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互联网+自媒体+保险销售成为目前各家保险公司商品传播的重要形式之一。然而利用保险排斥模型与学银在线互联网金融概论在线开放课程平台互联网金融商品的设计与改善章节问卷的184位大学生受访者样本研究发现,互联网+自媒体+保险销售模式会降低大学生对于保险自我排斥的效果,并且产生购买保险的羊群效应。因此建议互联网+自媒体+保险销售模式应该在平台上设置认识你的客户特征问卷,并且尽可能提醒客户应该注意的事项、流程,做好让客户充分了解自己购买的保险商品工作,减少保险消费纠纷,维持金融市场有序发展。  相似文献   

梁戈 《科技和产业》2018,(2):105-109
在分析互联网保险业务内涵及特点的基础上,从行业发展、业务结构及公司发展三个层面分析了互联网保险发展的现状;探讨了互联网保险发展存在的问题:风险隐患大、监管力度不足,经营模式各自为政、难成规模效应、产品同质严重、未能体现大数据特点、营销和服务未能结合移动互联网。最后,提出了互联网保险业务模式创新:借鉴银保合作模式,开立网上保险商城,利用大数据拓展网络保险产品和服务,应用移动APP提升营销和服务效率。  相似文献   

社会安全网、自我保险与商业保险:一个理论模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在期望效用的分析框架下,将社会安全网、自我保险及商业保险引入统一的消费者保险需求模型,进而研究安全网对其他两种抗风险工具的需求影响。结果显示,挤出效应的存在条件与消费者面临的市场环境以及自我保险生产函数的特征等因素密切相关。在特定参数条件下,社会安全网的规模对个人保险需求可能产生局部挤出甚至完全挤出的作用。  相似文献   

周林毅 《科技和产业》2020,20(12):20-26
近年智能化保险科技广泛运用在互联网保险销售平台上,各家平台利用大数据来辨识客户,但是效果有限。部分平台并未落实认识你的客户任务(KYC),显示出监管体系效率有待提升。先进国家或地区已经开始要求金融业者要做到警示消费者谨慎购买保险的原则,然而目前的智能保险科技互联网平台并无法取得消费者谨慎程度的个性化数据,因此互联网保险平台的智能化个性销售还是着力在场景营销。在场景营销的引诱下,消费者普遍认为保险产品相对复杂,而且贪求方便的消费者具有风险容忍度相对较小,购买习惯较不谨慎,投资经验日数较短的特征,建议政府在监管沙箱制度设计深度学习测试机制,以便准确完成认识你的客户任务。  相似文献   

文章通过分析互联网保险监管的必要性,结合所面临的困境及风险,探讨了其战略方向与优化路径。研究结果显示:互联网保险虽然具有拓宽业务时空、拉近交易双方距离、优化保险公司品牌形象等模式特征,却仍存在风险防范较薄弱、同质化竞争严重等问题。目前,互联网保险监管面临着主体不全面、监管对象不明确、监管措施不及时以及监管内容不完整等多重困境。基于上述,文章研究提出了促进互联网保险发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章以福州市及福州周边县市的296位人寿、财产保险营销人员为研究对象,采用保险营销人员自我效能感量表、职业成功感量表施测,探讨保险营销人员的职业成功感与自我效能感的关系问题。  相似文献   

张彦 《理论观察》2002,(3):121-123
保险营销是保险市场开放和保险业务发展的必然产物 ,保险营销队伍建设是保险营销业务健康发展的基础性工作和根本保证。保险公司在大力发展保险营销业务的同时 ,必须注意抓好保险营销人员队伍建设 ,培训保险营销队伍的爱岗敬业精神和集体团队精神 ,努力为营销人员创造施展才能、实现自我价值的空间 ,保证营销队伍的稳定发展和健康发展  相似文献   

农业保险对于中国这样一个农业大国来说,应是农业风险分散的重要工具,对于推动农业体制改革,保障农业在生产的顺利进行提供了有效的保障.但目前我国农业保险发展陷入了困境.其突出矛盾表现在广大农民迫切需要农业保险的保障而各商业保险公司却不愿涉足该领域.本文从农业保险的重要性入手,论述农业保险存在的必要性,详细分析农业保险在我国发展前进中遇到的问题.并提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

高德萱 《中国经贸》2014,(11):103-104
随着互联网的普及,从上个世纪90年代中期至今,保险业的网络营销从无到有正在日益加快发展速度,与此同时保险公司在市场宣传和推广方面的方式和手段都发生了改变,弥补了传统保险营销渠道的不足,也成为了保险公司业务的新增长点。保险网络营销正在快速崛起,本文从网络信息安全、保险公司内部、社会公众和法律法规方面介绍了保险网络营销产生的风险.并就此提出防范风险的一系列措施。  相似文献   

企业博客营销的优势及价值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博客是近年来发展最快的互联网工具,因其传递信息的方式所具有的优点,正不断呈现出其作为一种新的网络营销工具的价值.文章首先介绍了博客、博客营销及企业博客营销在现阶段开展的主要情况,分析了企业博客营销的优势,包括网络传播和互动交流等方面;基于博客营销优势,文章最后讨论了企业博客营销对于企业带来的实际价值,包括成本价值和广告价值.  相似文献   

