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历史经常要通过转折,来书写一段时间的平庸或传奇。以此标准来衡量,2014年的“两会”,注定要在中国改革开放的历史上大书特书一笔。  相似文献   

洪子诚先生开中国当代文学有史之历程,并担当了这样一个智者和勇者的角色。所谓文如其人,洪先生的文学史秉承历史,更追求文学的本来面目。作为一个大家这是需要巨大的勇气敢于承担的,名副其实地把握了文学史的话语权。本文从智者和勇者两个角度对洪子诚先生的文学史进行评论,不免参考大家研究经典,但是也力求有自己的新异所在。  相似文献   

回顾中国改革开放30年历史,“蛇口”是一个不可忽略的“历史地理”名词。当本刊在2007年集中讨论“新兴市场如何诞生世界级企业”的时候,就注意到这个为深圳书写“史前史”的地方。几家有望成为世界级企业的公司,就诞生在这个地方。解读“中国奇迹”,似乎首先应该从这个地方解读起。  相似文献   

王文娟 《中国科技财富》2009,(12):I0012-I0014
暮色降临,江城武汉,两江四岸,华灯上。 从古到今,从小油灯到LED,历史上曾有过“十里帆墙依市立,万家灯火彻宵明”的商贸繁荣景观,到如今三万六千盏节能照明盛宴,似乎武汉人惯于用灯光书写江城历史。  相似文献   

在北京火车站候车时,捏着手中的钢笔,我想了一组:“爱情由它书写”、“历史由它书写“、“巨著由它书写”之类的创意。  相似文献   

拥有两千五百年历史的古城苏州,素有“园林之城”之美誉.作为苏州历史文化的一张名片,又被誉为“咫尺之内再造乾坤”,是中华园林文化的翘楚和骄傲.本文分别从园林建筑、园林环境、园林空间、艺术环境,四个方面入手,对园林之美进行剖析与把握,从美学的角度创作苏州园林导游词.  相似文献   

李朦 《商》2014,(28):79-79
中国当代文学史的书写中总是攒动着知名期刊和杂志。对于新写实小说而言,《钟山》杂志就是其发源地和大本营。那么,文学思潮,期刊和文学史的书写之间的关系就是值得研究的。洪子诚的《中国当代文学史》也好,陈思和的《中国当代文学史教程》也罢,都在这个命名的节点出现了错误。这是命名时代的尴尬,也是当代文学的未来书写要反思的地方。  相似文献   

“回到现场”意味着文学史研究抛弃“宏大叙事”的叙述和阐释方式,避免跨越式的霸权主义口吻强加“历史规律”于具体史实。保留社会文学生活的本有状态并搁置文化精英的傲慢态度,放弃狭隘的“文学进步”观念和囿于高雅沙龙的单一审美趣味。文学史应该通过文学呈现社会精神——心灵史。  相似文献   

沈扬 《国际市场》2008,(2):68-69
朋友从欧洲旅游回来,说起了在国外看到的一则告示——它贴在旅游团下榻酒店电梯的梯壁上,内容是:“请勿大声说话。”告示用中文书写,其宣传对象当然是中国游客了。  相似文献   

刘磊 《商》2014,(40):192-193
历史研究首先要求真,要尽可能的还原历史真相。“一般而言,简单求真并不难。在各种史料相对完整的情况下,要想通过文字重建某一时间经过的基本史实,就是没有受过专业训练的历史爱好者,也可以实现。”但是我们似乎忘了,历史往往就是一些有血有肉的、有思想的、有感情的人创造出来的,也可以说,历史史实从发生到结束一直渗透着“人性”的因素,这里所说的“人性”更多的是指作为历史主体的人所具有的特性,这种特性有时能够成为关键性因素。  相似文献   

In this article, a typology is presented which will help organizations better reflect the brand image they desire. The assisting typology is based on the extent to which employees know and understand the organization's mission, values, and desired brand image, and the degree to which they perceive their psychological contracts with the organization as being honored. Organizations can be classified as all-stars, rookies, injured reserves, or strike-out kings, based on the characteristics of a preponderance of their employees. As categorized, rookie organizations cannot deliver the desired brand image because most of their employees lack the knowledge and understanding to do so. Injured reserve organizations, on the other hand, cannot achieve the same because firm employees perceive their psychological contracts with the organization as having been violated, which renders the individuals unwilling and unmotivated. For their part, strike-out king organizations share rookie and injured reserve organizations' worst characteristics. Finally, and conversely, all-star organizations consistently deliver the desired brand image to others because their employees are both able and motivated to do so. To help firms attain this highly desired status, specific guidelines are presented herein which may help organizations become “all-stars” in their own right.  相似文献   

