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This article addresses the impact of productivity, corruption, and trade openness on the stock returns of 265 industrial companies listed in eight Eastern European fast-emerging markets, over the 2004-2013 period. Through a three-factor model that includes both measures at firm level and macro-level control variables, our findings suggest that country corruption index is negatively correlated with the total annual return of the stocks of the listed industrial companies of our sample. Moreover, the most productive firms are featured by higher stock returns, while leverage seems not to be a key predictor of stock returns. In addition, the article uncovers innovative evidence about trade openness that is negatively correlated with stock returns due to its connection with the recent financial crisis. That is, firms operating in markets that are more open to trade show a higher degree of interconnection with other economies and are more likely to undergo the effects of negative fluctuations from foreign markets during the economic crisis. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While public (or government) corruption has attracted a lot of attention, private (or business) corruption has been relatively under-addressed. A specific form of corruption, namely, paying a bribe to a public official, is easily identifiable as unethical and possibly illegal, but this is not clear in a private business context. Yet private bribery also has serious organizational consequences. This exploratory study suggests that individuals have difficulty in recognizing the ethical connotations of potential bribery, and draws attention to the need to build skills in this regard. C. Gopinath is a professor in the Management Department, Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University and is a visiting professor at the Institut D’Administration des Entreprises, Aix en Provence. His research, teaching and consulting interests span strategic management and international business. His current work is titled ‹Globalization: A multidisciplinary system’ (Sage, forthcoming).  相似文献   

文章以2006~2015年我国上市公司高管腐败案件为对象,从高管权力强度视角考察股权激励与高管显性腐败之间的关系,实证结果表明:(1)高管权力越大,其发生权力寻租行为的概率越大,同时代理成本也越高;(2)我国上市公司的股权激励计划,未能有效调节企业高管权力强度与高管显性腐败之间的关系,尤其是国有控股上市公司实施的股权激励计划,反而加大了高管腐败发生概率;(3)货币薪酬越少、 激励有效期越长,发生高管腐败行为概率越高.这些结论对公司决策层完善股权激励计划设计、 优化公司治理、 监督和约束高管权力具有参考意义,也能为证监会、 国资委制定政策提供借鉴.  相似文献   

股权分置改革完成后,增发新股融资中的定向增发已经成为上市公司股权再融资的重要方式。本文采用Logit模型,从控制权结构和信息不对称两个角度考察了中国上市公司增发方式选择的影响因素。研究发现,上市公司终极控制人为国有性质时,更倾向于选择定向增发。对于实施定向增发的上市公司,大股东控制力越弱,更倾向于认购新增股份。信息不对称程度越大的公司更倾向于选择定向增发,并且在实施定向增发时,更倾向于选择向大股东发行。此外,上市公司拟实施整体上市时,定向增发往往伴随着资产认购。  相似文献   

电子商务在我国出现后,很多学者都讨论过其中的消费者隐私保护问题.但所提出的对策有些只具有纲领性的意味,实质性的具体分析不够.本文试图弥补这一缺陷,在立法、行业自律、司法救济等方面找出一些具体的可操作性的方法.  相似文献   

由于法律规范供给的不足以及对区块链技术认识的欠缺,以虚拟货币为标的物的民事纠纷裁判结果存在巨大差异。中国人民银行等部门出台的行政规章并未否定虚拟货币本身的合法性,否定的是其作为货币流通的合法性,而非以货币身份流通的虚拟货币应当受到私法保护。“一刀切”地将虚拟货币定性为物权客体、货币、债权、数据或者网络虚拟财产均难以实现逻辑和理论上的周延,在既有法律规范框架下应肯定虚拟货币的财产价值,并以无体物为其具体存在形式。在交易关系中,虚拟货币与商品或者服务交换时,应认定为互易关系;虚拟货币与法定货币交换时,应认定为买卖关系。虚拟货币持有者所享有的权益属于民事利益而非民事权利,他人侵害虚拟货币持有者权益时,虽然无法受到物权保护,但仍应获得侵权救济。在虚拟货币交易或者侵权行为中,虚拟货币损失的计算应参考“共识机制”群体所认可的价格。  相似文献   

