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张承津 《商业研究》2006,(7):189-190,203
生态旅游迎合消费者崇尚自然的意愿,是国际市场上颇为流行的一种时尚需求。分析黑龙江旅游资源的区域组合和消费流行情报源构成及生态旅游需求产品与目标市场营销,探索黑龙江省生态旅游消费流行和相关情报源及影响因素,对东北老工业基地旅游市场营销具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

张承津 《商业研究》2005,(11):109-111
市场情报源的沟通与消费是一种时尚需求,是企业市场价值链的重要环节。政治、经济及文化等相关领域的信息载体能反映情报源市场需求流行的变化。市场情报源的汲取沟通和消费流行扩散及对承载体使用方法与传播技术等方面的探索与研究,是企业与时俱进地走向市场前沿的特定课题。  相似文献   

团购:是一种集体购买交易行为,是消费单位或消费群体与生产企业(或其一级代理商)之间发生的一种交易行为。意义:对消费者,一是质量保证,二是价格实惠,三是售后服务有保障;对厂家,一是降低销售成本,二是直接与目标消费群对话,有利于培育市场,增强品牌和企业的影响力,三是有利于企业更好的把握消费者需求的变化趋势,  相似文献   

胡莹 《商场现代化》2008,(5):114-115
消费者的需要、动机及其对消费行为的影响作用,是广告与消费心理学研究的一个重要课题。了解消费者的需要和动机对于厂商是非常必要和重要的。企业不仅要准确把握市场的动态需求,而且还要有效地把商品的信息传递给消费者。  相似文献   

消费者在生物学上的定义指的是存在于食物链中某一环节,其自身不能生产,只能够靠消耗其他某一种或多种生物,才能达到自我生存的目的。对于人类这一群体来说,消费者则指的是那些购买、使用或消耗产品的个人或者群体。对区域市场消费者的研究就是指对某一个或多个区域的某一个人或群体消费行为、消费需求、消费能力和消费动机等一系列的研究。企业只有通过对消费者行为、能力、需求、动机等进行系统的研究,才能发现市场需要,找出市场商机,从而制定合理的营销策略,推进企业长足发展。  相似文献   

消费者减少风险理论在市场营销中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王德胜 《商业研究》2001,(10):109-111
研究有关市场的消费者行为特点是企业市场营销中一个十分重要的战略思想。研究消费者行为,应该从研究消费者心理活动入手,在消费者的购买心理活动中,存在着一种消费风险,企业从事市场营销活动必须重视消费者的消费风险并想方设法降低这种风险,这样才能使企业在竞争中占有一席之地。  相似文献   

生态旅游是与时俱进的消费方式 ,是国际市场上颇为流行的一种时尚需求。在相关机构认定和媒体商业炒作的前提条件下 ,旅游行业经营者为迎合消费者崇尚自然的意愿 ,满足生态旅游者群体追求新奇知识及返朴归真的特别体验 ,用生态旅游市场流行商品吸引人们的眼球 ,以得到社会各阶层的积极响应。在经济发达及发展中国家都有生态旅游市场流行营销努力成功的范例。生态旅游市场需求消费流行及商业考验的研究课题主要体现在关于社区发展、生态环境、国际贸易及旅游市场竞争等方面  相似文献   

国企市场营销存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公立 《市场研究》2011,(1):37-41
<正>市场营销是企业的一种市场经营活动,即企业从满足消费需求出发,综合运用各种市场经营手段,把商品和服务整体地销售给消费者。市场营销是包括营销战略决策、生产、销售等阶段在内的总循环过程。企业在市场营销中,无论从事市场调研、产品开发,还是确定价格、广告宣传,都强调以消费者的需求为导向,不仅满足消费者已有的现实需求,还要激发、转化各种潜在需求,进而引导和创造新  相似文献   

