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闫安 《数据》2003,(6):61-61
OE在默认情况下把接收到的邮件全部存放在收件箱内.随着时间的推移,邮件会越来越多,无论查找和管理都感到比较麻烦,速度也越来越慢.此时,可以通过建立邮件规则、把邮件分类放入不同文件夹的管理方式,这样便于查找.方法是:先用鼠标右键单击收件箱,在右键菜单中选"新文件夹",输入文件夹名称.比如:乡里邮件,单击"确定",然后创建邮件规则.方法是:单击"工具一邮件规则→邮件"命令,打开"新建邮件规则"对话框.其中的①"选择规则条件"用来建立邮件自动分拣的条件,如按所设的条件分拣,可选中{若"发件人"行中包含用户},点击下面的包含用户,输入:-x,点"添加"->确定.然后选择"②选择规则操作",点中"移动到指定的文件夹",点击下面的"指定的",选择"乡里邮件",点"确定".确定后,就先建了一条邮件规则.点"立即应用",再点"确定"即可.按照这种方法,可以依次建立"街道邮件"、"市里邮件"和"局内文件"等文件夹,以后下载邮件时,OE即可按上述邮件规则自动分拣邮件,以方便对邮件的管理.  相似文献   

Word中“邮件合并”的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Word中"邮件合并"功能,可以实现Word与Excel表格、Access数据表等数据源的数据共享交换,本文通过"邮件合并"功能把Word和Excel关联起来,将Excel中的数据按照自己的要求插入到Word文档中,从而提高我们的办公效率。  相似文献   

针对现有邮件分拣系统的不足,提出了一种基于计算机视觉的邮件检测方案,包括检测系统的硬件结构和软件设计流程,使分拣控制系统由开环变为闭环,从而提高分拣的准确率。  相似文献   

小汪是刚从公司调来的安全主管,初到项目部就被客户顶得一愣一愣的。 事情缘由是岗位上的问题导致了客户发邮件投诉。小汪发了一个诚恳道歉的邮件,并提出整改措施:“加强培训,加强考核,切实提高服务意识。”客户回了一个邮件:“请不要愚弄本人的智商。”  相似文献   

父亲退休不久,母亲离开了我们。闲居在家的父亲开始学着上网.从浏览新闻到发送邮件,折腾了好大的劲才学会。想着孤独的父亲终于老有所乐了,我这个做女儿的也长舒了一口气。  相似文献   

本文探讨了RFID技术在邮件处理中的应用,包括邮政支局所、邮件处理中心和火车邮件转运站等不同场合中,包裹、挂刷、快包和邮袋在不同处理环节上的应用方案。  相似文献   

文章对多种Intranet环境下实现企业内外邮件服务的互通互发方案进行比较,提出了通过邮件网关加邮件缓存服务器构成邮件系统隔离的实现方案,该方案已在实际中应用,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

“以前邮件总要耽搁几天,现在公交车每天准点来,邮件送达更及时了,老百姓在家中或家门口就能收到邮件”“这次我在网上买了一个砂锅,两三天就到了,到村里的自提点来拿很方便的”……近年来,随着“快递进村”工程稳步推进,派送时效的提升和城乡流通渠道的畅通,促进了农村地区快件量稳步提升。据国家邮政局数据显示。  相似文献   

唐诗名句曰“家书抵万金”,一封封普通的信件连接着浓浓的亲情,传递着心灵的慰籍。即使在科技进步的今天,普通的信件在人们日常的工作、生活中仍然占据一席之地,手写书信中浸染的那份深情,是任何一种通信方式都无法替代的。家书在现在通常被称为平信。根据《国内邮件处理规则》第二章第一节第八条规定:普通邮件按性质分为函件和包裹两类;其中函件又分为信函、明信片、印刷品和盲人读物。第九条规定:邮件按处理手续分为平常邮件和给据邮件;而平常邮件指收寄时不出给收据,处理时不登记,投递时不要收件人签收,即我们日常所说的平信。  相似文献   

随着中秋“脚步”的逼近.中国南方航空股份有限公司(以下简称“南航”)货运部邮件收运部门处理量剧增,9月5~10日4天时间,邮件处理量平均每天达70吨,同比增长32%,其中9月10日邮件处理量突破110吨。  相似文献   