We test how crop insurance participation affects the intensity of pesticide use in China using data on staple crop production from eight provinces. Our preferred specification instruments farmers' decisions of participation in insurance by village-level intensities of promotional activities and controls for province fixed effects. We find crop insurance participation significantly reduces pesticide use intensity. The reduction effect is greater for smaller plots, older farmers, and farmers who are more risk averse.  相似文献   

The Chinese Government has increased its focus on expanding farm scale to promote agricultural development since 2010. A series of favorable polices has been adopted to support large‐scale farming. Using a multivariate probit model and 2015 and 2016 rural household survey data, the present paper examines the factors that influence small farmers' decision to become large‐scale farmers. The empirical regression results suggest that the decision to become a large‐scale farmer is significantly influenced by household human capital, cooperative membership, marketing channels, land‐transfer contracts and government policies. However, the influence of these factors differs with respect to becoming large‐scale grain and non‐grain farmers. These results imply that policy tools should target these factors and the appropriate group of small‐scale farmers. Generally, both central and local governments should promote large‐scale farming by enhancing rural households' human capital, improving marketing channels and providing agricultural social services, as well as encouraging returning migrant workers to engage in large‐scale farming.  相似文献   

In the past, crop insurance schemes have based indemnity payments on individual producers' yields. Insurance of individual yields does not cope efficiently with systemic risk and therefore fails in areas where crop yields are correlated across space. Area yield insurance provides an alternative and eliminates the problems of moral hazard and adverse selection associated with individual yield insurance. Area yield insurance therefore effectively copes with systemic risk. In this study, principles of area yield insurance were applied to yield data on small-scale cane growers in KwaZulu-Natal and used to calculate pure premium rates. The viability of a government-subsidised area yield insurance scheme for small-scale cane farmers was assessed in terms of affordability to the government, the farmers and private insurance companies. The empirical results obtained from this study indicate that such a scheme may pose great expense to the government and, as a result, may not be viable in South Africa. This topic needs further study, while other risk management strategies should also be considered.  相似文献   

The number of supermarkets in Indonesia is increasing, but small-scale farmers may be at risk of being excluded from these emerging marketing channels. Drawing on data from our survey of 600 small-scale chilli farmers in West Java, we examine the factors that influence farmers’ decisions to participate in supermarket channels. We use a treatment-effect model to examine the effect of supermarket participation on income, while controlling for the possibility of selectivity bias. Our results indicate that participation in the supermarket channel significantly increases farm income, even after we controlled for differences in education, chilli-farming experience, storage-house ownership, and the distance from the farmer's house to a bitumen road.  相似文献   

王芳  沈滢 《科技和产业》2021,21(5):244-247
介绍畜牧业保险的定义及作用,简述内蒙古地区畜牧业保险的发展现状,指出当前内蒙古地区畜牧业保险发展面临的主要问题是畜牧业保险相关法律法规不完善、养殖户投保积极性不高、尚未建立有效的风险分散机制以及理赔流程不完善,最后针对性地给出了健全畜牧业保险法律法规、增强养殖户保险意识、建立有效的风险分散机制、规范理赔流程的建议.  相似文献   

Cash crops such as specialty rice and other high‐value varieties produced for domestic and international markets are considered an increasing source of income for smallholder farmers in many Asian countries. The present study focuses on the factors affecting Vietnamese specialty rice farmers' choice of marketing channel and how their choice influences farm performance. The analysis has been conducted using multinomial logit and linear regression models on quantitative data collected from 280 specialty rice farmers in the Red River Delta, one of the main rice production regions in Vietnam. Results reveal that even though local collectors and wholesalers are still the most common recipients of farmers' goods in rural areas, reduction in transaction costs with regard to uncertainty influences farmers to choose modern marketing channels through collective action (via specialty rice farmer associations). This collective marketing channel helps farmers increase average prices received by US$0.028 per kg of paddy. Based on the results, manifold political implications are derived.  相似文献   

Using data from a nationally representative farm survey in India, we have analyzed Indian farmers' stated preference for farming as a profession. Findings show that more than 40% of farmers dislike farming as a profession because of low profits, high risk, and lack of social status, yet they continue with it owing to a lack of opportunities outside agriculture. Farmers who express a preference for moving out of agriculture are mostly those with small landholdings, poor irrigation facilities, fewer productive assets including livestock, and follow a cereal‐centric cropping pattern. They also have relatively lower access to credit, insurance, and information, and are weakly integrated with social networks such as self‐help groups and farmers' organizations. Importantly, the disinclination for farming, conditional on other covariates, is not significantly differentiated by caste, an important indicator of social status in rural India. Yet, within a caste group, the dislike for farming moderates with larger landholdings.  相似文献   

王聪  刘芳  何忠伟 《科技和产业》2021,21(6):197-201
为了解决中国生猪价格保险存在的保单设置、保险公司的赔付指标和政府补贴的不合理性以及保险公司存在巨大的赔付风险等问题,对美国生猪的价格保险进行研究.运用Eview s8.0分别对生猪价格与玉米价格和饲料价格进行回归分析.结果表明"猪料比"作为赔付指标更加合理.制定免赔额和投保上限能够有效解决养殖户道德风险及政府补贴不合理等问题,同时政府提高对保险公司的风险保障将为中国生猪价格保险的发展创造良好的环境.  相似文献   

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