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Standard inference in cointegrating models is fragile because it relies on an assumption of an I(1)I(1) model for the common stochastic trends, which may not accurately describe the data’s persistence. This paper considers low-frequency tests about cointegrating vectors under a range of restrictions on the common stochastic trends. We quantify how much power can potentially be gained by exploiting correct restrictions, as well as the magnitude of size distortions if such restrictions are imposed erroneously. A simple test motivated by the analysis in Wright (2000) is developed and shown to be approximately optimal for inference about a single cointegrating vector in the unrestricted stochastic trend model.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,111(2):363-384
This paper considers the estimation of a stochastically cointegrating regression within the stochastic cointegration modelling framework introduced in McCabe et al. (Stochastic cointegration: testing, 2001). A stochastic cointegrating regression allows some or all of the variables to be conventionally or heteroscedastically integrated. This generalizes Hansen's (J. Econom. 54 (1992) 139) heteroscedastic cointegrating regression model, where the dependent variable is heteroscedastically integrated, but all the regressor variables are restricted to being conventionally integrated. In contrast to conventional and heteroscedastic cointegrating regression, ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimation is shown to be inconsistent, in general, in a stochastically cointegrating regression. As a solution, a new instrumental variables (IVs) estimator is proposed and is shown to be consistent. Under a suitable exogeneity assumption, standard asymptotic inference on the stochastic cointegrating vector can be carried out based on the IV estimator. The finite sample properties of the test statistics, including their robustness to the exogeneity assumption, are examined by simulation.  相似文献   

This paper derives a method for estimating and testing the Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost (LQAC) model when the target variable and some of the forcing variables follow I(2) processes. Based on a forward-looking error-correction formulation of the model it is shown how to obtain strongly consistent estimates of the structural parameters from both a linear and a non-linear cointegrating regression where first-differences of the I(2) variables are included as regressors (multicointegration). Further, based on the estimated parameter values, it is shown how to test and evaluate the LQAC model using a VAR approach. A simple easy interpretable metric for measuring the model fit is suggested. In an empirical application using UK money demand data, the non-linear multicointegrating regression delivers an economically plausible estimate of the adjustment cost parameter. However, the restrictions implied by the exact LQAC model under rational expectations are strongly rejected and the metric for model fit indicates a substantial noise component in the model. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》1999,88(1):151-191
A parametric test for r versus r−1 cointegrating vectors is developed. The test exploits the fact that in a system of n I(1) variates the rth principal component is I(0) under the null but I(1) under the alternative. The statistic is parametric, is constructed using simple regression methods applied to principal components, follows a standard χ2 distribution and does not require normalisation restrictions on the cointegrating vectors. A Monte Carlo investigation indicates that providing the lag length in the pre-whitening procedure is chosen by means of nested significance tests, the test has good size and power properties in small samples.  相似文献   

We characterize the restrictions imposed by the minimal I(2)‐to‐I(1) transformation that underlies much applied work, e.g. on money demand relationships or open‐economy pricing relationships. The relationship between the parameters of the original I(2) vector autoregression, including the coefficients of polynomially cointegrating relationships, and the transformed I(1) model is characterized. We discuss estimation of the transformed model subject to restrictions as well as the more commonly used approach of unrestricted reduced rank regression. Only a minor loss of efficiency is incurred by ignoring the restrictions in the empirical example and a simulation study. A properly transformed vector autoregression thus provides a practical and effective means for inference on the parameters of the I(2) model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider bootstrapping cointegrating regressions. It is shown that the method of bootstrap, if properly implemented, generally yields consistent estimators and test statistics for cointegrating regressions. For the cointegrating regression models driven by general linear processes, we employ the sieve bootstrap based on the approximated finite-order vector autoregressions for the regression errors and the first differences of the regressors. In particular, we establish the bootstrap consistency for OLS method. The bootstrap method can thus be used to correct for the finite sample bias of the OLS estimator and to approximate the asymptotic critical values of the OLS-based test statistics in general cointegrating regressions. The bootstrap OLS procedure, however, is not efficient. For the efficient estimation and hypothesis testing, we consider the procedure proposed by Saikkonen [1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] and Stock and Watson [1993. A simple estimator of cointegrating vectors in higher order integrating systems. Econometrica 61, 783–820] relying on the regression augmented with the leads and lags of differenced regressors. The bootstrap versions of their procedures are shown to be consistent, and can be used to do asymptotically valid inferences. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to investigate the finite sample performances of the proposed bootstrap methods.  相似文献   

