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站在事后的时间点上,回溯近年来汶川、玉树、舟曲三次大灾的救助情形,悲天悯人的社会大爱依旧涤荡人心。与此同时,一条由中国企业走出的"狂热——觉悟——渐趋成熟"的公益态度路径,清晰可见。这番演绎一定程度上折射出社会对于如何推进公益事业的重新审视,越来越多的企业也进而将这种趋于理性的思考付诸实践。  相似文献   

The relationship between business and society changes over time, and periodically there is a ‘legitimization crisis’. The paper will briefly explore some important questions about company legitimacy: why is company legitimacy important; why do legitimacy crises occur; and finally, are we in a crisis at the moment, and if so how can it be solved? The legal institutionalization of business firms prescribes narrow accountabilities and limited responsibilities: the challenge for business in the new millennium is to open these up and to broaden our understanding of the social significance of business activity without destroying its wealth creating processes. This will require a rethinking of the relationship to the shareholder and a new definition of the relationship with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The following article is an excerpt from a study written by the authors on behalf of the UNCTAD. It is based on the experiences of German enterprises which have been participating in cooperation projects with CMEA-states and developing countries.  相似文献   

王冉 《商界》2008,(3):17-17
美国的次级债引发了全球股市下跌,次级债是怎么回事?为什么会产生毁灭性后果?中国房地产会不会出现类似危机?  相似文献   

公司控制权市场及其在公司治理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在述评公司控制权市场的运作、功能以及西方学者对这些问题争论的基础上,指出要使公司控制权市场在我国发挥应有的作用,还需要进一步完善公司控制权市场运作的必要条件,即要加快国有股的退出和流通,实现股权多元化,改变上市公司国有股一股独大的状况,加强证券市场监督管理,遏制过度投机,规范上市公司的"壳"资源的竞争,同时着手完善接管与反接管的法律.  相似文献   


“亚洲最赚钱公司”申请国家补贴;久光连续两年查出不合格玩具;浙江4000企业合力打造大公司;易初莲花更名为“卜蜂莲花”;北京百货商场升级耍大牌本土品牌被挤出高端商场  相似文献   

中兴将在委内瑞拉建手机制造厂,中铝公司收购秘鲁铜业,微软9405万元入股四川长虹,韩国三星将销售世界最大液晶电视,爱立信与中移动签署10亿美元协议,中信保与富通连手扩大合作  相似文献   

国有投资公司存在的问题与政策化改革思路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国有投资公司是投资体制改革的产物,对弥补市场缺陷,引导民间投资具有极其重要的作用.我国加入世界贸易组织、深化投融资体制改革、推进国有资产管理体制改革以及政府职能转变,既为国有投资公司改革与发展带来了新的任务和机遇,也带来了新的挑战.我们认为,国有投资公司下一步发展方向面临三种选择:一是继续作为国有投资公司或国有投资控股公司存在;二是在保留国有性质的同时放弃投资功能,逐渐发展成为国有资产经营公司;三是在保留投资功能的同时实行股权多元化,改组成为股份制投资控股公司.从投融资体制改革和政府职能转变的要求来看,下一步继续以国有制存在的国有投资公司必须也只能是政策性投资公司,可赋予其特殊职能,并由政府给予一定的扶持和补贴.  相似文献   

保险资金运用是我国现代保险业得以生存和发展的重要支柱。如何加强保险资金运用已成为一个重要课题。本文分析了保险资金运用的方式、原则,并提出了完善保险资金运用的建议。  相似文献   

The word 'participation' is taken to refer to a situation in which employees have some sort of share in the businesses which employ them. On this basis a classificatory scheme is produced which distinguishes between different forms of participation as well as the sources and motives behind those different forms. Participation as a whole is then distinguished from bargaining between management and labour. In bargaining, separate and opposing interests are accepted. In participation, there is an attempt to produce an over-arching common interest. More importantly, bargaining operates outside those organizational arrangements definitive of a business which grant a strictly subordinate role to labour with respect to management structures and property entitlements. In contrast, participation is a modification of those arrangements up to, but not beyond, a position of equality for labour. It is this which gives participation its essentially reformist character and exposes it to attack from both those seeking a more than participatory share to labour and those for whom even a participating share is excessive.  相似文献   

Two questions suggested by the recent literature on the matching of workers and firms are examined. The first relates to differences in the proportion of workers that participate in industrial training programs in large and small firms. The second relates to the characteristics of workers who participate in such programs. The major finding of this study is that workers in large firms are more likely to participate in industrial training programs than similar workers in small firms; the large-small firm training program participation rate differential is less, however, among low productivity workers than among high productivity workers. Additionaly, workers with vocational training received outside of a work setting are just as likely to find employment in small firms as in large ones.This research was supported by the Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration under SBA award number 8487-AER-84. The findings and conclusions are the sole responsibility of the author.  相似文献   

FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer.Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province,the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid.Over a span of five decades,FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers.Renowned in the commercial  相似文献   

奥运赞助对企业而言有着重大的战略意义,它能为企业带来巨大的经济效益。在此背景下,我国企业纷纷通过加入奥运赞助计划进入奥运市场平台。在奥运市场平台上,赞助企业必须灵活运用营销的策略和技巧,学会驾驭大型赛事的影响过程,把握奥运营销的特性,更好地实现企业赞助奥运的目标。  相似文献   

FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers.  相似文献   

埃培智集团和麦肯世界集团总裁访沪,ING发起系列全球F1广告活动,平成携手知名软件公司,打造数字化平成,日本宝沽拟强化手机广告,与索尼电影娱乐开设手机网站,BBDO中国公司作品“吉列风速3”系列广告短篇获龙玺环球华文广告奖铜奖。[编者按]  相似文献   

TCL炫系列开创平板电视竞争新模式——炫律H61及炫魅E64上市 炫系列成炫生活代名词;AC尼尔森最新调查显示:中国汽车零售业前景广阔——汽车养护和美容服务为汽车业打开了市场新契机;尚扬中国区首席执行官获晋升;天联广告任命林永强担任副执行创意总监;夹影音之风 LED将领航户外广告  相似文献   

FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers.  相似文献   

FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers. Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light, medium and heavy trucks, FAW Group is also a leader in the bus, coach and bus chassis industry.  相似文献   

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