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K. Murari 《Metrika》1972,19(1):201-208
This paper considers the transient behaviour of queueing problem in which (i) the arrivals occur in batches of variable size (ii) the arrival and no arrival of a batch at two consecutive transition marks are correlated (iii) the service time distribution for each, unit is general with probability density functionD(x). TheLaplace transform of various probability generating functions of queue length are obtained and some particular cases are derived therefrom.  相似文献   

B. R. K. Kashyap 《Metrika》1967,11(1):168-186
Summary For the double ended queue involving taxis and customers at a taxi-stand (Kashyap, 1965 a; b) the probabilities that (i) only taxis are waiting and (ii) only customers are waiting have been investigated by the use of Laplace transform. The L.T.s of the mean queue lengths of taxis and of customers are also obtained. The arrivals of taxis and customers are taken as general and Poisson respectively. The supplementary variable technique (Syski, 1960) has been used.  相似文献   

N. K. Jaiswal 《Metrika》1961,4(1):107-125
Summary Time dependent solution of the queuing system characterized by a general independent input, exponential service time distribution and a finite waiting space, has been first investigated by using the “phase method”. On finding the waiting room full, the customers then arriving may be turned away or the first customer may wait outside and the input process may be stopped till the customer then being served, completes its service. Steady state solutions of both these problems have been obtained and the difference in the operational behaviour of the two systems has been pointed out. For a 2-Erlang arrival distribution, the queuing parameters have been evaluated for different values ofρ r andN.  相似文献   

K. Murari 《Metrika》1972,19(1):27-35
This paper studies the transient behaviour of a single-channel queueing problem wherein (i) the input, following aPoisson distribution, is in batches of variable size (ii) the queue discipline is first-come-first-served; it being assumed that the batches are pre-ordered for service purposes (iii) the output, following a general distribution, is in batches of variable size. TheLaplace transform of the probability generating function of the waiting line size is obtained and the corresponding results are derived when the service time distribution is (i) hyper-exponential with m branches (ii) phase-type and (iii) exponential. Finally, some particular cases are discussed.  相似文献   

S. Subba Rao 《Metrika》1967,12(1):173-188
Summary AM|G|1 queuing process in which units balk with a constant probability (1−β) and renege according to a negative exponential distribution has been considered. The busy period process is first investigated making use of the supplementary variable technique and discrete transforms. The expression for the joint distribution of the number of customers serviced during a busy period and the length of the busy period has been derived. FollowingGaver (1959) the general process is investigated and making use of renewal theory the ergodic properties of the general process have been studied. It has been shown that as long as reneging is permitted (α>0), the steady states always exist, but when no reneging is permitted (α=0), the steady states exist only whenλ β η<1.  相似文献   

K. Murari 《Metrika》1972,18(1):110-119
Summary This paper studies the steady-state behaviour of a discrete-time, single-channel, first-come-first-served queueing problem wherein (i) the arrivals at two consecutive time-marks are correlated (ii) the service is accomplished in phases and (iii) the completion of phases at two consecutive time-marks are correlated. The probability generating function (p.g.f.) of the number of phases waiting and in service is obtained. Further, the p.g.f. of queue length is obtained for the case when each unit demands only one phase of service, and the mean queue length is derived therefrom. Finally, the p.g.f. and the mean queue length are discussed for the special cases, (i) r=0,R≠0, (ii) r≠0,R=0, (iii) r=0,R=0, (iv) r≠0,R=−I, (v) r=0,R=−I, (vi) r=−I,R≠0, (vii) r=−I,R=0, (viii) r=I,R≠0, (ix) r=I,R=0, (x) r≠0,R=I, (xi) r=0,R=I, where r andR are the respective coefficients of correlation between arrivals and completion of phases at two consecutive time-marks.  相似文献   