The methods listed in the title are compared by means of a simulation study and a real world application. The aspects compared via simulations are the performance of the tests for the cointegrating rank and the quality of the estimated cointegrating space. The subspace algorithm method, formulated in the state space framework and thus applicable for vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) processes, performs at least comparably to the Johansen method. Both the Johansen procedure and the subspace algorithm cointegration analysis perform significantly better than Bierens’ method. The real‐world application is an investigation of the long‐run properties of the one‐sector neoclassical growth model for Austria. The results do not fully support the implications of the model with respect to cointegration. Furthermore, the results differ greatly between the different methods. The amount of variability depends strongly upon the number of variables considered and huge differences occur for the full system with six variables. Therefore we conclude that the results of such applications with about five or six variables and 100 observations, which are typical in the applied literature, should possibly be interpreted with more caution than is commonly done.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2004,123(2):307-325
This paper presents a method for estimating the posterior probability density of the cointegrating rank of a multivariate error correction model. A second contribution is the careful elicitation of the prior for the cointegrating vectors derived from a prior on the cointegrating space. This prior obtains naturally from treating the cointegrating space as the parameter of interest in inference and overcomes problems previously encountered in Bayesian cointegration analysis. Using this new prior and Laplace approximation, an estimator for the posterior probability of the rank is given. The approach performs well compared with information criteria in Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

We consider the implications for forecast accuracy of imposing unit roots and cointegrating restrictions in linear systems of I(1) variables in levels, differences, and cointegrated combinations. Asymptotic formulae are obtained for multi-step forecast error variances for each representation. Alternative measures of forecast accuracy are discussed. Finite sample behaviour in a bivariate model is studied by Monte Carlo using control variables. We also analyse the interaction between unit roots and cointegrating restrictions and intercepts in the DGP. Some of the issues are illustrated with an empirical example of forecasting the demand for M1 in the UK.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a framework for modelling cointegration in fractionally integrated processes, and considers methods for testing the existence of cointegrating relationships using the parametric bootstrap. In these procedures, ARFIMA models are fitted to the data, and the estimates used to simulate the null hypothesis of non-cointegration in a vector autoregressive modelling framework. The simulations are used to estimate p-values for alternative regression-based test statistics, including the F goodness-of-fit statistic, the Durbin–Watson statistic and estimates of the residual d. The bootstrap distributions are economical to compute, being conditioned on the actual sample values of all but the dependent variable in the regression. The procedures are easily adapted to test stronger null hypotheses, such as statistical independence. The tests are not in general asymptotically pivotal, but implemented by the bootstrap, are shown to be consistent against alternatives with both stationary and nonstationary cointegrating residuals. As an example, the tests are applied to the series for UK consumption and disposable income. The power properties of the tests are studied by simulations of artificial cointegrating relationships based on the sample data. The F test performs better in these experiments than the residual-based tests, although the Durbin–Watson in turn dominates the test based on the residual d.  相似文献   

It is found that one unit root, common trend, is shared by the monthly price indices of the top four ratings of corporate bonds. Addition of an index of low-grade bonds to the vector time series results in two common trends. Consistent results are provided by dynamic factor analyses. The returns for the system of cointegrated indices can be represpnted by an error-correction model using past returns and cointegrating vectors. This model can provide more accurate forecasts than a common VAR that omits the cointegrating vectors. The common-trends analysis provides specific linear combinations, or cointegrating portfolios, of the index price levels that are stationary. The cointegrating portfolios associated with the two common trends have returns that are related to T-bill returns and unanticipated inflation.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(2):205-225
This paper establishes the necessary and sufficient condition for nominal-to-real data transformations routinely used in empirical work to reduce the order of integration of an I(2) vector process while retaining the cointegrating relations among the variables. The condition potentially fails in a direction which is often dealt with by assumption in applied work. In this case, the transformed process satisfies a well-specified vector equilibrium model, yet I(1) inference and interpretation based on the real transformed system are invalidated. An easy-to-implement sequential test of the transformation based on I(1) cointegration methods demonstrates good size and power properties. An empirical example illustrates the need to test the nominal-to-real transformation.  相似文献   

Bayesian model selection with posterior probabilities and no subjective prior information is generally not possible because of the Bayes factors being ill‐defined. Using careful consideration of the parameter of interest in cointegration analysis and a re‐specification of the triangular model of Phillips (Econometrica, Vol. 59, pp. 283–306, 1991), this paper presents an approach that allows for Bayesian comparison of models of cointegration with ‘ignorance’ priors. Using the concept of Stiefel and Grassman manifolds, diffuse priors are specified on the dimension and direction of the cointegrating space. The approach is illustrated using a simple term structure of the interest rates model.  相似文献   