The dominance of agency theory can reduce our collective scope to analyse private equity in all its diversity and depth. We contribute to theorisation of private equity by developing a contrasting perspective that draws on a rich tradition of virtue ethics. In doing so, we juxtapose ‘private equity’ with ‘public good’ to develop points of rhetorical and analytical contrast. We develop a typology differentiating various forms of private equity, and focus on the ‘take private’ form. These takeovers are where private equity funds are used to buy all a firm’s publicly listed shares. Take private deals reduce reporting requirements and lessen the amount of public scrutiny a firm comes under. They allow greater control of a firm’s assets and resources but also have effects in terms of the wider social fabric. The ‘public good’ and virtue ethics offer an alternative basis for theorisation of these deals. This provides a needed contrast to accounts of private equity based on agency theory.  相似文献   

During 2001–2010, increases in mature market volatility were associated with declines in forex returns for East Asian economies, consistent with an overall ‘flight to safety’ effect. Estimates from GARCH models suggest that a 10 percentage point increase in mature market equity volatility generated an exchange rate depreciation of up to 3/4 percent. This sensitivity rose during a more tranquil subsample for some countries, reflecting their greater integration with global financial markets. Long‐run forex volatility increased in Asian economies after 2008, reflecting the global reach of the financial crisis in mature markets. Unconditional standard deviations estimated from these models provide operational measures of ‘long‐term’ and ‘excess’ volatility in forex markets.  相似文献   

以我国证券投资基金业协会对各地级市统计的私募基金规模数据为研究样本,研究居民可支配收入、制度环境与私募基金规模之间的关系。结果显示:居民可支配收入越高,私募基金发展越快;居民可支配收入对私募基金规模的正向影响在制度环境较差的地区更为显著,但这一影响会随着制度环境的改善而减弱。在私募行业快速发展的背景下,探究影响私募基金规模快速发展的因素,能够为国家强化私募基金行业监管、促进私募基金发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Socially Responsible Institutional Investment in Private Equity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article studies institutional investor allocations to the socially responsible asset class. We propose two elements influence socially responsible institutional investment in private equity: internal organizational structure, and internationalization. We study socially responsible investments from Dutch institutional investments into private equity funds, and compare socially responsible investment across different asset classes and different types of institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, and pension funds). The data indicate socially responsible investment in private equity is 40–50% more common when the decision to implement such an investment plan is centralised with a single chief investment officer. Socially responsible investment in private equity is also more common among institutional investors with a greater international investment focus, and less common among fund-of-fund private equity investments.  相似文献   


In the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis a wave of articles and commentaries focused increasingly on the so-called ‘dark side’ of Asian business. At the forefront of these lay investigations into the deleterious effects of corruption on economic development, business performance and international investor confidence. In subsequent years, due in part to converging pressures for universal corporate standards, the flow of research declined on the (implicit) assumption that corruption was a decreasing problem as new generations of Asian managers assimilated ‘Western’ values and practices. However, despite continuing admonishments and initiatives, the effects of corrupt practice at all levels remains as entrenched and as serious as ever. Blending micro and macro-level analysis along with both conceptual and empirical investigations, this collection offers some of the most recent frameworks and findings to explain the causes, conditions, consequences and treatment of corruption in 21st century Asia.  相似文献   

徐山平 《中国市场》2007,(23):82-84
企业的物资采购过程是容易滋生问题的环节,采购环节出现问题不仅容易败坏企业经营风气,破坏内部团结,更重要的是它将对企业造成重大损失,直接影响了企业经营的成败。由于采购过程有较多的人为因素介入,因此使得对物资采购过程的监管显得有些办不从心。本文试图通过引入法律因素,探讨在法律背景下加强物资采购过程监控的可能性。  相似文献   

股权结构、股东保护与上市公司现金持有量   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
我国上市公司的治理结构一直是各方关注的焦点,尤其是股权结构、中小股东保护等问题。本文选取了2000年上市公司样本991个,定义了基于股权结构的股东保护变量,并在此基础上研究了股东保护与现金持有量之间的关系。研究结果表明,上市公司现金持有量差异较大,并且在股东保护较好的情况下,现金持有量相对较小,二者之间呈现负相走的关系。由于影响现金持有量的因素较多,我们选取了相当数量的影响因素作为控制变量,检验在其进入模型的情况下,对股东保护与现金持有量之间关系的影响;结果表明,股权结构影响下的股东保护与现金持有量具有负的线性相关性。  相似文献   