浅析流行文化对品牌的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌是企业成功的驱动力,而品牌带给消费者的是一种心灵需求的情感价值,是产品概念对应消费群体的情感需求.品牌建设须按品牌定位有针对性地传递文化,将文化意蕴融注于品牌创意之中,提高其文化内涵和文化附加值,品牌才有竞争力.文化叙述是品牌传播的主要形式,只有采用消费者易于接受的文化形式与文化价值观,以社会时尚的流行文化为创作的话语资源,在塑造流行生活模式的参与中满足消费者的情感需求,使之产生情感共鸣,才能达到对品牌认知和忠诚的目的.  相似文献   

一、饭店品牌经营的必要性(一)满足现代消费需求 品牌具有强烈的感染力和巨大的诱惑力,开展品牌经营,是顺应现代社会消费需求的必然趋势。(二)饭店产品的特殊性 认牌选购成为消费者选择饭店的重要手段。(三)提高市场竞争力 优秀的品牌既是一种重要的知识产权,也是一种无形资产,具有强大的市场号召力,  相似文献   

This study examines how brand popularity in conjunction with consumers' varied styles of decision-making, as well as other consumer characteristics, can influence the overall evaluation of a sustainable brand. The results of our empirical analysis show that the effect of brand popularity varies widely according to which countries one considers. Here we examined Korea, China, and Russia, and found in each country that popularity significantly influenced consumers' evaluations of sustainable brands, yet in very different aspects. In Korea, when the brand popularity cue was presented, a significant positive influence on consumer evaluation resulted. However, China showed a significant negative influence, while Russia showed neutral, insignificant results. In addition, we found also that both a brand's fashion leadership and its connection with sustainable, conscientious causes can work as moderators. Finally, we found that consumer decision-making style varies not only according to fashion leadership and sustainability involvement, but that each country had a different opinion on sustainability in general. Thus, several important implications for international marketing are here presented.  相似文献   

黄冈市由于缺乏有效的市场渠道,营销观念不强,市场开拓不足,致使资源丰富的农副产品商品率低、市场知名度不高的状况长期得不到扭转。黄冈市应把具有黄冈特色,凝结黄冈历史、风情、地理、民族特色以及具有实用、美观、可藏等特点的黄冈土特产品,按中、高档次进行分类,锁定目标客户,建立电子商务平台,实施网络销售策略,通过搜索引擎营销、论坛营销、软文营销、视频营销等手段,引领黄冈农副产品进入国内国际市场,进而促进黄冈农业产业化发展。  相似文献   

情调营销即以情调为卖点的营销。作为情调营销的崭新工具,香气营销开始风行。香气营销的风行绝非偶然,它是由旺盛的需求和不足的供给共同推动的结果。作为新兴的品牌识别,香气识别凭借超凡的功效,开始成为新时代下品牌形象塑造的一大利器;相对于其他的社会阶层,香气营销应将其主要的目标群体锁定在日益扩大的中产阶层上;香气营销的应用前景看好;作为新兴的产业,国内嗅觉产业的可持续发展取决于法律、市场、观念等方面的合力,也就是知识产权的保护、中产阶层的规模、审美观念的流行等三方面条件的改善。  相似文献   

市场营销领域的时尚研究缘起、内容及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,赋予产品时尚特性已经成为营销实务界人士的主要工作,但营销领域对时尚的研究却并没有得到广泛的关注。文章通过对时尚研究文献进行梳理发现,对时尚的研究经历了一个从静态到动态、从单一学科分析到多学科结合研究、从简单定性研究到定性与定量分析相结合的过程,这显示了时尚研究的不断丰富,也为时尚理论研究及企业营销实践提供了重要的依据和方向。但纵观国内外营销领域有关时尚的研究,仍然存在很多有待进一步研究和探讨的地方。未来对时尚的研究应主要包括以下几个方面:一是时尚的维度问题,二是有关时尚价值的进一步研究,三是对时尚研究对象的扩展。这些问题的解决具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