李党娟 《价值工程》2011,30(13):186-186
利用AT89C51微处理器,设计并实现了红外通信在LED广告信息内容更新系统中的应用,根据红外通信和LED广告牌的基本原理论述了系统的硬件设计方案和软件流程;在软件设计中,对发送与接收的通信协议作了重点的阐述。  相似文献   

Using a theoretical model of noisy expert advice, I show that language inflation can be a rational response to the vagueness of language. Experts will tend to overstate their positions to a like‐minded decision maker (DM) and this constitutes a Pareto improvement over sending a sincere message. When the message space is bounded, overstatement may interfere with the DM's ability to aggregate the experts' information, because communication is less precise when the same message is sent for many states of the world. Despite this, I show that experts are willing to send either the most extreme message to the DM, or a partially overstated message, because by doing so the expert can decrease the likelihood the DM makes a suboptimal decision due to his subjective interpretation of the advice. Because the expert inflates his message toward the policy he believes the DM would be better off choosing, rather than sincerely revealing his information, I refer to this behavior as a paternalistic bias.  相似文献   

本设计以MSP430系统为核心,设计一个中距离无线短信传输器。用MSP430系统,采用中断控制nrf905单片无线收发器、液晶显示模块、键盘等模块,以实现点对点短信的发送与接收、信息的存储、存储与新建联系人、时间的显示与调整、闹钟、输入法的切换、电子书等功能。低功耗是本设计的一大特点。  相似文献   

刘松涛  管鲍 《价值工程》2012,31(15):187-188
传统上Linux主要在内核空间收发数据包,对于运行于用户空间的协议栈存在一次内存拷贝过程,文章提出基于数据通道加速架构(Datapath Acceleration Architecture,DPAA)的用户态收发包机制,实现内存零拷贝。介绍了DPAA各模块和USDPAA的使用方案,对USDPAA内核空间和用户空间的设计进行了分析和实现。经过测试,能够在用户态有效的收发数据包。  相似文献   

通过材料部品样品送样、认样、封样的全过程管理,实现材料部品的收集、分类、整理、入库、出库的过程跟踪控制,明确职责划分实施全过程可追溯的有效资源管理模式。  相似文献   

In this paper, we experimentally investigate the impact of costly indirect and direct messages on coordination levels in a stag‐hunt game. Three main insights emerge from our experiments. First, we find a significant decrease in message usage with message cost in both treatments and a higher decrease in the indirect‐message treatment. Second, we find that although there is no significant effect of costless or costly indirect messages on the frequency of risky actions, both costless, and costly direct messages significantly increase the frequency of risky actions. Third, while we find a significant increase in the coordination rate on the payoff‐dominant equilibrium from costless indirect message treatment to costly indirect message treatment, this rate significantly decreases from costless direct message to costly direct message treatment. Our findings show that depending on the structure of messages, message cost may increase or decrease the coordination rates on the payoff‐dominant equilibrium with respect to costless communication. However, costly communication increases efficient coordination rates with respect to the no communication baseline. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research investigates how the quality of the relationship between sending supervisors and expatriates is related to turnover and performance. Utilizing goal congruence and leader–member exchange (LMX) theories, it is hypothesized that the quality of the relationship between sending supervisors and expatriates mediates goal congruence and the two outcome variables: performance and turnover intentions. The goal examined is the degree to which the expatriation fits into expatriates' career paths at the firm. Regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses with a sample of 44 matched sending supervisor–expatriate dyads. Findings indicate that LMX mediates the relationship between goal congruence and performance. Furthermore, goal congruence has a direct negative relationship with turnover intentions. These results suggest that sending supervisors significantly influence the success of expatriate assignments.  相似文献   

通过对文山州广南县的科技示范工程进行调查和研究,从主观绩效和客观绩效两方评价了农业科技入户工程的绩效,其在发挥农业科技对农业增效、农民增收上取得了显著的成效,但也存在诸多问题。要从根本上解决农业科技推广过程中存在的种种问题,应当从创新农业推广机制上入手,尽快实现从目前的供给主导型向需求主导型转变。  相似文献   

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