私人权益资本市场:经济学分析及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私人权益资本市场是存在严重信息不对称的高风险企业的主要融资场所.本文在分析私人权益资本市场的内涵、结构和特点的基础上,从宏观层面到微观机制对该市场运行机制的合理性进行经济学分析,并就发展我国的私人权益资本市场提出若干建议.  相似文献   

法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立审计的根本功能是为投资者提供保护,但其投资者保护功能的实现需要相应的法律环境作为保障.本文通过模型分析,将法制因素与会计师的独立性变量引入到投资者保护中,考察法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护之间的关系.我们的研究结果表明:法律对投资者的保护是第一位的;独立审计对投资者的保护是第二位的,当法治环境较薄弱时,其可以充当法律的替代机制为投资者提供保护.  相似文献   

我国私募股权基金发展中的问题与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私募股权基金在我国资本市场中是一股新兴势力,私募股权基金介入企业、行业,使其在变现一部分资本的同时,也为更多的资本投入到战略性、主导性产业提供了条件,有助于产业的战略性调整.私募股权基金的经济效应日益明显,但其短期化行为、恶性竞争等问题也日渐突出.因此,必须及时完善相关法规,培育全民资本文化,建设多层次资本市场,确定私募股权基金监管机构,以便于充分发挥私募股权基金的经济效应.  相似文献   

股权投资基金与其他的融资方式相比有其独有的优势和特点,这种融资方式对于企业的投资决策和投资行为会产生其特有的影响。文章在综述国内外相关研究的基础上,以我国中小企业板上市公司为研究样本,构建实证模型,通过实证方法研究股权投资基金对企业实际投资的影响和作用。研究得出以下结论,中小企业板上市公司实际投资与股权投资基金的参与显著正相关,与公司成长性指标营业总收入增长率显著正相关,而实际投资与现金流指标和公司总资产负债率并不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

The growth of socially responsible investment (SRI) on public financial markets has drawn considerable academic attention over the last decade. Discarding from the previous literature, this article sets up to analyze the Private Equity channel, which is shown to have the potentiality to foster sustainable practices in unlisted companies. The fast integration of the environmental, social and governance issues by mainstream Private Equity investors is unveiled and appears to have benefited from the maturation of SRI on public financial markets and the impetus of large conventional actors. Hypotheses on the characteristics and drivers of this movement are proposed and tested on a unique database covering the French Private Equity industry in 2011. Empirical findings support that Private Equity socially responsible investing is characterized by investor engagement and strategically driven by a need for new value creation sources, increased risk management and differentiation. In particular, results show that independent funds, which need to attract investors, are more likely than captive funds to develop socially responsible practices. Evolution of the movement and future research paths are proposed.  相似文献   

Private equity is impacting the global economy and competitive landscape of multinational enterprises (MNEs) worldwide. In this pioneering study, we find an important new pattern for global interfirm connections: an inward private equity investment is inductive for emerging MNEs to conduct an outward venture. This inward‐outward linkage implies that emerging MNEs are more likely to undergo a series of organizational changes after receiving private equity investments. These changes include restructuring their boards of directors, rebuilding their top management teams, reconfiguring their corporate resources, reframing the industry structure, and altering competitive dynamics. These organizational changes induce emerging MNEs to modify their strategies such as speeding up the internationalization process, locating additional outward ventures in advanced economies, and choosing more complex entry modes, particularly cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We describe this type of evolving internationalization of emerging MNEs as a “morphing” process with in‐depth case studies on emerging Chinese MNEs including Lenovo, Zoomlion, Geely, Alibaba.com, Huawei, NVC Lighting, and BYD. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

TNS 《市场研究》2007,(12):58-58
<正>空气污染、二氧化碳排放、能源消耗以及废旧物品的回收利用可能是每一个国家都重点关注的问题,然而最新一项研究表明,除了中国,亚洲其他各国的"下一代"并没有足够的环保意识。  相似文献   

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