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人们常说:“眼睛是心灵的窗户”。可是,很多人“心灵的窗户”并不“明亮”。据最新资料统计,我国现有3亿多近视患者,其中占比例最大的是中小学生。 眼睛近视了怎么办?最通常的办法是戴上眼镜矫正视力。然而,父母亲常为自己的子女小小年纪鼻梁上架着两块“玻璃窗”而担忧。于是,不少家长想借助现代科技手段解除子女近视疾患之痛苦。正是在这样的背景下,除了实施手术治疗外,各种近视治疗仪便应运而生。  相似文献   

过去认为,成年人的眼球发育已完善,看书的时间也没有中小学生多。视力应比较稳定(除遗传因素以外),近视不容易加重。但是如今很多职业离不开电脑.成人眼睫状肌长期处在近距离用眼的疲劳状态.仍有可能出现近视或近视加重的情况。甚至患上其他眼病。目前.青年人尤其是白领的近视发生率正在提高。  相似文献   

据医生反映,配戴质量低劣的眼镜,时间一长,会引起头晕、耳鸣、记忆力下降、斜视、失眠及多病态综合症等。就县级水平的安丘市而言,在校中小学生数量近20万人,其中小学生近13万人,中学生近7万人。全市的小学生近视戴镜率接近10%,中学生的近视戴镜率超过  相似文献   

日前,湖北武汉确定"十二五"期间对中小学校建立视力保健标准教室和眼保健室,力争学生近视率下降5个百分点。2007年,武汉市的中小学生视力低下检出率高于全国平均水平,被国家教育部定为全国首个"学生近视眼防控工作实验区"。2009年以来,该市将学生视力健康管理服务纳入社会公益事业,同时启动了"中小学生视力健康管理服务模式研究与实践"的科研项目。  相似文献   

世界上首位把准分子激光技术应用在近视矫正上的眼科专家——赛勒近日指出,准分子激光并不能治愈近视,因为它对近视引起的一系列眼部病变无能为力。他表示,近视患者如果戴眼镜不对生活造成太大的影响,最好选择戴眼镜。而300度以下的低度近视  相似文献   

肖怡  王杰 《企业研究》1998,(12):12-13
“营销近视症”是美国著名的营销学专家、哈佛大学管理学院李维特(Theodore Leuitt)教授最早提出的。他指出:市场的饱和不会导致企业的萎缩,造成企业萎缩的真正原因是营销者目光短浅,不能根据消费者的需求变化而改变营销策略。 其实,营销近视在很大程度上就是市场定位近视,当企业在进行市场定位时,依然沿  相似文献   

一、营销近视症的提出 1、营销近视症的提出 1960年,美国著名的营销学专家、哈佛大学管理学院Theodore Leuitt教授在《哈佛商业评论》杂志上发表了一篇名为《营销近视症》的论文,指出那些曾一度是增长性的行业,如铁路业、电影业、石油业、食品杂货店业等之所以被衰退的阴影所笼罩,因为他们的营销哲学是产品导向的,而不是顾客导向的,他们"关心产品甚于关心顾客需求",不可避免都患上了"营销近视症",不适当地把主要精力放在产品上或技术上,而不是放在市场需要上,其结果导致企业丧失市场,失去竞争力.  相似文献   

八十年代企业家的天花板 王石(万科董事长):这两年我一直在思索一个问题,从年龄来说,八十年代(创业的)企业家年龄偏大,他们一定会被九十年代(创业的)企业家所取代。所以八十年代的企业家更应该积极扶持,支持九十年代的中小企业家、职业经理,让他们在第一线冲锋陷阵,在中国面临国际化挑战面前,去实现我们这一代人的梦想。而八十年代的企业家更应该在社会活动层面积极扮演角色。当然,政治方面就不要多参与了,弄不好会引来麻烦的。  相似文献   

市场前景 据媒体报道,当前我国近视眼的发病率高居世界第二,其中小学生为40%,初中生达60%,高中生则高达70%.而我国现有近3亿人的近视群体,近视患者人数居世界第一.  相似文献   

<正>对于近视人群来说,视力模糊是心中永远的遗憾。可是如果有人说,只需要每天照照光,就能控制甚至降低近视度数,恢复视力,你会相信吗?当然是不可信。目前技术近视无法治愈早在2019年4月,国家卫健委、教育部等六部门就联合印发通知,明确表示:在目前医疗技术条件下,近视无法治愈。  相似文献   

