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王景波 《活力》2012,(6):241-241
从媒体的不同特性来看,广播比其他媒介更适于开展真正的谈话节目。谈话节目发挥广播的独特优势,是一。种扬长避短的广播节目类型。阐述了广播谈话节目的优势与劣势,并作出了分析。  相似文献   

王忠辉 《活力》2013,(9):48-48
广播节目中最大的特点就是录音报道.而录音报道中人物谈话是最为关键和重要的。如果采制不好音响和人物谈话,可以说就不是完整的节目。大家都知道,录音报道是由现场音响、人物谈话和语言解说三个要素构成的。其中,人物谈话是最能表达思想、感情的音响素材。笔者在总结经验时感到.采制录音报道中的人物谈话时经常会出现这样一些问题,人物谈话没有个性、缺乏感染力、拖沓冗长,严重影响了主题思想的表达。经过在实践工作当中的不断探索。我感到录音报道是体现广播特色、发挥广播优势的一个重要体裁。因此。采制好人物谈话尤为重要。是广播记者不可忽视的基本功。采制好人物谈话,笔者认为必须解决好以下几个问题。  相似文献   

孙冬梅  孙倩芳 《活力》2006,(5):219-219
采用主持人形式的广播谈话节目在我国已经走过了十余年的发展路程。长期以来,广播作为大众传播媒体,突出地发挥着信息传播、社会服务和大众娱乐的功能。这些功能从微观上可以说是丰富着人们的精神生活,从宏观上可以说是推动着社会进步。随着广播谈话类节目的推出,另一种功能——社会沟通的功能更加凸现出来。广播谈话类节目体现出社会生活中多种意见的交流探讨,多种观点的交锋争论,最后实现充分的沟通和理解。可以说,广播谈话类节目的内容越来越接近社会,贴近公众,揭示生活,干预生活。这就对话题的选择提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

杨忆 《活力》2013,(5):50-50
2004年8月.牡丹江人民广播电台开设了一档新闻访淡节目——《杨忆视线》。广播访谈节目是以主持人和嘉宾面对面的形式,在主持人的引导下讲出人生经历.使听众在主持人与嘉宾的话语交锋中领略到被访者的人格魅力,也获得了超越新闻事件本身的深层意义,从而情感达到共鸣的谈话节目。作为新闻访谈节目的主持人,深感谈话类节目能否吸引观众,其关键是:访谈前期的准备工作是否充分。  相似文献   

广播情感类节目如果火暴电波,在我省,比较有代表性的比如<叶文有话要说>、<女人故事会>、<心事了无痕>、<刚好十八点>等,涌现出了叶文、凯淇、永刚、晨风等一批风格鲜明、在听众中有很大影响力的主持人.情感节目也是一种谈话节目,我们究竟要谈什么,怎么谈呢?  相似文献   

黄燕燕 《企业导报》2013,(9):246-248
本文探究了《锵锵三人行》谈话节目的话轮转换系统特点,并采用Verschueren(1999)的顺应理论进行深层次的解释。研究结果表明,节目的制作是一个动态顺应的过程,它既顺应了媒体节目的机构性需要,又顺应了社会话语的"民主化""、商业化"和"技术化"三大相互关联的发展趋势。  相似文献   

谈话类节目的出现填补了我国电视节目类型中一项近三十年的空白,但在经历过十年的辉煌之后,又走入了一个瓶颈期。本文从"谈话类"节目出现的问题出发,从谈话节目本身阐述、挖掘解决问题的路径。  相似文献   

王晓秋 《活力》2009,(10):101-101
众多的谈话节目归纳起来,若从谈话的主体来看大体可分为三种类型:一是平民型,例如央视的《实话实说》;二是专家学者型,例如央视的《对话》;三是明星型,例如央视的《艺术人生》。这三种类型.各自有各自的收视群体.也各自有各自不同的特点.下面我们将以明星型谈话类节目为例.浅谈一下节目主持人在这种谈话类节目中的定位问题。  相似文献   