动漫产业作为21世纪的朝阳产业,具有很强的社会经济意义。当前,我国动漫产业的营销还存在许多问题,主要表现是动漫产品内容创新性较低;市场定位不恰当,受众较少;产业链发展不完整;缺乏完善的营销战略;盗版状况严重。通过分析日本动漫产业的发展现状、营销策略,从中得到启示:将动漫产业定位为文化产业的重要组成部分;大力培养原创能力较强的各类动漫人才;提高国产动漫产品创意水平,培养和发掘精品;培养动漫产业营销人才,加大动漫产业营销力度,把我国努力建设成为动漫产业大国。作为企业,要运用好政策方针、了解消费者需求、增加产品内涵、加大营销投入、建立行之有效的产业链和营销策略,树立起自己的动漫品牌,提升市场占有率。  相似文献   


In scholarly discussions, marketing tends to be imagined and (re)presented as a practice of organisations, involving a set of activities, whereby consumer desires are discovered and provided for through two-way communication. By studying the creation and diffusion of fashion, we observe that marketing is not simply a mechanism or set of activities but an institution of modern society that involves all social elements together with consumers and marketing organisations. Through a qualitative inquiry with both consumers and producers, we illustrate how these different elements exercise their roles and responsibilities for marketing to work as an institution. By this illustration, we also provide a perspective on how trickle-up, trickle-across, and trickle-down diffusions are simultaneously operative in fashion. Finally, we articulate the implications of recognising marketing as an institution that will help marketing scholars and practitioners in reorganising and re-strategising their purpose and role in society as modernity evolves.  相似文献   

Business managers that use the Internet as a major component of their marketing communications strategy face great challenges. The popularity of the Internet with consumers and businesses drives thousands of firms to promote their products and services using World Wide Web (known hereinafter as the Web) sites. Technology has created a competitive arena that enables exposure to consumers worldwide, who can now easily communicate with each other. This potential for exposure has dramatic implications for any business considering the Internet as a promotional vehicle. The growing popularity of Internet sites, where users may discuss their feelings about companies and products, allows an increased scrutiny of all aspects of business. If companies do not deal effectively with this scrutiny, brand equity is vulnerable to erosion. Therefore, all contingencies inherent in promotional efforts on the Internet must be weighed carefully. Businesses which examine the ramifications of on-line exposure are better able to create and maintain a positive Internet presence which facilitates effective Web site promotion. Planning, implementation and control must be integrated into the on-line marketing communications of businesses, regardless of business size.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in slow fashion, a production method which emphasizes quality as a way of achieving sustainability in the fashion industry. In order to develop a sophisticated and targeted marketing strategy, this study aimed to identify potential slow fashion consumer segments and understand their characteristics. The final 221 completed responses from a sample of nationwide U.S. consumers were analyzed by cluster analysis. Based on consumer orientation to slow fashion, four consumer groups were identified: Highly‐involved in slow fashion group, Conventional group, Exclusivity oriented group and Low‐involved in slow fashion group. The characteristics of each group were profiled according to personal values, apparel consumption behaviours and demographics. With distinctive profiles of each group, different marketing strategies were suggested to address the needs of each group effectively. This study extends academic understanding of slow fashion in consumer perspectives, and provides important perspectives for consumer education on apparel consumption.  相似文献   

With growing popularity of mobile devices, digital marketing strategies are increasingly important for modern airports. This paper studied context-aware mobile marketing strategies in the airport retail environment. An on-site mobile marketing experiment was conducted at a partner airport to explore how preference and/or location-based mobile coupons could affect passengers’ retail behaviour. Results show that retail shopping became more efficient (less browsing time) with mobile marketing influence, but not necessarily more effective (not higher spending amount). Randomly pushed mobile marketing information is effective in keeping passengers in shops for longer but context-aware mobile marketing is more effective in increasing spending amount.  相似文献   

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