李文 《税务与经济》2005,18(4):45-48
税收手段是产业结构政策的间接干预手段之一。随着经济的发展,间接干预手段在产业结构政策中的作用将日益增大。在产业结构政策的间接干预手段中,税收有着独特的优势,是不可替代的,同时税收手段也不可避免地具有一定的局限性,因而需要与其他手段相互补充和配合,以共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

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