众多的谈话节目归纳起来,若从谈话的主体来看大体可分为三种类型:一是平民型,例如央视的<实话实说>;二是专家学者型,例如央视的<对话>;三是明星型,例如央视的<艺术人生>.这=三种类型,各自有各自的收视群体,也各自有各自不同的特点,下面我们将以明星型谈话类节目为例,浅谈一下节目主持人在这种谈话类节目中的定位问题.  相似文献   

一、我国谈话节目的发展及现状1.我国谈话类节目的发展我国的电视谈话节目诞生于1992年上海东方电视台推出了我国第一个电视谈话节目《东方直播室》。1996年3月16日,以《实话实说》的创办的第二轮电视谈话节目浪潮从中央电视台开始,迅速席卷中国电视界。  相似文献   

This article introduces the symposium topic and five papers and their authors. The paradox is pointed out that management academics have for the last twenty years written hundreds of articles analyzing the causes of and remedies for the ‘separate worlds’ chasm that separates the academic and practitioner communities but almost never reach out to the practitioner side to learn their perspective and ideas on the problem. This behavioral asymmetry is attributed to the penchant of academics to view themselves as higher-positioned scientist-scholars who talk at and talk down to practitioners rather than talk with them.  相似文献   

This study examines how organizing is done reflexively through practice in the context of knowledge sharing. Organizing concerns reduction of equivocality and sensemaking so that actions can be interpreted and coordinated. Reflexivity refers to the fact that this organizing is done through talk, and that talk is an action that requires organizing. To examine how this reflexive organizing is accomplished, detailed analysis of video‐recorded interactions among photocopier service technicians revealed various interactional methods to make actions of requesting and offering assistance understandable and relevant. To explain these methods, Goffman's concept of embedding is applied. By embedding other social situations in the current talk, one can project a certain sense of one's talk. This reflexive organizing clarifies that organizing is part of, not separate from, any practice and that knowledge sharing is accomplished not through a retrospective narrative but through reflexive construction of the situation in which talk is made possible.  相似文献   

Peter Lawrence is Professor of Comparative Management at Loughborough University and a member of the Human Resource and Change Management Research Unit. He argues that management development is less formalised and explicit in the countries of Continental Europe than it is in the Anglo-Saxon world. Using France and Germany as the main examples, he shows how their very different ways of making managers are shaped by cultural factors. Lawrence goes further by suggesting that these countries have a different conception of what management ‘is all about’. He implies that much of the recent talk of ‘internationalism’ is, in consequence, premature.  相似文献   

Engagement with the concept of reconciliation, broadly understood as the process or goal of transforming relations among Canada's Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, became commonplace in the philanthropic sector after the 2015 release of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). Institutional responses to the TRC (e.g., by universities, businesses, healthcare institutions, governments, etc.) have been widely discussed in the academic literature—lauded by some as pivotal to the transformation of Indigenous/settler relations, and critiqued by many as no more than a shift in rhetoric covering over ongoing racialized colonial violence. Through a critical analysis of reconciliation talk as articulated through blog posts, press articles, conference recordings, webinars, and professional development resources produced by and for progressive settler philanthropy from 2012 to 2020, this essay analyses the hearty uptake of reconciliation in the sector. I bring these texts into dialog with the larger body of critiques of reconciliation, with the aim of interrogating settler philanthropy's place and roles in Canada's settler colonial order, past, and present. I focus on common terms and concepts that appear in conjunction with reconciliation talk such as diversity and inclusion; community-engagement and relationship building; learning and listening. I also explore instances of obfuscation and renaming, such as a scarcity of explicit references to race and racism, colonialism and white supremacy and a tendency to relegate colonialism to the past in texts produced by non-Indigenous authors. The themes I identify across these texts resemble those apparent in other institutional contexts. Reconciliation talk has potential to transform how settler philanthropy engages with Indigenous communities. Yet, many of the most urgent critiques raised in other fields apply to this context. Ultimately, I conclude, reconciliation talk may elevate and uphold—and indeed conceal—the white supremacist, colonial status quo in settler philanthropy and in Canada more broadly. Occlusions and renaming common to settler philanthropy's reconciliation talk contribute to what Vimalassery et al. describe as “colonial unknowing” and what Tuck and Yang call “settler moves to innocence.” In these ways, reconciliation serves a mystifying function for settler philanthropy, masking ongoing coloniality, absolving settler guilt, and avoiding more radical, transformative possibilities.  相似文献   