J. K. Goyal 《Metrika》1967,11(1):157-167
Summary In this paper the time-dependent solution of a queueing system is discussed under the conditions (i) the units arrive according to Hyper-Poisson distribution withl branches (ii) the queue-discipline is ‘first come first served’ (iii) the Service-time distribution is exponential with maximum capacity ofM units being served at one instant. Some results have been obtained when the waiting space is finite; in particular the probability for service to be idle has been obtained. Also for infinite queueing-space case, the expressions for the state probabilities and the mean queuelength under steady state conditions have been found.  相似文献   

Summary LetN=[n ij ] (i=1, …,r;j=1, …,c) be the matrix of observed frequencies in anr×c contingency table fromr possibly different multinomial populations with respective probabilitiesp i =(p i1, …,p ic ).Freeman andHalton have proposed an exact conditional test for the hypothesisH 0 :p i =(p 1, …p c ) of the exact test is derived. Numerical values forβ(p) were previously computed for the special case:r=3,c=2 [Bennett andNakamura, 1964].  相似文献   

利用随机过程和排队论的相关知识,通过对爱尔朗排队模型进行性能分析以及参数求解,给出其在配送中心中的具体应用,并通过实例求解。通过求解系统空闲的概率、系统平均队长、排队等候平均队长、车辆在配送中心中的逗留时间、平均排队时间,比较单路排队和多路排队的区别,以此判断配送中心的车辆调度系统建设是否合理。  相似文献   

Abstract  A queueing problem is considered with one server, independent discrete inter-arrival times, and independent discrete service times. The steady state distribution of the waiting time is approximated by means of the solution of certain linear equations and applying a generalization of the L in -B airstow method for finding quadratic factors of polynomials.  相似文献   

H. Vogt 《Metrika》1969,14(1):117-131
Summary Some of the many methods developed for estimating parameters or percentage points of the Weibull distribution are compared. It is shown that the known estimation of the reciprocal shape parameter with the aid of a straight line in the extremal probability paper is rather biased for small sample sizes. To avoid the bias, correction factors are given, and the efficiency of the resulting unbiased estimator is calculated for sample sizesn=2, 3, …, 9. Results ofJ. Lieblein concerning the double exponential distribution are slightly modified in order to get best linear unbiased estimators for parameters and for the logarithms of percentage points of the Weibull distribution. Other methods are shortly discussed and a median-unbiased estimator for the shape parameter is derived.   相似文献   

R. K. Rana 《Metrika》1972,18(1):69-80
This paper deals with the steady state behaviour of a discrete time, single channel, first-come-first-served queueing problem wherein the service phases at two consecutive time-marks are correlated but the arrivals occur in General Stream. Probability Generating functions for the number of phases are obtained under two different models each with assumption that the service phases at two consecutive time marks are (i) correlated and (ii) uncorrelated. For each case the mean queue lengths when the number of phases demanded by an arriving unit is one, are derived. Some particular cases are discussed.  相似文献   

We consider an M/G/1 queueing system where the customers may leave the queue if their services do not commence before an exponentially distributed random time. The (conditional) offered waiting time distribution is approximated by a gamma distribution via matching the first and second moments of the actual waiting time. A simulation study is conducted to assess the accuracy of the approximation and it reveals that the approximation performs satisfactorily under general conditions on service time distributions.  相似文献   

Dr. P. N. Rathie 《Metrika》1972,18(1):216-219
Equivalence of the generalized entropyH β (P, Φ t ) defined in this paper andKapur’s entropy of orderα and typeβ, ie.H α β (P), is established. The results given recently byCampbell follow as special cases. International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, January 1968.  相似文献   

We analyse an M / M /1 queueing model with gated random order of service discipline. In this service discipline there is a waiting room, in which arriving customers are collected, and a service queue. Each time the service queue becomes empty, all customers in the waiting room are instantaneously put in random order in the service queue. We find the joint stationary distribution of the number of customers in the waiting room and the service queue. Furthermore, we obtain the bivariate Laplace–Stieltjes transform of the joint distribution of the sojourn times of a customer in the waiting room and the service queue.  相似文献   