This paper introduces tests for residual serial correlation in cointegrating regressions. The tests are devised in the frequency domain by using the spectral measure estimates. The asymptotic distributions of the tests are derived and test consistency is established. The asymptotic distributions are obtained by using the assumptions and methods that are different from those used in Grenander and Rosenblatt (1957) and Durlauf (1991). Small-scale simulation results are reported to illustrate the finite sample performance of the tests under various distributional assumptions on the data generating process. The distributions considered are normal and t-distributions. The tests are shown to have stable size at sample sizes as large as 50 or 100. Additionally, it is shown that the tests are reasonably powerful against the ARMA residuals. An empirical application of the tests to investigate the ‘weak-form’ efficiency in the foreign exchange market is also reported.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines whether the time series properties of aggregate consumption, real wages, and asset returns can be explained by a neoclassical model. Previous empirical rejections of the model have suggested that the optimal labour contract model might be appropriate for understanding the time series properties of the real wage rate and consumption. We show that an optimal contract model restricts the long-run relation of the real wage rate and consumption. We exploit this long-run restriction (cointegration restriction) for estimating and testing the model, using Ogaki and Park's (1989) cointegration approach. This long-run restriction involves a parameter that we call the long-run intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES) for non-durable consumption but does not involve the IES for leisure. This allows us to estimate the long-run IES for non-durable consumption from a cointegrating regression. Tests for the null of cointegration do not reject our model. As a further analysis, our estimates of the long-run IES for non-durable consumption are used to estimate the discount factor and a coefficient of time-nonseparability using Hansen's (1982) Generalized Method of Moments. We form a specification test for our model à la Hausman (1978) from these two steps. This specification test does not reject our model. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Through a structural vector error correction model, one restricted cointegrating relationship for monthly data (1999.01–2012.04) was found between three exchange parities of great relevance for the Mexican economy: US Dollar–Euro, Mexican Peso–US Dollar, and Mexican Peso–Euro. The data's structure revealed endogeneity of the last one, but the first is the one that adjusts the long run (cointegrating) relation. A unitary elasticity of MxP–Euro parity to the other two parities was found, which validates PPP condition in absolute terms. These results are crucial to analyze the possible long run exchange effects on the Mexican real and financial variables because of the possible intensification of the Euro crisis and the currency war.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that when the conventional specification of M2 income velocity is extended to include proxies for two types of institutional change, as emphasized by Bordo and Jonung (1987, 1990), corresponding to the processes of monetization and increasing financial sophistication of financial developments, this extended model is stable in the sense that one can reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration against the alternative of a single cointegrating vector. There may be implications that such an equilibrium relation is a structural income velocity of money function. The evidence based on century-long data from 1880 to 1986 presented in this paper about parameter instability of the cointegrating vector of velocity with its determinants for Canada, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom casts doubt on this interpretation. The evidence is based on using formal stability tests. Moreover, it has an ‘eyeball’ support from the sequential estimates of various parameters of the cointegrating relationship including income and interest semi-elasticities.  相似文献   

We propose to extend the cointegration rank determination procedure of Robinson and Yajima [2002. Determination of cointegrating rank in fractional systems. Journal of Econometrics 106, 217–242] to accommodate both (asymptotically) stationary and nonstationary fractionally integrated processes as the common stochastic trends and cointegrating errors by applying the exact local Whittle analysis of Shimotsu and Phillips [2005. Exact local Whittle estimation of fractional integration. Annals of Statistics 33, 1890–1933]. The proposed method estimates the cointegrating rank by examining the rank of the spectral density matrix of the ddth differenced process around the origin, where the fractional integration order, dd, is estimated by the exact local Whittle estimator. Similar to other semiparametric methods, the approach advocated here only requires information about the behavior of the spectral density matrix around the origin, but it relies on a choice of (multiple) bandwidth(s) and threshold parameters. It does not require estimating the cointegrating vector(s) and is easier to implement than regression-based approaches, but it only provides a consistent estimate of the cointegration rank, and formal tests of the cointegration rank or levels of confidence are not available except for the special case of no cointegration. We apply the proposed methodology to the analysis of exchange rate dynamics among a system of seven exchange rates. Contrary to both fractional and integer-based parametric approaches, which indicate at most one cointegrating relation, our results suggest three or possibly four cointegrating relations in the data.  相似文献   

Quantile cointegrating regression   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Quantile regression has important applications in risk management, portfolio optimization, and asset pricing. The current paper studies estimation, inference and financial applications of quantile regression with cointegrated time series. In addition, a new cointegration model with quantile-varying coefficients is proposed. In the proposed model, the value of cointegrating coefficients may be affected by the shocks and thus may vary over the innovation quantile. The proposed model may be viewed as a stochastic cointegration model which includes the conventional cointegration model as a special case. It also provides a useful complement to cointegration models with (G)ARCH effects. Asymptotic properties of the proposed model and limiting distribution of the cointegrating regression quantiles are derived. In the presence of endogenous regressors, fully-modified quantile regression estimators and augmented quantile cointegrating regression are proposed to remove the second order bias and nuisance parameters. Regression Wald tests are constructed based on the fully modified quantile regression estimators. An empirical application to stock index data highlights the potential of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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