  • This study uses in-depth qualitative interviews with radio professionals in the United States to identify best practices for noncommercial radio fundraising. Most noncommercial stations use on-air pledge drives to solicit donations from listeners, and this is a major source of revenue for these stations. The interview data are analyzed using the constant comparative method. Findings indicate that radio professionals use a variety of fundraising appeals to reach listeners with different motivations for donating. These fundraising appeals have three dimensions: altruism/self-interest, rational/emotional, and reinforcement/trigger. The data also indicate that noncommercial stations try to foster relationships with their listeners and donors. These relationships are managed through direct communication and through mass communication, which produces parasocial interaction.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在经历过80年代的起步发育到90年代的规范、发展,我国票据市场近年来呈现持续快速的发展趋势,票据融资功能在金融市场中的地位日益重要,票据市场成为了货币市场重要的组成部分.本文将对我国近十年票据市场情况进行系统分析,尝试找出我国票据市场发展进程中存在的主要问题,进而对创新我国票据市场发展提出一些思考与建议.  相似文献   

We consider communication of quality via cheap talk and dissipative advertising expenditures, when consumers have heterogeneous tastes for quality, and price information must be acquired through costly search. For search pods, cheap talk communicates quality when fixed costs are roughly constant across quality levels, while if fixed costs vary greatly with quality, then firms having the higher fixed-cost quality level use dissipative advertising. For experience goods, quality can be communicated by cheap talk in a range where low-quality firms have greater fixed costs, and low-quality firms use dissipative advertising if their fixed costs are greater still.  相似文献   

iNet300作为一款工业级的无线以太网设备,多运用于煤矿,水利等领域的无线数据传输。本文利用多个iNet300网络电台,组成点对点的无线数据传输链路,以延伸公网信号来解决公网盲区地质灾害信息难以传输的问题。珠峰核心保护区的珠峰桥泥石流沟属高原地区,具有低噪声、弱干扰、高带宽的电磁环境,通过应用iNet300网络电台对其地质灾害进行了测试研究,首次证明利用该设备延伸公网信号以实现视频、数据综合业务的远程传输是可行的,达到了预期设计要求。  相似文献   

许博  杨宪华  徐淑燕 《价值工程》2010,29(28):250-251
夫妻话语冲突在我国普遍存在,它是造成婚姻家庭成员之间不和谐的主要因素。作为话语研究中新的课题,国外研究者对夫妻话语冲突问题进行了大量研究,但还没有引起国内研究者的足够重视。夫妻话语冲突不仅直接影响两性和谐、婚姻质量,也间接影响孩子的成长与健康发展。本文拟结合语言学、心理学、社会学的相关理论观点,从表现、成因及应对三方面探讨我国婚姻家庭中夫妻话语冲突问题。  相似文献   

abstract    In this paper, I examine the use of metonymies in people's talk about organizations. Drawing upon a corpus of natural talk extracted from the British National Corpus (BNC) I identify recurring categories of metonymies that appear to be a central part of people's talk about organizations. These categories of metonymies involve substitutions where an organization stands in for its members, its products, its facilities, its stock or shares or a company-related event. I also found that metonymies in each of these categories are used as basic metonymic expressions that are only partially connected to metaphorical expressions and interpretations of organizations. Where those connections exist, the use of metonymies follows a metaphor-from-metonymy linguistic pattern (where a metaphorical meaning arises from the use of a metonymy) rather than a metonymy-within-metaphor pattern (where a metonymy is part of a metaphorical expression). I elaborate on the implications of these findings for our understanding of how organizations are discursively constructed and understood through metonymic language.  相似文献   

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