J. K. Sengupta 《Metrika》1970,15(1):59-70
Summary The problem of statistical distribution of the optimal objective function under the so-called active approach of stochastic linear programming is investigated here from two interrelated aspects. First, the active approach is viewed as a method of decomposition. Second, some results on the asymptotic form of distribution of extreme values are utilized to derive the asymptotic form of the distribution of the maximand under the active approach. Research done under the partial support of the U.S. National Science Foundation Grant No. 420-04-62 at the Department of Economics, Iowa State University. Some of the work related to this paper may be found in the following references:Sengupta, J. K., G. Tintner, andC. Millham: “On Some Theorems of Stochastic Linear Programming”. Management Science, Vol. 10, October 1963, pp. 143–159.Sengupta, J. K.: “The stability of truncated solutions of stochastic linear programming”. Econometrica, Vol. 34, January 1966. pp. 77–104.Sengupta, J. K.: “On the stability of solution under recursive programming”. Metrika 1966.Sengupta, J. K. andT. Kumar: “An application of sensitivity analysis to a linear programming problem”. Unternehmensforschung, Vol. 9, 1965.  相似文献   

Miss Sharda 《Metrika》1973,20(1):81-92
Summary This paper considers the steady state behaviour of a queueing system in which (i) the input following the Hypergeometric Distribution is in batches of variable size (ii) queue discipline is first come first served it being assumed that the batches are preordered for service purposes and (ii) the service at two consecutive time marks is correlated. Probability generating functions for the various cases have been obtained and the mean queue lengths derived.  相似文献   

S. K. Nasr 《Metrika》1970,15(1):133-140
Summary Stochastic differential (s. d.) equations had been considered in [Nasr, 1960] and [Nasr]. We consider here, the s. d. equationf(D)x(t)=m(t)+v(t)z(t) wherem(t),v(t) are real functions oft,f(D) is a polynomial inD withD=d/dt, andz(t) is a random function. In particular,z(t) is assumed here, to be of the stationary type, while other types namely whenz(t) is of theGaussian or of thePoisson type, are considered in [Nasr]. A particular integral of the stated equation, and an associated covariance function of this integral are given in the form of generalized (g-)functions; [Nasr, 1965]. The equationdx/dt=v(t)z(t) wherez(t) is stationary in the wide sense is considered as a special case.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Diskussion verschiedener Konzentrationsma?e zeigt die Informationsentropie in der Form des normierten Entropiema?esE optimale Eigenschaften. Gleich demC-Index und demRosenbluth-Index reagiert sie wettbewerbstheoretisch „richtig“, weist aber wegen ihrer axiomatischen Fundierung zus?tzlich die Disaggregations-Eigenschaft auf. Zur ersten Orientierung über Konzentrationstendenzen hat sich der Konzentrationskoeffizient trotz mancher Nachteile als nützlich erwiesen. Einige Ergebnisse werden am Beispiel der Automobilproduktion Kanadas und der BRD gezeigt.
Summary Among the discussed measures of business concentration the standardized entropy-measureE reveals most favourable properties. Alike the indexes ofHirschman and ofRosenbluth it reacts ‘as expected’ in terms of the theory of industrial organization. In addition,E makes disaggregation feasible because of its axiomatic basis. For purposes of observing concentration at a first glance the method of concentration ratios proves to be a useful tool despite conceptual shortcomings. Some findings are shown for the Canadian and the West-German passenger-car industry.

Previous work has shown how Laplace Transform Theory and z-Transform Theory may be used in Net Present Value Analysis. A closed-form expression is easily derived for a continuous cash flow tk, where t denotes time and k is a positive integer. In the corresponding discrete case, explicit expressions have only been provided for k 10. In this article we derive a closed-form formula for the missing general case when k is an arbitrary non-negative integer. As a byproduct, we also obtain a closed-form expression for the z-transform of such a power series.  相似文献   

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