More often than not, business ethics textbooks have included sections on "the great economic debate," that is, the discussion of capitalism as a total system, of the criticisms against it and of the proposed alternatives. The reason for such sections is fairly obvious: at some point one has to consider whether or not all the particular problems of employment, of product quality, of environment, of regulation and so on prove beyond solution without a radical change in the basic institutions of society. Since the collapse of real socialism as an alternative in the period 1989–1991, it has become increasingly difficult to have this discussion. Yet we cannot do without the critique of capitalism even if the answer may be that no other economic system is viable at this moment in history. My interest in this paper is to explore how we might now engage in this critique. Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History?" (1989) and Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International (1993) provide a framework for this renewed engagement.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of interviews with managers about the ethical questions they face in their work, a typology of morally questionable managerial acts is developed. The typology distinguishes acts committed against-the-firm (non-role and role-failure acts) from those committed on-behalf-of-the-firm (role-distortion and role-as-sertion acts) and draws attention to the different nature of the four types of acts. The argument is made that senior management attention is typically focused on the types of acts which are least problematical for most managers, and that the most troublesome types are relatively ignored. James A. Waters was Dean, Graduate School of Management at Boston College. His research interests concerned the process of strategy formation in complex organizations, organizational change and development, and ethics in organizations. His work has been published in such journals as Organizational Dynamics, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, California Management Review, Business Horizons, Journal of Applied Psychology, Business and Society, Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, Advanced Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, and numerous anthologies. Dr Waters recently and tragically passed away.Frederick Bird teaches Comparative Ethics at Concordia University, where he is an associate professor. He has recently written a text on the comparative sociological study of moral systems as well as a number of articles on business ethics and contemporary religious movements.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of internationalization on small and medium enterprise (SME) survival, and the direct and moderating effects of technology resources and research and development (R&D) alliances. Our survey examination of 1,612 Korean SMEs reveals that sales internationalization is associated with better survival prospects, suggesting that failure risk does not increase with cross‐border sales. In addition, though technology resources provide no direct survival benefits, R&D intensity acts as a moderator in the internationalization‐to‐survival relationship. R&D alliances, on the other hand, are directly linked with survival but do not show a moderating effect. This supports the liabilities of newness and smallness view that external relationships can help counter survival threats but suggests that the accumulation of technology resources may be more important when firms seek international expansion.  相似文献   

This article examines the pressures and players that have shaped business ethics in Canadian corporations, and reports on the status of Canadian corporate social performance in 1995. Business in Canada has not been subject, up to 1996, to a powerful national institutional framework such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Consequently, business ethics in Canada have developed primarily in response to broader socio-political and socio-economic factors than in the US, and will probably continue to do so. Interestingly, the issues, policies and practices developed in Canada may provide insights for US corporations as they respond to broadened pressures. Business ethics in Canada, on the other hand, will benefit increasingly from the US experience as pressures grow for national regulation and statutes governing corruption.  相似文献   

The UK exit from the EU represents a qualitative change in the nature of EU membership. On the one hand, it conveyed the lesson that for the Union to be sustainable, membership needs to entail constant caretaking as far as individual members’ contributions to the common good are concerned, with both rights and obligations. Countries with preferences that are too divergent for the Union to function properly should then not be discouraged to invoke Article 50 and to opt instead for membership in the EEA or for a free trade agreement. The Union has to deliver to be sustainable, but it cannot do so if there is a constant hold up of decisions that are in the common interest. On the other hand, with the eurozone having established itself as the de facto core of European (political) integration, the UK’s preference for a stand-alone (and incomplete) economic union became untenable, because the need to make the monetary union work calls for further integration and institution-building in the economic union sphere.  相似文献   

权力是领导地位的重要来源之一,但高权力并不必然带来高地位。领导权力何时转化为地位,学界并未给出明晰的答案。为了弥补这一不足,在借鉴品行德性理论的基础上,文章尝试找到领导权力与地位关系的边界条件。基于下属对领导的两期他评数据,研究发现,领导权力与地位具有正相关关系,且二者的关系受到了领导自身德性管理行为的调节。当领导采取具有德性成分的公平管理行为时,领导权力能够转化为地位,但当领导表现出较多的不公平管理行为时,领导权力与地位之间的正向关系消失。此外,当领导避免采取违反德性原则的辱虐管理行为时,领导权力与地位之间具有显著的正相关关系,但当领导频繁表现出辱虐管理行为时,领导的高权力并不能转化为高地位。研究结果有助于领导者通过改善自己的德性管理行为来获取更高的组织地位。  相似文献   

Warren Belasco does not know what the future of food is goingto be, but he does know a great deal about the history of thefuture of food. In his book, Meals to Come: A History of theFuture of Food, Belasco examines predictions, discussions, fears,and controversies that have surrounded our food supply overthe previous two centuries. As he notes in his introduction,making predictions is a risky business, but, risk aside, therehave been no shortage  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of attractively priced acquisition campaigns on retention intention, and subsequently CLV, of existing customers. The main finding is that customers who are aware of the acquisition campaigns both have a significantly higher intention to stay and do actually stay longer than do customers who are unaware of these campaigns. However, since CLV is not only influenced by retention intention but also by revenues and costs, it is found that aware customers do not have a significantly different CLV than do unaware customers. The inclusion of attractiveness of the offer as an additional explanatory variable results in a positive effect of campaign attractiveness on retention intention, i.e. if the customer thinks the acquisition campaign is attractive, the retention intention will be higher. However, the effect that is found for intention cannot be directly translated in actual behavior.  相似文献   

There are various arguments about the impact of firm size on productivity growth. On one hand, it is claimed that large firms could be more efficient in production because they could use more specialized inputs, better coordinate their resources, etc. On the other hand, it is emphasized that small firms could be more efficient because they have flexible, non-hierarchical structures, and do not usually suffer from the so-called agency problem. This paper argues that size exerts an indirect effect on firms’ productivity, as it conditions the impact of internal factors on productivity. By using different methodological approaches to assess the impact of different characteristics of foreign owned firms on productivity, this paper analyzes to what extend the heterogeneous pattern of productivity can be accounted for by the levels of those factors.  相似文献   

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