Existing studies have mainly focused on pricing in either primary markets or aftermarkets. However, in practice, prices in primary markets and aftermarkets are closely correlated. This study examines the joint pricing strategy in both primary markets and aftermarkets based on customer utility and establishes a pricing model for profit-maximization firms. Our results show that overpricing in the aftermarket is caused by customer myopia, while the motivation of the firm to avoid customer myopia depends on its pricing strategy. A quantity–price contract in the aftermarket is designed to raise the firm’s profit.  相似文献   

简述促进中小企业自主创新的财税政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小企业对我国经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用,但是由于中小企业的建立和发展是在我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中诞生及成长起来的,因此还属于新生事物。如何制定促进中小企业自主创新的财税政策,是摆在各级政府面前的首要任务之一。  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is charged with developing a Flight Operations Planning Schedule for Space Shuttle Operations in the 1980s. During this decade, NASA plans to launch up to thirty space shuttle flights per year when the program reaches the mature phase. Traditional planning techniques for space flights (PERT-type models) are inadequate for this task because of their inability to resolve conflicts arising from multiple demands for limited resources generated by numerous simultaneous projects (space flights). This paper describes a requirements planning system developed by the authors and adopted by NASA for this resource constrained multiple project scheduling problem.  相似文献   

我国城市地下空间发展的新阶段   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
童林旭 《城市发展研究》2002,(1):18-21,76
我国城市地下空间利用是在 2 0世纪 6 0年代末特殊的国内外形势下起步的 ,经历了 2 0几年的初创阶段后 ,从上世纪 80年代中期起 ,已经进入适度发展的新阶段。我国城市地下空间利用有广阔前景 ,应掌握并控制地下空间资源 ,根据我国国情 ,积极稳妥地确定发展战略和目标 ,制定有法律效力的发展规划。在开发过程 ,重视高科技的作用 ,促进相关产业的发展。  相似文献   

李支其 《价值工程》2011,30(36):211-211
培养教育学生,为其引领人生和职业发展方向,是教育者义不容辞的责任。从这个意义上讲,中小学职业生涯规划教育尤显重要。本文试图在得出中小学学生职业规划教育概念的基础上,从实施者、阶段化实施两个层面提出实施的途径与方法,以促进中小学学生更好地成长与发展。  相似文献   

Leadership and conflict on male and female task teams of varying compositions are compared for groups constituted in the late 1960s/early 1970s and the mid-1980s. The data indicates substantial increase in the leadership activities of women in mixed sex situations, striking decrease in conflict on predominantly female teams, and impressive improvement in the ability of young men to work with women on analytical tasks.  相似文献   

Using kernel density estimation we describe the distribution of household size-adjusted real income and how it changed over the business cycle of the 1980s in the United States and the United Kingdom. We confirm previous studies that show income inequality increased in the two countries and the middle of the distribution was squashed down. Using a series of statistical tests, however, we find that while the mass in both tails of the distribution increased significantly in both countries over the period, by far the greatest gains were in the upper tail. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期以来,我国高职高专计算机软件人才培养无论在数量和质量方面都有了较大的进步,但在人才培养方式方面仍然有很多我们不能忽视的现象。认真研究高职高专计算机软件人才培养存在的问题,面临的挑战,努力摸索适合高职高专计算机软件人才培养模式,是高职高专要解决并完成的一项艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

In an academic institution, scheduling courses to quarters (or semesters) is a difficult task. In fact, because of its complexity, many administrators are satisfied with a feasible schedule in which all courses offered can be staffed. This paper addresses an additional dimension of the problem by determining a schedule with the goal of minimizing the total time students require to graduate, while maintaining a feasible schedule with regard to staffing.An interactive computer simulation model is developed which captures most of the complexities of the general academic course schedule problem. The program was executed on data from The University of Tennessee/Knoxville MBA Program, and results and recommendations for course schedules are presented.  相似文献   

This paper explores the asymmetry in the response of GDP to tax shocks before and after 1980 as first noted in Romer and Romer (2010). I find that there are two main reasons why output responds more strongly to tax shocks before 1980 than after. First, a greater sensitivity of the effect of tax shocks on output to the state of the economy before 1980 explains about half of the difference between periods. Second, before 1980 the effect of tax shocks on households is indirect and lowers total personal income and nondurable goods consumption. After 1980 tax shocks affect personal tax payments directly, causing disposable income and savings to change. This finding affirms Romer and Romer’s hypothesis that households are more likely to consumption smooth. However, I find that households after 1980 consumption smooth in response to a change in their direct tax burden not, as Romer and Romer posit, because they have greater access to financial services.  相似文献   

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